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A graphical representation of what happens after Death

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The Voice of Reason
god is an psychological anachronism with no place in the modern age.
Goodbye age of religion, hello age of reason.


Things like reason and logic clash with cultural identities east and west too often..hopefully slowly but surely it'll change.
There is absolutely no evidence for a creator in the natural world. But feel free to supply some specific examples. Saying "look around you, man" is poor science at best.

No. We don't. Not even close.

Thanks to the work of generations of SCIENTISTS.

Easily debatable but if somehow true, due to scientific methods.

Hmm. Does the water come out of your tap straight from the oceans or does it get processed and cleaned by your local waterworks? Or maybe Jesus blesses the water and that's how it becomes drinkable?

It's already been done lost, homie. The world is no more terrible for it.

yo brother i feel what your saying but ..i disagree about everything ...first you said not even close to the medicine thing....we havnt found all meicines yet there so ya everything is treatable if you can find it all the answers are there we just need to findem if medicine wasnt here youd already be dead..people use to die from the common cold..an about the water thing think of how big the solar system is billions of GALAXYS and the fact that everything to survive is on earth is a pretty sure sign of it. and no god doesnt clean it he creates it there would be no water to clean without god. and this whole science thing god created science there could be alternate realitys where all the rules of science are changed or ifferent. and as for everyone losing faith i agree with you somewhat but thats why people need to change havnt you noticed the worl withering i have a strong hunch alot of it has to do with this topic..if everyone truly believed how you believed the world would truly become a hell on earth.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
yo brother i feel what your saying but ..i disagree about everything ...first you said not even close to the medicine thing....we havnt found all meicines yet there so ya everything is treatable if you can find it all the answers are there we just need to findem

Well, by that logic, I'm a multi-billionare, I just haven't gotten the money together yet. I'm also the king of France, though I have yet to be corronated.

if medicine wasnt here youd already be dead..people use to die from the common cold.
People still die from the common cold. (It is estimated that in the US alone more than 4500 people die each year from the cold!) And even a thousand years ago, some people lived to be 80 or 100. It was just less common because the medical science was not up to our current standards. I'd be willing to wager that in another 1000 years medical science will likely be able to cure or prevent many things that we cannot today. This is progress. Not miracles.

.an about the water thing think of how big the solar system is billions of GALAXYS and the fact that everything to survive is on earth is a pretty sure sign of it.
If I understand you right here, you're saying that the fact that Earth harbors the necessary conditions for life to evolve is somehow proof of the supernatural, I have to disagree.

There are (as you have suggested) billions of galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. It is estimated (by NASA) that there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the known universe.

So if we find that at least one of those stars (the Sun) has a planet in orbit that is capable of sustaining life, is that miraculous, or is it BOUND TO HAPPEN, given enough stars? We know for a fact that the odds of it happening are AT LEAST 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. It's a fact. Here we are.

If you had to pick a red ball at random out of a bag of 100 balls and there were 99 blue balls in the bag and 1 red one... it would be improbable in the extreme that you would randomly pull the red ball out. But it would not be a miracle! Red balls exist within the bag, and therefore if we line enough people up and have each of them reach into that bag one at a time, we can be CERTAIN that someone will eventually pull the red ball.

and no god doesnt clean it he creates it there would be no water to clean without god.
This is an opinion. If you want to state it as a fact, you'll have to provide evidence that god exists.

and this whole science thing god created science there could be alternate realitys where all the rules of science are changed or ifferent.
Could be alternate realities where the rules of science are changed or different WITHOUT GOD. The existence of alternate realities is unproven and the existence of God is likewise unproven.

and as for everyone losing faith i agree with you somewhat but thats why people need to change havnt you noticed the worl withering i have a strong hunch alot of it has to do with this topic..if everyone truly believed how you believed the world would truly become a hell on earth.
If everyone truly believed the way *I* believe, the world would become a paradise overnight. Because I believe that life is precious and not to be wasted. I believe that freedom is for everyone, not just those who can afford it.

