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A grow that's real not fade away. hazy's perpetual


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hazy said:
The one closest has a hole with string and emu feathers hanging out of it, just to the left of and in the shadow of that big branch and this year that was occupied by a pair of cactus wrens who raised some youngins there.
the one on the rightlooks like the hand i show the man. FU lol
thanx for the motivation over at my place
i got a lot done


Active member
My cactus gives the world the bird.
Howdy Sir, yeah man that Sweet Tooth is very nice weed. soo sweet. I hope this F2 Is like it's momma.

Thanks for the kind words Bigtimer7.

It's beautiful when it's not too hot anyway Raistlin Majere. I've been predicting a cooler than normal summer, and so far (as usual) I'm right. We had a lot of rain a few days ago, so all is nice here.
No trouble with humidity at all. I get a puzzled look on my face when I read about peeps with humidity too high and mold? Huh?
Got a female WW x SSH. Great looking plant too.

Two female NL x SSH. Very good looking plants nuggetshiner.

This C99 has recently given me three cuts, plus one already in soil.I'll flip it as soon as it grows out from the trimming.

A field of my own cross-Sweet Skush

my next chop. A little Skush.

Now, on to the stars of the show. For now anyway.
Hazy's practicing with hydro.:bis:
I've got some NYCD in a 2 gallon hempy bucket.

And a skunk kush in a small hempy bucket. I've never seen such fat buds on one of my Skush girls before.

And I can't believe how this OB1 is growing in this little bucket of water. This girl's about 9 days in 12/12 and is just starting to make buds. What a plant! I'm going to phase out soil. Hydro rocks. Soon coco.

outame 2

Active member
greetings my desert friend,here is a pic of those nycd a friend gifted me a couple months back,looks like they are doing pretty well.I keep having to tie the tops over to keep them out of the light,as usual...hehe.

I like the idea that you are going hydro,you will be amazed at the growth and potency over soil,i will never go soil again.hell i have four plants in the office close to three feet tall,on water,and one 55 watt cool flouro.green as hell.

three things i would suggest,Reverse osmosis,takes all the guesswork out of diagnosing any deficiencies,{there won't be any}ph meter,takes the question of ph out of your head,and grow between 5 and 10 crops regular hydro,preferably dwc like you and me already are,before trying a new hydro method,they all have different problems inherent to the system you are using.

mold?never had it,and i live in the humidity capitol of the midwest.you have to wring the air out before breathing it.nute levels for hydro plants,i run 1000-1200 ppm depending on strain and what the plant tells you for flower strength,if the top is yellow with the light off,it is too hot,drop it 200-300 ppm by backwatering,as you probably already know.

if you have trouble dialing the plant in in hydro,just foliar feed her,the leaves will absorb the nutes they need,and never burn,just don't do it too far into flower,about half way is the max,as I am there now.and don't do it in the light,turn them off once in a while,and foliar feed,the plants will love it,esp in your area.

heat is the other issue,roots in hydro do not fare well in temps over 72 or so.the solutions are chillers like s2d has, ice containers in the bucket,or air conditioning and sm 90.sm 90 is a new product that i am using,and so far,no root rot.temps are not summer here yet,but between the sm 90 and the ice,were looking at mid july harvest.dissolved oxygen is higher in lower temps,and the sm90 is a surfactant that makes plants grow 30 percent bigger with high oxygen,plant growth is accelerated.just some tips homey,playing in the garden...and high for once...met a local grower...gimme time my friend



Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Wow Hazy, looks like you've dialed in the NYCD. I really like how they improve through
subsequent generations, they mature and I find out what they like. I don't think they
reach thier full potential of high and flavor until the third generation.

Whew! Yes! You got a wwxssh female! Nuggetshiner wipes the sweat off his forehead.
Sounds exactly like my first run with those but even one should produce some nice bud
I haven't seen a bad pheno in these yet, even socket is pretty nice if you don't mind
waiting 14 wks. Hope you got a 10 weeker.

Now I'm jealous, I think I'll put down five of the nl x ssh. As you know I haven't tested
those yet and yours are the first to see the light of day. Man they look nice and
healthy. The mother stinks to high heaven and is very powerful and the ssh father has
already proven himself. That's it, I'm putting down five of those and five Western Winds
when I start working in the garden today.
It's your fault Hazy! But thanks.
OB1 - Loooking Goood.
Hazy's Sweet Skush - I wouldn't mind growing some of that.
Thanks for the update hazy


Active member
Hey Sir,Can't ignore the increased growth rate of hydro. I really like the way midtown does those tables with coco.

