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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
well bummer...looks like i have a bad hood...the bulb didn't fire the other night so i swapped ballast,that didnt solve it so i swapped bulbs and that worked,go in tonight and no light so i swapped hoods...although now that i think of it i'm wondering if its the soft start feature just waiting to turn on according to whatever cryptic formula it follows...


Active member
I keep forgetting all the different strains Ive grown, then someone reminds me.
This was Lavender Lights. Soma Lavender x Northern Lights. It had an Afghani with tropical bubble gum on top flavor. Pure Heaven. I probably still have some seeds put away. I might have to dig them out. That was real good smoke
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Doc, can I PM you?

Hope you have a good night.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Im getting more information on some of the males I have. Ill fill you in tomorrow. Sounds like some real winners. I couldn't tell from the abbreviations on some. My son has some females that are really taking off up there. Im going to get him some new shoes. His feet are getting messed up from all the hard work. He has a bunch of aloe plants now. Gotta take care of my kid. The plants are big. He is putting up trellis now. Kids can be a pain in the ass, but also make you very proud


Active member
Doc that lavender x northern lights sounds awesome. I e got a lavender x powerplant cross myself that is sativa mind crushing. It yields so great and stays so short.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
@Hammerhead ..When you come into the country illegally you are a criminal. All of my Mexican "illegal" friends agree with that statement. And don't say that's how we all got here. My family came through the front door, signed the papers, the right way to do it. So yes illegals are ALL criminals, hence the word illegals.

Being in the farming business I have much experience with immigrants. I personally like most of the "illegals". Made some good friends. My friend Alejandro tells me they send their money back to Mexico and go back to Cancun in the winters. They have offered me a place to stay and meet their families. Which I thought was very nice offer. Have some friends now 20 years, they work the orchards. And boy can they pick fruit. They make bets on who can pick the most. I've bet them and lost every time. I trade Alejandro veggies for fruit, we set aside the best for each other.

Only had one bad experience, had a Mexican guy pull a knife on me outside of Walmart. Said he wanted my money and car keys. He was about 5"2 and 130lbs. I'm 6"1 225 country boy strong. He got a broken face from ramming it into my fist multiple times. I took his knife and walked away. Never heard anything about it. Which I thought was odd.

I asked some of my Mexican friends if they knew the guy and no one did, which meant he was probably passing through. Picked the wrong dude to try to mug.

Been hot here. 90+ with all the humidity you can record. It seems to build up then dump several inches of rain all at once. Going to be 80 and 55% humidity today. Not too bad. Planting my last wave of vegetable plants.

Congrats OverGroDaWorld! James Bean is a good guy and I'm glad you are on board.

Unc, you lived in Alaska and kayaked so you must enjoy the water. Do you miss it at all? Not necessarily Alaska but the water? Wow that has greened up out there! Did you say 10" rain annually? We got 4.75" last Thursday. Floods everywhere. People said there were fish in the fairways of the local golf course.

Have a great day everyone and I hope you have a great weekend!!



Active member
We got pounded by a thunderstorm last night, still raining now, but not flickering the power like last night. This constant pressure change and humidity makes my knees ache. Everything's poppin', lockin', droppin', and not in a good way, lol.
Dr. - That Lavender Lights sounds amazing, were those the ones in the picture? Those had some huge colas. Lavender was a pretty small yielder, too. Did you breed those?
Uncle- Sometimes my HPS lamps act like they're seated, but when they heat up they expand losing contact. I sometimes use bulb grease or just Vaseline on the threads of the socket staying a thread or two from the lamp and crank it in, hard. Not sure if that's the problem, but also I know hortilux doesn't like digital ballasts. Hope that helps:)
Sturgeon - Those Lavender x Powerplants are crazy! Excellent structure on those, and huge buds! Great job on those puppies!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...

lester sure i miss being up there and being out on the water....living in alaska,especially when i was on the island,is like living on the discovery channel...but there was also a lot of it that sucked balls...

