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5 Years Ago....


I was in a bad way...got locked up in jail for 3 days on a 'hold'..shipped off to some looney bin for 2 weeks and put on some crazy anitpscyhotics...gained 100 lbs in less than a year..got dumped by my first love...shit was really f'd up man...

fast forward a couple years...off the meds and sane again...got to see a concert with my best friend (Red Hot Chili Peppers)...got my head right again after losing 100 lbs. in 6 months...

now days I'm getting in shape again after gaining some weight...I'm getting my money right and I'm getting a ride soon...just broke up with my chick because we both decided we have different goals right now but we're still talking..haha..and I'm only 11 credits shy of getting my Associate's Degree...WOOOT!!
man..my future looks sooooo good right now...a lot better than when I weighed close to 300 lbs and was depressed all the time...

It took all of 5 years to get back to where I was in 2004 when I was happy, sane, loving, caring, independent and grew my own herb.

I'm feeling great tonight and I feel like sharing..man, I know it sounds cheesy, but you gotta have a good positive attitude in this world.

Loving Life!!


Active member
You are not alone I have been to hell and back much worse then what you have been thru. And I am still not where I would like to be. But i just say the hell with it lifes to short love what you have. Weed has saved my life and I dont know what I would do without it good luck to you buddy keep your head up....:joint:


Damn dude, I know that feeling and I can't wait til I get to where I want to be. I'm green with envy dude. Once I get there I wont trade that feeling of contentment for anything. Keep it up.


you guys rock!

I'm getting that 'same old feeling' again..I've had it many times..it comes and goes...I'm just in a better state of mind now...i work out for 2 hours at least 5 days a week ( mostly cardio) and weights when I feel like it..and I think that has been key to my well being..that and some good herb, but hold the beer for now..haha..

I knew you guys would like to hear a postive story.

Cookie monster

:joint::joint::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:Good on ya bro.....you think life's good now imagine what it will be like in another 5.

Keep on with those positive vibrations

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Rock on brother! :headbange Keep on keep'n on! And anytime you start feeling down again (cause I know I do sometimes) Just remind yourself that being positive attracts the positive.


you know...when I think about it all after 5 years...it really was teaching me some things..I learned a lot of patience..I learned how to work hard for what you want...I learned a little about women...but most of all, I learned how who I am and what I'm capable of.

Now that I have this knowledge and positive attitude with life, I think I have to share it and let people know that they have the power to change their lives and inspire others.

You don't have to be a celebrity, or rich, or powerful to help others...just buy going out and doing your thing will inspire others to reach their goals...even just sharing success stories you can show people that a good life is acheivable.

It just takes one step to start a journey, and during that journey you can touch many lives and inspire people by just being yourself.

Man...we should turn this thread into a motivational/postivism thread where we can share stories about our successes and turn arounds..


The Hopeful Protagonist
You already have....

After working really hard to climb the "mountains" in my life I came realize that it wasn't the peaks I was after, it was the journey. :joint:

Rock on


Okay..here's another story, but it's part of the last 5 years for me...

I was locked up in jail for 3 days and had a psychiatrist recommend I be shipped to a looney bin for 2 weeks..I was put on a few weird meds (haldol, geodon, depakote, lithium, etc...)..I knew deep down I was not crazy but I took them anyway and played nice..but once I got home, I knew I didn't have to take that shit anymore, but I was being watched by family to make sure that I took them..after I got to like 200 lbs, I started bitching and throwing the pills in the toilet where they belong..my parents caught on and got all pissy so I kept taking them reluctantly...nobody cared that I was gaining weight at a rapid pace and became severely depressed...to cover up my hatred for psychiatry and my life, I started spending all my money on alcohol every weekend and getting completely wasted.

that lasted until I got a job at a lumber yard and had to work every day from sunrise to sunset..no joking either...3 cig breaks, 30 min. lunch....not fun at all man...but I was making some nice bank and ended up quitting the job to take a vacation in August..I got to see my best friend and go to a RHCP concert,drink a lot of beer, smoke some good buds and hook up with some hotties..

it's been 3 years since that summer in 2006 and I've been doing great since..no meds, no psych wards, no cops, no drama basically...it's been good.

It was pretty cool working at the lumber yard from 5 AM to dark cuz I lost the majority of my weight there, got paid good and learned about work ethic..even though I quit to take a vacation, it was a good experience and valuable in many ways.

Just a word of advice though: if you ever get locked up in a psych ward, play it cool and do what you are told..once you get out, do something like go camping and get away from people cuz you're gonna need to clear your head and find a place to bury those evil evil pills.


^^ Yea dude manual labor is the shit. Getting off of hard ass drugs would have been nearly impossible if I didn't have my labor/construction job. 12 hours a fucking day, making bank, smoking weed. I need a job like that again.

Good for you man.