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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Have you ever mapped an oil deposit under the sea floor?

Didn't think so.

Amos :wave:

I'm sure we don't know. It sounds good.. I was thinking of farting as an example. First there is the pucker and then the Spew but then the shrink back down. If there isn't closure there will be some problems I would assume.

Does this sound right? <pun intended>

Do you know about the ocean floor Amos? for real? BP is wanting to make friends with me on Myspace and Youtube should I make friends with BP?


lmao... blame the communists!!! .. is a classic :yes:

America DID actually revert back to the 70's, i thought it was just a rumor! zomg!

Well it is true in America now that it's Capitalism on the way up and Socialism on the way down for the Wealthy.

Is it the Communists fault?

Oil is big Money's drug of choice well that and War. So I would guess that phone call to the White-house was about that Socialist package Wall Street got called a Bail out...

LOL BP may be asking for the same...

Amos Moses

I'm sure we don't know. It sounds good.. I was thinking of farting as an example. First there is the pucker and then the Spew but then the shrink back down. If there isn't closure there will be some problems I would assume.

Does this sound right? <pun intended>

Do you know about the ocean floor Amos? for real? BP is wanting to make friends with me on Myspace and Youtube should I make friends with BP?

As this oil disaster plays out, there will be nothing left. (pun intended)

Y'all have a real fun filled day!

Amos :wave:


As this oil disaster plays out, there will be nothing left. (pun intended)

Y'all have a real fun filled day!

Amos :wave:

The Virgin is deflowered now... We will have big oil spills in our future news and we won't even think to watch the news after this..

I am not kidding on the BP requesting Friends online.

They have taken the PR to Youtube and Facebook. I have to check facebook I saw the request for Youtube.

Amos Moses

Well it is true in America now that it's Capitalism on the way up and Socialism on the way down for the Wealthy.

Is it the Communists fault?

Oil is big Money's drug of choice well that and War. So I would guess that phone call to the White-house was about that Socialist package Wall Street got called a Bail out...

LOL BP may be asking for the same...

Do you have any clue what political party most wall street executives identify themselves with?

How about the big corporations like General Electric? or Microsoft? or BP? or Hollywood producers?

You've been played son! :blowbubbles:

Amos :wave:


Do you have any clue what political party most wall street executives identify themselves with?

How about the big corporations like General Electric? or Microsoft? or BP? or Hollywood producers?

You've been played son! :blowbubbles:

Amos :wave:

Not By Carmen Electra Amos.. I'm wise to her evil ways...
Do you have any clue what political party most wall street executives identify themselves with?

How about the big corporations like General Electric? or Microsoft? or BP? or Hollywood producers?

You've been played son! :blowbubbles:

Amos :wave:

They identify themselves with whoever is going to win the election. They throw money at both parties and then give even more money to the party that has won.


They identify themselves with whoever is going to win the election. They throw money at both parties and then give even more money to the party that has won.

So true and when they don't get the tax breaks they want they threaten to switch sides.

Is it legal to shoot at them in the cross walks of the political road?

Amos Moses

They identify themselves with whoever is going to win the election. They throw money at both parties and then give even more money to the party that has won.

"Party of the Rich"
Limousine liberals are upgrading to Lear jets.

[FONT=times new roman,times]T[/FONT]he GOP is the party of the rich, or so goes the conventional wisdom since the days of FDR.

Many Republicans, said Democratic-party chairman Howard Dean recently, “have never made an honest living in their lives.” Democratic activists have even set up a satirical website. And a liberal tax-exempt 527 group with the same name gets checks from anti-Bush billionaires such as Herb Sandler of Golden West Financial.

The GOP has historically been the party of both Main Street and Wall Street. But over the past decade, the plutocrats have increasingly become Democrats. Billionaires for Bush are increasingly outnumbered by billionaires who hate Bush. And Republicans in limousines are being outpaced by Democrats in Lear Jets.

