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A World On A String


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
maybe this is blasphemy,but it seems like those DJ strains are kinda over hyped... i hear that time after time...got one semi ok plant from the pack...or i got a great plant, took 6 months to grow out of the mutation and yielded 1/4 ounce of awesome buds....almost never have i seen an example of a pack that grew out normally without all the freaks...or just plain weak ass plants...i mean i like grape krush ok.f13 has a great up high....but to be honest,i can find the same highs in plants that actually grow....


We are on thin ice here...must approach this conversation with caution lol...

Short and the Blue lines being legends and all...I pay my respects...but you all know how I feel about needing to outcross out of that program.

I think taking outcrosses down the generation lines will lesson the mutations due to more traits being thrown into the hopper. They will still show up....but not as often. I have found them...in high %s...in the 2nd generation of outcrosses however.

Many peeps bandwagon DJ Short because they think they should....or really know no better. What we really have in his genetics is what I try to avoid: regression due to over inbreeding. A bunch of cousin fucking makes a huge mess.

The beans are expensive and tricky....beautiful at Xs and a down right waste of time if you are clueless or blind to your selections. I do not put myself above and knowing....but I have studied the subject (s) with objective eyes....done my time and spent some fruitless money. I have also been rewarded....

I make them work for me....and it is quite easy....but you must outcross. I do not understand why peeps must keep incrossing the Blues....it will get you nothing new.

EDIT: Most Blue lines don't make top shelf in my collection....but outcrossed some do. If I put out samples for my friends...in blind test...the Blue jars wouldn't be close to emptying their jars 1st. That's truth.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i guess you have to move a lot of dirt to uncover the gold... i do respect dj short and his work for sure,read his book many times,just had such uneven results with the genetics,and have noted the same thing about the outcrosses,loved the johnny blaze,the jones krusher rocked,liked it better than the GK itself....much as i love blueberry,i just never could get it to grow right,just too fussy for me...


Passing on more of my observations

Passing on more of my observations

****I have noted that there has not been a single mutant in any of the outcrosses using the Grape Krush males.

****I have noted many mutants when using Blue lines from the female side in Flo and Blue Moonshine

To each there own I say. There are many intellectual types that swear by the Blue lines. Many are my friends...and I totally respect their concepts and points of view. Many are not looking for what I am questing for...and that is understandable.

I grow what I like....I have no preconceived ideas about what I hope to find. I am looking for what I have never seen or thought of...not trying to isolate a god damn thing. Fuck all that....just keep reloading and firing rounds...outcross....re-outcross...down the generations until I find some peace

Any of these plants I'm showing....I will probably prefer over any straight Short stuff. I am honest....non agenda laden

Ma Kettle left and I-HOP GK right....50something...going into flush...each partially pollinated with Cleveland Sage

Ma Kettle and I-HOP GK in the back...various Cleveland Sage in the front.....

Cleveland Sage....a very BB leaner

Cleveland Sage....stocky structure pheno

Every plant in this post has the same Grape Krush males in common...one way or the other....and in my view shows positive results using Blue lines in outcrosses. **Following Short's own rule: I only progress outcrosses that I find better than the parental donors. Makes sense...obvious...and it works. Not rocket science but effective...and being effective saves time, space, and money. Always comes down to effectiveness in the hunting grounds. Kill shots only...yes true...but they must present themselves in order to be harvested. Create a rich pool and fire away

Ma Kettle = Casey Jones X Grape Krush

I-HOP GK = Strawberry Dog F2 X Grape Krush

Cleveland Sage = Prune Juice X Hummingbird

Hummingbird = Kali Mist x ChemDKush X Grape Krush

Prune Juice = Querkle X Grape Krush
Love these occasional re-caps. I can really see the width and breadth of your population. The differences and similarities. The selective control in the creative chaos,so to speak. It's like some kind of HST novel.An ontological wild ride. What will happen next? Pure gonzo breeding:D
It would seem that the GK comes through pretty well in every cross. Visually at least. How much of the aromatic/psychoactive side would you say is from the GK?
Is it more of a blending/recombination thing or are there clear traits that stand out from the GK side?


