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A World On A String



Keeping everything swirling in circulation. Finding the dedicated farmers...finding their dedicated lines. The internet has replaced a lot of the need to travel for such things. For better or for worse....as sometimes I know I could unplug and just go back to being off...as how much information really...do I need? The electronic drone rewards as it conquers. There is so much plugged in now...our gardens..our houses...in our pockets...in the skies...think I run in the hills...only to shut it down

Can't ever replace location location location...but genetically speaking...maybe enough foundation material can be found and manipulated into individual farmer's concepts of expression...and enough people can grasp those concepts...that the seed can be spread. The concept and the work that went into it...understood.

That would be...probably...the best we could hope for. Gotten to the point now...that I can follow a farmer around cyber..follow what they are doing...and then...include all their efforts into my own. Not only adds to my own catalog of genetics...but also documents the times. Catch the farmers in peak hungry form...and you'll catch their best efforts.

Bottom line: I'm either relying on my own stuff...or I find me another dedicated mad man of a farmer...and grow their work. The best expressions...imo...come from my friends. Dudes like myself..that spend their efforts questing for what they envision....for no other reason..than the vision. Full circle....for the sake of full circle. We work for our plants...they have us manipulated. I've come to see it that way
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Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
I fully agree TP.

I wonder what you could coin to say something is not from one location?
Non-localized, multi-locational mixed sativa cannabis seed...lol sam would mail me a tinfoil hat for that, I'm sure of it.

Take care everyone.


Part of letting myself go..is getting beyond the point of caring..what other people think of me...or what I'm doing etc. Nobody needs to talk me off a ledge...I'm quite fine out here. Don't need any rescue.

We ain't hurting anybody here. We listen to science...we listen to reason...but we are pitched into waters beyond our control. No sense in struggling against the flow....better to ride it...and see where it wants us to go.

O yeah....happy holidays everyone....good times for all


X-mas Morning Walls of Hell Hound IX1 Expression

X-mas Morning Walls of Hell Hound IX1 Expression


Really neat run of the hounds. Galloping toward their bays....of sweetness and funk...plastics and fruit...and whatever else they are running down. I'm an opportunist predator...here in these walls.

Maintaing a trap line. Walking the line...checking the catch..cases of diligence over and over
Nice bushes! That 1k is treating you well. You may have covered this,but: how long do you veg under/next to the MH to end up with something like that?

Happy hollidaze,mon!


I'd have to go back through the thread...to see how long they vegged. Didn't put them all in at the same time either...so some vegged weeks longer than some others.

In 3 gallon smart pots....3-5 foot tall...some are going to yield like thick bushes...but for sure...getting the correct structured expressions is key. I don't prefer the vine/floppers for this cultivation style either. The upright...thick branched expressions are superior in all cultivation regards.

I plan to keep vegging the Prune Juice, RKM, and Mox Krox...all the way into February. February-March they should rotate in...staggered out through those weeks.

Not bad for just 1600 watts flower...very efficient...for not that much effort

* My veg studio is filled with awesome expressions....into Reds, Blues, and Purples....it's really sparkling. Way excited for the winter/spring runs. I'm thinking that...I'm coming up on some memorable runs

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Hey TP,

Was hmxbb good stuff to use before a hike or run?
-i gave my pack away, b/c I thought it would be a little spacey headed.
I wonder what u thought about it in terms of the state of cardio influence u noticed?
And was the ohxsk superior vs the hmxbb ....for the trail run , pre-smoke ?


I couldn't say one smoke is better than the next...when it comes to running. I can work my way through...even a lethargic high..if running. The Hazes...the Highlands...Flo....DTC99....Casey Jones...all that heavy sativa stuff works well.

When I smoke a high grade sativa hybrid...I get motivated. The stuff I grow...just doesn't allow me to sit down and do nothing. So if I'm not feeling like running...I'll put my stuff on....then puff on a joint..and off I go. I swear...sometimes I do get kind of speedy off the stuff...but I look more for the mental ease into an activity. Kind of trance out

* I'll note here: I didn't like any of those Fuck Show plants I grew OD last summer. The high was too heavy...unmotivated heavy head. I lost interest in the cross...straight away...

