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Advice...cubicle vs. living life

I will soon graduate a community college with a decent gpa (about 3.3) with a degree in liberal arts business. (Time to transfer to University) The thing is.. I hate the idea of being stuck in a cubicle and would much rather be out living my dream of growing cannabis for medicinal use in Michigan with my family. I know many caregivers and patients out there and it seems that, as long as the laws stay the way they are, that I would have a chance at being successful, and could eventually create a 100% legal family co-op. I could give it a try for a year and still go to a university, I am just worried that I could get a fed drug charge completely screwing over any funding to continue education.
I do not want to work for some fat rich bastards. I dont mean to come off as a Marxist when I say that the capitalist system basically makes you a slave to the man with the gold. I do not want to be alienated from my life long work no matter what it ends up being. I also do not mind living broke because I grew up poor. I want to live the "american dream" and as everyone knows, as the laws change, new career opportunities open.
I feel that some locals might resent outsiders coming from out of state but I was born and raised there so screw what the others may think. Everybody wants to get rich but that is not why I want to do this. If I can have a house, food, and a family off of this while helping people that need it I will be happy. I just want some support or advice from anybody that may have had to face these decisions. Should I just lay down, bend over, put on my suit, and go do some tps reports or what? I'm sure I will face hardships but is what I am thinking completely ignorant? Any input good or bad is very helpfull, not that I will base my life decisions on a forum. I haven't posted here in a while but I figure that you are my best bet... (I grew up on Overgrow :comfort:)


Active member
bro if it has to do with marijuana, helping people, and being with family.....i say go for it mo...the laws of nature will hopefully take care of the rest.....what ever you do i hope it works out for the better....i believe Joseph Campbell said it best "follow your bliss"....

nah i dont think just layin down is the best idea;)


stone fool
Continue your education, it will serve you well on all of lifes paths. I tell my children, ask yourself each day, am I smiling? If you are not smiling most days, then you need a change.


live your dream green ... if your law makers are like they are here in colorado they will make your life interesting ( change, regulate,change again)... my advice.. account for that.. AND STICK TO YOUR GUNS !!! get some botany and agriculture classes in ... get yorself so educated they can't say you shouldn't be allowed to do it ... smart stoners really f*#k up their math. PEACE
Thanks brainsellz...that is the way that I am leaning. It is a really easy yet hard decision when you are raised your whole life thinking that college is the only route to success in life. Most people I know aren't really finding good jobs right out of college. I think I'd be allright if I went out there with money for equipment, a place to stay (very cheap living out there), and a lawyer just in case.. It seems that if I keep my numbers and paperwork in check i'd be allright it is just a huge step but nobody has ever tiptoed to a happy and successful life.


New member
great idea to have a good back up plan no telling how long the state is going to let us grow and prosper. So continue with your education! Then grow more bud!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Continue your education, it will serve you well on all of lifes paths.

I concur.

I'm a pragmatist too. Continue your education. Weed isn't going anywhere. It's always good to have something to fall back on IMO.
@haps... education in business does not make me happy. My only other route that i'd be interested in with schooling is basically starting all over in environmental science and getting way over my head in debt....

@greenmatter... I've heard that some people are trying to get Michigan's Med laws to be changed into a model similar to Colorado's laws which are more restrictive making meds more expensive. If I were to get into this field I would be right there with the locals fighting against any negative changes to the existing laws. It seems that many people want to grow it and make a living off of it but not as many want to stand up for it. Not talkin smack about CO as I have heard great things from friends in the Boulder area but the Michiganders don't seem to want that model.