With soft-money contributions banned, the super rich can now hope to sway elections with large checks to 527 advocacy groups such as MoveOn.org, Americans Coming Together, and the Media Fund, and by bundling contributions to candidates. Over the last four elections, the Democrats have dominated on both accounts. Consider these numbers, from the nonpartisan, non-profit Center for Responsive Politics (CRP):
Thus far in 2006, 17 of the top 25 contributors to 527 advocacy groups are funding liberal/Democratic causes, including liberal billionaires George Soros, and Peter Lewis.

In 2004, Democrats made up 15 of the 25 individuals who gave more than $2 million to 527 groups. Of the Senate and House candidates who received “bundled” contributions that year, 9 out of the top 10 in the Senate and 8 out of 10 in the House were Democrats.

In 2002, those who gave a million dollars or more gave $36 million to the Democrats and only $3 million to Republicans, a 12:1 ratio. Those who gave $10,000 or more gave $140 million to the Democrats and just $111 million to Republicans. Of the top 10 individual contributors to candidates that year, only one gave to Republicans.

In 2000, Bush’s “Pioneers” received considerable press for their efforts to raise $100,000 each for the campaign. But the really big donors that year were Democrats. According to the lefty Mother Jones magazine, 18 of the top 25 individual donors to political campaigns were Democrats. In recent years, the Left has been obsessed with the role that the oil and natural-gas industry plays in funding the Republican candidates. Republicans are “in oil companies’ pockets,” says the DNC in one press release. In 2004, according to the CRP, the oil and gas industry pumped $25 million into campaigns, 80 percent of it to the GOP.

But that pales in comparison to industries and interests that fund the Democratic party. That same year lawyers gave $182 million (75 percent to Democrats) and Hollywood donated $32 million (70 percent to Democrats).

Despite all of the rhetoric about rich Republicans, the GOP today is largely a party funded by middle-class voters. The average contribution to the GOP hovers around $50, almost identical with the much ballyhooed Internet “grassroots” presidential campaign of Howard Dean in 2004. The Democrats for some reason won’t release comparable figures.

But the super-rich are not just giving to Democrats, they are increasingly running for office. In the Senate, often called a millionaires club, those with the really big money are Democrats. Of the five U.S. senators worth more than $25 million (John Kerry, Herb, Kohl, John Rockefeller, Dianne Feinstein, and Lincoln Chafee) according to Roll Call, only Chafee is a Republican.

Ned Lamont, currently running for the Senate in Connecticut, is only the latest in a long line of Democrats who have self-financed their campaigns. Thus far he has poured $4 million of his $100 million fortune into the race.

In 2000, Democrat John Corzine poured $60 million of his own money to win a Senate seat in New Jersey, Mark Dayton spent $12 million to win in Minnesota, Maria Cantwell $10 million Washington, and Herb Kohl $5 million to retain his seat in Wisconsin. In contrast, those Republicans who self-financed, according to Steen, did so in much smaller amounts.

Wealthy Republicans self-finance, too, but not in such large numbers. As National Journal columnist Jonathan Rauch has pointed out (using data provided by Boston College professor Jennifer Steen), between 1990 and 2000 self-financing candidates who spent more than $4 million of their own money were Democrats by a 2:1 margin. According to Steen, from 2000 to 2004 the Democrats’ margin rose to 3:1.

As U.S. News & World Report political reporter Michael Barone points out, John Kerry won only one county in the state of Idaho, but it was the county that included the super-rich enclave of Sun Valley. And he carried only one county in Wyoming, the one which included the super-rich community of Jackson Hole. Barone calls this part of the “trust-funder Left.”

So why are we seeing the emergence of liberal millionaires and billionaires?

