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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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I cant find the article I was reading but 3 days before the explosion Haliburton, Transocean, and BP had a meeting about the high pressure methane gas "burps" causing problems with the drilling. It was apparently a heated argument about what to do. Transocean wanted to cap the well then and there. In the end BP's idea to use sea water instead of drilling mud won out as a solution to let the pressure escape without building up too high.

Someone at Goldman Sachs must have heard about this meeting and decided to pull out the money.

This source pretty much backs up what I am saying wish I could find the original article.


Blame capitalism!!

How about this, instead of blaming anyone..

There is no citizen in the world that benefits more from the oil business at the moment then me as a Scandinavian.

So how about this, blame me. I take responsibility for this. I use excessive amounts of plastic products and energy.

I have forgotten all the things my ancestors stood for, they were all fishermen, ive a fisherman family history of many many hundred years. Who knows it may even be thousands of years.

Right now im surrounded by linoleum flooring and all kinds of plastic thingys that could have been biodegradeable products instead. Everything from my clothing to the one-time cups i use because i cba to do the dishes is non-renewable.

My salt shaker is plastic, i could use that again instead of buying a new one.

My behavior is completely irrational, but im not self aware enough to stop myself from buying these things.

I also use excessive amounts of energy for heating and cooking and stuff.

So blame me, im the one that is responsible for this shit.

When rhinos go extinct because some culture likes to make tea from their horn because they cant get a boner without, we dont blame the poachers. We blame the guys that is paying the poachers.

So blame me for this. I can only say to you guys, im sorry and i will try to be more conscious about my life and i will try to learn more from my old folks. Ive been an arrogant yuppie

All blame aside...

im really sorry about what has happened in the gulf, im as i said from a long line of people that has lived off the sea. Im also from a culture that lives very closely connected to the sea.

My feelings about this shifts, like yours from outright rage and a want to blame someone. Which is very understandable and its also ok. To sometimes i just feel sad about myself, to look and see what used to be and what ive become and what is around me now. Because im so afraid that what has happened where you guys live will also happen here, there has been alot of drilling along my coastline in the last 30 years, my immediate area has been spared sofar. My area is similar to the gulf in the way that it is a very important spawning area for many species.

The general vibe these days is a yuppie vibe, lots of newly rich people moving to the cities. The small coastal communities are dieing, much like what happened along the east coast of Canada just a few decades ago. Big business is moving into the area and many people are greedy for some oil money.

Me too, sometimes im fooled by the promises of new roads and development in the area, but then i realize that this development is purely industrial and that no development is planned to increase living standards for the people in the area.

So i feel like a two headed monster these days, a part of me is desperately clinging to the old values. I want to buy an old farm by the coast and take up fishing like my grandfathers and uncles. But part of me is terrified whether or not i can do something like this, whether or not im too influenced by modern living.

I feel like i need protection from myself, its an internal battle.

I dont know if you guys can relate. I am just trying to portrait a way of looking at this to see what i can learn from it. I dont want it to happen in my immediate area, but i realize that this is a problem that concerns all of us, not only those that is hit the worst by it.

So im sorry for my part in this, I am to blame.
How about this, instead of blaming anyone..

There is no citizen in the world that benefits more from the oil business at the moment then me as a Scandinavian.

So how about this, blame me. I take responsibility for this. I use excessive amounts of plastic products and energy.

I have forgotten all the things my ancestors stood for, they were all fishermen, ive a fisherman family history of many many hundred years. Who knows it may even be thousands of years.

Right now im surrounded by linoleum flooring and all kinds of plastic thingys that could have been biodegradeable products instead. Everything from my clothing to the one-time cups i use because i cba to do the dishes is non-renewable.

My salt shaker is plastic, i could use that again instead of buying a new one.

My behavior is completely irrational, but im not self aware enough to stop myself from buying these things.

I also use excessive amounts of energy for heating and cooking and stuff.

So blame me, im the one that is responsible for this shit.

When rhinos go extinct because some culture likes to make tea from their horn because they cant get a boner without, we dont blame the poachers. We blame the guys that is paying the poachers.

So blame me for this. I can only say to you guys, im sorry and i will try to be more conscious about my life and i will try to learn more from my old folks. Ive been an arrogant yuppie

All blame aside...

im really sorry about what has happened in the gulf, im as i said from a long line of people that has lived off the sea. Im also from a culture that lives very closely connected to the sea.

My feelings about this shifts, like yours from outright rage and a want to blame someone. Which is very understandable and its also ok. To sometimes i just feel sad about myself, to look and see what used to be and what ive become and what is around me now. Because im so afraid that what has happened where you guys live will also happen here, there has been alot of drilling along my coastline in the last 30 years, my immediate area has been spared sofar. My area is similar to the gulf in the way that it is a very important spawning area for many species.

The general vibe these days is a yuppie vibe, lots of newly rich people moving to the cities. The small coastal communities are dieing, much like what happened along the east coast of Canada just a few decades ago. Big business is moving into the area and many people are greedy for some oil money.

Me too, sometimes im fooled by the promises of new roads and development in the area, but then i realize that this development is purely industrial and that no development is planned to increase living standards for the people in the area.

So i feel like a two headed monster these days, a part of me is desperately clinging to the old values. I want to buy an old farm by the coast and take up fishing like my grandfathers and uncles. But part of me is terrified whether or not i can do something like this, whether or not im too influenced by modern living.

I feel like i need protection from myself, its an internal battle.

I dont know if you guys can relate. I am just trying to portrait a way of looking at this to see what i can learn from it. I dont want it to happen in my immediate area, but i realize that this is a problem that concerns all of us, not only those that is hit the worst by it.

So im sorry for my part in this, I am to blame.

i also take part of the blame in this.

how can we fix this? we need to start changing the way we live our lives before its too late.

this is our fault. OURS. we are all one here.. and we forget that a lot.

instead of being religious and worrying about the after life, why dont we respect the things that allow us to live in this life? this earth is a part of us! we are destroying ourselves.

and btw im not a "tree hugger" or a hippie.. this oil spill is just kinda opening my eyes here..


Cannabrex Formulator
Everyone but you would be dead, if you were left in charge.

And if parasitic folks like you are left in charge, there will be NO-ONE AT ALL LEFT, because this planet will be rendered uninhabitable in the name of immediate gratification, greed and the quarterly profit report if the present paradigm does not stop, and soon.

You just cannot have infinite growth within a finite resource system....why is that so hard to understand?

Why try to wax intelligent when you just got through making one of the worst statements a human being could make?

I assume you are referring to my wishing death on the assfucks responsible for the Gulf disaster.
How is wishing the elimination of callous, greedy scum who gamble with the health of our only home a bad thing?
If someone poisoned your water, set fire to your garden, sprayed your house and land with crude oil and took away your job, you'd probably want them dead too....esp if they did it all in the name of making a nice fat profit, and continued to enjoy their wealth while you starved.

And if all we are here for is to procreate, then we need to start employing a selection process. You would be my first cull. The genes in your head are very dangerous. In fact, I suspect they were passed on from the likes of Genghis Khan, or perhaps Hitler?

Don't worry hoosier, there will be a cull....and it will happen by itself. When the system you take for granted falls apart at the seams, those who are dependent on a paycheck and a grocery store for their living will not survive.

And no, my genes come from neither Hitler or Genghis......I am just a dad who would like very much for my grandchildren to have something left to call home....or their grandchildren.

And I have a very deep seated anger towards and hatred of those who will deprive them of a viable, healthy biosphere for the sake of $25 million bonuses and another mansion that will never be used.
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i also take part of the blame in this.

how can we fix this? we need to start changing the way we live our lives before its too late.

this is our fault. OURS. we are all one here.. and we forget that a lot.

instead of being religious and worrying about the after life, why dont we respect the things that allow us to live in this life? this earth is a part of us! we are destroying ourselves.

and btw im not a "tree hugger" or a hippie.. this oil spill is just kinda opening my eyes here..

A) im a huge phish phan

B) opening your eyes is the start of a amazing journey cause you are only eyes of the world but mouth ears and hands

C) big industry is what is fueling the rapid decline, make prudent purchase decisions don't fuel big business revenues when you don't have to


Cannabrex Formulator
Knee jerk ignorance.

What an erudite riposte...you musta been on the debating team...

Care to explain how wanting my children and their grandkids to have a healthy, viable biosphere is "knee jerk ignorance", hoosier?

Or are you just gonna do yer stock blowing off of folks who have a valid point that you don't happen to want to hear or deal with and keep spewing ridiculous platitudes about how it really not all that bad, and there is no deforestation problem, and natural seeps are way worse than anything BP can cause blah blah blah blah........?


Active member
ICMag Donor
You have no valid points. You have presented the opinion of a madman.
All one needs to do is read your stuff. Not worthy of any discussion.
Trying to invoke the "for my children" card does not hide the ridiculous statements you have made.
this is our fault. OURS. we are all one here.. and we forget that a lot.

instead of being religious and worrying about the after life, why dont we respect the things that allow us to live in this life? this earth is a part of us! we are destroying ourselves. .

Thats exactly how I feel you need to live for life not death and deal with the problems of the day logically.

The Preachers of Death
There are preachers of death: and the earth is full of those to whom desistance from life must be preached.
Full is the earth of the superfluous; marred is life by the many-too-many. May they be decoyed out of this life by the "life eternal"!
"The yellow ones": so are called the preachers of death, or "the black ones." But I will show them unto you in other colours besides.
There are the terrible ones who carry about in themselves the beast of prey, and have no choice except lusts or self-laceration. And even their lusts are self-laceration.
They have not yet become men, those terrible ones: may they preach desistance from life, and pass away themselves!
There are the spiritually consumptive ones: hardly are they born when they begin to die, and long for doctrines of lassitude and renunciation.
They would fain be dead, and we should approve of their wish! Let us beware of awakening those dead ones, and of damaging those living coffins!
They meet an invalid, or an old man, or a corpse—and immediately they say: "Life is refuted!"
But they only are refuted, and their eye, which seeth only one aspect of existence.
Shrouded in thick melancholy, and eager for the little casualties that bring death: thus do they wait, and clench their teeth.
Or else, they grasp at sweetmeats, and mock at their childishness thereby: they cling to their straw of life, and mock at their still clinging to it.
Their wisdom speaketh thus: "A fool, he who remaineth alive; but so far are we fools! And that is the foolishest thing in life!"
"Life is only suffering": so say others, and lie not. Then see to it that ye cease! See to it that the life ceaseth which is only suffering!
And let this be the teaching of your virtue: "Thou shalt slay thyself! Thou shalt steal away from thyself!"—
"Lust is sin,"—so say some who preach death—"let us go apart and beget no children!"
"Giving birth is troublesome,"—say others—"why still give birth? One beareth only the unfortunate!" And they also are preachers of death.
"Pity is necessary,"—so saith a third party. "Take what I have! Take what I am! So much less doth life bind me!"
Were they consistently pitiful, then would they make their neighbours sick of life. To be wicked—that would be their true goodness.
But they want to be rid of life; what care they if they bind others still faster with their chains and gifts!—
And ye also, to whom life is rough labour and disquiet, are ye not very tired of life? Are ye not very ripe for the sermon of death?
All ye to whom rough labour is dear, and the rapid, new, and strange—ye put up with yourselves badly; your diligence is flight, and the will to self-forgetfulness.
If ye believed more in life, then would ye devote yourselves less to the momentary. But for waiting, ye have not enough of capacity in you- nor even for idling!
Everywhere resoundeth the voices of those who preach death; and the earth is full of those to whom death hath to be preached.
Or "life eternal"; it is all the same to me—if only they pass away quickly!—
Thus spake Zarathustra.


weed fiend
What an erudite riposte...you musta been on the debating team...

Care to explain how wanting my children and their grandkids to have a healthy, viable biosphere is "knee jerk ignorance", hoosier?

Or are you just gonna do yer stock blowing off of folks who have a valid point that you don't happen to want to hear or deal with and keep spewing ridiculous platitudes about how it really not all that bad, and there is no deforestation problem, and natural seeps are way worse than anything BP can cause blah blah blah blah........?

Purveyors of capitalism have waited for decades to drill. These folks don't believe AGW exists or it shouldn't exist. You know, God wanted us to be free and harvest the Earth. Our founding fathers declared our inalienable rights given by God, (their founding father.) Wait a minute, didn't the founding fathers declare all (men) were created equal. Maybe if you're only making money.

Just like environmentalists want us to go green for sustainability, so do capitalists with conventional. A pile of cash sustains oneself, even if it means we have to sustain accidents and depleted sources. Conservatives don't want change, they want the right to finance their conventional system and green tech ends a bastion of strength and power seen in the eyes of Americans. That's the romance end of it anyway. Technically it means getting another job and accumulating another dynasty. It's not enough to have sustainability if we don't have an all encompassing legacy to leave behind. :chin: Rich and powerful folks have rights too. It's just that their lifestyle doesn't leave anything for others in the future. Stop the technicality and remember romance.

You still read see (revisionist) historic reference to American Indians herding buffalo over cliffs to their demise but the white man didn't like millions of them herding over western railroads for hours on end. It thwarted progress. It's one of the first things we exterminated. Sorry, I'm getting lost attempting to make a point here but I'm not sure there is one. It would be nice if conservatives explained these things, non-conservative wouldn't have to. But it's got something to do with God, guns and right to shoot. Short on technical but high on romance. Romance in the sense that technicalities are pesky critters like buffalo.

But I know a few conservatives who get irate whenever rivers aren't stocked to the levels they enjoyed a few years ago. God loving, gun toting deer hunters don't seem to have direct conflict with limited hunting seasons but I guess there isn't big business in deer hunting. Maybe conservatives realize only when something is gone, like the American Buffalo. And deer don't mess with the train arriving on time. Commerce is a funny thing, gets in it's way of history.

I know that doesn't tie together but neither do some conservative ideological explanations. When it comes to conservation, ones right to conserve conflicts with ones right to exploit.

By and large, there are two types of folks in this struggle, conservationists and capitalists. One would think the conservatives would be conservationists but it flies in the face of Capitalism, a belief as much as any other concept. You'll hear ol' Teddy R. was a bad thing for capitalism at 5 o'clock. Never mind the fact artists chiseled his face (fat) so his image would improve for 30,000 years. I guess these artists not only thought we'd preserve more than an image of a president for our children, we wouldn't exploit our natural beauty. But Teddy was a shooter and an enigma. I know, I can't tie together the conflicting bits but I have to go deer hunting.

I guess in the end, the right to make money supersedes the right to save for our children. Ah, there's that conflicting technicality again. Just don 't think about the future, unless it's got to do with deer and we've already got deer season figured out. Just think how romantic it is to make money on the green earth. Scratch that green earth part, money's green enough for romance.
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weed fiend
You have no valid points. You have presented the opinion of a madman.
All one needs to do is read your stuff. Not worthy of any discussion.
Trying to invoke the "for my children" card does not hide the ridiculous statements you have made.

I was kind of hoping we'd get the skinny. genkisen, forget you have any valid idea of conservation, environmentalism. etc. For that matter, forget anything....everything.

Just go out and make some money, even if it fucks something up. Your right to make money is bigger than whatever. But when folks call you out for un-sustainability, just remind them how killing all the buffalo made the trains run on time.

You're messing with timeliness of commerce, not to mention there's folks on the fence that need to fall on the side of conservatism. If you'll just leave it alone, the last post will most likely determine whether we're more conservative or not.

So never mind you have anything to say, you're a madman.
Explain to me how BP is making money on this deal. All that oil leaking is running up a charge to them for the oil. Gubment still gets their cut whether or not it leaks in the ocean or gets sold at the gas pump. Its in the contract.

Also, the US is by far the cleanest major industrial country on the planet. Go check China, its a rat hole. Check Cuba, they haven't had a new pair of socks or a pay raise since 1950, go south of the US border, all piles of shit. Entire continent of Africa, any country run by moslems, the list is endless.

And then go up to any worker in China, working in filth and pollution 20 hours a day and ask them if its better than starving to death back in their green home town.

If the evil republicans want to destroy the world for a profit, then the leftists want the world to be as green as that prison camp known as North Korea. One light bulb in the entire country. And you ask the Norks which they would choose. Livin green on a 300 calorie/day state mandated diet, or livin large in a capitalist hell. Put one of them here, and some collectivist welfare trash there and they would be laughing all the way to the bank at that tradeoff.

Tell someone in China you want to shut down the coal powerplant and send them back to the hills to starve so their kids might be happy and they would rightly call you a fucking moron.

One system is morally just, and the other is evil. And there's no meeting halfway in the middle.

Or as good old Rand says:

Can There Be A "Mixed" Social System?

There can be no social system which is a mixture of Individualism and Collectivism. Either individual rights are recognized in a society, or they are not recognized. They cannot be half-recognized.

What frequently happens, however, is that a society based on Individualism does not have the courage, integrity and intelligence to observe its own principle consistently in every practical application. Through ignorance, cowardice, or mental sloppiness, such a society passes laws and accepts regulations which contradict its basic principle and violate the rights of man. To the extent of such violations, society perpetrates injustices, evils, and abuses. If the breaches are not corrected, society collapses into the chaos of Collectivism.

