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8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Ah... but then, as in now, everybody thinks they are educated... and therefore correct.

I'm going to people of walmart.

That's going to cheer me up.



Cautiously Optimistic
All sorts of pots calling all sorts of kettles "black." This thread is full of win.


European 15th century aristocrats heired out of Norway, you want to bet me the general population in the land of the midnight sun thought the world was flat? Especially people that had been trading across the Atlantic for atleast 500 years.

You know jack shit about the European rulers bro, your comments reveal you!


then back up your speculation with some evidence.

"4:20 = time for smoking cannabis" has nothing to do with protestant marches...
unless you have something more tangible to evidence an actual connection,
Your 'tv program based' connection speculation is nothing more than an interesting coincidence.

p.s. pointing out foolishness is vastly different than acting the fool. You seem to have confused the two.

So... document a connection for us please, because all you've done so far is document a coincidence. If you have this knowledge, stop being stingy with it and lay it out.

and lol at you thinking anything you can document pertaining to Columbus would affect my world view one iota. Though I am interested at what portion of what I already know is such an earth shaker in your estimation... Please enlighten us.

he's gonna drop the bombshell that Chris didn't discover america, or maybe that he neither set foot in north america, nor did anything to advance trade... and I'm gonna reply with 'duh.'

See. You actually need to know some background information in order to follow me. And you dont, you're a wiki-slave!


The Voice of Reason
See. You actually need to know some background information in order to follow me. And you dont, you're a wiki-slave!

wrong yet again, you are...
0% of my education comes from wikki.

everything i just posted about Columbus is in my head from some article or history i've read at some point in the past...

nice attempted ad hominem attack, though...

my guess is you have nothing to back up what you assert, so you're posturing instead.


The Voice of Reason
European 15th century aristocrats heired out of Norway, you want to bet me the general population in the land of the midnight sun thought the world was flat? Especially people that had been trading across the Atlantic for atleast 500 years.

You know jack shit about the European rulers bro, your comments reveal you!
I do know jack shit... you just posted up agreeing with exactly what i said... CC did not prove the earth was round... I said 'round earth' was common knowledge... I know they did not think the earth was flat... nothing i ever said implied the general population thought the world was flat.


maybe you should work on your reading comprehension, and stop looking for reasons to argue where there are none.


now document your assertions if you can.
shit or get off of the toilet!


Regarding the protestant marching traditions during easter..

or regarding Columbus?


The Voice of Reason
Regarding the protestant marching traditions during easter..

or regarding Columbus?

regarding the alleged connection between the protestant marches, and 4:20 being code for smoking out.

and... regarding your alleged columbus information I don't already know....

you've offered none of either so far...


The Voice of Reason
If you bother looking around the site you'll notice i've corrected someone or another pushing the "everyone thought the earth was flat" several times...

actually most of those threads have been closed, now that i think about it... it was usually someone attacking science, and was usually in a global warming thread.


If you bother looking around the site you'll notice i've corrected someone or another pushing the "everyone thought the earth was flat" several times...

actually most of those threads have been closed, now that i think about it... it was usually someone attacking science, and was usually in a global warming thread.

How can you attack science?


Active member
I'm not crying about trolls so no. I'm just pointing out that the guy should read a little closer because he missed something important that he is raging against.


regarding the alleged connection between the protestant marches, and 4:20 being code for smoking out.

A million protest marches around the world starting from easter, and especially a tradition with marching on april the 19th does not get you thinking.. fuck it, you can believe in waldo. You are clearly oblivious on this subject.

Its no wonder tho, since you have turned easter protest parades into a toon festival where you live. Quite iconic, you know.. you know this and that.. do you ever reflect on how the easter parade traditions started when you see a giant pink bunny parade by you? Do you know the symbolic meaning of the bunny and the egg?

yeh yeh.. you waldos naturally know everything, as soon as someone tells you at least.

and... regarding your alleged columbus information I don't already know....

you've offered none of either so far...

So far, ive not told you anything because you dont want to know.

Columbus was a Byzantine Greek Genoan, of aristocratic bloodline. Here is a question for you, what is the name of the famous military guard of the Byzantine empire?

Tell me that, and ill connect some dots for you that you never knew about. Also ill show you why ive got some credibility on these things beyond what you find in your popular history references. The Scandinavian elite guard of the Byzantine empire, what was the name for them?


I think you're wrong on this one. I don't think they're related. I mean, 4/20 is Hitler's birthday but it doesn't have anything to do with that...unless you're a stoner AND a Nazi. :)

Hitlers birthday and April 19 was one of the heaviest propaganda ammunition that nazi Germany had. I dont think you have reflected on what Martin Luther means in Germany, the translated symbolic value of Martin Luther King and the slave struggle in America and these dates.

Also the fact that his death occurred 3 days before passover that year bears symbolic meaning to many. In the public scene, symbolic messages are much more prominent then you care to think. Hardly any historic event falls on a coincidental date.

Hitlers birthday falling on 4/20.. it may be coincidental, but the symbolic value of it was enormous, no it was omnipotent actually!


The Voice of Reason
Cool... so you have nothing to substantiate a connection between protestant marches, and the 4:20 afternoon smokeouts.

no-one ever implied the waldos know everything, just the story of why 420 came into popular use as code for smoking pot... Yes I know the pagan origins of easter and it's symbols. yawn.

lmao... you pretend to have info on Columbus to shatter my world view, and you bring nada... typical.

the Varangian Guard, mayhaps?