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A little growhouse in the arctic v2.0



the return of the arctic sun

the return of the arctic sun

thanks hasanen :D

not much very interresting to say about the girls atm, i got some damn soil flies in some of the pots thats irritating me atm. gonna have to go get some remedies for that. nubs on the plants are starting to crown up abit, showing 3 hairs or so. ill unplug 2 of the lights tonite and take some closeups.

more scenery shots, the return of the sun to the arctic. a semi-religious experience to us after not having seen it for 2 months let me tell you its like seeing a long lost child or something. the mountains are blocking it out of sight most places, but the sunrays dances between the mountaintops and its lifting my spirits. time to get out the old skiis !! YAY :D

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here is a dude with a model plane i saw out on a small lake at one of the mountain passes today. he had skills did spins and loops all over the valley. was quite cool.​

gonna sharpen the edges of my ski's and put some glider on them, weather is supposed to stay clear and crisp for some time now. full moon tomorrow :D gonna be beautiful with the daytime full moon and the clear skies. hope i can get out of bed, ill take some pics from up on a mountain top for you, much better view :D

stay smoakin guys :D peace

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Nice shots man, looks so peaceful.

Nirvana's Ak48, outdoor 07

How did you like it? I had only found one female out of 7 seeds, still have 3 left.


yea man we dont sweat it up here, we got a rep around here of not being bothered with work that doesnt interrest us :D

i actually quite commonly sleep 10-12 hours a day around midwinter.

chillout, smoke a bong, gaze out the window at the eagles circelling over the fjord. waiting for summer and troutfishing season :D

nice pic bro, tnx for posting :D i quite like it. it reminds me of the original ice. which has a fuely, diesel taste and smell but with a hint of fruity aftertaste. quite delish imo. it bites abit aswell which i like cus im a heavy smoker i want it to rip alittle.

fantastic dropshaped budstructure with quite tight nugs.


Lets see now here is a pic of the test plant i grew out, damn crappy pic i had just bought the camera haha sry about that. day 21 soil grow 10L bucket. gimme a while, ill take some new dry nug shots of it. its nice and cured now, gonna go open that jar right away you made me wanna smoke it i havent had any ak today :D


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glad to have you with us doobieduck :D just entertaining with the scenery while awaiting the budshow hehe​


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
A great thread Artic ...thanks for sharing a little piece of your life with us ... very interesting :)


Hey articsun,

Very cool thread!

(Your pics make me shiver a little) :wink:

I've got an old eccentric artist friend that flies R/C helicopters.

He's been threatening to build a 4 man "Kit Copter".

He's a little nuts.:crazy:

But, also the most talented mofo I've EVER seen!

Sooo... Keep an eye out! LOL :biglaugh:


all praises are due to the Most High
arcticsun man :) this thread rocks! true viking gardener no doubt :joint:
loving the scenery plus the garden, thank you :)

peace and health


babba: im glad to share a bit of it, we're fighting commercial intterest in this vulnerable environment. if you now know just alittle about us, then next time you hear about oil platforms in the arctic north sea, you'll know what it looked like before. thanks a mill for posting :D

peat: RC as a hobby..its a bit too fiddely for me personally, gotta be a bit excentric as you say. but damn cool to watch. this guy i saw today was pro. btw it is cold atm, bout 15 below C.

paz: mymainhombre glad to see you innit my friend, u da man! been thinking about your outdoor plants lately when its been stormy :D

1<3 guys


Great info about that Straw. Smile arctic, thanks for takin the time to look all that shit
up. Im thinkin about maybe getting a pack if you think theyre any good. The description
sound excellent :smoke: Those pictures of the scenery are makin me so jealous, its been
a while since Ive seen some really good snow like that. Beautiful beautiful landscape, wish
I could just wake up and just decide to go skiing :D Lookin forward to the pics from the
top of the mountain. Ive climbed several mountains in Colorado in the Rockies, we took
week long backpack trips and sometimes would get a week long license so we could fly
fish in the rivers while we were hiking. Tallest one I think Ive climbed is a 15,000 footer or
4,572 meters. That thing was a bitch! LOL but it was totally worth it once we were at the
summit. Well Im rambling now just wanted to say thanks for the info bro. Peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:


whoa almost 5000 meters man, siick, almost twice the size of our mountains here. im really glad the sun is returning so i can enjoy the scenery again aswell. everything starts coming to life when the sun returns here its great.

i think the strawberry is quite exiting aswell. a quick sativa with quite hard buds. this pheno i have is prolly not even a 9 weeker, it seems fast as hell. but sometimes one is fooled and they use more time in certain stages.

they are all starting to show hairs, i got busy suddenly with feeding right before lightsout so i didnt have time to take any more pics

stay green friends. moar pics inc.


cool clarification there man...I've never experienced Evas product ,if it's anything compared to the description, looks dank man!!
pray none of they hermie on ya -knock on wood-

take care !


cool clarification there man...I've never experienced Evas product ,if it's anything compared to the description, looks dank man!!
pray none of they hermie on ya -knock on wood-

take care !

never heard of eva seeds monster before either actually before my friend handed me these clones. they are of a good pheno, so im quite sure they wont go nana on me. sorry about the misunderstanding, i didnt take the time to read up on them, i have seen them grown out tho a friend grows monster. i keep it as a yielder strain, got small ones of them, has a nice sweet G13 rootbeer smell. kinda peach imo. ill keep you updated on them, i have em in a small hydro system, they are growing nicely atm ill take new pics for ya mate.

anyway im glad we cleared up the issue about the strawberry and the monster, dont wanna be the source of misinformation..

cya around guys, time to work on the plants, gotta add a second reservoir they are drinking too much.



Active member
Your Mountains have snow and ice all the way down to where they meet the ocean. BBRRRR!
So you have to heat your grow room? I live in a desert that's hot, it looks like you live in a desert that's cold. Not much vegetation in those pics.


true dat mate, i actually need a heating fan in addition to my 1600w in the room atm.

how bout we swap for a coupple of weeks :D ive never seen a desert hehe


all praises are due to the Most High
my brother arcticsun, good evening :)

some guy I know gifted me a pack of eva seeds last year, he bought it in spain, it was a strain called high class if my memory does not fail me. all 10 seeds germinated but they were all runts, none survived after 2 weeks of having gone-up through the soil.

hope your cuts do very good, it would be nice to hear that they are not one more crappy seed business.

one love :)


thats toobad mate, my clones look fine, the mother is very stabile and nice.

thanks for the info bro :D


hello arctic brother!

sorry i havent been around to your thread lately, had that moving thing going on and i'm still waiting for my internet connection to open up. hehee, i'm actually using some1 elses wireless connection i found :D daamn i feel so cheap, stealing some poor old ladys internet! :( oh well.

the arctic groasis looks good, i enjoyed those outdoors pics ofcourse, majestic looking mountains. yeah it's great that the sun is coming out here also. more of those sunny days and the day is lenghtening nicely too. i think i'm gonna sprout some autflowers for my window sill just for fun. need some other houseplants too, apart from ganja :D

anyways, just dropping by to let you know i'm lurking, now let's see some new pics from tha arctic gr0whouse, eh?
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
"I'm all out of rep... I'm so lost without it..." I shoulda been a song writer. :joint: