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Abby's Bud Shack


Active member
wait...what kind of wattage do u use abby?and how many per flower room? those are awesom...u got major buddage....talk about supply nice abby..im sure bog will be lovin the pics of the sour B..and y is all that bud not in a safe!!lol


Harvest Day - Nirvana's PPP

Harvest Day - Nirvana's PPP

Greetings & Salutations!

Today was harvest time for the remaining two Pure Power Plants I had in flower. They had been placed into a dark area for 48 hours, photographed, then stripped of their leaves, branches cut from main stalk and trimmed, then hung to dry. The entire house now has a rather fresh and minty smell, needless to say I won't be having any company for the next few days! :wink:

Before we get to the pics, I want to take a moment and publicly recognize someone for a truly remarkable act of generosity and kindness. Previously, I had asked what strains you all at ICMAG would like to see here in the Bud Shack. This was not meant as a solicitation, it was just a simple question to help give me some ideas about what to grow. For me, this is all just a hobby, a cure for my mid-life crisis. I don't sell what I grow, actually I don't really know anyone that smokes anymore, so my only outlet to talk to people about growing is here at ICMAG and OG.

Recently I received a PM from a user here offering to send me seeds. Not just any seeds, but rather expensive Soma seeds. Some of you may think that's not a big deal, heck, sending seeds happens all the time. What made this special to me was that this individual didn't actually have the seeds, instead he purchased a gift certificate in my name to have them shipped to me from Seeds Direct. Now, I don't know about you all, but I think that's pretty damn special! :chin:

Of course, I politely refused, I mean after all... it went well above and beyond anything I could have imagined. In his reply back, he actually made me feel guilty for not accepting to begin with, so I finally did accept his more than generous offer. Soon, you will see some Soma strain here in the Bud Shack, whichever one he decides on. And just who is this mystery man... this generous person whom I have never met, nor had any messages with except for those posts here in the Bud Shack thread? None other than our own sunnyside! Thank you sunnyside, for your kindness and generosity... you are truly a special person and an outstanding example of the great people to be found here at ICMAG. I am proud to have you as a friend in weed! :smile:

These next photos are dedicated to sunnyside, I actually took my time and used a backdrop to try and make the best presentation possible... just a taste of what's to come in the not too distant future! So no more text... just pics:

Abby :wave:


Plant Manager
:wave: anything for a friend...just trying to show that the sharing and giving of old, still exists today... Alot of the focus has been shifted negatively as of late...just trying to help balance everything out again! besides you had some good karma heading your way!!


Oh Heck - I almost forgot these pics from last night and to reply to some earlier questions:

kilacaLIbud - I have two 1000W switchables, one of which is mounted on a 6' rail. I can divide the room into two parts and use one light for veg when needed. Currently I have 3 plants in 15" containers under one, and 7 plants under the rail light. I like big plants! :canabis:

Here's the pics I forgot:

c99 @ 52 days

Jock Horror @ 64 days

BOG Sour Bubble 1BX

Abby :wave:


Abby you have probably helped Nirvana's sales a ton with all these beautiful pics, I know Im gonna get some of those Jock Horror seeds. How does the Jock Horror compare too the C99, i know the C99 is a descendant of the Jack Herrer. :yes:


Active member
Truely amazing shots!! and buds to boot!!

You deserve them beans and they could not have come from a better person!! :friends: :friends:




That shot with your fingers covered in resin! oh man oh man. That pic says it all. Thank you!


Hello JustSayGrow - I hear some people complain about Nirvana and their cheap seeds, all I can say is that based on my experience, they aren't cheap... just inexpensive. Yes, there are different phenotypes that show, so they are not rock solid in the stability field, but then again, neither are most breeders these days. But as I hope my photos show, they do produce great plants!

As for the comparison between the Jock and the c99, I would say it's like comparing apples and oranges. They both may be fruit, but they have an entirely different taste! I would say that they both have a nice "up" sativa high, but that is about the only quality they share. In regards to their lineage, I do believe that the Brothers Grimm c99 had some Jack Herrer in it, but there are different versions of the c99 so I cannot say for sure what the makeup of the Capricorn Seed Company's c99 version I have is.

Greetings Hooked-On-Grown - Thanks for the kudos, I don't know about whether I deserve anything, but I can tell you that sunnyside certainly does! What a totally unselfish and incredibly nice person sunnyside is, I still can't believe what he did! :wink:

Hey OH - glad you enjoyed the pic! It was my first time wearing gloves, and I am so glad I did. Those were some sticky buds! :eek:

Well friends, before we get into the new pics, I do want to ask all of you to participate in the new POT SHOTS thread here in the Flower Pix section. If you have a photograph that you think is really nice, and it has something to do with cannabis, then please post it in the thread. You are allowed just one picture however, so make it your best one! All ICMAG members are eligible, including moderators, and the winner will be selected from all entries to be featured in the new Flower Pix News section entitled... what else: POT SHOTS! So drop on by the thread and check it out. :canabis:

Okay, time for some pics! Tonight we run the gamut from baby pics to big buds, with a little male BOG shots thrown in for good measure. Here we go:

White Rhino Newborn

White Rhino x Super Silver Haze 1 day old

Jock Horror Baby Buds

Jock Horror Buds @ 66 days of flower

Sour Bubble 1BX male flower

Super Sweet Cindy male flowers

Abby :wave:


Active member
so abby i didnt catch the ratio on the male/female sourbubbles..are u plannin a cross of some sort? or do u keep males for a reason...