God is not a prerequisite for being a good person. In many cases, an argument could be made that religiosity makes people more likely to be prejudiced and exclusionary.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
any argument for creation by virtue of complexity just falls flat for me.

to say that a system/entity/unit shows signs of creation by virtue of it's complexity doesn't answer anything, it just shifts creation itself back a step - into a realm where one actively *doesn't* seek information.

if complexity is a sign of creation, what does that say about the creator? it too should have the same creator, as it is complex. it's a mental compartmentalization that essentially comes down to 'turtles all the way down' without actually acknowledging it.

Leon Brooks

Anti, can i make you my god?

i promise to kill, and all around, smite those who oppose you. (more of a crusade era religion, infallible non the less.)

think about it. in a couple hundred years you too could have an entire following of brainwashed ppl who have no idea what your original purpose was.


Why is death black? A proper representation would be transparant as we fold back into the circle whence we came, and the last glimpse of the world you'd see is the alternative you brain conjures up as is doesnt understand what is going on. But why speculate; we will all die, and we will all experience it.
i dont think you understand anything i just said...bound to happen you say..no its not before there was universes and blackness or whhatever there was the probability is 0 of 0 because things cant manifest into reality especially beings.. this but think of how complicate the most advanced human creation is then look at any "natural" invention and we dont compare to any of them..by your logic a human can be created with no god because if everything was truly science you could create one but we cant make a soul .. or we cant make your perception of reality.we coul make a cheap imatation programmed by pre programmed commands..and why is it that your brain releases large amounts of dmt while your dying...causing you to "trip" before you die..but then again im gessing your going to try and explain this to me but fact is whatever it comes down to however youtry to explain it aint penatratin my skull...if we died and there WAS just nothing there would be no reason wed be alive in the first place..but i feeel like im talkin to brick walls so peace out hope you trying to prove god doesnt exist thingworks out for you bro


i dont think you understand anything i just said...bound to happen you say..no its not before there was universes and blackness or whhatever there was the probability is 0 of 0 because things cant manifest into reality especially beings.. this but think of how complicate the most advanced human creation is then look at any "natural" invention and we dont compare to any of them..by your logic a human can be created with no god because if everything was truly science you could create one but we cant make a soul .. or we cant make your perception of reality.we coul make a cheap imatation programmed by pre programmed commands..and why is it that your brain releases large amounts of dmt while your dying...causing you to "trip" before you die..but then again im gessing your going to try and explain this to me but fact is whatever it comes down to however youtry to explain it aint penatratin my skull...if we died and there WAS just nothing there would be no reason wed be alive in the first place..but i feeel like im talkin to brick walls so peace out hope you trying to prove god doesnt exist thingworks out for you bro

Im unsure of whom your talking to but im gonna reply non the less.

Who said anything about manifesting? (atleast i didnt) As far as i know life is not easy, and to the point where the baby is born a whole lot of work has been done(im not talking sexually here), not to mention the generations before this actual life extends the line. There is no magic involved, but rather a string of events and nessesities forming the future of the species.

A soul? what is that really aside from the experiences that has formed you. We all have basic programming loaded upon birth, what we learned as reptiles are still working as a good boot on our bodies to survive. Sure you can fool yourself thinking there is a god and go on from there, there is nothing wrong with that unless you inflict damage upon your fellow humans. Take a look at this site(click here) and look how they describe it, this is the common misconseption of a soul. "a computer without the software", and to quote myself; a soul is the experiences and choices you make and the choices other people observe, so in a sense everything has a soul, its just a matter of who is observing it.

The reason why you might judge any "human" made object inferior to "nature" made is because unlike humans nature works with itself, we tend to take the shortcut, but separating the two is in my book wrong.

we coul make a cheap imatation programmed by pre programmed commands.

We could? I think not, atleast not yet. To make some paralells; nature didnt start out with humans did it? it didnt exactly do everything right in the first place(not saying that humans is the final step tho).

if we died and there WAS just nothing there would be no reason wed be alive in the first place

Ok, you seriously need to open your eyes and take a look around, everything you see around you has lived before and is living off the past. What do you think soil is btw? Magic from god or dead organic materials?

but i feeel like im talkin to brick walls so peace out hope you trying to prove god doesnt exist thingworks out for you bro

God doesnt exist, not in your way and the conventional way of thinking atleast. There is no entity living in a place called heaven(luckily for the early christian scribes heaven is a good metaphore), there is no one who will save you when you die, its just darkness and nothing more, but why even care; you will not live to experience it. However there is something out there i would call god, and that is the universe itself, its nature and diversity, possability and despair. We live it and have no choice, do with it what you feel is right and make the fucking best of it, even if that means believing in a god as a single entity bent upon saving all who mentions his name and praises the w(l)ord.

