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Advanced Nutrients is a horrible brand

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Active member
AN and GH do take some shit but i can kind of understand why

But until they are truly challenged and shown up or not shown up they both will continue trading and to be fair they both have some good things they bring to our hobbies!

That Big Bud is supposed to have 7% magnesium.

It has next to nothing according to Oregon.

That's a MAJOR Advance Nutrient mistake.

I'd like to know what happened there.


That Big Bud is supposed to have 7% magnesium.

It has next to nothing according to Oregon.

That's a MAJOR Advance Nutrient mistake.

I'd like to know what happened there.

Yeah that is a major mistake for AN but i'm sure they will be fine somehow. I mean who's really gonna take them on? Maybe Oregon could but would they?

I was going to use Big Bud too but chose not to, not because of this though


advanced nutrients=miracle grow quality metels with fancy advertising, all complete b.s
Thats a major statement ..
Because one can taste the quality of the compounds which are used in the taste of the end product

and that with Oregan, i dont buy, Maybe they should shake the bottles a little better, since usually when they make these tests, its always the "metals" that are off, ingredients which are less water soluable. Also who knows if it was the most up to date bottle, big bud is currently 0-2-4 and it used to be 0-1-3. But if its true, then what a sucky batch ..

heres another link "http://www.oda.state.or.us/dbs/heavy_metal/detail.lasso?-op=eq&product_id=8666"

by the way, big bud guarentess 0,7% Magnesium not 7%.
So I dont buy that test at all


Active member
It's just a typo. They meant .7% like you say but the fert
tested at .014 or 1/5th of the listed amount .7%

I doubt the shaking too. They test a lot of ferts
and Big Bud was one of the few
with a violation.

Ganja D

Advance nutrients is life changing. You would know if you try em. I use all their organic stuff plus two other products of theirs I keep secret. It took me a few runs to get it down but then started growing buds the size of my arms. It's worth all the extra doe if you want the best results possible. I'll post some photos later of some monster buds of satori from mandela seeds.


Ganja D

I also use juicy roots and my clones are strong and sturdy with and almost tree like base by the time there rooted.

These are a few pics of sum huge satori buds. I'll have more really showing the size later, but have to format and edit first.


I've used fox farm, age old, earth juice, teas of all sorts, gh, and other stuff and advanced blew it all away by far!
I have friends too stubborn to spend the extra money on advanced and their yields of the same strains don't compare to mine. They would make up the extra money easy with a substantial increase in yield and quality.



You should make a lot of friends and enemies real quick with these last two posts. LOL Advanced always gets the pot boiling around here.

Ganja D

I know, I know, just tryn to share my experience and stick up for my brand.
Burning to a black clump

Burning to a black clump

Some Lavender phenos yellow up like that... If you look at the buds and the leaves they aren't burned at all just a nice bright yellow... I think the bud burns and smokes better when you get it nice and yellow like that before chop. Means the nutes are flushed out pretty well. Not to mention it's organic, and in my experience that smoke is smoother with a better taste. :joint:

To comment on AN coming out with strain specific nutes. They are one of the only major brands that actually tests their products on cannabis plants. That's how you can create amore complex nute programs specifically tailored to cannabis. Keep buying from GH and Botanicare, they openly frown upon any mention of their products being used with cannabis. The only one that is comparable is Dutch Master. And how do people keep saying AN ripped other companies off with the same products. The NPK ratios from AN are totally different than almost every other brand. Again the only other company to offer a similar product is Dutch Master. But whatever keep on using your tomato nutes to grow cannabis. :rant:

To dominicangreen: man i don't know how you can survive with all that bud. must be terrible ;)

Ed Rosenthal says this is caused by too much phosphorus in the bud, they need to be fed less, or flushed longer so they can use whats been stored.