Hi kilacaLIbud - To answer your question, out of the 5 Sour Bubble 1BX seeds I planted, I had 3 males and 1 female, with one seed not making it to seedling stage. I had better results with the Super Sweet Cindy, having 2 females and 1 male, and both of the Lifesavers were female. I kept the best male from the SB, as well as the male SSC, and will indeed be using them for some light breeding. Nothing fancy, just thought I would make some F2's and try a SBxSSC, a SBxLS, and a SSCxLS cross... I just love to experiment! :wink:

No new pics for today, but since I hate to post without a pic, here's one from my archives:
Heavens Horn Seeded Bud

Abby :wave:

Rolando Mota

Active member
Hi Abby! First off I'd like to say hats off to Sunnyside, you are a person of true character. Seems like the vibe has gotten a little down around the site. Your gesture is a great start to the new year, we could all learn from you.

:burns virtual sage:

It just keeps getting better here in the shack! Those baby pictures are great, they're off to an auspicious start. Can't wait to see their progress.

Cheers! :wave:


Howdy Folks!
Just a little update tonight, the Jock Horror finally went into the darkroom tonight for her 48 hours of solitary confinement before harvest. That will make it about 70 days of flowering for her, which was a bit longer than the others. I purposefully took her longer with more amber trichs to compare against the previous harvests. The three c99 gals are close to being ready at 56 days, but not quite there yet. I anticipate them going into dark by this weekend. The BOG gals are doing super, and I have moved the largest girl, the Super Sweet Cindy out under the rail light. She is a massive bush, and will probably turn out to be my biggest plant ever. Here's a little snapshot of her on day 12 of flower mode:

And just a couple shots of the c99 F2:

Abby :wave:


Well-known member
high abby very very nice photography i to read that hightimes article about the dude who kept a mason jar of all the weed he shot or reported on cant remember but i have
always thought about being able to do that someday i will
peace chucky


Hi sunnyside - Thanks, I'm glad you like the seedling picture. I realize most people think that they have to wait until the plant has nice big colorful buds before it is photo "worthy", but I think MJ is beautiful throughout the entire life cycle. I like to challenge myself to try and see things in a different way, and then try to convey what I see to you. Every now and then I think I accomplish that. :smile:

Thanks chuckyoufarley, I'm glad you are enjoying the thread. It seems you and I must have read the same article, I just never thought my youthful dream would come to pass. One day I hope to have a jar of every major strain in my "bud cellar", nowhere even close to that yet... but we all need to have goals! :biglaugh:

Speaking of buds in jars, thought I would dedicate tonights pics to some dry buds. We have some PPP freshly dry and ready to be jarred, and from my "Big Bud" jar a nice c99 bud that has been in cure for over a month. Enjoy! :canabis:


Abby :wave:




I love the shadowing and white space in the PPP shot. Great photo Abby.


Hey OHenry - Glad you liked the PPP shot! I really love that PPP, the buds are so fragrant, with a good supply of resin. Can't wait to try some! :yummy:

Well friends, today was harvest day for the Jock Horror, she turned out very well with some nice coloration, even some purpling which you can see in this pic:

The main cola was nice and dense, and was so heavy the plant could not stand up by itself so I used small bamboo stakes to help hold her upright. In my previous grows I would tie the buds up to eye hooks I placed in the ceiling, but I find that I prefer the bamboo stake for the main stem and cola, and just let the side buds droop a bit if they want, it allows more light to penetrate so it's not a bad thing. Here's a nice shot of the main cola:

And a closer look at the top:

And a shot of the side buds, which were more colorful than the main cola:

Next harvest will be sometime first of next week for three c99 gals, right now the trichs are cloudy, but not amber enough. That gives me time to finish line drying the Jock Horror, which is a good thing. I anticipate having a real bountiful c99 harvest! The BOG's are all doing great, and all of them are budding with the exception of the Sour Bubble, it's still taking its sweet time. This last pic is of a little Lifesaver bud at 13 days of flower:

Grow Big Buds & Prosper!
Abby :wave:


Your pictures are often my desktops/ & an inspiration to me & I am sure many more / I might add you are getting better as well / I see a lot more of a mix of textures & depth / really pro work /

Ps. Dang / I wish you would do a ABBYS grow method as well / you have some of the healthiest plants on the forum

Keep them coming / they are print quality material


Love the pics Abb. The horror looks sweet as does the c99. I've got 4 Fat Lifesaver bushes goin 12/12 since the 9th , they look very similar to the one in your photo , hardy ass bitches!