Im not judging here btw, but your logic is flawed and your statements are poorly written with spelling errors, something tells me your knowledge and contemplations is just as flawed.

And yes, no offence, happy thoughts = happy life.
Im unsure of whom your talking to but im gonna reply non the less.

Who said anything about manifesting? (atleast i didnt) As far as i know life is not easy, and to the point where the baby is born a whole lot of work has been done(im not talking sexually here), not to mention the generations before this actual life extends the line. There is no magic involved, but rather a string of events and nessesities forming the future of the species.

A soul? what is that really aside from the experiences that has formed you. We all have basic programming loaded upon birth, what we learned as reptiles are still working as a good boot on our bodies to survive. Sure you can fool yourself thinking there is a god and go on from there, there is nothing wrong with that unless you inflict damage upon your fellow humans. Take a look at this site(click here) and look how they describe it, this is the common misconseption of a soul. "a computer without the software", and to quote myself; a soul is the experiences and choices you make and the choices other people observe, so in a sense everything has a soul, its just a matter of who is observing it.

The reason why you might judge any "human" made object inferior to "nature" made is because unlike humans nature works with itself, we tend to take the shortcut, but separating the two is in my book wrong.

We could? I think not, atleast not yet. To make some paralells; nature didnt start out with humans did it? it didnt exactly do everything right in the first place(not saying that humans is the final step tho).

Ok, you seriously need to open your eyes and take a look around, everything you see around you has lived before and is living off the past. What do you think soil is btw? Magic from god or dead organic materials?

God doesnt exist, not in your way and the conventional way of thinking atleast. There is no entity living in a place called heaven(luckily for the early christian scribes heaven is a good metaphore), there is no one who will save you when you die, its just darkness and nothing more, but why even care; you will not live to experience it. However there is something out there i would call god, and that is the universe itself, its nature and diversity, possability and despair. We live it and have no choice, do with it what you feel is right and make the fucking best of it, even if that means believing in a god as a single entity bent upon saving all who mentions his name and praises the w(l)ord.

Im not judging here btw, but your logic is flawed and your statements are poorly written with spelling errors, something tells me your knowledge and contemplations is just as flawed.

And yes, no offence, happy thoughts = happy life.

wasnt to you but i dont really care about spelling errors thanks for pointing it out though im trying to prove a point..and dirt is obviously dead material but what was the first molecule in this space we live in it had to manifest from nothing so i dont know what your thinking im trying to say but yea . and yes we may be able to create a cheap imatation someday but fact is we werent around to build anything like ourselves and it took many more years then we even believe but there WAS a first molecule and how it manifested cannot be science because there was no science in the beginning there had to be nothing..and the fact you trip from dmt before you die is a way i think helps us make the transition to another form . though i dont agree with most religions because man wrote them i do agree somewhat with all of them that there is a god . mostly christianity. the problem is people cant think for themselves they think they half to pick a religion and if one doesnt fit they believe there is no god because in most every religions holy writings there are things that probably didnt happen so they discredit a god completely. all i see is a world thats gone mad :artist:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
i dont think you understand anything i just said...bound to happen you say..

I don't think YOU understand the implications of the words you are using. I also don't think you realize the difference between "I know" and "I believe".

no its not before there was universes and blackness or whhatever there was the probability is 0 of 0 because things cant manifest into reality especially beings..

But... clearly... they... can... because things manifested into US.

"Before the universes and blackness or whatever" is speculation, unless you have evidence of what there was "before" the universe.

this but think of how complicate the most advanced human creation is then look at any "natural" invention and we dont compare to any of them..

That's because the most advanced human creations have only existed a few hundred years (at best) or a few days (at worst). You are then trying to compare their complexity with organisms that have been evolving under complex circumstances for 4.5 billion years!

