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A graphical representation of what happens after Death

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when fools say atheism is a religion or that an atheist doesnt believe in heaven, ''well just look up at the sky'' it really show just how seduced by words u guys all are, and sorry but also a little lacking intellect. nobody ever said a romantic language or sentiment doesnt prevade life, its just a religous language is no more and its time one an all faced it which means start talking like it. in the end if i was filthy rich and powerful id hide behind religeon ever chance i got, its what its there for.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
There is one point where I believe that atheism approaches religion.

If you say "Nope, sorry, no God. No way. No how. This is all there is," you are making a statement that you BELIEVE there is no god. You have no more proof that NO GOD exists than the believer has that GOD EXISTS.

Either way is a dogmatic statement.

That's the way that atheism approaches religion.

Much better to simply say, "I have not experienced God. Do you have any evidence?" than to say "Sorry, you're wrong, no such thing could possibly exist."
u didnt define'' this is all there is'', and i certainly never did, no dogma here, so your whole aurgument makes little sense. but yes all u see, have heard, etc etc is all there is? its obvious theres no god but not so much why this isnt enough for u? now if u said there no humanity i would agree and understand why u feel something is missing, but as of yet there is no global goal, and we all miss it believe me.

but once again read the threads, some people chant to a box and make wishes, others kill for allah, some instead of grwoing up want to be born again vicariously through some jew along time ago. just make it fair, tax churches and have them actually haveing to produce somehting so as to be able to charge entry, believe me even if it was 2 bucks a week people would feel ripped of on having to pay that much for eternal life as there common sense over something so small as a few bucks would be like ''what the fuck am i paying for?? i could be going to school an actually learning something that pertains to today.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
u didnt define'' this is all there is'', and i certainly never did, no dogma here, so your whole aurgument makes little sense. but yes all u see, have heard, etc etc is all there is? its obvious theres no god but not so much why this isnt enough for u? now if u said there no humanity i would agree and understand why u feel something is missing, but as of yet there is no global goal, and we all miss it believe me.

Dude, Castel, I wasn't arguing with you.

We generally express a similar viewpoint (and if you'd add some spaces between your thoughts people would take more time to read what you write. There's some good stuff in there.)

What I was trying to say is that there is a certain kind of fanatical, dogmatic atheism that is just as destructive as fanatical, dogmatic theism. I was not even attempting to claim that YOU, Castelvetro, were one of them.
i personally think there an open mindedness to small minded religous people thats quite enduring and welcomeing to newness in life. i also believe theres a curiousity but also a finidng out in science that is of the same mindedness but much more clean and lead to greater clarity then the religous ever could, at times religeous people feel that atheist are so certain , what there certain of is they have heard enough bullshit to spot it n smell it from a mile away. no body full of shit like to be reminded of it by someone whos less full of it. its like i said in other threads , people are going to hav to be good at something in the near future one n all, its not going to be enough to just be ''good '' anymore as belief in divinity is over. but thx for the clarification anti. i do have long sentences.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Nobody in this thread is priviledged enough to know shit about what happens to us when we die. These threads are getting stupid. Either the point is to try and destroy people's faiths(unless of course they're athiest) or try and prove some kind of above-human intelligence or secret knowledge from who the fuck knows..... If we only have so much time on this earth in the physical and spiritual sense, there's a lot of human life being wasted debating things we aren't supposed to know. There is no absolute truth in this debate at all and some posts indicate that other people are pretty much stupid for believing one way or the other. I think the topic is stupid. Nobody's wrong or right and nobody should speak in matter-of-fact tone to anyone else about it. It's the same fucking thread over and over and over again.

I'm not trying to offend anyone by what I said, in fact it's really important to me that nobody does feel offended on the topic of their beliefs....everyone has the right to their beliefs without being persecuted for them, or called wierd, stupid, etc.....
the new thread of the future is how once iffa is gone how do we keep small ingnorant people quiet? how do we babysit them once belief in a babysiter is vanquished? its no joke n no easy question, it will take geniune time and care n education over faith,beleif and concepts like innate pre birth sin and atonement, thats what communism was all about , breaking the chains that shackle us without coming undone in the process, alot of people/society arent ready for this and i have no answer as to why they arent all i can say is that when it arrives it wont come with tax free status asking for donations as the ears for such things will be a thing of the past.


What I was trying to say is that there is a certain kind of fanatical, dogmatic atheism that is just as destructive as fanatical, dogmatic theism. I was not even attempting to claim that YOU, Castelvetro, were one of them.

He meant me...
If your consciousness were just energy then it would be easy to think that you'd die physically and you'd believe it was just a dream or something.


Active member
If your consciousness were just energy then it would be easy to think that you'd die physically and you'd believe it was just a dream or something.