Part of the answer may lie in the way much of this wealth was accumulated. Some of these individuals (Kerry, Dayton, Rockefeller, etc.) inherited their wealth and are thus less familiar with the rigors of the marketplace. Sure they have stock investments, but they haven’t spent time building a business or even holding down a demanding job in corporate America. Others, particularly in the high-tech sector and Hollywood, amassed their wealth quickly and faced fewer challenges in dealing with invasive government and regulations. They see wealth as something that happens quickly, not something that is build up over time. The Silicon Valley 30-year-old worth $200 million on a stock IPO after six years in the business is likely to have a different view of wealth accumulation than the industrialist who amassed a similar fortune over the course of a lifetime. A life of wealth seems more like a lottery, and less like the end result of hard work.

Ironically, Democrats, who talk about income inequality and plutocracy, are now the party of the super rich. The super rich have different priorities and concerns than other Americans. Taxes don’t bite as hard because they can hire accounts and lawyers to avoid or minimize them. They tend to be less religious and therefore less concerned with issues of faith. And they can embrace causes that will impact society and not really affect them. For example, several liberal billionaires have embraced the cause of drug legalization, which would probably cause enormous problems in middle America but would have less affect inside large fence-lined compounds. In short, a political party dominated by the super rich is going to have some issues knowing what concerns ordinary Americans.

— Peter Schweizer is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and author of Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, now in paperback.


Y'all have a good one!

Amos :wave:

Amos Moses


Posted on Saturday, October 17, 2009 6:51:56 PM by kellynla

Date of Birth: August 12, 1930

Born: Budapest, Hungary

Occupation: Hedge Fund Manager & Currency Trader George Soros, a key funder of the liberal extremist group MoveOn.org, recently told an Australian news organization that the current global economic mess has been “stimulating.” (Daily Mail 3/25/2009). While Americans try to make ends meet and struggle to pick up the pieces after financiers like Soros gamed the system, we thought you should know the truth about George Soros…

FACT 1: Billionaire Financier George Soros Gave $2,500,000 To MoveOn.Org Voter Fund.1

FACT 2: Soros Called American Troops In Iraq “Perpetrators” And “Oppressors.”2

FACT 3: “George Soros Headlined A Meeting Of 70 Millionaires And Billionaires To Discuss How To Grow The Left’s Ideological Assets.”3

FACT 4: Soros funds liberal activists in the United States. “At Least 80 Wealthy Liberals Have Pledged To Contribute $1 Million Or More Apiece To Fund A Network Of Think Tanks And Advocacy Groups To Compete With The Potent Conservative Infrastructure Built Up Over The Past Three Decades.”4

FACT 5: Soros and his hedge fund made $2.9 billion (yes, billion) betting against the United States economy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, this same man also has donated over $32 million to liberal candidates and liberal causes across the United States.5

FACT 6: French Court Convicted Soros Of Insider Trading, Fined Him $2.3 Million. The Conviction Was Upheld On Appeal.6

FACT 7: According To Time Magazine, Soros Known As The “Man Who Broke The Bank Of England.”7

FACT 8: Soros Wrote That To Preserve “Our Global Open Society,” The World Needs “Some Global System Of Political Decision-Making” In Which “The Sovereignty Of States Must Be Subordinated To International Law And International Institutions.”8

FACT 9: After accepting more than $2.5M from George Soros, MoveOn.org Claimed It Bought And Owns Democrat Party: “Now It’s Our Party: We Bought It, We Own It, And We’re Going To Take It Back.”9


Amos :wave:
So true and when they don't get the tax breaks they want they threaten to switch sides.

Is it legal to shoot at them in the cross walks of the political road?

:) From big multinational corporations to local businesses on all levels of government; local, state and federal. Some companies donate to both parties just to cover their asses.

I worked for a guy who owned a couple of franchised restaurants. Every single time a health inspector would come, he would butter her up. Talking to her, complimenting her and distracting her to the point where he would walk around and lead her around the restaurant instead of her doing her job. And it was easy for him to do so because they both lived in the same gated community.

He would go to those chamber of commerce functions and dinners specifically to smooze whoever the local elected officials were. It didn't matter to him whether they were moderate or conservative Republicans or moderate or liberal Democratics. And those politicans didn't care either as long as they were getting something out of it.

Alot of people want to blame the Obama administration, and that is fine. But you also have to blame those "drill, baby, drill" Republicans as well. They have been too quiet themselves. And don't get me started on the slimy, weasel Bobby Jindal.
"Party of the Rich"
Limousine liberals are upgrading to Lear jets.

[FONT=times new roman,times]T[/FONT]he GOP is the party of the rich, or so goes the conventional wisdom since the days of FDR.

Many Republicans, said Democratic-party chairman Howard Dean recently, “have never made an honest living in their lives.” Democratic activists have even set up a satirical website. And a liberal tax-exempt 527 group with the same name gets checks from anti-Bush billionaires such as Herb Sandler of Golden West Financial.

The GOP has historically been the party of both Main Street and Wall Street. But over the past decade, the plutocrats have increasingly become Democrats. Billionaires for Bush are increasingly outnumbered by billionaires who hate Bush. And Republicans in limousines are being outpaced by Democrats in Lear Jets.

With soft-money contributions banned, the super rich can now hope to sway elections with large checks to 527 advocacy groups such as MoveOn.org, Americans Coming Together, and the Media Fund, and by bundling contributions to candidates. Over the last four elections, the Democrats have dominated on both accounts. Consider these numbers, from the nonpartisan, non-profit Center for Responsive Politics (CRP):
Thus far in 2006, 17 of the top 25 contributors to 527 advocacy groups are funding liberal/Democratic causes, including liberal billionaires George Soros, and Peter Lewis.

In 2004, Democrats made up 15 of the 25 individuals who gave more than $2 million to 527 groups. Of the Senate and House candidates who received “bundled” contributions that year, 9 out of the top 10 in the Senate and 8 out of 10 in the House were Democrats.

In 2002, those who gave a million dollars or more gave $36 million to the Democrats and only $3 million to Republicans, a 12:1 ratio. Those who gave $10,000 or more gave $140 million to the Democrats and just $111 million to Republicans. Of the top 10 individual contributors to candidates that year, only one gave to Republicans.

In 2000, Bush’s “Pioneers” received considerable press for their efforts to raise $100,000 each for the campaign. But the really big donors that year were Democrats. According to the lefty Mother Jones magazine, 18 of the top 25 individual donors to political campaigns were Democrats. In recent years, the Left has been obsessed with the role that the oil and natural-gas industry plays in funding the Republican candidates. Republicans are “in oil companies’ pockets,” says the DNC in one press release. In 2004, according to the CRP, the oil and gas industry pumped $25 million into campaigns, 80 percent of it to the GOP.

But that pales in comparison to industries and interests that fund the Democratic party. That same year lawyers gave $182 million (75 percent to Democrats) and Hollywood donated $32 million (70 percent to Democrats).

Despite all of the rhetoric about rich Republicans, the GOP today is largely a party funded by middle-class voters. The average contribution to the GOP hovers around $50, almost identical with the much ballyhooed Internet “grassroots” presidential campaign of Howard Dean in 2004. The Democrats for some reason won’t release comparable figures.

But the super-rich are not just giving to Democrats, they are increasingly running for office. In the Senate, often called a millionaires club, those with the really big money are Democrats. Of the five U.S. senators worth more than $25 million (John Kerry, Herb, Kohl, John Rockefeller, Dianne Feinstein, and Lincoln Chafee) according to Roll Call, only Chafee is a Republican.

Ned Lamont, currently running for the Senate in Connecticut, is only the latest in a long line of Democrats who have self-financed their campaigns. Thus far he has poured $4 million of his $100 million fortune into the race.

In 2000, Democrat John Corzine poured $60 million of his own money to win a Senate seat in New Jersey, Mark Dayton spent $12 million to win in Minnesota, Maria Cantwell $10 million Washington, and Herb Kohl $5 million to retain his seat in Wisconsin. In contrast, those Republicans who self-financed, according to Steen, did so in much smaller amounts.

Wealthy Republicans self-finance, too, but not in such large numbers. As National Journal columnist Jonathan Rauch has pointed out (using data provided by Boston College professor Jennifer Steen), between 1990 and 2000 self-financing candidates who spent more than $4 million of their own money were Democrats by a 2:1 margin. According to Steen, from 2000 to 2004 the Democrats’ margin rose to 3:1.

As U.S. News & World Report political reporter Michael Barone points out, John Kerry won only one county in the state of Idaho, but it was the county that included the super-rich enclave of Sun Valley. And he carried only one county in Wyoming, the one which included the super-rich community of Jackson Hole. Barone calls this part of the “trust-funder Left.”

So why are we seeing the emergence of liberal millionaires and billionaires?

Part of the answer may lie in the way much of this wealth was accumulated. Some of these individuals (Kerry, Dayton, Rockefeller, etc.) inherited their wealth and are thus less familiar with the rigors of the marketplace. Sure they have stock investments, but they haven’t spent time building a business or even holding down a demanding job in corporate America. Others, particularly in the high-tech sector and Hollywood, amassed their wealth quickly and faced fewer challenges in dealing with invasive government and regulations. They see wealth as something that happens quickly, not something that is build up over time. The Silicon Valley 30-year-old worth $200 million on a stock IPO after six years in the business is likely to have a different view of wealth accumulation than the industrialist who amassed a similar fortune over the course of a lifetime. A life of wealth seems more like a lottery, and less like the end result of hard work.

Ironically, Democrats, who talk about income inequality and plutocracy, are now the party of the super rich. The super rich have different priorities and concerns than other Americans. Taxes don’t bite as hard because they can hire accounts and lawyers to avoid or minimize them. They tend to be less religious and therefore less concerned with issues of faith. And they can embrace causes that will impact society and not really affect them. For example, several liberal billionaires have embraced the cause of drug legalization, which would probably cause enormous problems in middle America but would have less affect inside large fence-lined compounds. In short, a political party dominated by the super rich is going to have some issues knowing what concerns ordinary Americans.

— Peter Schweizer is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and author of Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, now in paperback.


Y'all have a good one!

Amos :wave:

The Hoover Institution is a thinktank for conservative Republicans and some Libertarians. Can you try to choose a thinktank that is at least non-partisan to both sides?

Amos Moses

then theres' this......


When it comes to being inflexible and unresponsive to homeowners in need of a loan modification, IndyMac Bank, which has just been renamed “One West Bank,” is legendary.

This is the bank that failed spectacularly in July 2008, was taken over by the FDIC, and ended up costing taxpayers something like $11 billion… give or take… I can’t keep track of billions anymore… I’ve moved on to tracking trillions. And the new buyers of this fire sale financial institution that’s deservedly become the poster child for stupid lending tricks, includes billionaire George Soros.

Soros, along with billionaire Michael Dell and others, agreed to purchase the bank for $20.7 billion.

As of Jan. 31, 2009, IndyMac’s assets totaled $23.5 billion and deposits were $6.4 billion, roughly half the cash and assets the bank had at the time of its failure. The new buyers also got a handy-dandy “loss sharing agreement” from the FDIC, whereby after shouldering the first 20% of any future losses, the FDIC gets stuck with most of the rest. So, I guess you could say they got a deal. A sweetheart of a deal… not to put too fine a point on it.

Considering that kind of taxpayer supported deal, and with so-called liberal philanthropist George Soros as one of the bank’s major shareholders, you might think the new One West Bank would be the last financial institution to be throwing people out of their homes when loan modification would make more sense financially, but you’d be wrong. One West Bank isn’t participating in the President’s program either.


