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A World On A String

Jericho Mile

been running into the same dawn patrollers at the trails day after day,im starting to realize i dont suck as bad as i thought....well by my standards i still suck but compared to other people it turns out im doing pretty good...heck,im proud to say the bike shop guys were sandbagging me about the single speed gear i was pushing,saying i was getting up into the girl gears running a 33/19 when indeed almost everyone runs a 32/20 for trail riding...at least im not a noodle leg!

...yeah I'm becoming all social now. It's cool though. There are some very serious people out there training their asses off. I'm going to feed off that energy...hopefully take my abilities up a few more plateaus.

* saw that GG #4 has made its out to the SD backcountry now. Some dude out here told me he's got the cut. shit went everywhere


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yup,im going to start going to the weekly bbq and beer fest at the trailhead now that ive reached the point where im cool enough to get the nod apparently...i did chose the two most "fringe" aspects of mountain biking with the fat bike and the single speed,not to mention being the only person who rides with a stereo going....last week i managed to catch up to some people who left about 5-10 minutes ahead of me...i caught em,passed em and dropped them on the hill climb on the fat bike and i easily was pushing 10-15 lbs more bike than any of them....totally smoked them on the climb but they started to pick up ground on the downhill since the fat bike just isnt that fast....then the next day on the single speed i still managed to keep up and we came back to the parking lot at about the same spacing as we left,so i think i got some respect for having some leg at least...

Jericho Mile

high on..

high on..

a vape bowl of...much early..Hell Queen Clone (sample:53 day)...sipping cheap ass Lipton tea (because I like the Budweiser of teas actually) reflecting before gardening chores

maybe it is all about self. Perhaps staying self centered makes total sense. it is the core form of existence. floating worlds of only self realizations (I wish this fucking format left me blanks instead of dots)......................................... floating chunks of shrapnel

Is it wrong to go against me me me me I I I I I ? Where is this need for collective sacrifice?...maybe that's the root of the lie...collective sacrifice


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
like to wrestle with the big questions early in the day eh? thats a toughy...i mean most altruism is really about making yourself feel good,that other people may benefit from it is secondary really...i could certainly claim i gave up having a car out of concern for the environment or some other such dreck,but its more because i enjoy riding a bike,makes me feel like a big kid,i swear im gonna get some playing cards and clothespins for the spokes and some flame stickers for the single speed! so really just a way to hide from "adult" responsibility cleverly concealed as some sort of pseudo ecological ethic... i suppose there are worse forms of mid life crisis to go through...fuck it,im having fun...i dont imagine theres a nobel prize for having a bike with a bbq and cooler of beer strapped to it,but somehow it makes me happy...

Jericho Mile

....yeah. It seems everything I do is about me. O happiness

Spending energy/effort attempting to be courteous..conscious...aware..etc of other things....is..in a simplified response...a waste of time. the world revolves around me...just as it revolves around...any other self accepting individual. the world goes away when I go away. the death of a salesman.

I'm done concerning myself with my ego's reflection. If it's out there trying to shine..just to get noticed...inflated or deflated...I don't care anymore. Acceptance of its lack depth and all...is in a different light..more humble...and yet..."being humble" is a huge ego trip itself. We are all god.

* social running the other day...well..I didn't start..stay..or finish in the group. Went to the front..and went. Socialized afterwards. Good time...good peeps.

** I am looking to train with anyone who can run me down. I want to be pushed.

*** Harvested an entire Q. Mox yesterday morning...day 57. I'm growing her more like a Flo than a Chem/Sour. Liking the late 50's harvests..as much as...70 day harvests...so why not? I'll post up some pix later on

**** There are plenty of stoners in the ultra world (trust me there) and I plan on sharing the Mox with them. It's primo herb for running. That's about my only plan for the Q. Mox clone. Share her attributes on the trails.
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Jericho Mile

57 day old tops

57 day old tops

^ keep saying the harvest window on the Q. Mox is late 50's-70ish. I've vaped her plenty within those timelines..and really..I can't tell a difference in flavor evolvements or high evolvements...or yields.

