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5000 plant grow


hippiemommaida said:
I know you want no negative vibes, but you said:

now the way im will be growing this is gg so it wont be my land so if the plot gets busted o well.

I hope it is public land and not belonging to someone. REAL BAD KARMA! You could cause some person's home to be taken. Not cool! It happens here on occasion.

this person owns the land but lives in a differnt state


Old School Cottonmouth
ArcticBlast said:
i remember having this same "goal" too, back in the day

i think i was ... 15? And thought i could make a million bucks, too.


a million? that is for losers! clearly he expects to be a powerful force in the national economy by this time next year. lol. fukin multi multi millionaire. lol

bill gates drop your cock and grab your socks. lol

pothead6 I ain't gonna mess with you. but don't believe everything you read on this site. LOTS of people are FULL OF SHIT. multi millionaire guerilla growers that have time to spend hours on IC everyday? me thinks not. and the fact that they would pretend that to people they don't even know tells you a lil about what their life is actually probably like. (of course the reason there aren't many pics is for security reasons, :jerkit: not because they are 1/20th the size they pretend.)

here is a tip. bury a dead fish with your plants. they wont need ferts for the whole year. j/k

edit- and you said you already did almost this big of a grow a year or two ago? why didn't you buy belize and have models sucking every inch of skin on your body? if you weren't lying do you even understand how much weed you'd have had? you'd still be sellin it not askin us dumbass questions.
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Active member
pothead6 said:
yes i have thought about all that i plan oon harvesting at least 500 early and selling them off to buy a house or w,e rent one then i will let the rest go harvest and dry them all in this house or apartment // and yes i realize that the small will be gorgess .... i am doing this thing that i got off of a rollitup faq

This is priceless. :laughing:


Well-known member
A partner and I did a 275 plant grow spread over 3 counties 19 years ago .....we harvested 235 plants ...215Lbs dried
It was the HARDEST summer of my life
All the plants were downhill from water...and drippered
We were at each plot every 4 days to clean fliters
I was an Apprentice that summer so only 25 Lbs was mine.

Harvest involved a very tense few min. spent with a Fish & Game officer on a trail with 15Lbs. on my back....he was looking down when we met...when saw each other ....my Holster was un-snapped his was not.....We came to an "Understanding" that Sunday afternoon. ( I thank the God's that a radio did not work out there )
I Never want to go thru that again EVER.
I came indoors for the most part after that....thats a Whole other chapter

3-Plant plots outside.....its all I've ever done after that

I'm one of the best trimmers I know of .....I can do almost 2Lbs per hour
You will need 10 of me just to trim it all......215 Lbs and we had more than 60 grams of "Scissors Hash"

Dreams a great thing to have...............


Active member
pothead6- What are the laws like where you live? Hell I wouldn't do more than 9 plants here just cause the laws, the risk ain't even worth it for me.

Anyway, regardless 5000 is 50x over the fed limit. That's a lot of plants, man. 50 times over the fed limit. Just pointing it out, in case you ain't thought of it like that.
That's all I'm saying, cause I didn't notice anyone else ask that. I ain't telling you what to do though


Ganico said:
pothead6- What are the laws like where you live? Hell I wouldn't do more than 9 plants here just cause the laws, the risk ain't even worth it for me.

Anyway, regardless 5000 is 50x over the fed limit. That's a lot of plants, man. 50 times over the fed limit. Just pointing it out, in case you ain't thought of it like that.
That's all I'm saying, cause I didn't notice anyone else ask that. I ain't telling you what to do though

where i plan on puting the plants is no where near my house so unless i get caught red handed them i should be good


Active member
Well you should always still factor in getting "caught red handed"

I'd think that's plenty enough for them to be waiting, or to set up cam's or something if they found that many

Hell even with moonshiners, they do a recon and then come back and wait for them to come back to the stills and then bust them


Planting that many plant's will be no problem. Harvesting is another story. you would atleast need a crew or a good commercial trimmer. It's going to be very dangerous and not very plausable but if theres a will theres a way. If you don't have much experiance with a larger grow this is deffinatly going to be out of your reach. What you need to undersatand as lots of these people are coming of as assholes to you are really people that are experianced that know what they are talking about and are trying to keep you out of greif and trouble. All the best to you though and we all will still be here if you need help.


Old School Cottonmouth
Seriously though. why do you want so much weed. wtf would you even do with it?

in lou's 60 x 40ft back yard in 3 months he can get up to 120 lbs. in a whole year that is 240.

a lb is 4000 dollars. are you not scared of laws because if it works you can buy the country? you're talking 2500 or more 1lb yielding plants. what do you need with +/- 2 tons of weed worth 4g a lb?

btw if you "plan on buyin a house" to dry all the shit after you harvest 500 I hope you're better at money laundering than com-op planning.

usually 23 yr olds that work at pizza shops or w/e and then buy a 80.000 dollar house one day raise a few eyebrows ya know. with irs if absolutely nobody else. and believe me there would be someone else.

after you buy the house let us know what else you plan to do with the chabillion dollars you make.



You can trim an ounce in less than two mins...that's impressive!! 2lbs in an hour would pay around $300 dollars an hr...not too shabby!

You need to start a competition like the vineyard trimmers in norcal...Trimfest? LOL


Guyute54 said:
Planting that many plant's will be no problem. Harvesting is another story. you would atleast need a crew or a good commercial trimmer. It's going to be very dangerous and not very plausable but if theres a will theres a way. If you don't have much experiance with a larger grow this is deffinatly going to be out of your reach. What you need to undersatand as lots of these people are coming of as assholes to you are really people that are experianced that know what they are talking about and are trying to keep you out of greif and trouble. All the best to you though and we all will still be here if you need help.

thanks man


motaco said:
Seriously though. why do you want so much weed. wtf would you even do with it?

in lou's 60 x 40ft back yard in 3 months he can get up to 120 lbs. in a whole year that is 240.

a lb is 4000 dollars. are you not scared of laws because if it works you can buy the country? you're talking 2500 or more 1lb yielding plants. what do you need with +/- 2 tons of weed worth 4g a lb?

btw if you "plan on buyin a house" to dry all the shit after you harvest 500 I hope you're better at money laundering than com-op planning.

usually 23 yr olds that work at pizza shops or w/e and then buy a 80.000 dollar house one day raise a few eyebrows ya know. with irs if absolutely nobody else. and believe me there would be someone else.

after you buy the house let us know what else you plan to do with the chabillion dollars you make.

lol dude im doing this for 3 reasons one to have some weed for me / 2 to suply my fellow smokers/ and 3 for money and ya ur right about the house thing raising some suspitions idk dude like i said before i have 6 months to plan for all this so hopefully with everyones help i can manage this


can someone show me maybe an easy er way to start all of these plants besides what i said imn very open to any new ideas so w,e i got throw it out there


Active member
Listen man...bottom line is...at this scale, if you have to ask for help on the net, you are nowhere near ready for something even 1/100'th the size your talking about.

Your just embarrassing yourself with all these silly questions. I mean I've (we) tried to be nice. I (we) tried to ask questions that will show you how poorly planned your idea is, but you just don't get it.

Please...Just delete your account and start over...

Truly not trying to be a dick here.
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Active member
Guyute54 said:
Planting that many plant's will be no problem. Harvesting is another story. ...

Brings back fond memories of the days when smoking a fattie and creating a world beating plan was possible.

Humm.... You have until next year to prepare. Job one, identify a strain that will do well in your climate. A few years of experimenting can be a big help but there is a wealth of experience to draw on.

Step two, forget about 5000 seeds. Once you have step one covered, you will clone the sh*t out of it and have hundreds or thousands of known female plants to work with.

Step three, get them into prepared sites for the Summer growing season.

Step four, prey for rain.

Step five, take the early harvest and buy a house. I would get to work on this part of the deal now. If you can find a buyer willing to a take a futures contract on pot, you are home free. If not....


Oh wow where do I begin... 5000 plants, your asking for a bullet in the ass bro.... and all by seed as well? Way too much work. I say you plant 30, find 15 females... veg them for a few months grab 20+ clones from each and grow some trees. If you plant then early enough they will get massive...5000 plants is also not a one person job BTW unless your planning on growing complete CRAP.... I have a friend with a only a few hundred and I help him at least once a week... for that many plants you'll need a crew... I don't even trust enough poeple to make a crew...
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Anti-Future said:
Oh wow where do I begin... 5000 plants, your asking for a bullet in the ass bro.... and all by seed as well? Way too much work. I say you plant 30, find 15 females... veg them for a few months grab 20+ clones from each and grow some trees. If you plant then early enough they will get massive...5000 plants is also not a one person job BTW unless your planning on growing complete CRAP.... I have a friend with a only a few hundred and I help him at least once a week... for that many plants you'll need a crew... I don't even trust enough poeple to make a crew...

words out of my mouth, especially having to rely on other people for your grow. good luck if you decide to go for it.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Hey though,

Darwin Awards.....

we might have a contender!

Peace, Love & Coco


Ganico said:
Start seeds or cuts in jiffy pellets? That's about easy as it gets
I mean, that's about the most basic step though man.

I just now actually for the first time truly visualized digging 5,000 holes. I'm guessing pretty big ones too if you're planning on 1lb per plant. Goddamn, man.

What's the most plants youve grew outdoors in a season? Cause seriously, 5k is a lot of damn plants. It'd take me like 50 days of 8 hour shifts digging (tiny holes) to do that by myself

I'm by no means an expert or pro though, like I said I just try to do a couple plants when I can
And not trying to discourage you or tell you what you are able to do or pull off, it's just that's a very very very very large number of plants

Even Julian who was talking about high numbers like that was talking about MINI'S, not 1lb sized plants. You know? Something to think about

idk man now that i think about it 5000 is alot and if i were to do the math to all the money thats to much i think i am going to massivly cut it down but im not sure so far the plan still sticks to the 5000 my mind may change when i have trouble getting all the suplied to start them and what not i think i may just cut that in half to 2500 plants now i know that is a big number as well but still idk i have 6 months to think and plan

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