When you see a society that recognizes man's rights in some of its laws but not in others, do not hail it as a "mixed " system and do not conclude that a compromise between basic principles, opposed in theory, can be made to work in practice. Such a society is not working; it is merely disintegrating. Disintegration takes time. Nothing falls to pieces immediately -- neither a human body nor a human society.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Disco, calling for the death of people for what has happened is the call of a madman. He has even reiterated his position, which shows it wasn't just a flighting moment of ignorance, but rather a reasoned position. Nothing else he provides can possibly be seen as valid, no matter if on point or not. Madmen are not supposed to vote.
Besides, nothing he provides has been on point. Certainly nothing of sincerity.
Basically a typical display of misdirected, pent up, anger and hate. A true hater, for you young folks who think that anyone who disagrees is a hater.
One of the planets biggest problems is, that there are people of high power and importance that have the same sort of evil thoughts running through their skull as well, but these madmen have the means and ability to act on their evil thoughts and angry dispositions. These people are truly to be feared.
It started with a burst of gas through the drilling well. Workers scrambled to close the safety valves but within moments the platform caught fire and collapsed. Tens of millions of gallons of oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico. Numerous attempts to stanch the spill failed.

Three decades later, the 1979 Ixtoc disaster remains the Gulf's — and the world's — worst peacetime oil spill.

The parallels between that disaster and the current BP oil spill offer sobering lessons. There were no quick fixes for Ixtoc: It took 10 months to stop the leak, with Mexico's state-owned oil company, Pemex, trying methods similar to those that BP has attempted at its Deepwater Horizon rig.

Pemex managed to slow the spill a little using several methods including forcing metal spheres into the well. But it couldn't stop the leak until two relief wells were drilled — and even that didn't work right away: the oil kept gushing for another three months after the first well was completed.

In the end, Ixtoc spewed a record 140 million gallons of oil. Massive slicks reached the northern Mexican Gulf coast and Texas, where it would eventually coat almost 170 miles (275 kilometers) of U.S. beaches.
Rest of the story is here. 4 pages long. Never knew about this but it would be good to research it to see how it applies to today's mess.

You just cannot have infinite growth within a finite resource system....why is that so hard to understand?
that is the point of it all! since the founding of America most of the worlds economy has been based on an infinite growth model. Now we hit an energy limit and the model falls apart. Once energy production ability gets withing 10% of demand the world economies will collapse under debt as things are now. If we dont get off oil in the next 30 years the lights will go out.

Edit: Read that article scary It took 10 months to stop Ixtoc and it was only 150 feet deep and the Deepwater Horizon rig is twice the depth manned subs cant go.


weed fiend
Disco, calling for the death of people for what has happened is the call of a madman. He has even reiterated his position, which shows it wasn't just a flighting moment of ignorance, but rather a reasoned position. Nothing else he provides can possibly be seen as valid, no matter if on point or not. Madmen are not supposed to vote.
Besides, nothing he provides has been on point. Certainly nothing of sincerity.
Basically a typical display of misdirected, pent up, anger and hate. A true hater, for you young folks who think that anyone who disagrees is a hater.
One of the planets biggest problems is, that there are people of high power and importance that have the same sort of evil thoughts running through their skull as well, but these madmen have the means and ability to act on their evil thoughts and angry dispositions. These people are truly to be feared.

Good argument. Although mad is psychosis and that means doing harm to oneself or others, g's opinion without acting isn't in itself psychosis. One might consider texicannibus' right to murder as crazy but others might not. Debates on population control might generate "crazy" conclusions but IMO, the reality isn't reflective that opinions across-the-board aren't worthy. Recognizing an impasse is constructive so I can see why you might feel diametric opposition is a waste of time to debate. That's often the nature of debate and it's been that way for thousands of years. Sorry I popped your aspect too simply. I often don't see what you don't explain but taking the time to render has understanding if not agreement.

I think I get your part about anger and hate. We've all got the same reality but perception shapes the way we see reality enough that we're often diametrically opposed.

I guess my philosophical beliefs could agree with your last paragraph, if the object was business. Business as a whole is positive but aspects are negative enough to corrode government, our only protection against special interests. I recognize it's a matter of perception whether special interests are yours or mine since we both advocate our own and some are categorized as "special".

So maybe social diversity (along with some legal protections, sorry) generates enough acceptance to quell violence in the streets. It also gives us plenty of food for the IC fodder. Thanks.
that is the point of it all! since the founding of America most of the worlds economy has been based on an infinite growth model. Now we hit an energy limit and the model falls apart. Once energy production ability gets withing 10% of demand the world economies will collapse under debt as things are now. If we don't get off oil in the next 30 years the lights will go out.

Edit: Read that article scary It took 10 months to stop Ixtoc and it was only 150 feet deep and the Deepwater Horizon rig is twice the depth manned subs cant go.

I call bullshit. History is full of doomsayers like Al Gore. Financial opportunists disguised as prophets.

“Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”

Note the first sentence "almost agree unanimously". Sound familiar? And notice that wherever there are problems, it isn't because of capitalism, its because of collectivism.

Contrary to the Al Gore of the 1960's, its never been better in the history of the world than right now.

Thomas Malthus the Al Gore of the late 1700's predicted mass starvation by early 1800's England, because population increased geometrically while the food supply could increase only arithmetically. He was consider the wise and all knowing doomsayer of his day, and had a huge following.

New York Times, early last century until now peddled stories in rotation about how man was causing an ice age, then gloabl warming, then another ice age, then global warming.

The only thing in retrospect that they've all had in common is they're all full of shit.

There is no energy limit. Not in oil, or any energy. The universe is all energy. Saudi Arabia supposedly had 50 years worth of oil, 50 years ago. They have more oil left to drill now than they thought they had in total back then.

Oil wells around the world thought to be dry are filling back up from below. There's more shale oil in three midwest states than all the known crude reserves in the world combined. Known natural gas reserves are approaching 500 years. Coal, just in the US 300 years worth. In 50 years we'll probably have fusion power, 75 years tops if the government helps.

Anyone who gets up on a soap box and starts out a sentence that says "We should..." needs a punch in the face. Individuals working in their best self interest, saying "I should..., because its best for me" is the freest and least wastefull of any system. It requires no central planning, contains more charity than these fake benefactors who produce nothing & can only steal something from someone else. The best choice is always made with the most cost effective and available resources and technology, and none more. Nothing wasted, or stolen. No market killed on purpose, so another one can start.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Science really isn't sure how crude oil is produced in the earth. And those that state we are depleting our resources do not come with very substantial evidence of it being so. We have barely touched what we know exists.
Imagine how good PC's would be, and the Internet if the government had controlled it like every other industry, instead of it being a self regulated entity with billions working in their own interests. We'd all have 286's with 9600 baud modems, and search queries would be manual, as in fill out paperwork and submit it by postal mail to the "Information Return Service". :)

Looking for "low cost AK-47 seeds" would be an instant bust.


A marine biologist who was involved with the last large spill in the gulf in 1979 (it leaked for 10 months) stated that they were amazed at how quickly the polluted areas healed themselves, and with all the efforts they made at the time, it was ultimately nature that dispersed the oil. He stated that a certain beach in TX was oil soaked just prior to some hurricane and the day after the storm hit, the oil was gone, and they couldn't even find trace amounts of it on the beaches.
The storm also helped to not only dilute the oil, but helped it to sink which allows natural bacterium to eat the crude, as it does on a regular basis.

It is nice that you have quoted this part of the text to put it in a more positive way, but you forgot the rest

Two decades after the Ixtoc disaster, marine biologist Wes Tunnell sank his diving knife into an area where he had spotted a tar patch just after the spill. The blade came out black and tarry but the hardened surface of the patch was under sand, shells and algae that had completely covered it.

"No one else would know that it was anything other than a rock ledge," said Tunnell of the Harte institute. "I think that the Gulf of Mexico is hugely resilient, or at least it was 30 years ago. We've insulted it a lot since then in various ways."

The Gulf has also long dealt with oil that naturally seeps from the seafloor. Some experts estimate that tens of millions of gallons seep into the Gulf from natural up-wellings each year, fostering large populations of oil-eating bacteria and microorganisms.

However, it is unclear how much any of that will help this time around.

The Deepwater spill is closer to sensitive coastlines than Ixtoc was. And it is affecting Louisiana marshlands that are more sensitive than the more sparsely populated Texan and Mexican coastlines that Ixtoc reached.

"Obviously there were some helping factors - nature, climate, current - that in the end helped people (with Ixtoc) so that's good news," said Patzek. "However ... the Ixtoc well seemed to have been a little farther out from sensitive places."

The depth of the BP spill could also complicate the Gulf's ability to cope.

The oil-eating bacterial populations are located mainly on the surface or near shore, where the Ixtoc oil appeared. BP has tried to break up the oil deep underwater, pumping chemical dispersants directly into the damaged well.

That could be a mistake, McKinney said. While chemically dispersing the oil keeps the spill less visible and ugly than Ixtoc, it prevents the oil from floating up to the surface where wind, waves, bacteria and sunlight could help break it up, he said. And some environmentalists question the safety of the dispersant itself.

"I know, out of sight, out of mind," McKinney said. "But also, out of sight is what can kill you, like a cancer, and that may be the bigger problem."

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

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