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A World On A String

Jericho Mile

Remaining Dynamic

Remaining Dynamic

Again...another Santa Ana wind event..seems like at the start of every week they are blowing. I was up on and off all night....winds rattling the house..working my unconscious sensory into ill kept frazzle...restless bouts of sleep

So one must remain dynamic. That comes into play right now. I was not able to get that Thrill Kill female pollinated yesterday...or even..this morning. There was just too much effort needed to get her safely moved to and fro..in and out..

..too many other plants blocking the way..not willing to be negotiated with..and hot bulbs I was not willing to move around in such tightness so...

..in a different approach....I started harvesting those plants..the ones..that were in my way

^ a Mox Mox IX1 day 64...this one I was able to pull out whole....in fact she stands..at this very moment...awaiting her chop. She may stand all day and all night..depending on my schedule.

* she is another "typical" expression and is partially pollinated

^ Manicured flowers from the "typical" Mox I harvested the other day at 69. These expressions really show Flo influences...especially on closer inspection (trim time)....you can kind of get the idea from the pictures...but not shown...is how their leaves "blue up" on their undersides.

^ Harvested this morning on day 64...this is a partially pollinated Hell Hound IX1. Nothing really special about her. She's nice enough..but if I had it over again...I wouldn't have bothered pollinating her. Glad to get her out of the way...hopefully have her trimmed up by this evening

Hadn't planned on doing all this stuff today...but sometimes you have to clean house a bit...change the scenery..so to speak. If I can find the time and patience (tomorrow) to get that Thrill Kill plant out and pollinated..I will...but even with the removal of the above plants..it's no picnic...it may not happen

Jericho Mile

Settled into the Wind Event

Settled into the Wind Event

Yesterday..with the bad night of sleep..didn't get much done garden wise. Had to work for a while...after which..managed to get some of the trimming done..but it was not a productive day

^ Examples of the Hell Hound IX1 and Mox Mox IX1 flowers that were harvested yesterday (at 64 days flower). The Mox Mox is the lighter green bud (so you know)...still have more to trim..but I'm procrastinating for a little while..snacking and drinking tea

ran a couple trails today (was out for over 2hrs)...that I'd never been up before. Been scoping them for many months...trying to decide from afar..if there was actually a runnable trail/old jeep track or if what I was seeing...was some sort of dead end natural wash

turned out...yeah it was all the above...as there was a dead end wash..but that an old jeep track bypassed it (unseen from below) on one section...and that on a different section..someone had actually been up there cutting a trail...so coolness

nice steep..lightly traveled terrain...with not only an amazing view..but also a whole different access..to still..more possible lines up a mountain. The mountain I've run plenty of times (on a well maintained trail) from a different aspect..always wondering how the hell to drop off onto the lee side and now..

with a bit of old fashion map work (nothing against cyber maps..but I still like paper topo maps to study)...a bit of scouting..and asking a few older dudes (who hunt that area) some questions..........I'm into some new shit

* Tomorrow should be some more harvesting....more pollinating...more rotation. Then I've got to head out east of here...into the desert to check on a friend's property. Wife is tagging along with me....planning to get in a run while we're out that way.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yup,i may get a gps for the bikes simply because i will be going to lots of different spots where a navigation tool could be very helpful,but im still getting a set of topo maps,the really nice usgs ones,cant beat them for laying out the route,google earth is pretty useful too,i noticed the local trail system shows up now,at least the parts on the IMBA register...

Jericho Mile

yup,i may get a gps for the bikes simply because i will be going to lots of different spots where a navigation tool could be very helpful,but im still getting a set of topo maps,the really nice usgs ones,cant beat them for laying out the route,google earth is pretty useful too,i noticed the local trail system shows up now,at least the parts on the IMBA register...