Love these occasional re-caps. I can really see the width and breadth of your population. The differences and similarities. The selective control in the creative chaos,so to speak. It's like some kind of HST novel.An ontological wild ride. What will happen next? Pure gonzo breeding:D
It would seem that the GK comes through pretty well in every cross. Visually at least. How much of the aromatic/psychoactive side would you say is from the GK?
Is it more of a blending/recombination thing or are there clear traits that stand out from the GK side?

The traits are there...phenotype dependent. My favorite Ma Kettle was a beautiful BB sativa..that matched up well to many Blue line aroma/head descriptions.

It's all in there...plus many bonus features...I've never had trouble finding the Blues in outcrosses. I like heavier, narcotic, grease/oil/fuel/floral/berry and citrus flavors and heads...and that I have down in the various crosses. I like dream trance inducing pot...not necessarily the stuff you go in public with...but on the trails and for meditation purposes...that's what I like and seek. Shaman weed. I'm on a different mission

*** I cheat with Short for ornamentals and for the Thai....I can not grow straight Thai strains..but think their heads are where I need to look....still interested in Africans as well..working my Congo hybrid presently with the Krush...I'll find it...I know I will
Cool,thanks for the clarification. I really feel your comment on shaman weed.I'm mainly into the stimulant/day brighteners,but sometimes some really entheogenic smoke is really in order.

It all depends on the task at hand,I guess. I'm really looking forward to the barra crinkles,as I've had them described as some really heavy, introspective stuff. In the realms of psilocybes according to some! I'm equal parts stoked and apprehensive,should be some special stuff....


Good Marijuana highs should be about subtle hallucinations. For running I deliberately want to slip into trance...but I do not want to be too far gone in wonderland (like acid/shrooms etc) when I'm out on the trails. Nothing detrimental to mental health...or recovery times..can't have it...can't use it.

I take my health serious now days...trails can kill you (pun intended)....must have your head together to run in the wilderness

The correct combinations of herbs is what I'm looking into presently...and already realize strong Marijuana gets me in there..but I know their are others that will make the experiences different.

I abuse pot...working that out...not an honest herbalist yet
Amen! The only caveat for me is which types of hallucinations I let myself slip into. I'm still young,in my mid-twenties,and impressionable. I've discovered and defined many aspects of the composite labeled ''I'', under the influence of cannabis.It has shaped me in innumerable ways.
Now it's time to shape the plants I smoke to the needs and tastes I have defined.
I can't let my many alter-egos run rampant in a willy-nilly fashion anymore. Cannabis is not just a recreational thing to me,although I enjoy a nice sesh as much as the next stoner,it is a powerful tool,to be respected and used as such. That also pertains to dosage and frequency of use. Too much of a good thing is still too much,I guess....


Amen! The only caveat for me is which types of hallucinations I let myself slip into. I'm still young,in my mid-twenties,and impressionable. I've discovered and defined many aspects of the composite labeled ''I'', under the influence of cannabis.It has shaped me in innumerable ways.
Now it's time to shape the plants I smoke to the needs and tastes I have defined.
I can't let my many alter-egos run rampant in a willy-nilly fashion anymore. Cannabis is not just a recreational thing to me,although I enjoy a nice sesh as much as the next stoner,it is a powerful tool,to be respected and used as such. That also pertains to dosage and frequency of use. Too much of a good thing is still too much,I guess....

I've abused everything my whole life. That's how I've always gone about things. I've melted reformed and melted again...but I stopped tripping hard when I stopped learning anything more...other than getting wrecked...and feeling burned out..and slam dancing.