Here's a look at some developing Hell Hound IX1 flowers. Probably in their late 30s. These grow on the choice upright....thick branched...bush style expressions. Full on performance oriented stuff...me like



Selection Sexing Prune Juice IX1

Selection Sexing Prune Juice IX1

Holiday time...got some flesh missing off some toes...few layers deep..so down time off the trails. Winter storms....shitty windy cold wet...seems like weeks since it's been clear.

Blood Blood Blood

I took notice of some sexing Prune Juice today...did a little culling...and transplanted others out of beer cups into bigger containers.

here's the 2 males I'm keeping. There is Blue influence in both. The plant on the right....I've had my eye on for a couple weeks...and was very happy to see it become a male.

A glance at some females. This is right after transplant...and they had just been brought in from a cold room..so a couple were tripping a little

Beautiful plants...don't even really have a favorite. I see that I'm getting plenty of Blueberry...as well as...I can see the indica lean of the Purple Urkle (in the Querkle) genetics. Very happy with how they are lining up for me. No surprises...this is exactly what I expected

Group shot of the males and the females

* I plan to use those males to inline breed Prune Juice into the 3rd generation...and plan to use them on select Red Kali Mist expressions in an outcross.

I'm matching up colors. Envisioning blue into purple into blood. I'm imagining the mixes of washed blue/purple indica circulating in a pool of deeper red sativa. Like a thick blood clot...the depth of color paralleling a depth into a color driven high. That simple...that's how I'm feeling...no rules or regulations..if color drives the motivation..then it must be a rabbit hole. It doesn't have to be reasoned

I picked my colors well...that's the thing...I have absolute faith in my colors

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
..the depth of color paralleling a depth into a color driven high. That simple...that's how I'm feeling...

..I have absolute faith in my colors

I know it's mainstream status quo to go by smoke from cured jar to use to select breed for the same high quality of buzz in the next generation, but when dj made his F1 called "the cross", he used the best smoking p1's and said the cross was not very likable to smoke at all. My intuition more or less wants me to take a look at the whole plant or genetic package, but to first find a good smoke report to find out what u want to order seed of. I seem to look for plants who tend toward a settled choice of what they prefer as their own physical traits. So I wouldn't go by cured smoke unless I just wanted to grow one more filial. I'd shelve the seeds of the best jar and use the seeds of the pheno that feels good in it's own skin if I want to grow more and more filials over the years. Ie : with a blue satellite garden, I'd not select a sweet tooth looking bud just because it may have a sativa high, I'd want the purple phenos first as my parents, and mate two purple plants who both showed a similar body type and settled bbs appearance. I just can't stomach selection by the cure nug competition. It's like when kids don't score great on the SAT or ACT, they get culled from selection by elite colleges, despite how bright, healthy, cooperative, ambitious and caring they may be. And u know the ones who got in the college based on the final test, often had ugly bodies and wore glasses and never played sports. Then you'd see them marry a mate at the same college, and their kids would be disproportional, bad eyesight, and a life in a busy office, and when they do go to a park, they have allergies or have to sit and rest every few minutes and then leave nature if a mosquito bites them. I have no idea why I said all this lol, but I just see humans breeding by cured smoke, maybe it's just me:) I'm crazy...


