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A grow that's real not fade away. hazy's perpetual


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
hazy ^^^
my dad was a pilot and was famous for flying through any weather with or
without instruments. Like father like son? :muahaha:
:laughing: LOL, Hey hazy I literally burst out laughing at the comp when I read that.
Just curious, is your Dad still alive? I wanta say "don't get the strips and it
will be more interesting" but you seem like too nice a guy to do that too, lol.
Seriously though when I got my drops and I started seeing how unstable ph is
when I'm adding nutes here and water there and the plants changing it I
realized rather quickly the importance of ph maintenance. Mandatory in my
book. Ok thats the last on ph from me.
Thanks for the laugh hazy, take care, NS :wave:


Active member
The old man died a dozen years ago. He was the last of the barnstormers. Flew under every bridge in the SF bay, except for a floating bridge. Flew through the arch in St. Louis. Hated Feds.
Once when we moved from California to Texas, he flew us over in a Twin Beech. Typical for my childhood. We flew all the time.
Spent the last half of his career as a cropduster. one seaters; us kids never got to fly again.

Enough of the memory lane stuff.
a few pics----
Flipped this C99 last night. :headbange

This Diesel will be ready any day now.

A dreamgoddess. found a nanner on this one. This DG does this regularly. I think I'll not take any more clones from the vegging one and kick this one out of my mom stable.

a nycd LSTd

bud of OB1

OB1 in the right corner

I could not wait for some smoke so i cut this branch off. the plant will come down in a day or two.

Tall ones; two on left are NLxSSH, the one on the right is SwT

Closer up of the SwT

WwxSSH coming along
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lookin good hazy! is that a widow x super silver haze or somethin else?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
wew those DZLs are friggen heavy. are they on the fllor flopped over? lol choppin early branches huh. that always feels a lil naughty but necessary. alright bub i am all settled in at my house and the building is done< but i think my water heater broke which is right next to the damn grow room... my luck. hopefullly i just extinguished the pilot light with my ac exhaust. but i got i lil time on my hands and i found my neighborhood post office lastnight. so you be hearing from me this week with departure day. alright brother got to go make the rounds


Active member
Yep that's right cellardweller that last pic was a White Widow x Super Silver Haze.
Check out the link in nuggetshiner's sig for more on them.
CN It was at least 117 today here. I wouldn't want anything to sit out in this heat very long. I'll be keeping watch.
Howdy Sir, I appreciate all of your effort. Thanks. I have a water heater and piping issue in my near future too. :cuss: Always something.
I've taken a couple branches from my scraggly nycd pheno, and one from my skush. I should have let the skush grow on, and chopped more of the diesel. This skinny budded thing, is stony at 50 days.
I bent those branches over, some time ago. Supercropping is that called?
ther are actually three plants in that pot of perlite/vermiculite. Two with nice buds leaning way over, and and that skinny budded funky looking one kind of behind them. skinny shitty looking really good buds. My kif catcher on my grinder has never been so full.
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:wave: Actually hazy, I have checked out NS'S link. I like em. I just ordered G-13 x WW from the bay. So that'll get my "widow" feet wet with that. :laughing: In your opinion whats a better strain of a "pure" widow? I know the real one died off years ago and it's tough to tell wich one would be closest to the original.
Just my thoughts..


Active member
good score on the G13xWW cd
I wish I could give you an answer on the widow ?. This will be my first widow cross.
I did not know that there was no more WW. Figures. Someone told me recently that they had bought a bag of WW. I told them I doubt it.
dope dealer: "hmmm, I have some good weed. What's a name people recognize for good stuff. I know, hey man, this is White Widow!"
me: "yeah right!"


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hi Hazy, nice looking garden in here, I really like the look of that C99 - looks a lot like a freebie C4 C99 cross I'm growing out. I thought I'd pop in and say hello :wave:


sups hazy! I was just readin somewhere that the true WW mother died years ago.Everything out now is from a cross with that mother. I wish i could remember where the hell I read that. :bashhead: I was searchin for info on the G-13 cross when I stumbled upon it.


Heeeeeeyyyoooooo, looks like all is weel here! That OB1 looks very shiny, what's her lineage?? Woo hoo for the C99, man that reminds me I need to get some more in flower! NOW! PEACE


Active member
Thanks Sammet, I checked out that C4 C99 you got. Very nice.
thanks and drop in again Prof Sublime.
Yeah, cd, Everything's just crosses of crosses.
I grew a G13Haze, my guess is that G13 WW should be real good.
Yo, cali, yeah man! Finally got that C99 started flowering. It's a pretty good looking plant. I put it into a 2 gallon pot a couple weeks ago. hoping for some fat buds.
That OB, stands for Oregon Burmese.
Sugabear had the O90 mom and crossed it with a male Burmese Pure. I still have some Trainwreck x Burmese he sent me that I should run soon.
Here's a link to Sugabear's Den where he has some great pics of the Oregon90.


Active member
Quick update
Oregon Burmese


NL x SSH left pic Right pic same with Sweet Tooth on the right


Sweet Skush and some SwT f2s







A dozen CinnHazeDreamweaver X Sweet Warp looking good.


Newest addition. GAK

Raistlin Majere

yeah ditto on the last post
always a pleasure to visit the perpetual grow
hazy my friend your a first class grower my man :respect:
no comments on just one or two pix cause they ALL look good to me

keep it green brother


Hey hey! Yo dude those Tangerine Tar seeds came from HIE from this site, I think it's really hieagle or something....Anyways yea she is pretty bomb smoke, like I said though I think she needed another week or two to finish perfectly, but still the tangerine smell carries over and when smoked she does not disappoint me like many herbs do. that first dry nug of kush was from the plant you nominated!!!! My first Kush flowered ever and I think I got a good chance at winning!! Does that mean I'll have to hook you up again when I get some awesome prizes???? lol

Dude WTF is that GAK????? Looks super healthy was she sent to you??? Whats the lineage I've never heard of her before I cant wait to see! PEACE


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hey hazy! Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for posting in the sshxww thread. :dance:
Hope u took everything in my last posts as jest 'cause that was the spirit in which it
was meant. Barnstormer thats really amazing! Make for a unusal and fun childhood. :)
The leaves on the Burmese look like they're turning black thats cool, I had a plant that
did that. Thought something had gone wrong at first, lol. Wanted to let u know I have
not seen a fungus gnat in awhile, I don't think they're completely gone yet but they're
almost there. I'm gonna keep up the treatment for another month. THURACIDE, the
stuff. :)

Everything lookin good hazy! Take care, NS

Edit addition: When I say "White Widow" it should prob have an asterisk by it
since it came from Nirvana. Everything I've read about the first WW says it
didn't have a real nice flavor but the stone was killer. My WW tates great like
grapefruit and oranges mixed with deep dank so who knows what Nirvana did
to it. I get a kick out of the bag seed elites, really makes me laugh. Want
elites? Get poppin those bag seeds. :jump:
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everything is looking good Hazy!

got some awsome strains to be tasting mate... rock on! :D