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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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I will say it again......
Public execution for all responsible, on global TV.....straight up, do not pass go, do not collect any fucking insurance, do not drag anything thru 25 years of court.

Bang, yer fuckin' dead, evil malignant Corpo-Nazi white-collar criminal asshole scumbag.

You do know that the land is owned by the feds, and that the Kenyan poser is the one that issued the drilling permit. Then awarded them his personal presidential safety award.

So, as far as executions go, start with him.

Then move down the list to every leftist who ever demanded that safe places to drill were off limits, and only places where things like this can't be fixed should be drilled.

Its an easy fix and has been done hundreds if not thousands of times routinely on land or in shallow waters. (see Kuwait)


St. Elsewhere
I wouldn't put much stock in that conspiracy theory. What is their usual trade? Without checking I'd guess that 250M isn't out of the ordinary.

I had thought about that, what with it being Goldman Sachs. From what I hear, 250 mil is almost unheard of in a lump transaction, but it could just be heresay. (This was 43.7% of their stock) Gonna look into it more.


According to regulatory filings, RawStory.com has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman's sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP's stock during the quarter.

If Goldman had sold these shares today, their investment would have lost 36 percent its value, or $96 million. The share sales represented 44 percent of Goldman's holdings -- meaning that Goldman's remaining holdings have still lost tens of millions in value.

The potential losses seem like small potatoes to a firm like Sachs, though.
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this is not a cash conspiracy.

I know some Tea Partiers that believe it was a conspiracy from the Left......

we fucking punched a hole in the earth in the wrong place with the wrong gear and now we are screwed.

The magnitude has me so depressed. And I am generally not a depressed person.

I had thought about that, what with it being Goldman Sachs. From what I hear, 250 mil is almost unheard of in a lump transaction, but it could just be heresay. Gonna look into it more.

In that case - From what little I know about trading, which is more like nothing. I'd have to say that is worthy of explanation. And probably legally required by insider trading regulations.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Government is to fucking inept to regulate things. They screw things up royal.
I can guarantee you that BP, or any other oil exploration co would not pick out there in deep water to drill for oil. It is the lunacy of the federal government that causes these types of stupid things to happen. They are at the root, and there is no denying it.
And they need to have folks tore up like a can of kraut so they have your feelings and heartstrings to use. Take John for example. I feel for you man, I really do..but do man up. Geez.

How long would it taken to have fixed this if we were drilling in Anwar? Wait...we wouldn't have this happen if the fucking government would keep their noses out of things they have no fucking business into in the first place.

But, they have most of you by the heartstrings (read; lil bitty balls) just where they want you.

Fix this and move on, and fuck a bunch of making us go for oil way out there. Lets drill where it is safe and plentiful to do so.

Obama said he takes full responsibility. Bullshit, he is throwing words. And who here thinks somebody with zero leadership experience, and no proven skills can even start to fix this thing? Ha!
What the idiot should have done was rallied the experts, TOLD BP to get their shit together and fix this, and rally any and all the top heads from the industry...NOW.
But, he has no leadership skills, and his handlers are as ignorant as he is.

But really...no shit..surely this can all be linked to Dick Chaney.



we are the world..

we are the children...

we are the ones soaked in hydrocarbons, so thanks BP


weed fiend
hoosier, you're a trip. Drilling in coastal waters is like removing the coal pillars that causes mines to cave. It's profit but it's too close to us. If you want riskier commerce, a balance of regulation will help ensure your livelihood as an individual.

The idea that regulation makes business more dangerous only apples to deregulated and inbred agencies that thwart all the shit left on the books.

When Pablo Escobar was in prison, he owned it. Big Oil isn't in prison but they run the agencies when they spawn with regulators.

Big Oil brags about record depth drilling. They'd suck the Marianna's Trench dry if profits chased them there.

Adjusted for inflation, the cheapest oil we ever had was 1998/~$1.00. Big Oil didn't have the margins they have today because costs were so low.

All this new technology in deep oil drilling helps increase the margins because additional infra-structured helps industry lobbyists raise margins to record levels.

When gas gets to $10 per gallon, (our price) the industry can afford to drill "the Trench.) Regulation won't chase Big Oil there but Capitalism will. Ok, I'm off the extreme analogies. Excessive regulation thwarts commerce. A good balance of regulation increases commerce because commerce may continue instead of busting.
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I wish this kind of attention was giving to the Appalachian Mountains when coal companies were literally blowing off the tops of mountains and the coal slurry were, will still are, polluting the rivers and soil.


Cannabrex Formulator
You do know that the land is owned by the feds, and that the Kenyan poser is the one that issued the drilling permit. Then awarded them his personal presidential safety award.

So, as far as executions go, start with him.

Then move down the list to every leftist who ever demanded that safe places to drill were off limits, and only places where things like this can't be fixed should be drilled.

Its an easy fix and has been done hundreds if not thousands of times routinely on land or in shallow waters. (see Kuwait)

What total bullshit.

If I rent a house to someone who then goes on to shit on the floor, puke on the walls and tear up the lawn....is it my fault?

Capitalism by definition is a malignant philosophy.

The only thing that grows unchecked and without control in nature is cancer.

We are not here to make lots of money, or build the biggest house, or exploit our planet/neighbours/animals/children/resources.....we are here to be alive, breathe clean air, enjoy the wonders of this planet and continue the species....life is not a question or mystery to be answered, nor is it a collecting contest to be won....
It is an experience to be lived.

And if we do not learn that, and start thinking about and basing our actions on real long term survival (2000-5000 years in the future), we are dooming future generations to living in an increasingly hellish world, until the planet wipes us off like the malignant growth we have become and continues along it's merry way.

But of course, you'll be dead by then, so you don't care....right?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Everyone but you would be dead, if you were left in charge. Why try to wax intelligent when you just got through making one of the worst statements a human being could make?
And if all we are here for is to procreate, then we need to start employing a selection process. You would be my first cull. The genes in your head are very dangerous. In fact, I suspect they were passed on from the likes of Genghis Khan, or perhaps Hitler? In any event, your expression of those genes shows a high need for cull. I would highly consider getting spayed if I were you. Help our gene pool!


St. Elsewhere
Blame capitalism!! Because... Communist governments don't use oil! They're all completely green! Because... America is supposedly a free-market system (hasn't been for over 100 years fwiw) so this folly by a British Company (That clearly did not come out of free-market capitalism) merits the end of capitalism in America!

Obviously this oil rig (which is in the Gulf in compliance with regulation) would have never been there, and never would have malfunctioned if we had more regulation. Makes perfect sense.

Yea, you might want to take a look at where this Green Movement is taking you...

You might also want to look at the solution most of you are calling for in reaction to this problem. (Problem, reaction, solution?)
what good are laws if the government doesnt enforce them.

"BP's safety violations far outstrip its fellow oil companies. According to the Center for Public Integrity, in the last three years, BP refineries in Ohio and Texas have accounted for 97 percent of the "egregious, willful" violations handed out by the Occupational Safety and Health" -ABC news

So 97% of the highest level OSHA safety violations given out in the USA against any company were received by BP. How this company was allowed to continue business and receive new permits is beyond me.

Not only that but 45 BP workers have been killed, and more than 200 seriously injured since 2004 due to safety violations.
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