I know it's mainstream status quo to go by smoke from cured jar to use to select breed for the same high quality of buzz in the next generation, but when dj made his F1 called "the cross", he used the best smoking p1's and said the cross was not very likable to smoke at all. My intuition more or less wants me to take a look at the whole plant or genetic package, but to first find a good smoke report to find out what u want to order seed of. I seem to look for plants who tend toward a settled choice of what they prefer as their own physical traits. So I wouldn't go by cured smoke unless I just wanted to grow one more filial. I'd shelve the seeds of the best jar and use the seeds of the pheno that feels good in it's own skin if I want to grow more and more filials over the years. Ie : with a blue satellite garden, I'd not select a sweet tooth looking bud just because it may have a sativa high, I'd want the purple phenos first as my parents, and mate two purple plants who both showed a similar body type and settled bbs appearance. I just can't stomach selection by the cure nug competition. It's like when kids don't score great on the SAT or ACT, they get culled from selection by elite colleges, despite how bright, healthy, cooperative, ambitious and caring they may be. And u know the ones who got in the college based on the final test, often had ugly bodies and wore glasses and never played sports. Then you'd see them marry a mate at the same college, and their kids would be disproportional, bad eyesight, and a life in a busy office, and when they do go to a park, they have allergies or have to sit and rest every few minutes and then leave nature if a mosquito bites them. I have no idea why I said all this lol, but I just see humans breeding by cured smoke, maybe it's just me:) I'm crazy...

We are traveling down a very similar path.

* I have sketches in my head...of how I want my expressions to look

* Importantly: I have to grow expressions...that are physically attractive to me

* in order to get there....I have to be in a vein of plants that are able to create the physical expressions I'm envisioning.

* I must be able to recognize the expressions and breed them to each other

* At a certain point...I have to let the plants show me how to get there.

* Plants comfortable in their own skins...exactly...those are the ones I want to smoke

People...as a whole...are totally fucked in as far as breeding goes..lol...it's a mess. The aliens left an open pollination scenario..but people managed to still fuck it up through the design of our societies.
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I'm stir crazy with down time

I'm stir crazy with down time

decided to harvest one of the vine type expression Hell Hound IX1...get her out of the way...give me something to trim...while I heal my toes. Drink Yerba Mate tea and trim flowers in front of the fireplace. Yay...drinking in the gods

This sort of expression doesn't yield well (flowers dry light..are not dense) ...and just not preferable...structure wise...in about any cultivation set up. Reminds me of Trainwreck influenced Casey Jones expressions...and is probably..exactly that. Not to say that the smoke will be lackluster...no way...this will be some damn good weed. Great joint weed...I smoke these expressions with gusto...running man herb right here

Smells wonderful...lots of funk and resin. She'd be somewhere in her 60s..I'm speculating. Faded out nicely....even though...she was flushed the entire way on molasses/worm casting tea. Man...flushing with tea...it's a good deal. Eases them to sleep and they just seem happier. No longer advocating flushing or torturing plants into stress death. I'm about smooth...painless landings now

I love these Hell Hounds...really do. They are giving me a hell of a run


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
you trimming too? you wanna talk floppy these sssdh are some floppy ladies,some frosty lassies to boot....i almost had to pick up some lemon pledge cause these are a dead ringer for that smell...


Nice..we both be trimming floppies. Some serious grease? I'll get some pix of trimmed flowers...here in a bit.
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bag of vine flops

bag of vine flops

Some of these branches having masking tape wrapped around them..where I'd made hard bends..and then used the tape to support the branches into the poses I needed them to be in.

Again...not a lot of density to the flowers...and they are tedious to trim. Kind of sucks if the leaves are dry yellow..as removing them from inside flowers...takes time. Can't just run the scissors up and down the sides on these.

One thing about the tea flushes:

after coming off heavier doses of phosphorous during the blasting mode...where they have their N lessened..and then starting flush with the molasses/worm casting tea...the plants tend to respond with a rejuvenation of fresh growth. You'll see fresh white pistils...a little green up...even within the fade.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
shoot,i'll swap yah trimming task,this sssdh is great smoke but it is a finicky bitch to trim,super fragile buds,loads of tiny sugar leaves..

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
You mentioned u really like the benefits of tea ...at least twice today:)

I remember, in retrospect that the rainy season in mexico started late summer through late fall.
...And that the mountain runoff made orange murky water in the flood plain,

The other half of the year, no real rain or flooding, so lots of 6 month old pile up occurs of fallen layers of forest materials decaying at the proper time as long as you have a way to secure the roots, the plants wouldn't wash away. Kind of like how the trillions of rocks line the roadways out of vegas... Good show TP.
U really impress!!!

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