I can spend hours in a map store. Haven't owned a GPS in many years. I do have a nice compass and an assortment of usgs topo maps. If it's in my area...I have the map. Maps are cool as shit...wouldn't bother me to wallpaper the house with them.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
lol,you talked to my decorator?
i admit to having a wall of get psyched stuff in the bike shop,plus i pick up a brochure or postcard from all the new spots and old that i get to on the bike,plus the state parks map...that sort of thing...i have a lot of skill sets to acquire here in the next year...my eyes are getting opened up to all the forms of touring and bike packing and i want to do it all so im gonna need plenty of trail time to get the fitness and skill needed to be able to go on these long cross country rides,to be able to stitch together routes that are mainly dirt roads and single track with just lightweight camping gear and the bike....theres soooooo much of that to do around here,sweet overnight loop routes abound...


, The Ghost of
I can spend hours in a map store. Maps are cool as shit...wouldn't bother me to wallpaper the house with them.

I never take anyone with me to the Delorme world headquarters, theyre always ready to leave in 10-15 minutes.

As far as wallpaper goes... Oh yaa...part of my future man cave.

All your talk of biking Unc really has me wishing that I never let my last one go. It was a fun one that took all the abuse I could throw at it.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
its a great getting older sport,easy on the joints...once i learned how to slow down it got a lot more enjoyable again...


, The Ghost of
That's exactly what I need Unc. I think my rt knee predates me by a couple of decades.

Good condition training so I can get back in the mountains and maybe realize my dream of thruhiking the AT.

Oh Jericho....I inherited 500+ topos from AZ and NM, circa 1940's to 1970's.

What would you like?

Welcome to Madjag's Wallpaper Emporium!

It would be fun to compare the old with the new.

Jericho Mile

Damn it..

Damn it..

picked up a bit of a bug the other day..snotty/scratchy nose and throat. The Santa Ana winds hammered through here even harder last night (this morning there is fire aircraft doing recons..pretty serious winds)..so I didn't get any really good sleep..feeling a little sick

told the wife to go run on her own...so she is right now. Don't know if we're going to head out east..to check my friend's property (he's in England)...don't know if I'm up to it..as I have a lot of shit I need to load up..for his dumpster..see how into it..I am...after the wife gets back

It was a mad rush of activity in the studios this morning (had to get done)...sleep walking the few early hrs it took to get everything done

^ Finally got this done: on the left is the grapefruit smelling Thrill Kill female and on the right is a Mox Mox IX1 female. Damn near uprooted the Thrill Kill plant getting her moved..but now she's partially pollinated with the Mox Mox IX1/Hell Hound IX1 pollens...fucking difficult

The MM female was partially pollinated with the Thrill Kill run pollens......so you see...the cross is being made from all directions. I have a Hell Hound IX1 female up next for pollination via the Thrill Kill pollens...getting it all covered.

Had to rearrange about 1/2 the flower studio to make this happen. I won't lie..I was cussing shit out...left and right..was in no mood to have to get this done..yet..it's now done.

* in the picture the TK female is tied to the cabinet behind her and the MM female was just left to fold over. It creates an optical illusion..because they are not that much different in height. Also..the MM is at least 5 days younger..something like that

^ While I was at it...harvested the "Pig" expression Hell Hound IX1 (day 57)...she's now hanging..biding her time for the manicure session. A beast of a plant...can barely hold herself up in these pictures.

* Funny how she didn't fade much...while I have others that are very similar to her (in how they express) fading out nicely. She was flushed from day 42..as I recall.

** the clones I took off her..while she was flowering...are now putting out fresh veg growth...so I'm going to run her again...probably towards spring

*** partially pollinated for the Hell Mox build

2 Thrill Kill plants were rotated into flower

Jericho Mile

what the fuck???

what the fuck???

let's all just agree with one another...hold hands..and kiss each other's asses. Such utter complete nonsense

..pseudo kind brother buddhist monks talking karma...the wise..the holy...the so full of shit..they don't even know it. If that's what it becomes...fuck it..the fun is gone...might as well set up another wall of rules. The entire collectivist mentality is a sad joke...lacks personality. Bunch of head nodders needing their hugs...sheepish in demeanor. I question community. The same exact people...stroking each other. Not for me and I'll bash it every time

^ starting flush on the "Freak" expression of Hell Hound IX1...she's either on day 55 or 57...seemingly then...a longer flowering expression. Those are her clones I took..starting to show roots..so I'll reveg them...and most likely...run this expression again.