Weed Robot
I know, I know, just tryn to share my experience and stick up for my brand.

some times people dont listen.like you said they to cheap to spend money on something that is going to make them money..by the way nice plants you got there to bad it was them horrible nutrients that you used..i would like people to look at the ingredients in the bottles and tell us that your nute company holds them kind of nutrient values in there solutions..you will see they dont come close..and if your worry about price tag theres something you guys should know that advanced nutrients weighs more then general hydroponics..check it for yourself litres for litres and you dont need much to mix as its strong


hmm, after reading this, i think AN might be a good nutrient line for patients with bipolar disorder.

That satori looks disgusting/delicious.


Well-known member
What the fuck are you getting at? Blue Cheese is a Cheese x Blueberry (not a big yielder) and I don't see the relevance of what strains I choose and AN Nutrients being a HORRIBLE brand.

Do you have anything to actually contribute? Do you have any disaster stories from your experiences with AN? How does attacking my the validity of my buds (through some lame ass logic about strain selection) contribute to the discussion about how horrible this brand is?


What the fuck am I getting at??? the fuckin truth! you grow generic high yielders that I can feed city tap water at the right pH to, and get similar results, Douchebag! I have contributed a bunch about the good and bad of AN and tell you like it is! I know you don't want to hear that your a sucker for their fancy labels and marketing. I know you don't want to hear that AN is just blatant rip offs of other products. Read my other threads about AN. I have helped THOUSANDS grow with AN. Showing us a pic of your fried plants grown with your special nutrients and your obvious talent isnt much of a contribution. It was my job to know how to help fucks like you, so if thats not contributing I don't know what is peepee breath. peace. Enjoy your overpriced ripped off formulas and keep buying Higgins new Airplanes and hookers. how personal we take things. grow some thicker skin before trying to attack me, homeboy! Don't shoot the messenger, I didn't start the hype! lol


Active member
ive used clone it, juicy roots, rootech, roots, olivias and some powder(hate pwoder for an unkown reason), and guess what, my best root time ever, with 1 clone in medium was 5 days flat, with the home depot cheapy stuff. ive even rooted cuts in a glass in water under not so optimal conditions.

keep a journal and be as tenacious as you can. its the art of humidity vs fresh air, and how to maintain it until the plants need no dome. i love jumpstart, always use it in my pre soak and feedings until rooted cuts get transplanted. as a foliar its bomb too. dialing in a system can be tricky for babies subject to many factors. every gel has worked great for me once i dialed in , even without it, just nutes in the cubes will work.

focus on your acts, not your brands, and you will be a grandmaster in no time, peace, d


New member
ive used clone it, juicy roots, rootech, roots, olivias and some powder(hate pwoder for an unkown reason), and guess what, my best root time ever, with 1 clone in medium was 5 days flat, with the home depot cheapy stuff. ive even rooted cuts in a glass in water under not so optimal conditions.

keep a journal and be as tenacious as you can. its the art of humidity vs fresh air, and how to maintain it until the plants need no dome. i love jumpstart, always use it in my pre soak and feedings until rooted cuts get transplanted. as a foliar its bomb too. dialing in a system can be tricky for babies subject to many factors. every gel has worked great for me once i dialed in , even without it, just nutes in the cubes will work.

focus on your acts, not your brands, and you will be a grandmaster in no time, peace, d

right on...it's about what works for your plants, not necessarily what works for everyone else. I like Advanced Nutrients and the results I get, but I know they're not for everyone - and I'm certainly no knocking other brands when I say what I use.

To each their own! Happy growing everyone :eggnog:


There seems to be little relativity or context used he so let me chime in

I have used most of the commercial fertilizers organic and otherwise

most canna specific nutes are designed to provide canna specific fert ratios and should by thier very nature deliver better results than using a non specific canna nute at generalized average dosages

many of those nutes that can be adjusted to custom ratios can emulate the same ratios as canna specific nutes

I think AN is good nutrient brand although i achieve like or more favorable results using other more readily available less expensive lines, however if i am in need of a specific supplement and i cant find it and have to substitute i feel safe using an AN alternative

this was a non AN grow 11.5 -12 week, 11 onces off one plant 5 gallon promix no Co2 hand watered first run