now that i'm a cranky old man dry and warm seems much nicer...also living someplace that's not constantly trying to kill you is nice..every year i was up there alaska made a fairly serious attempt to off me at least once..riding a bike around in the desert hardly compares...

org yeah,i dunno what's going on with the lamps,i'm not fond of electrical stuff so i'm just swapping thing out until i isolate the problem...

another day,another set of chores and errands...my ductwork yesterday seems to have had the effect i wanted in that it dropped the temps in the led room...between tapping directly into the house ducting and running insulated ducts all the way to the room it's getting cooler air into the room,and getting the air exhausted faster.

today i need to get the 4x4 and 5x5 tents set up with ducting and fans and carbon filter...and a hanging rack to dry plants...gonna start harvesting in a few days,i can take enough plants out to go down to one led panel and hang the other one in the 5x5 so i can give the next round of plants a couple weeks of veg time in the 5 gallon pots and when the led room is empty i can clean and spray for bugs and load it back up with plants...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:bongsmi:dammit! this is why i end up at the store practically every day..i know there's something i need but i can't remember what it is now that i'm making a list...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Dr. - That Lavender Lights sounds amazing, were those the ones in the picture? Those had some huge colas. Lavender was a pretty small yielder, too. Did you breed those?

That was a cross we found premade in a Humboldt growers survival bag.
There were also some pure Lavender in that pack. Those were small dense buds they produced. Very top shelf.

My son was with his uncle years ago in Humboldt at a growers place, and expressed interest in growing. They were there for 4 hours. As he was leaving, the grower produced a giant vac locked package with many different crosses. Thousands of seeds! Here you go son!

I lost my Red Lebanese x Afghani cross years ago that I had been growing from 1978- the early 90s, and that giant pack was what helped us start growing again. One of our other favorites in the pack, was Orange Crush x Salmon Creek Big Bud. Wonderful lemon, lime, and other citrus flavors. All females in that cross. I joined ICMAG after looking for information on the Salmon Creek cross, and discussed it with Tom Hill. He had grown that. I think he may have lived near Salmon Creek.

We actually still have seeds from that giant pack, although they are pretty old now, and hard to start. We soak them in a Korean fermented fruit juice in order to get a few to germ.

My son has thanked me many times for letting him grow here when he was only 14-15 years old. He says Im the best dad a kid could ever have. :biggrin:


Active member
That's a great story, Dr., pretty cool how he just gave you guys all of those killer seeds! What a nice guy. I've never heard of soaking old seeds in fermented juice, how'd you come up with that?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
@Hammerhead ..When you come into the country illegally you are a criminal. All of my Mexican "illegal" friends agree with that statement. And don't say that's how we all got here. My family came through the front door, signed the papers, the right way to do it. So yes illegals are ALL criminals, hence the word illegals.

Being in the farming business I have much experience with immigrants. I personally like most of the "illegals". Made some good friends. My friend Alejandro tells me they send their money back to Mexico and go back to Cancun in the winters. They have offered me a place to stay and meet their families. Which I thought was very nice offer. Have some friends now 20 years, they work the orchards. And boy can they pick fruit. They make bets on who can pick the most. I've bet them and lost every time. I trade Alejandro veggies for fruit, we set aside the best for each other.

Only had one bad experience, had a Mexican guy pull a knife on me outside of Walmart. Said he wanted my money and car keys. He was about 5"2 and 130lbs. I'm 6"1 225 country boy strong. He got a broken face from ramming it into my fist multiple times. I took his knife and walked away. Never heard anything about it. Which I thought was odd.

I asked some of my Mexican friends if they knew the guy and no one did, which meant he was probably passing through. Picked the wrong dude to try to mug.

Been hot here. 90+ with all the humidity you can record. It seems to build up then dump several inches of rain all at once. Going to be 80 and 55% humidity today. Not too bad. Planting my last wave of vegetable plants.

Congrats OverGroDaWorld! James Bean is a good guy and I'm glad you are on board.

