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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
weird ride to work today...first there was a completely naked homeless dude in a culvert under the highway...then a cop car run off the road and about a half dozen more cops speeding by lights going...then an asshat in a pickup truck pulled a 60mph bootleg turn a couple hundred yards in front of me...almost rolled over...pretty crazy...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...interesting day yesterday...still not sure what's going on,but i'm off work until the facility is up and running,and getting two months salary...i was going to take time off once the outdoor run finished and renegotiate my deal anyway to have more time off,so i have no idea why they would pay out 5 figures,but i ain't complaining...good timing though,it's prime riding season,and the start of free cooling season,so glad to have the time and sufficient cushion to figure out what my role will be in the future...
today i'm mostly going to relax and get a few small chores dealt with...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I think the odd ball phrase of “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth“ is appropriate
right? i didn't ask questions,just said thank you and finished up my task for the day,reassured the guys i work with day to day i was just a phone call away if they needed anything,got them lined out on the harvest plan,and went home...and slept 12 hours last night...i was worn out from this week and a long month in the saddle


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:unsure: weird,i seem to have more energy for my garden when i don't ride 44 miles and work all day in an outdoor space...
got 7 plants in the veg tent up-potted and sprayed with athena ipm,got a bunch of clones ready to go into #1 pots on sunday...


Well-known member
Getting caught up on some major garage and yard work


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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...lol,looks familiar,lots of bikes and grow stuff! that's why i kept all the grow gear boxes,it looks neater boxed up when not in use...pretty much my plan for the next couple of days,get the house cleaned up and organized,take care of all the stuff i've ignored for lack of time/energy to deal with,and get back to riding bikes simply for the pleasure of doing so...maybe do a strava climbing challenge and try and knock off 7500m of climbing this month...
got a bunch done in flower last night,still need to stake up 7 plants sunday,and do some up-pots on clones,and get the early veg room cleaned up...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
heck,i've only ridden 10 miles so far in october!

:tumbleweed:mornin campers...certainly feeling much more rested after a few days of sleeping in...and not cranking out 44 miles a day...could have gone for a 50 mile ride with friends this morning but i have a bunch of garden work to deal with,and i want to get the rest of the house cleaned up,and yard dealt with...then it's back to riding a bunch,been missing riding trails so back to that to get my reflexes re-tuned and get back in climbing shape...
so,quick store run,then cleaning in the grow,up-pots,and maybe some time playing bikes this afternoon...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:watchplant:all done with veg,got 15 plants up-potted to #1 pots...and a big stack of pots rinsed for washing,early veg room cleaned up...time to play bike for a bit...