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A few questions for a Soon-To-Be Grower.

We aren't all saying it doesn't work. We are saying that in the OP's case 12/12 is NOT PRACTICAL. Huge difference. What kind of a yield is he really going to get from 6 plants 12/12 from seed?? A few grams a plant? Maybe a half oz per plant if he's lucky?

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Still no pictures.

Go ahead call me a idiot again or whatever does not hurt me.

I can get 18 pounds a year with six plants. Vegged for 8 weeks.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You got called out, and you lost. Walk away and be smart or stay and convince everyone else who sees your future posts that you are indeed pathetic. Youre fighting a losing battle which is what, well.....losers do.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Also fwiw this shit matters to me. Ive learned a lot on here thanks to people like snype and many other going out of their way to help me. Ive spent many many hours helping new growers on here to get setup and correct problems successfully. Ill spend hours researching to help a complete stranger to be more successful. People like you are my enemy. This is childs play vs major leagues.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Hey, Mr. Original Poster, you asked about CFL's- they are great IMO. do a thread title search for cfl club, and read that thread. There's a ton of good information there. Good luck.
Lol this isn't about losing or winning. Its long veg vs no veg. I guess you have never won anything in your life thats why you link someones opinion to winning and losing. You haven't wont anything like you always do and always will you're basically what we call in Holland a loser4life.

The funny part about you is you tell a new guy who never grew anything to keep two motherplants for 4 plants, advice him to make clones and veg the crap out of them. Now thats the best advice you can find on the internet .. NOT. And now you say it can be two different strains, lol you always change the subjects.

When you saw the clip on YouTube you complained about the music, how typical if you run out of arguments just say something stupid and hope the topic will change.

Later you bash those 12/12 buds, oh really? They're even bigger then yours while they didn't even veg them. If you add up two 12/12 harvests it will take even as long as your long veg grow the only difference is they will have a high yield, less fluffy crap and less leaves to trim. Yet you keep talking about how great your grows are, and now when you cant say anything useful anymore you start to talk about winning and losing. The only loser here is you because you're losing yield.

Seriously you guys are so full of ignorance, you bash a method that you never tried. There is plenty of proof 12/12 works great, and the yield is nice also.

People like you are my enemy. This is childs play vs major leagues.
ROFL LMAO this guy has enemy on the internet. Go stick to your 7 week veg period which is a waste of time. There are a lot of people who're using this method with great results. I have shown you those photos, those buds are biggers then yours. You're the one who cannot handle it, if this is the way how you deal with emotional problems then you really need some help.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You are an enemy if you want to cause harm to a patient in a medical cannabis community. Which your garbage advice would do. If he takes my advice he will have regular meds and a reasonable amount of them. If he takes yours he will get a fraction.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
He may be giving his advise but he is attacking every one else's opinion. And he still refuses to post any of his own grow.

His way may work but no one here is allowed to disagree with him with out him belittling them.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Theres way more proof the traditional method works better. No big timers do your wack ass 12/12 setup. You must have missed the fact that i said i only veg 3-4 weeks. If i had a lower plant count to consider i would veg longer and use less plants per light like a smart person. People take cuts from moms they choose to stock, veg them, and flower them, in rotation. Thats how people hold onto genetics and get things dialed. Your idea makes everything random and super low yield. Youre an enemy to everyone who wants to do well. So go tug on the few other 12/12 from the start growers cocks and enjoy your low yields and inferior product. How do i change subjects? I mention grow space and keeping more than one mom to have variety and suddenly I've derailed? Also im supposed to edit my first post and never reply? Do you know how delusional you are? Its actually quite hilarious and entertaining.
lol and again you mock the system while you didn't even try it. Those buds are bigger than your so tell me how can you have a higher yield if your buds are much smaller? Those guys even used 600W bulbs if you use 1000W those buds will be even bigger

You know you're wrong thats why you get in the defensive mode, like I said before if that works good for you I'm happy for you. Do whatever works for you but don't bash something you don't even know it only says a lot about the person who does.

