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gorilla ganja

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Picture #1) CBG Taskenti 6 feet talll, 7 feet wide

Picture #2) CBG Pakistani Chitral Kush 5 feet tall, 5.5 feet wide

Picture #3) Ace Malawi 6 feet tall/wide

All taken a couple days ago. First year coming across Ace and CBG looking forward to doubling down on their genetics next year. Our farm is located between the 37th and the 38th latitude at 4000+ feet altitude (1300 meters) in the Sierra Nevadas. Our microclimate in November is beautiful and dry and good temps so looking forward to running all of their pure sativas that finish before thanksgiving!!!

Very nice, plants look like they are growing to their full potential under your care.
Keep up the good work and may all your buds be huge.
Peace GG


Yeah Mayan I hope you are right :) he was more pro šnops/rakija/vodka oriented but his wife would surely accept some cannabis tea ;)
Gorilla Im between 45/46N, sunny side of Alps how we say :) Tikals looks nice and healthy.
Hey Claude its always a place for another smoker midnight toker there :)
MountZion there must be like in heaven on those mountins...is your grow legal?
Keep us updated, great work amigo :tiphat:


far beyond driven...
well i have read and others do this for vegetables outdoors as well to use coffee ground for better plant health... also the rest caffeine in the coffee ground should help plant grow and vitally... earthworms also like it very much...
Do you have any experience with it?


Active member

Yes all legal grow, we provide to dispensaries in California. Were allowed up to 99 plants in my county regardless of size.

It is like heaven. Very small community on the hill, mostly older people, but all Very lovely who fully support us.

madmac no amendment helps all of the time.

Ideally you would send the soil to be tested by a lab to determine how to amend the soil. Driving blind and just guessing is not ideal.

This book (http://soilminerals.com/Ideal_Soil_Main_Page.htm) is good and easy to read he teaches you how to balance the soil yourself, or even just email the results of the test to the author of the book/website and he will tell you exactly how to amend your soil to perfection for like $35 per test.


Well-known member
Zdravo Kono
sadly no Alpine grow for me this season, had to take care of a big medical issue with a family member so time was very scarce, I only found it for my main gorilla spot and another impro-gorilla site with Nanda Devi crosses.

Nice pictures you posted, the mountain spirits I believe are kind to good hearted peole, so no worries over the fire deamon in your pic;)

Wow man, sounds like heaven where you live and work!
I'm just thinking/talking with my gf of moving somewhere nicer, need some more options in life you know. Do you maybe know of any chances/options/possibilities of moving in your area, is it California you said? How is it to live and work there?
I'm in the other part of the world, small stubborn country in EU, same as Konopenko.

Cheers gorilla brothers and sisters


Active member

The sierras are a very beautiful place to live and farm, LOTS of people from around the world have been moving in over the past few years and as long as the people were respectful and decent locals are accepting.

As far as work there is not a lot, but depends what type of work I guess. Theirs always trimming in the fall which if someone could trim 2 pounds a day they could make enough $$ to get by on for the year. if someone wanted to work for a farm during the year that's an option for work if u make the right connection. Mostly I see guys doing trimming work then showing their hardworking and trust worthy and just continuing on for the full next year. Even with only 99 plants I know of people using 2 full time helpers lol just having them keep the yard perfect at all times.


Hey Koon we could throw together some euros and purchase one mountain there :)
Its good to have options in life and I know how hard is to become independent here in Slovenija, but moving to states?? Empire is nearing to its end, their mighty army and police will surely show their skills against their own people..wait? What for and oh no this is not possible... war in Jugoslavia was just a walk ina park ;) and yes I would rather stay-move to country which is not a target of strategic rocket units of Russian army, their is more than 2000 reasons for that.
Scai me too, I also put some coffee beans on soil-I read they could work against slugs ;)
MountZion it must be hard for you to wake up early in the morning and go to work :)


Well-known member
Yo Kono
a mountain sounds perfect for our needs:)

No worries, I was not thinking of moving permanently, more like a temporary visit/job and to gain some experience and meet knowledgable people.
I'll be thinkng about it until something happens, here we're stuck in ideological bonaza, looking at the world outside these local limitations makes one want to leave.
Nature is the one to keep me here, hard to find more on such a small area.

Here's a picture of my little funny ZamalHash, she happily survived under a pile of dry grass for a week with no damage, just slower growth. Also the Cognition plant survived but got stunted more heavily. Now it's time to grow and get bigger.



Here we have 5/6 weeks old plant with quite exotic genes :) father is Congo, but mum? Panama, Tikal or Panama/Malawi ,she is doing great imo...there is quite dry in greenhouse at day only 22% but some tomatoes cought some mold. There is some Jalapenos very near, hope she doesnt get to spicey :canabis:

Days are gettin shorter ;)
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Hey baraba.I see you are rocking again with some nice genes this year.Good luck borac and I hope we will soon burn some in the mountains.Stay safe.


Hey Blood bro Im ready and waiting :) whatsup growa what shall we smoke this year? Those Marocs you gave me become real deal this year. Viva Donetck (Nepalese/Maroc) are kicking hard in Primorska (3 week old news from my amigo and our Pam :biggrin: )
If they manage to survive..well buds will be growing out of my ears :)
Last news from attacked Donetck: last ukro attack in 5 days!
BRATJA first you take Kiev, than we take Berlin! :woohoo:


ACE Seeds Breeder
I hope to visit one day your country konopenko :) A friend of mine from there always tells me is a beautiful country. Hope you are enjoying summer time!


Well-known member
I suggest you come visit soon Dubi, this year the wine season is the best in the last decade, probably will be a great season for ganja too:)
I'm sure in Spain it's much better though but also here we have great some years.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for the invitation Koodense ;) Much appreciated!

Honestly i can't wait to take holidays, but not this year, i must take care of my family in the upcoming months, my first daughter is about to born :)

You are also more than welcome to visit us in Spain!


Well-known member
Congrats Dubi:)
No rush for the holidays, both wine and herb need some curing to become best.
Also here's a great destination for family tourism, just saying:)

I dream of visiting Spain, some day the time will definitely come.
Strain/garden hunting in Spain:D



Congrats Dubi, She will surely become princess of fathers heart, planting small ganjas, manicuring buds, sorting seeds and rolling joints for tired father :)
You are welcome anytime Dubi, we Ace addicts will wait forya on airport with rolled blunts :biggrin:


Guerillenos, amigos miren mi hermanas :woohoo:
Sativa hybrid looks very nice imo..she just started to flower a bit:

5 Viva Donetck ganjas, its a shame i didnt killed 2 smaller plants, but they are growing nicely atm..

All together after pruning at hot sun yeaaah....there is also one white Russian on left from my growa Zuki.

Cant wait till october, there will be sticky party, Im already sharpening my machete :)
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far beyond driven...
wow nice spot!
the plant on the right side what is it? The fast flowering... can you make a close up from the flower? Viva Donetck is it your Seed name? Looks very promising the one full in flower...
haha the nervous phase just starts... count the day's... scary
wish you all the best & plz some flower shots :tiphat:


Hey Mac its also VD(NepJ/Maroc) but planted earlier...maybe its Maroc pheno, so early and already with frosty buds. Viva Donetsk was accidental cross at guerilla spot on Rakitna :)
I hope my cogrowa sends me some macro pics, here is one for a rainy day ;)

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