I believe/think that consciousness is ALLWAYS attached to a 'form' (a body)..cause we are created as 'individual beings', right? ..'consciousness units' ..created to be as "a one", as a One of the Unique earth beings, Humans.

..so i believe this 'form' thing will excist aslo in the 'Here After'..

..if we'd be just 'mind' after death ...wouldn't it be hell-ish not to EVER touch someone again ..never kiss your girl friend again ..just chatting and talking going on in "heaven"..

I have a feeling that i will be a human-being, even after death .. ..and maybe even on this same planet Earth..

Life continues after "death" ..you will see that this is so. period. :)

Death is an illusion.

I believe/think that consciousness is ALLWAYS attached to a 'form' (a body)..cause we are created as 'individual beings', right? ..'consciousness units' ..created to be as "a one", as a One of the Unique earth beings, Humans.

..so i believe this 'form' thing will excist aslo in the 'Here After'..

..if we'd be just 'mind' after death ...wouldn't it be hell-ish not to EVER touch someone again ..never kiss your girl friend again ..just chatting and talking going on in "heaven"..

I have a feeling that i will be a human-being, even after death .. ..and maybe even on this same planet Earth..

Life continues after "death" ..you will see that this is so. period. :)

Death is an illusion.


You misunderstood what I was getting at. See I've had a few "near death" experiences in my life. And sometimes I wonder to myself if they were actually "death" experiences and I just didn't realize. Like if you could die but somehow your consciousness constructs a way for you to have not died.


Active member
Interesting theory. Please provide evidence.

How on earth could i give you proof of a MetaPhysical thing/phenomena? ..you know
..you're gonna just have to belive me ..or wait and see for yourself. ..or do a heavy hit of DMT, some say it does the trick ( i never have done DMT, but shrooms, yes.) :artist:

..i can write you a essey on this THEORY ...and it is only a theory ..cause i CAN'T proove it to be true (while we live here on..) IN this "physical" realm..

But i can show you mistakes in spiritual sciptures (channeled material) which prooves that these spirits also live on planet Earth, and never (seemingly) travelled in deep space(never left this planet), nor did they ever construct/create any planets/celestial bodies...

Here some "evidence" that NO true planet Creator has ever talked to humans ..at least not to these Sages who wrote all the major scriptures

-Wandering stars

..in ancient times people believed planents like Venus was a star, and it is not as we well know.

- in "Hindu" scriptures (vedas) the celestial bodies (planets) are called 'chakras' = 'wheels' or 'discs' ..not spheres as planets are in REALITY ,as we today very well know

- Flat Earth-theory

- Earth centric universe

If True Cerator was ever communicating to humans, how come the 'spiritual info' does not match with scientific FACTS? ..but this could also mean that the scriptures are entirelly human inventions, no spirits involved...

Or if these scriptures are in FACT genuine 'channeled' texts from the 'spirit world', seemingly they also live on this planet ..cause the info on the Cosmos and about it's mechanics is "from human/Earth"-perspective information...do you understand what i mean with this?

"from human/Earth"-perspective ..is sort of the same thing as "from frog"-perspective, ok?

..see what i mean with all this?




Active member
You misunderstood what I was getting at. See I've had a few "near death" experiences in my life. And sometimes I wonder to myself if they were actually "death" experiences and I just didn't realize. Like if you could die but somehow your consciousness constructs a way for you to have not died.

Whe nyou actually die ..you get to go to your own funeral ..then and only then you have experience "Death".

...but these experiences are sort of "reflections" of the thing/phenomena, you know.

They say the same thing about falling asleep "that we "die" every night and travel to the spirit world"
..but i don't, personally, see this as the TRUTH, but it is sort of a "reflection" of the REAL thing.




Sorcerer's Apprentice
How on earth could i give you proof of a MetaPhysical thing/phenomena? ..you know
..you're gonna just have to belive me ..or wait and see for yourself. ..or do a heavy hit of DMT, some say it does the trick ( i never have done DMT, but shrooms, yes.) :artist:

I've never done DMT but I have done 'shrooms and LSD many, many, many times. I have had interesting subjective personal experiences, but no evidence or intimation that the concept of "GOD" is pointing to a real being who is external to what we know of reality, that set everything in motion and sits judging the results.

..i can write you a essey on this THEORY ...and it is only a theory ..cause i CAN'T proove it to be true (while we live here on..) IN this "physical" realm..
Please do.

But if you only have a theory, why did you state it like this:

"Life continues after "death" ..you will see that this is so. period. :)"

You seem very certain in your first post. Now that you've been challenged to provide evidence, you have downgraded your certainty to theory and admitted that you are NOT sure of anything.