She's a trip....haven't found another in the Hell Hounds..that grows the way she does.

^ putting out fresh growth..this is a Hell Hound IX1 "Pig" expression clone.

^ Flushing on day 57 is the Queen Mox Clone. Absolutely a lovely plant expression. She has a ways to go (70's is her harvest window)

I've been sick as hell all week...trying to work and garden..going to go for a little run and try to get this plague out of me. The winds finally stopped...so hopefully that helps rid me of this community disease

Jericho Mile

the run..

the run..

...was 1hr 12min of gagging...coughing...and puking. This goddamn flu sucks..but I think I cleared most of the infection out. Feel like I have about 1/3 of my lung capacity. This is my fifth day without vapor...a new world record for me

* what really sucks is that I picked it up at a party I went to last Sunday to watch the Charger/Bronco playoff game...so not only did my team lose..but so did I


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
frustrating day here,went to go ride,tires started losing air,just converted to tubeless,already lost 2 days of riding dicking around with getting them done....turned around and went home,grabbed the trailer,put the broken bike on,hauled it to the bike shop,turned around and came home because i forgot to bring a lock so i could stop and grab the groceries i needed and still get a ride in....went home,grabbed a lock,went back to the store,realize no frickin wallet,turn around,go home,get the wallet,go shopping....fuck it,i guess i rode for 2 hours somehow not getting anything done at least....

Jericho Mile

frustrating day here,went to go ride,tires started losing air,just converted to tubeless,already lost 2 days of riding dicking around with getting them done....turned around and went home,grabbed the trailer,put the broken bike on,hauled it to the bike shop,turned around and came home because i forgot to bring a lock so i could stop and grab the groceries i needed and still get a ride in....went home,grabbed a lock,went back to the store,realize no frickin wallet,turn around,go home,get the wallet,go shopping....fuck it,i guess i rode for 2 hours somehow not getting anything done at least....

Yeah well...I hear you. I'm going downhill again..seems with the coming of the evening..the virus kicks back in. Weak as a cat..hardly any motivation or appetite..energy is low..but can't sleep

had to will myself to run..just because I can't lay around like this for much longer..really putting me behind on things. I feel worse than I did before the run. I'm not taking any meds either...straight suffering through it.

funny thing is: I didn't listen to my inner voice which said: "there will be people at the party who're with the flu...don't go"...but I didn't want to be anti social..and I do have a social wife..and it was a big game...so here I be...all fucked up sick for days on end..and for what??? " hey how are you?...o you've been down with the flu?..great let's have another hug" A girl I knew there...was even coming off of a case of pink eye...at least I didn't get that.

I'm bad at being sick...like a little bitch..flopping around...sweating my ass off..then going through cold chills..yelling every time I get done with a coughing fit or blowing my nose

I feel so out of shape too..more so with each passing day


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
lol,well,it could be worse,you could have kids,or walking petri dishes as i call them,my friends with kids are constantly sick from stuff the kids bring home...

Jericho Mile

lol,well,it could be worse,you could have kids,or walking petri dishes as i call them,my friends with kids are constantly sick from stuff the kids bring home...

well get this: My wife caught a way worse bug right before Xmas...kept her down for an entire week...with a 2nd week of recovery. I didn't sleep in the same bed..burned all her tissues..constantly washed hands..washed the sheets and whatnot..

managed not to get myself sick. Then I caught this...and unfortunately..so did she...

terrible man...watching her get sick all over again..but at least this one isn't as bad..still...I shouldn't bitch about my own condition.


ICE Cream eater
The Queen Mox looks amazing man !
What a pheno. Big yield of white stacked buds.
Those buds really remind me of some pics of Chem91 I have seen in the forum.
Kinda Sour Dieselish calixes too :D
And on top of that red stems O_O

Fucking winner pheno for sure man !!!
Looks better every time you grow it :p

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