* the Original Flo mother I used to make TFlux (Original Flo X Chem DD) would finish on day 58 of flower. Taking her any longer...did nothing..as she was..all she would be..at 58.

** The Chem DD (Deliah) mom I used to make Mox Mox (Chem DD X TFlux) finished in 70-75 days of flower. She would be nowhere near done in her late 50's

The Queen Mox Clone generally will keep all her sugar leaves a dark green...with a leathery look. Her sugar leaves will also claw as she begins flush...giving her a kind of melted look. Like a candle almost.

Can't say she actually fades in the traditional sense. I can flush her for weeks...and though..yes..she burns some of her leaves (mostly at the tips)..she'll not truly fade out to a withered...dead looking stage.

She shows minor intersex starting (sometimes) 3-4 wks into flower...and after that..she'll require tweezers sporadically through the rest of the flower cycle. I'm unsure of whether there is any actual pollen being made...as I've not found any selfed beans (can't taste or feel any pollen grains when eat any tweezed offenders). That is to say: her trend toward showing intersex has no adverse consequences..other than..making some extra work for me.

Light yielder. I'm getting 3.5 - 4.0 ounces in 5 gal smart pots of coco. Maybe others could do better...but that's where I am after over a year with her. No CO2....just my very basic..semi organized set up. The studio does not stay consistent...fluxing environment...yet generally...well within the warm/fuzzy cultivation zone.

She dries light styrofoam density type flowers. When broken up..there will be powdery glands all over the table surface...glands everywhere. Takes on a lime green to aqua coloring..some flowers will even look very white. Doesn't hold moisture content...cures out very dry and brittle.


^ These are flowers from the same 57 day old plant. They were wet manicured (yesterday)..right off the vine....nuggie nuggie lots of lovie
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
just getting ready to flower some cindy99 f3's i made,ended up with a grapefruit pheno this time,last run of these since i have hundreds of seeds left...nice summertime high from the c99,that and the sssdh i just harvested plus i have some more mental floss coming down soon...all good riding strains...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
dude,check the whip...
4130 tange cromoly frame,just upgraded the drivetrain to give me a better trail riding gear,accelerates like a donkey with a jalepeno up its ass,superb balance,a lively spring to the frame so it sucks up chatter well for a fully rigid bike....good fun the karate monkey..

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my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
nice looking flowers jericho.

have you guys seen this cover of the pot?


dude has lots of other entertaining covers as well

Jericho Mile

Bad ass bike....Bad ass cover

I'm on a rest day. Later this week (tomorrow?)...I have to go have some paint made. Much prep work and painting to do this summer. Climbing up and down ladders...scraping and caulking...rolling and brushing...preserving the wood and appearances

I can't seem to get anything done today though. Up late and up early..took a nap..waiting on the wife so I can unload groceries...and some gardening supplies...about the extent of the day. Lots of wind and a drastic cool down.


Active member
Looking forward to this summer ! Have not grown outdoor for years, or in soil for that matter. My buddy has the perfect spot and has built the perfect garden area. I brought over a few strains and will be bringing some more over within the next couple weeks.

Running....ecsdxsssdh, Gorilla Glue 4, Sour Bubble, Bugglegum, sourOG and a haze cross I did. Should be fun !!




I come from the land where the oceans freeze
Right on guys.

Been painting myself. Always something to do when you own a house. Always something


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
heck,i dont even own this place but im putting another hummingbird and butterfly garden in at my own expense....im also putting in a rock garden mountain bike skills area so i can practice close to home rather than 10 miles away out in the middle of the desert...


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I just had to replace water service line to my house, sump pump and paintings the entire inside and out.

Suffered a garage fire and will rebuild that starting next week hopefully. I have a lot going on in my world. Oh yeah, bc of a new job and negotiations I haven't smoked in 10 weeks. How about dem apples?

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