But i can show you mistakes in spiritual sciptures (channeled material) which prooves that these spirits also live on planet Earth, and never (seemingly) travelled in deep space(never left this planet), nor did they ever construct/create any planets/celestial bodies...

Ok. Please show me mistakes in scriptures that prove:

  • Spirits live on Earth
  • Never travelled in deep space
  • Never constructed/created planets or celestial bodies.
Go ahead and explain how a perfect being could or would allow his words to be imperfectly translated, while you're at it.

Here some "evidence" that NO true planet Creator has ever talked to humans ..at least not to these Sages who wrote all the major scriptures

....see what i mean with all this?

I cut out the actual examples (for brevity) but it seems like you've made quite a leap.

You seem to be saying that you have proof that humans were in contact with earth-bound spirits when they wrote the "spiritual scriptures" of the major religions. This proof (thus far) seems to be that there are mistakes in the cosmology of the ancients.

I guess I see where you're going, but wouldn't it be easier to just suppose that the humans got it wrong all by themselves and no spirits, angels, demons, djinn, demigods or God had a hand in it at all?

If you have evidence of these spirits, I'm interested to see it.


Active member
I've never done DMT but I have done 'shrooms and LSD many, many, many times. I have had interesting subjective personal experiences, but no evidence or intimation that the concept of "GOD" is pointing to a real being who is external to what we know of reality, that set everything in motion and sits judging the results.

Please do.

But if you only have a theory, why did you state it like this:

You seem very certain in your first post. Now that you've been challenged to provide evidence, you have downgraded your certainty to theory and admitted that you are NOT sure of anything.


I'm actually very sure. And also, i'm not YOU, and you're not ME. ..think about it.

Give you evidende on MetaPhysical things!!!???? You're high roller University profs can't proove this to you, man


But what you seem you miss is in my statements is..

Form the FIRST post on ...i have ONLY spoken of a THEORY!!
..while all other spirtual traditions are ALLWAYS THE TRUTH ...i can only offer you a Theory ...if i'd had tangiable evidence, that i could place in your hands, i would ..but these things "are" TRANCEDNED to our physical perceptions.

Here's a good example on these ancient traditional TRUTHS:

Eternal life (abrahamic comology) vs Re-incarnation traditions (hindu, buddhist, Jain) ...one of these has to be WRONG.

go bug them, buddy ...way more field to over come LOL ..they don't even speak about a THEORY ..they claim to be the TRUTH. ...and how can they both be the TRUTH ..they can't. Period. :tiphat:

Ok. Please show me mistakes in scriptures that prove:

  • Spirits live on Earth
  • Never travelled in deep space
  • Never constructed/created planets or celestial bodies.
Go ahead and explain how a perfect being could or would allow his words to be imperfectly translated, while you're at it.

Human dis-carnate spirits live also (still) on planet Earth.. at least some other people seem to believe this is so..

Veneration of the dead

Mechanics of Cosmos

the mistakes on these ..i allready wrote about this to you. ..if these gods were really flying in space and creating these celectial bodies, then why did they thatght humanity (and accoring to these many scrptures, from different traditions; spirits(gods) did teach these things to humans) ..that Venus is a STAR!! ..take it from there.

For Indians the planets were called CHAKRAS =this is a word for 'wheel' or a 'disc' ..not a 'ball' or 'sphere' ..get it??

WHAT Perfect being exatcly are you talking about here cause i have no idea? Adi Buddha, Yahwe, Grand Father,FAther, Mother, The Grand Mother. Allah ...lil help pleace

I cut out the actual examples (for brevity) but it seems like you've made quite a leap.

You seem to be saying that you have proof that humans were in contact with earth-bound spirits when they wrote the "spiritual scriptures" of the major religions. This proof (thus far) seems to be that there are mistakes in the cosmology of the ancients.

Veneration of the dead


..i'm sort of a shaman. Let's leave it at that.

I guess I see where you're going, but wouldn't it be easier to just suppose that the humans got it wrong all by themselves and no spirits, angels, demons, djinn, demigods or God had a hand in it at all?

Assuming and supposing is easy. This is how myths and pseudo-science start out and take root.

I like to use the word 'theory' cause it keeps the things 'open' for study ..you know ..and "theory" state very little FACTS untill we have them in that Theory.

"we have scientific knowledge when we know the cause"

If you have evidence of these spirits, I'm interested to see it.
If the spirits don't come to you, there's your proof. But I, personally, have no way of prooving this to you ..sorry. and i all ready told you this in my earlier post.

They (dis-carnate (human) spirits) live in the 'metaphysical' = meta ('beyond') physical ..ok ..understand that now?

How can i put an invisible, non material object in yourhand, an object which i couldn't even see myself!! lol.

MetaPhysics, ay? ..crazy.:)

Peace, bro..
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