Thanks outame. Knowledge is key in this game and I appreciate any you pass my way. Those nycd you have are getting pretty big.
So far this little bucket is doing great. I'm worried about root rot, but the water in the bucket is cool. I run my lights at night, and have AC. So far mixing nutes by directions. Haven't tested ph yet either, so I'm flying a little blind. So far all looks good. :smoke:
No I did not know about the yellow top from too hot a mix. I have added back water just to avoid getting it too hot. But totally on feel and instinct. :ying:

Glad you found someone around to help end your dry spell. :smoker:

Sure I'll take the blame for making you start some NL x SSH.
Hey, NS, out of 5 seeds i popped, all 5 popped, one runt was culled, and I had 1 male. I have 3 females. One already has little pom-pom buds started, but it got lost in the shuffle right after I flipped it and was hiding behind the NYCD in the corner getting very little light, so it looks pretty scrawny.
These two though. :yoinks: I think the gnat larvae stunted them early, and they got off to a slow start. They vegged for almost 2 months. Once they grew out of the stunted growth, they started kicking butt. I can't wait to see the buds! They, along with my SwT f2 are the best plants I have in soil.

I have 7 of the SwT Skush girls going and I do think that they're going to make nice buds.
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
holy shizznit that brick did not disappoint. i just threw my hash away as it looked very insecure as i stared at my monitor. then i picked it out of the trash to smoke but it still is insecure. i at most get like 14g at a time. that was rediculous. he said 1 bag of trim. i have 2 ziplocks full and get 7 gs and it is mostly covered in trichs. although i donot get it all b4 i make butter but still not even close to that. way to go nugget shiner


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hazy, everytime I read your thread I start getting mixed up as to what beans I want to
start next. I started 5 Western Winds last night and I was going to start some JLP C99
f5's today but then I see your Golden Skush and SSH x NL and I think, "wow, I really
want to start those more. :cuss: I can't decide and it's your fault. :)
Thanks for the free advertising on the brick! :headbange
Hazy - These two though. I think the gnat larvae stunted them early, and they got off to a slow start.
I'm glad they're takin off. I don't think I've ever noticed any detremental effects to my
plants from the gnats, they're just obnoxious as hell. Having trouble getting Gnatrol
so I bought some Thuracide, it works as good as Gnatrol, about the same price.
I'm on a maintenance schedule just to keep them at bay, if I keep at it maybe
they'll be gone someday he says gazing out the window dreaming of a garden
without gnats - paradise. Actually paradise is a garden without borg!

SirSmokalot, thanks dude, always appreciate the visits to the thread and the props.
Just keep complimenting your hash, it will raise it's self esteem and removes that insecurity, lol.


Oh man that hydro baby looks fucking healthy! Sweet work hazy those skushes are filling out nicely, hows the taste/smell on Skush the buds??


Active member
looking good!

looking good!

well hazy you have confirmed what I long thought which is that the burmese and her offspring do best with wet feet, ie in hydo. she really looks just like the indica pheno I grew a few rounds of now. and the increased growth rate is so apparent.

my one tip on dwc hydro which is unique is that I recommend locating your air pumps outside the grow area in as cool a place as reasonably possible... like right next to that ac output... it is like having a res cooler without the cost etc... cause if you are pumping 68-65 degree air into the buckets they will stay pretty cool even if the room is 90.

given the low humidity of the dessert the hydro is just going to rock for you.

ph meters are great but you can get by with the dropper kit for a while although it is more work.



Active member
Hey SirSmokalot, just doing what I can to help out my friends.
I know there's peeps who otherwise might not get to behold such a thing. And everyone enjoys seeing such beauty. I think it's a big deal when I can top a bowl with a fingertipful of kif. :pointlaug

That brick was worth sharing nuggetshiner. Eye candy fo sho. Western Winds, that's Sagarmatha's version of Kali Mist? I'd sure love to try some of that some day.
:sasmokin: Well, if I were you, :listen2: I'd toss those C99s into some paper towels right now, because that's supposed to be kickass too. I'll be flipping my C99 in a couple weeks. I transplanted it the other day, and it looks fantastic.
here's a pic: C99 on the left, Sour Diesel on the right about to be transplanted.

And, I'd pop some of that NLxSSH, if for no other reason than to see how they compare to mine as for as uniformity is concerned anyway. Certainly the sign of a good hybrid is uniformity.
My NLxSSH are very uniform. They are starting to outgrow the Sweet Tooth that was flipped at the same time. The one on the left is starting to stretch more than the other one a little.
The one in the center is Sweet Tooth. The two closer ones are NLxSSH. I predict good things to come of these three girls.