Did it when I was young...ate all that stuff...all the time for a few years....after a while it repeated and recoveries became more a trial. Plus...we used to drink mass amounts of booze on top of it...coke...crack....Gorilla Biscuits...it got to be a mess...it was about getting destroyed...never a question about that. I abused my privileges..admittedly....wasn't nothing hippy about it.

Herb gives me introspective ways of looking at things and has stayed with me....almost always useful in any situation. I like sativa up-ness trippy heads...but dosed with narcotic lowland Thai sativa influences. I'd probably prefer the lowlands to the highlands but wouldn't really know...as I've not been exposed to those varieties except through hybrids.

I tell you...I am in a good place. The plants are coming to me. I've not been bummed on the product in a while now. I'm happy
See,that's why I've pretty much stuck to weed and the occasional psychedelic-forray, for me at least,the euphoria is always tempered with introspection or even mild discomfort of some kind.
I don't do chemicals at all any more,because habits form quickly and die hard for me. The only reason I still drink is mainly social and that the escape provided by alcohol is tempered by physical discomfort that is directly proportionate to the amount consumed. Pain really is the great teacher. And I'm a fast learner.

I think I agree with you on what type of high is the most desirable. Most pure sativas make me twitchy,scatterbrained...I tweak out on them.Probably cause I'm a pretty high strung dude to begin with. I need some body/down/narcotization to keep me levelheaded. A calm body let's a limber mind move in accordance with my will,takes me where I need/want to go.

Keep roping in those keepers,man. 'Tis a joy to behold!


I want the plants to come to me to.

I've just smoked my black bangi and it is somewhat like Zizeks ideology spectacles.
It blows my mind to watch the news on TV. Transparent propaganda.

TV -> ... powerful magic. + Danger of getting trapped in a world made for you by your enemy.

Storms rolled through the land. Roaring thunder. Finally.
The land is dry as a bone.
3rd round ready to go.
4th round showing their heads.
1st and 2nd... harsh season so far.

I go 4-5 plants per hole.
Might have to cage if the rabbit keeps eating my ganja.


I want the plants to come to me to.

I've just smoked my black bangi and it is somewhat like Zizeks ideology spectacles.
It blows my mind to watch the news on TV. Transparent propaganda.

TV -> ... powerful magic. + Danger of getting trapped in a world made for you by your enemy.

Storms rolled through the land. Roaring thunder. Finally.
The land is dry as a bone.
3rd round ready to go.
4th round showing their heads.
1st and 2nd... harsh season so far.

I go 4-5 plants per hole.
Might have to cage if the rabbit keeps eating my ganja.

TV and computers man....alternative reality for sure. Technology is the human race's downfall I'm thinking. Must keep your balance if you are participating with machines.

I've decided to put my rod back on the road....meditating via the burping of horsepower. I feel like running it out into the desert and contrasting the landscape with a General Motors work horse....endless vastness against a doomed gasoline motor...

All the trail time brings me back to the garage...back to TV...back to here...drift in and look around....crank some music...watch the struggle...listen to the electric slur.

Hope you have a great season....my weather has been fucked OD but perfect ID...again...the balance. I've learned....not to watch the grass grow too closely. Sometimes you need to step back and go into other...non-related...themes...even extremes....hence the hot rod and the road.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Good Marijuana highs should be about subtle hallucinations. For running I deliberately want to slip into trance...but I do not want to be too far gone in wonderland (like acid/shrooms etc) when I'm out on the trails. Nothing detrimental to mental health...or recovery times..can't have it...can't use it.

I take my health serious now days...trails can kill you (pun intended)....must have your head together to run in the wilderness

The correct combinations of herbs is what I'm looking into presently...and already realize strong Marijuana gets me in there..but I know their are others that will make the experiences different.

I abuse pot...working that out...not an honest herbalist yet

P,im tellin yah,pick up a pack of DG's DTC99,it is hands down the best weed ever for riding for me,i just drop right into pedal/breating rhythm without effort and just float along thinking ineffable thoughts and tuning into the cosmos,plus its very visual so it makes long periods of time in the saddle just zoom by in a very colorful way...i think it would be good breeding stock for you too...