What the fuck am I getting at??? the fuckin truth! you grow generic high yielders that I can feed city tap water at the right pH to, and get similar results, Douchebag! I have contributed a bunch about the good and bad of AN and tell you like it is! I know you don't want to hear that your a sucker for their fancy labels and marketing. I know you don't want to hear that AN is just blatant rip offs of other products. Read my other threads about AN. I have helped THOUSANDS grow with AN. Showing us a pic of your fried plants grown with your special nutrients and your obvious talent isnt much of a contribution. It was my job to know how to help fucks like you, so if thats not contributing I don't know what is peepee breath. peace. Enjoy your overpriced ripped off formulas and keep buying Higgins new Airplanes and hookers. how personal we take things. grow some thicker skin before trying to attack me, homeboy! Don't shoot the messenger, I didn't start the hype! lol

I may as well ignore you as you don't have anything to say. My plants were slightly burned when I was hospitalized and couldn't look after them for a period. They trumped on without skipping a beat despite the overfert. Go on believing whatever you want and growing what you grow. You can hate on AN all you want, it won't change the fact that the product clearly performs. If they didn't work, I'd switch to something else. I've used the others and I prefer AN. I don't know why it gets your panties in a bunch, but some retarded statement about strain selection certainly isn't enough to discredit a nutrient line when I can show you pictures of my plants and I don't see any pictures of yours.

If you don't have anything ACTUAL to contribute about the product and only attacks on me it's pretty clear you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I don't really care what brand of nutes you use or prefer, AN products work and for the average person who wants to grow their own bud and it works well. It's effective and easy to use.

I get that for some reason you don't care for their products (with or without merit), but useless arguments about what strain I selected (although this obviously isn't my first grow and isn't the only strains I've selected) are a waste of time.

If you have something to suggest that somehow low yielding strains DON'T need the 13 essential elements for plant growth or something to suggest they need something more THAT would be an argument, but thus far it's baseless and worthless. Do you have some deep an insightful wisdom into why somehow lower yielding strains would require different fertilizers and essential elements to grow? Do you know anything how about how plants work, what they need or even SOMETHING to launch this argument from or is it just personal attacks and your lame-ass reasoning?


What the fuck am I getting at??? the fuckin truth! you grow generic high yielders that I can feed city tap water at the right pH to, and get similar results, Douchebag! I have contributed a bunch about the good and bad of AN and tell you like it is! I know you don't want to hear that your a sucker for their fancy labels and marketing. I know you don't want to hear that AN is just blatant rip offs of other products. Read my other threads about AN. I have helped THOUSANDS grow with AN. Showing us a pic of your fried plants grown with your special nutrients and your obvious talent isnt much of a contribution. It was my job to know how to help fucks like you, so if thats not contributing I don't know what is peepee breath. peace. Enjoy your overpriced ripped off formulas and keep buying Higgins new Airplanes and hookers. how personal we take things. grow some thicker skin before trying to attack me, homeboy! Don't shoot the messenger, I didn't start the hype! lol

Seems like maybe you should heed your own advice on taking things personal and growing some thicker skin. Just an observation!


There seems to be little relativity or context used he so let me chime in

I have used most of the commercial fertilizers organic and otherwise

most canna specific nutes are designed to provide canna specific fert ratios and should by thier very nature deliver better results than using a non specific canna nute at generalized average dosages

many of those nutes that can be adjusted to custom ratios can emulate the same ratios as canna specific nutes

I think AN is good nutrient brand although i achieve like or more favorable results using other more readily available less expensive lines, however if i am in need of a specific supplement and i cant find it and have to substitute i feel safe using an AN alternative

this was a non AN grow 11.5 -12 week, 11 onces off one plant 5 gallon promix no Co2 hand watered first run

Very nice results. I don't think the argument here is about whether or not other nutrient brands are capable of supplying the plants with the elements that they need. I appreciate that you seem level-headed enough to understand that there's more than one answer to how to grow plants and ONE of them is to use AN products. I don't see why this brand gets under people's skin so much. But I understand people's need to hate the more successful companies and to feel a "grassroots" connection and the inherent nature to hate "corporations". It's foolish, but they will always exist!
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