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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Active member
KaBOOOM PFFFffft pissshhhhHHH

KaBOOOM PFFFffft pissshhhhHHH

Seems rejuvenate isnt the only product having shipping trouble. Although Im pretty sure this stuff has rejuvenate in it, I can smell it. Nutra Live Package of Nutra Growth And Nutra Vitality...

This was a smelly package to say the least...




Active member
Take caution when opening those bottles......My shipment had twice the spillage.

Also, kind of sucks to spend money on organic bottled nutes (I hate to even say that) just to have a portion of it wasted.
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Despite the rejuvenate poppin these folks are an a1 company. They fudged a shipment of rejuvenate and generously spent three hundred overnighting it to make it all right . Luckily I have yet to see a bottle pop.

On the bright side, we're getting serious bang for our buck. 5 gallons of cano3 and photomag run 40 bucks while a gallon of calmag goes for 40 and is inferior. The results I'm seeing with my buds at week 8 is outstanding. Plants are still very green, buds packing on a lot of mass, and the smell definitely seems to be increasing. All those micros gotta be good for something .

Speaking of micros, manganese was recommended by them to help combat bortrytis. I ordered a $20 gallon of it forgot what it was labeled as.

I've laid off my kontos, avid, pylon applications ever since I got my plants beefed up with aea. Applying heavy amounts of nematodes and various mite predators. The sea shield contains lots of chitin in the form of liquid crab, one of the main selling points as I was already amending with crab meal. Chitin Is a plant immune system booster and apparently if applied in pure form will dissolve an unwanted root critter's exoskeleton.


Take caution when opening those bottles......My shipment had twice the spillage.

Also, kind of sucks to spend money on organic bottled nutes (I hate to even say that) just to have a portion of it wasted.
I warned people about that weeks ago :biggrin:. Really is a shame they're having such problems, and with more than one product, and hopefully one they they'll figure it out. Can't see for the life of me how these products could ever sit on a store shelf with their current formulation. Awesome products though.

Reppin2c's light dep almost done and some amazing fragrances coming from the plants. Looking forward to sampling a flower or too.


Active member
For sure they are a solid company. They goofed my original order and send me Agri Gro ultra instead of the Nutra Live Package. I mentioned it and they had it out before I could tell them anything else free of charge. When the exploded bottle arrived I took pics and emailed them and have not heard a peep back. Not trying to get freebies I just want the product I ordered and in useable condition.

When I opened the bottled I did so with it still in the plastic bag. Then I used a funnel and poured what was in the bag back into the bottle it came from. Capped and washed them up. I have yet to use them. My worry was if a portion of the formula leaked out. Like when a bottle sits for a while and it settles in layers, well if I lost a layer of something the formula could be compromised...?


Senior Member
So correct me if I am wrong...nutri live is for the backyard veggie farmer with no soil tests. It is safe amounts of the stuff we are already using. I would be hesitant to add it


They also sell individual micros. Co is rather genius right before flower
I haven't looked at their micros like Co and Mn. What form are they in? Guess my question is does Albion offer alternatives?


FE - it's important to provide feedback when product arrives like that. I mean you're paying for something and if you're have to deal with loss, or at the least some type of hassle, a supplier needs to step up. I've been involved on startup type gigs and some crap you have to work through. Definitely seems they are not ready for prime time yet.


Senior Member
I haven't looked at their micros like Co and Mn. What form are they in? Guess my question is does Albion offer alternatives?

They are 2-3% liquids. The normal aea thing, micronized, not soluble and complexed/chelated with humic acid. Mostly sulfates for the cations...not sure about the anions. When you are looking at grams per yard it is very easy to spray these on the soil vs trying to distribute teeny amounts evenly.

Albion makes some but the are all glycinates. For me glycinates for foliar, sulfates for soil.


Active member
I was doing the math on what Milky posted as AEA standard veggie foliar application and have a question. The math on Micro5000 per gal of foliar comes out to .66-.99ml per gallon. Also, the pepzme clear comes out to 2.95-4.425ml per gal. Sounds like a very small amount, how does one even measure a % of 1ml?


Senior Member
Tainio says 1/4 tsp per gallon micro 5000 and 5 drops pepzyme per gallon if you would rather do it that way. Do not contaminate the pepzyme, it will grow stuff in a hurry.


Senior Member
My guess is that pepzyme is what causes the exploding bottles. The sales pitch is that nova crop control finds ca and p hard to get enough of in plants and pepzyme helps. Good stuff but you gotta be super carefulwith it