Unc, you lived in Alaska and kayaked so you must enjoy the water. Do you miss it at all? Not necessarily Alaska but the water? Wow that has greened up out there! Did you say 10" rain annually? We got 4.75" last Thursday. Floods everywhere. People said there were fish in the fairways of the local golf course.

Have a great day everyone and I hope you have a great weekend!!

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My definition of a criminal is not someone running for there lives.. Anyone fleeing poverty/death are not criminals IMO. If you want to be by the book of course entering the USA illegally is crime. If I was in there position I would be breaking that law as well. :tiphat:

Im getting more information on some of the males I have. Ill fill you in tomorrow. Sounds like some real winners. I couldn't tell from the abbreviations on some. My son has some females that are really taking off up there. Im going to get him some new shoes. His feet are getting messed up from all the hard work. He has a bunch of aloe plants now. Gotta take care of my kid. The plants are big. He is putting up trellis now. Kids can be a pain in the ass, but also make you very proud

Have you run anything you used with those males?. Males are hit or miss. The only way to know if they produce winners is to grow there progeny and see what you get. Some great looking males have produced dudes for me..


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:bongsmi:didn't really get much done today...went for a ride and hung out with a friend for a bit,went to the grocery store,came home and ate and took a nap...

i did wash the timberjack and replace the chainring...it's well known you can't let titanium mountain bikes get dirty for too long...i mean you mind as well have a crappy alloy frame if you aren't going to keep it titties and bacon fresh at all time!:biggrin:

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
not me .. i got a lot done ...all week been wicked busy harvesting and cleaning/trimming/manicuring ...burnt out from it , but extremely grateful for the dank harvest (it makes it all worth it) today was a marathon with 8 hands trimming... i think we got a good handle on everything flower wise and i've a ton of material to process further into concentrates ...let the games begin

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Have you run anything you used with those males?. Males are hit or miss. The only way to know if they produce winners is to grow there progeny and see what you get. Some great looking males have produced dudes for me..

Those are standard males, so you can be sure they will produce some dudes too :biggrin:

Sorry! I just had too!

With over 50 males, and many of them very fine specimans, Im sure we will find something. I will be keeping some of them going in the mother closet this winter. Im sure they'll like that :dance013:

The city brought in 2 big crane trucks and a crew, and took out a giant ash tree across the street today. I had them use their crane, and hoist several very large branches, up to 10' long, and 16"+ diameter right into my drive way for fire wood. Its probably a couple cords. They took all the leaves off for me, and chipped them. Then they had another one of their trucks, dump a load of plum wood right on my drive way. Ill use that for smoking meats over.
What a score!

I have an EPA certified ultra low pollution Canadian insert in my fire place, that easily heats the whole house, and a Stihl 201T German chainsaw, to cut it up with. I just got an electric/hydraulic log splitter to play with. I havnt even used it yet. Its gonna be fun. Ill power it with my solar/batter bank to split the rounds. That will keep my heating bills down.

It is 99 degrees out there, and I was zipping through logs to make room for my truck in the drive way. Now its cold beer time.

I flooded all the gardens today. The plants love that. I use carbon filters to get the chlorine out. It lets the calcium through though.
Dad came over this morning to bring a bunch of DNA paper work, and research papers he did on his family. Really cool stuff.

I lost my notes on what the male crosses are, Ill find them soon. There is some very exciting crosses in there. I had no idea. Its not in their names. Real good stuff!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I found some notes in a message on my phone
Cookies and cream x Black Lotus, Topanga pure Kush. Peanut butter Garlic Breath, Different Dosido crosses like peanut butter breath x Dosido. Bubble gum breath, and a whole bunch more.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Those are standard males, so you can be sure they will produce some dudes too :biggrin:

Sorry! I just had too!

With over 50 males, and many of them very fine specimans, Im sure we will find something. I will be keeping some of them going in the mother closet this winter. Im sure they'll like that :dance013:

Lol, so no you have not run anything yet. With that many males your in for a lot of work.

FB#18... Shes just dripping with trics. I did not prune as much as I should have. She needs a good pruning in flower. I found 2 phenos like this #18 and #8


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