What up caligreen. That Skush is so solid. Hashy, earthy, sandalwood smell. I think it's going to go another week.
I'm digging the hydro thing, but it's a little spooky. Flying blind, may not help. No ph testing at all so far. no temp check other than sticking my finger in the water and feeling that it is cool. And it is cool. I won't get a ph tester, (because as you can see my water is perfect ph :smoker: ) unless I see a problem. Then I'll use a litmus paper or something to check it. Definitely going to move that air pump out of the closet and pump that cool air into the water, thanks sugabear, great idea.

Oh yeah, my 'hydro' nutes. hahaha. For veg I used some Rose fertilizer I found in a kitchen cabinet. It has most of the micros needed. I supply the rest with a crushed Cal-Mag-Zinc tablet. Iron comes from a multivitamin and mineral tablet. :pointlaug funny, huh? Works pretty good, it is only short one essential micro nutrient. I'm using Miracle Gro Bloom Booster and the same pills, for 12/12. One of these days I'll get some GH maxi grow and maxi bloom.

I added nutes to the bucket a couple days ago, when I should have added back just water and gave it a pretty good tip burn. :bashhead: :spank:
Check it out:
It's 10" taller than in the last pic on page 19.

I didn't write the flip date on these Skush and nycd. They're starting to finish, but seems like it's taking a long time. :drum:

Sweet Skush buds coming right along:

Assorted varieties.

Edit: right behind that NYCD, in the same hempy bucket, is a skinny budded pheno, that I'm not keeping for a mom, that's the last one. I'm smoking from a branch I chopped yesterday, and it really is a very stony weed. If only the buds were bigger. Not much smell though, well... very hashy smelling. very frosty, really skinny buds. I think I'll take my stoned self to bed. rambling a little here. :tongue:
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Raistlin Majere

hella nice show hazy K+ (later i'm out already today LOL)
i also seen that brick of drysift :muahaha:
what is the sweetskush genetics please ?
keep it green my friend


Registered Pothead
Looking freaking sweet hazy my friend. I am back on the forums as of today and wanted to post in your thread first. Check your pms.


Active member
Good to see you back chubbynugs. can't wait to what you got cooking.
EDIT: put the wrong strain info here's the right one
Hey RM, that SwTSkush is from a Golden Skush (from Gypsy Nirvana-Skunk#1 x Hindu Kush) mom, below, and Sweet Tooth male.

Of course it could be a SwT#3 or a SwT#4 or a Blockhead dad, it came from an SOL adventurously mixed pack.

the SwTSkush smells skunky/piney and is making fairly uniform compact buds. might have got lucky. we'll see.

well, I just reached over and felt up a Sweet Tooth F2 girl a little and now i cant' quit smelling my fingers. :spank: Pure pine right now.
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Raistlin Majere

nice !! thanks for the info brother :friends:
she sure is purty !!


vBulletin Message
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Raistlin Majere again.


jest messin with ya hazy you actually have a very nice set up here! Ima have to go back to the start to read it all though!
peace in tha east
edit:Im a huge RUSH fan!
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
hazy -Well, if I were you, I'd toss those C99s into some paper towels right now, because that's supposed to be kickass too. I'll be flipping my C99 in a couple weeks. I transplanted it the other day, and it looks fantastic.
And, I'd pop some of that NLxSSH, if for no other reason than to see how they compare to mine as for as uniformity is concerned anyway. Certainly the sign of a good hybrid is uniformity.
Ok, the Western Winds are coming up. Five of six of my SSH x NL have popped
after 48 hrs and last night I started 5 -JLP's C99 F5's and five of Joey Weeds
C99 x NL. That should keep me busy for awhile. :)
A couple of pics... I'm going to be quite a bit behind you on the sshxnl.

The Western Winds is the mother of the Kali Mist's from what I've read. Your
plants look great. I got a kick out of your ferts, vitamins, lol. As far as your
flying blind on the ph, your scaring me. There's a reason why pilots have
windows. So they don't fly into mountains, lol. I tried what your doing with
dwc in the beginning and lost a plant well into flower and screwed another one
well into flower before I went to the hydro store and bought some ph drops.
In hindsight they were both ph probs. The drops cost about $7, last for
months and include peace of mind. For $7 you can save yourself a lot of
heartache. Just my 2 cents on that. Truncheons are nice too but there not
Look'in good Hazy, take it easy, NS


Active member
I edited in the correct info on that SwTSkusk in my post above, Raistlin Majere, sorry for the stoned messup. :laughing:

cellardweller, I don't know if I'd call it a nice setup or not, but it's been getting me by.
Thanks for the props.

Popping all those seeds, that's the way to do it nuggetshiner. Right on brother. :joint:
that will keep you busy for a bit.
my dad was a pilot and was famous for flying through any weather with or without instruments.
Like father like son?
OK, i'll go get some ph strips. :spank:
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