Having spent the last month "bonding" with my fellow comrades in suffering, also known as the "Parsa Victims", I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about Indy Mac, One West Bank, George Soros and Michael Dell. The latter two are the investors who bought the government owned Indy Mac and turned it into One West Bank.

George Soros is known as an ultra-liberal billonaire whom many claim is the sole reason Barack Obama made it to the Presidency. Silly me I thought it was Oprah!

Michael Dell, another ultra-liberal, is the man whose name appears on my laptop. Michael Dell is the geek founder of Dell Computers and like Soros, a billionaire.

What do these two guys know about running a mortgage bank? Nothing! If you are an Indy Mac customer and you've called their Customer Service you know what I am talking about. Indy Mac has got to be #1 on the list of dysfunctional, disorganized businesses--anywhere!

After recovering somewhat from my shock of being scammed by Parsa Law Group, I picked up the pieces of my loan modification attempts and started back down the road of frustration with One West Bank. I sent and resent and sent again all the requested documentation.

I phoned and I phoned. I told my sad tail of woe to any One West Bank employee willing to listen. It didn't matter. Indy Mac, One West Bank never had any intention of modifying my loan. The answer to me was NO as it is and will be for all their other customers in need of modifying their loans.

Why? Because it is in the best interest of the Indy Mac investors to say no to their customers. They have a sweet heart deal with the FDIC. Yes our government has taken care of these billionaires while Average Joe on Main Street flounders.


Amos :wave:

Posted on Saturday, October 17, 2009 6:51:56 PM by kellynla

Date of Birth: August 12, 1930

Born: Budapest, Hungary

Occupation: Hedge Fund Manager & Currency Trader George Soros, a key funder of the liberal extremist group MoveOn.org, recently told an Australian news organization that the current global economic mess has been “stimulating.” (Daily Mail 3/25/2009). While Americans try to make ends meet and struggle to pick up the pieces after financiers like Soros gamed the system, we thought you should know the truth about George Soros…

FACT 1: Billionaire Financier George Soros Gave $2,500,000 To MoveOn.Org Voter Fund.1

FACT 2: Soros Called American Troops In Iraq “Perpetrators” And “Oppressors.”2

FACT 3: “George Soros Headlined A Meeting Of 70 Millionaires And Billionaires To Discuss How To Grow The Left’s Ideological Assets.”3

FACT 4: Soros funds liberal activists in the United States. “At Least 80 Wealthy Liberals Have Pledged To Contribute $1 Million Or More Apiece To Fund A Network Of Think Tanks And Advocacy Groups To Compete With The Potent Conservative Infrastructure Built Up Over The Past Three Decades.”4

FACT 5: Soros and his hedge fund made $2.9 billion (yes, billion) betting against the United States economy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, this same man also has donated over $32 million to liberal candidates and liberal causes across the United States.5

FACT 6: French Court Convicted Soros Of Insider Trading, Fined Him $2.3 Million. The Conviction Was Upheld On Appeal.6

FACT 7: According To Time Magazine, Soros Known As The “Man Who Broke The Bank Of England.”7

FACT 8: Soros Wrote That To Preserve “Our Global Open Society,” The World Needs “Some Global System Of Political Decision-Making” In Which “The Sovereignty Of States Must Be Subordinated To International Law And International Institutions.”8

FACT 9: After accepting more than $2.5M from George Soros, MoveOn.org Claimed It Bought And Owns Democrat Party: “Now It’s Our Party: We Bought It, We Own It, And We’re Going To Take It Back.”9


Amos :wave:

I am an independant voter. I don't let either side influence me.

I don't rely on an organization to inform me about any politician when I can easy go and log on a voting record through county or state records.

Plenty of Democrats and Republicans will use organizations as fronts to try to push their agensa across. The Hertitage Foundation, Hoover Institution, FreedomWorks and sometimes the Cato Institute for the Republicans. The Center for American Progress, The Century Foundation and The Commonweal Institute for Democrats.