Nice coloring.....I'd love to find an expression of Cannabis that could replicate the peppermint and the spearmint plants in aroma and flavor. I like to smoke a hit of herb with a pieces of leaves from either (or both) in my mouth. Refreshing...to take a nip off a leaf afterwards.



P,im tellin yah,pick up a pack of DG's DTC99,it is hands down the best weed ever for riding for me,i just drop right into pedal/breating rhythm without effort and just float along thinking ineffable thoughts and tuning into the cosmos,plus its very visual so it makes long periods of time in the saddle just zoom by in a very colorful way...i think it would be good breeding stock for you too...

I've been considering that cross....all I hear is good news.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
it gets a bit of frost on it!


i tell you what,i can tap out a mean tempo on this stuff,like a metronome with hairy legs....i think you know what i mean when i say your body just sorta disappears but you are still really in tune with it...but the pain and discomfort go away...and the flavor is sublime,and it is strong strong stuff...
I want the plants to come to me to.

TV -> ... powerful magic. + Danger of getting trapped in a world made for you by your enemy.

Hell Yes. Information makes ''reality''. Gotta be very careful about which reality tunnels you get sucked into...Media driven society is a controlled mass-hallucination.I'm hugely cynical about anything I read/see from syndicated news outlets. Once you've seen the fnords there's no turning back....


Aa great subdiscussion- regarding both the outcrossing DJs lines and also the idea of a trail-running herb which is trancey without being dangerous. I chase a similar thing...What a noble goal! I'd love to have a grower like you in my network, Los Pablos.


I like to roll in little waves...concerning highs I mean. During a wake n bake...man I need to be left alone...or I just appear to be retarded. After the initial onslaught has been handled...I feel like I breathe things in...wouldn't say focus better...but focus is different.

There have been times after or well into a gnarly run that I've spoken gibberish...mostly due to exhaustion and the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the dope....that's the release I strive for. I have also had welling emotions during a run...I've actually cried many Xs...not from pain...but from release. That is a full cleansing...as good as sex (well...that's subjective)...spent and raw

Smoking herb before and sometimes during a run....is not necessary nor does it accelerate the release of endorphins. It does...however...put me in a more motivated state. I've never been lazy because I smoke pot...for me it is the opposite.

So if I find myself stressing about distance or the trail....or whatever....I will take a break and smoke a little ganja. It feels like a warm wave of resolution washes over me....and my focus becomes very direct yet relaxed...at Xs competitive even

Quickly...after I'm running....the high is not that noticeable...by then I'm dropping into myself...if all is working correctly...concentrating on my breathing....breathing is the key to it all.

Ritual joints smoked to all aspects (N,E,S,W)...are a reward...part of my trail sacrament...I chew native plants in my mouth and rub them on my body while running...whatever it takes to win favor with the hills...as corny as that sounds...it is not when you are out there getting the shit kicked out of you. I ask for help from anything

**On a negative note concerning ganja and running: sometimes I get a "sugar drop" effect....sometimes I get them during a wake n bake as well. Very uncomfortable especially when running...energy seems to drain and you must work your way out of it. I've experienced it infrequently while running...but it should be mentioned.

I'm still actively seeking out native plants to add to my rituals....to nurse and feed me. I don't see anything "out in left field" about my goals concerning my cannabis breeding or my trail running/meditation/ritual sweating....I've never felt better in my life...and the pot is pretty good

If I appear harsh or blunt in my opinions or points of view....it isn't personal or directed at any specific body. I'm not looking to corrupt anyone else's garden...or rock a boat. I don't have much patience for sameness though...or regurgitated popular opinion...the world is already too small.

EDIT: Took the wife to the airport...3wks over in Switzerland...and me stuck in work

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