And please spare me your "enemy" story it only makes you look childish, I know you can do much better than that.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If you ever decide to actually grow for real one day youll think back on this and realize im right.
Ichabod Crane; I don't grow because I need a medicine I grow for different reasons, the last thing I'm going to do is post photos of my activities on a public forum. So stop begging about photo's if you have nothing else to contribute to this discussion then it's better to not reply.
If you ever decide to actually grow for real one day youll think back on this and realize im right.
This has nothing to do with who is right or who is wrong, as growers we all want the same and thats great quality weed with the highest yield. This can be done with the 12/12 method. Your method works too but the long veg is a waste of time and energy because with the 12/12 method you can get more yield and better quality within the same time as a long veg period. Thats my whole point. I have posted links to grow journals thats enough evidence, you like it or hate it. We don't need to agree with eachother, one likes to get high wile an another likes to be stoned.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Dude you are the child. You want me to explain why id rather have 9 plants with 4 oz a piece on them vs 9 plants that had no veg and yield less than an oz each? You are a clown! We all know it! You want me to spare you the enemy story then spare us all your shit advice. I feel bad for you!

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I learned to grow here. I want what's best for this grower. I feel that what you are posting is not in the original poster best interest.

You are the one who attacked me. You sound like a fifteen year old to me. You spout nonsence and have been trying to bellitle me. Yet when I ask for proof you post nothing.

I stand by what I have said put up some pictures or take your nonsence elsewhere. If you can back up your claim prove it. You can not and will not show that it is successful for you.

I stand by what I said. Longer flower period in coco and cloning a cut before flower is best for the original poster. Simple baby shit.

Your method would work with a higher plant count best but that is not what the original poster can do.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I feel bad for the OP who just wanted some advice and got his thread hijacked by you two assclowns.
Dude you are the child. You want me to explain why id rather have 9 plants with 4 oz a piece on them vs 9 plants that had no veg and yield less than an oz each?

I guess that has to do with you, lack of skill maybe? Just because you cannot do it doesn't mean the system suck. If one fails he cant blame his failure on others. I have posted those photos in my prev posts, everyone can see the results compared to yours, they yielded more than your long vegged buds. Thats a fact, the photos are real. If you keep denying this you're simply delusional.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Dude they had like 36+ plants per light. U nuts? Jellyfish is right this has gotten stupid. But your examples and method you suggest are horrible for the ops needs. Its very simple. It has
Nothing to do with skill it has to do with filling a footprint with material. You cant fill a 600-1000w lights footprint with 6 plants that had zero veg time. The yield will be pathetic. Ill finish with that. Anyone who wants to disagree can go right ahead but i have a feeling only one person will...
I do not go in depth, youtube, google and icmag search the things you are not familiar with or need more info. Or post this thread.

My opinion is use Sunshine Mix or Promix, and the lucas formula which is 8ml of General Hydroponics' Flora Micro into 1gal of water, and 16ml General Hydroponics' FloraBloom into the same gallon of water (ALWAYS put FloraMicro first, mix then put FloraBloom and mix, for vegging under fluros you can cut it down to 5ml FloraMicro and 10ml FloraBloom per gallon) OR you could use only 8ml of General Hydroponics' FloraNova (thick, like fish emulsion, but only 1-part mix). There is another version using MaxiBloom Powder, but can be a PITA to mix. Its the cheapest version, but really for a personal medical grow the savings are extremely small.

Again for a small personal grow, fluroescent lights will do ok. You can still get quality bud, just not as much, so if you are limited on how much bud you can have (for me its 2.5oz dry), then fluros would not be such a bad idea, just remember T-5 lighting is best in fluro, CFLs are not. You can also use T-12 lighting, not as good as T-5, but I like em better than those damn CFLs. CFLs give you crappy coverage, where as shoplights give you more coverage (look into Scrog and LST to circumvent the need for light penetration into the canopy, there will be a learning curve but you can still get 1 gram per watt just like HPS, you just need a powerhouse indica and top-notch training skills which will take time to build up. .3 grams per watt is considered good for fluros and many many HPS users hover around .5 grams per watt)

A 70w and 150w HPS don't put out a huge amount of heat, so weigh your options. Price for fixture, vs cost to cool vs yield, etc.

Keep two moms and flower four plants at a time.... yep its called air-layering and is god-send for us with numbers restrictions. You take a razor blade, scrape a section of stem, and then wrap hydrated peat-moss around the stem and then cover with saran wrap (really anything that holds in moisture and is light tight, I put black trash bag plastic over the saran wrap, as its also known as "cling wrap" and is easier seal)
Air layers take an average of 2-3 weeks to root, so two months flower gives you plent of time to root two layers on each mom and train for more growth.
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