@Jebs and Spastic... I agree it is great to have something to fall back on but I can transfer all of my credits to any NJ State college at any time.. I just don't see many graduates in my age group doing much with themselves besides a few fields. Business isn't one of them. I also recognize that changes in the law will always come along but I also think that you only have one life so I might as well give it a shot. I wouldn't even think of it if it meant that i'd never be able to go to school again. I could possibly even go to school in Michigan while working on this project.
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Cautiously Optimistic
I think you should do both but put the emphasis on your education. Get a degree in something that you would enjoy. Personally, I would rather be unhappy in a job that I don't like than unhappy in federal prison... but that's just me. If it works for you, great. Best of luck in whatever you decide.


Active member
First, you are assuming that you will be landing a job right out of school. Very good chance that may not happen.

I say, go give Michigan a try, and if you don't like it...you have your education to fall back on.


Active member
Thanks brainsellz...that is the way that I am leaning. It is a really easy yet hard decision when you are raised your whole life thinking that college is the only route to success in life. Most people I know aren't really finding good jobs right out of college. I think I'd be allright if I went out there with money for equipment, a place to stay (very cheap living out there), and a lawyer just in case.. It seems that if I keep my numbers and paperwork in check i'd be allright it is just a huge step but nobody has ever tiptoed to a happy and successful life.
lean hard;)....you know man...its nice to have educated people in the weed bus....i think i can recall something in a book called -Funky Business....it said find a niche (i believe was the word) and work it....basically what i got from that was...create a strain that no one has thats dank and delicious and you got yourself a goose egg or just find some fire genetics and grow them to perfection and folks will always want what ya got....(bein a lil silly but seriously though)
you definitely sound like you are going about this in a very smart way....:good:


@haps... education in business does not make me happy. My only other route that i'd be interested in with schooling is basically starting all over in environmental science and getting way over my head in debt....

@greenmatter... I've heard that some people are trying to get Michigan's Med laws to be changed into a model similar to Colorado's laws which are more restrictive making meds more expensive. If I were to get into this field I would be right there with the locals fighting against any negative changes to the existing laws. It seems that many people want to grow it and make a living off of it but not as many want to stand up for it. Not talkin smack about CO as I have heard great things from friends in the Boulder area but the Michiganders don't seem to want that model.

@Jebs and Spastic... I agree it is great to have something to fall back on but I can transfer all of my credits to any NJ State college at any time.. I just don't see many graduates in my age group doing much with themselves besides a few fields. Business isn't one of them. I also recognize that changes in the law will always come along but I also think that you only have one life so I might as well give it a shot. I wouldn't even think of it if it meant that i'd never be able to go to school again. I could possibly even go to school in Michigan while working on this project.

trust me nobody could talk more smack about the b.s. going on here more than someone who lives here. the politics on this subject are a joke (more so when more politicians join the fray) i think this game is gonna stay fluid for a while. LEGALIZE DEMOCRACY
as someone with experience in this situation, i would say DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO AND WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY

if leaving school to start a medgrow is it, then do it if you want to. unless you have like 1 or 2 semesters before you are done school, i wouldnt continue going just because you feel the need to finish. i did that for awhile and it took me more time and money to realize it wasnt for me anymore.


Everyone on this site probably has the same dream, but the reality is that there is not (now) enough of a real business for many to do it. The other problem is that to make an entire career out of growing, it must be done on a scale far different than most of us casual or medical growers are used to. You no longer get to sit there and get to know every plant, or give them cute names as some people do. You'll quickly grow extremely tired of trimming, mixing nutrient, etc etc.

That said, I do urge you to stick with your passion and remember that where there is a will there is a way. I also agree deeply with your desire to escape cubicle life, its taken me many years to do so.


A foot without a sock...
Continue your education, it will serve you well on all of lifes paths. I tell my children, ask yourself each day, am I smiling? If you are not smiling most days, then you need a change.

I concur.

I'm a pragmatist too. Continue your education. Weed isn't going anywhere. It's always good to have something to fall back on IMO.

Gotta throw my vote in for more education here.

Never been a better time to re-enroll in school.


Active member
You have 2 choices...make a ton of money and then live how you want...or do what you love and hope you can survive. anything else is the suckers route.