I bet if you give apple 4.5 billion years to keep churning out upgrades to the iPad you'll be dumbfounded by the level of sophistication and power that can be packed into a device.

by your logic a human can be created with no god because if everything was truly science you could create one but we cant make a soul

We can't currently cure cancer, but that doesn't mean that God exists. We can't walk on Mars yet, but that doesn't make God appear. We can't prove there is intelligent alien life, but that doesn't affect the reality or non-reality of God in any way.

.. or we cant make your perception of reality.we coul make a cheap imatation programmed by pre programmed commands..and why is it that your brain releases large amounts of dmt while your dying...causing you to "trip" before you die..

That's wild stuff. Very interesting. Worthy of research. Not indicative of anything supernatural. If I missed something please explain in more detail.

but then again im gessing your going to try and explain this to me but fact is whatever it comes down to however youtry to explain it aint penatratin my skull...

This message has been coming through loud and clear. It's pretty much the only message you've managed to convey with any clarity.

if we died and there WAS just nothing there would be no reason wed be alive in the first place.

Why do you say that? Your life can have profound significance and meaning RIGHT NOW if you want it to. Why do you have to survive death to appreciate life?

but i feeel like im talkin to brick walls so peace out hope you trying to prove god doesnt exist thingworks out for you bro

I'm not trying to prove god doesn't exist. A careful read of my posts in this forum (of which there are many) will see a systematic examination of the evidence being presented for and against the God hypothesis.

I have no agenda in proving god doesn't exist. My goal is truth or as close to it as I can come. Any evidence you have one way or another is appreciated. I do reserve the right to discuss, debate or otherwise challenge any information that seems dubious or fallacious.

Peace out. Stop banging your head against walls.


I believe thus. Until the resurection. Untill I hear the the trump and hear the voice of my lord saying come forth. The Bible supports this belief of death. Dust you came from and dust you will return. Teach your children well they will be the only thing left of you after you are gone.
it does have profound significance right now and thats what im saying i think you may have just said my point..theres meaning i dont know what else to say man just live your life to fullest and happiest no matter what you believe and the truth will come bro just dont sit around waiting til your dead to find it


ok,I will provide proof that the bible is all bollox and therefore prove god does not exist.

I believe since as little as a few years ago the bible said homosexuality is wrong and you will burn in hell for your sin. i know not the exact words.Im not gay and have no problem with those who are, i should point that out.

However to fit in with our modern liberal views christianity now says its fine and god loves you all.
How can they suddenly tell us its fine even though god himself tells us its not?

Answer because god does not exist and never told anybody shit if he did then how can his words be changed??????
Because all religion is a method of control,nothing more nothing less.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Anti, can i make you my god?

Be my guest.

i promise to kill, and all around, smite those who oppose you. (more of a crusade era religion, infallible non the less.)
We must not smite them! We must simply teach them or outbreed them. If enough of my true believers teach their children the holy meaning of the phrase "I don't know" then we will overwhelm the non-believers with our superior innovations and within a few generations everyone will be anti.

Go forth, my child and do my works.

think about it. in a couple hundred years you too could have an entire following of brainwashed ppl who have no idea what your original purpose was.
My original purpose is to unwash their brains and allow them to see the beauty in embracing our ignorance. Not so that we can wallow in it, but so that we can transcend it.
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Active member
god damn Anti, you're preaching to the choir lol. and i particularly admire your patience and critical thinking.


ok,I will provide proof that the bible is all bollox and therefore prove god does not exist.

I believe since as little as a few years ago the bible said homosexuality is wrong and you will burn in hell for your sin. i know not the exact words.Im not gay and have no problem with those who are, i should point that out.

However to fit in with our modern liberal views christianity now says its fine and god loves you all.
How can they suddenly tell us its fine even though god himself tells us its not?

Answer because god does not exist and never told anybody shit if he did then how can his words be changed??????
Because all religion is a method of control,nothing more nothing less.

the message is the same it is just people allowing things to
creep in.


the message is the same it is just people allowing things to
creep in.

in that case he is certainly no god of mine, at least the devil does not descriminate.
As a wise man said on these forums not some one i would want to spend eternity with
Also will god not be a bit pissed off that we destort his word for our own views and gain?
Another example of religion to control
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