These organizations only scratch the surface though. Both parties have their nasty hooks in almost everything. :(

Amos Moses

Liberal Billionaire Regrets Voting For Obama

Obama punted on the economy and reversed the fortunes of the Democrats in 365 days.
He’s misjudged the character of the country in his whole approach. There’s the saying, “It’s the economy, stupid.” He didn’t get it. He was determined somehow or other to adopt a whole new agenda. He didn’t address the main issue.

This health-care plan is going to be a fiscal disaster for the country. Most of the country wanted to deal with costs, not expansion of coverage. This is going to raise costs dramatically.

In the campaign, he said he would change politics as usual. He did change them. It’s now worse than it was. I’ve now seen the kind of buying off of politicians that I’ve never seen before. It’s politically corrupt and it’s starting at the top. It’s revolting.

Five states got deals on health care—one of them was Harry Reid’s. It is disgusting, just disgusting. I’ve never seen anything like it. The unions just got them to drop the tax on Cadillac plans in the health-care bill. It was pure union politics. They just went along with it. It’s a bizarre form of political corruption. It’s bribery. I suppose they could say, that’s the system. He was supposed to change it or try to change it.

Even that is not the worst part. He could have said, “I know. I promised these things, but let me try to do them one at a time.” You want to deal with health care? Fine. Issue No. 1 with health care was the cost. You know I think it was 37 percent or 33 who were worried about coverage. Fine, I wrote an editorial to this effect. Focus on cost-containment first. But he’s trying to boil the ocean, trying to do too much. This is not leadership.
More by Mort Zuckerman here.


Amos :wave:
So yeah. I'm going to thread-jack this back to its original subject before it gets closed down. :)


Chevron Distances Its Ways From BP's By BEN CASSELMAN

Chevron Corp. has come out swinging in its fight to continue drilling in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, arguing that not all oil firms should be tarred with the brush of BP PLC's Deepwater Horizon disaster.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Chevron chairman and CEO John Watson said he accepts the need for tighter drilling regulations in the wake of the spill, which since April has fouled the waters and coastline of the Gulf. But Mr. Watson, 52, called unnecessary the six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling imposed by the Obama administration.

The second-biggest U.S. oil firm by market capitalization after Exxon Mobil Corp., San Ramon, Calif.-based Chevron owns more Gulf of Mexico drilling leases than any other company and is the third-biggest oil producer there, after BP and Royal Dutch Shell PLC. It was considered a growth area for Chevron.

Now, access to deep water may be in jeopardy. In addition to the six-month moratorium on drilling in more than 500 feet of water in the Gulf, President Obama has put on hold plans to expand drilling off the coast of Alaska. Norway, too, has put a temporary halt to new deep-water exploration.

While Mr. Watson wouldn't directly criticize BP, he said that even before the current disaster, Chevron had in place policies and procedures that might have avoided the oil-well blowout that caused the spill.

"This incident was preventable," Mr. Watson said.

In the early days of the Gulf disaster, the oil industry mostly presented a united front. But as the crisis has dragged on, companies have begun to distance themselves from BP.

Mr. Watson and the CEOs of several other big oil companies are almost certain to try to draw distinctions when they face questions from a congressional panel on Tuesday.

Chevron shares have fallen nearly 10% since the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig caught fire April 20; though that drop is small compared with the drop in BP's market valuation has declined 46%.

Mr. Watson said he understood the decision to halt drilling in the immediate aftermath of the disaster, which he called a "humbling experience for the industry." But he said the industry's overall safety record is strong, and that both industry and government panels have drawn up new safety recommendations in light of the spill.

"We favor rapid adoption of those recommendations," Mr. Watson said.

Environmental groups, however, oppose a quick return to drilling.

David Goldston, director of government affairs for the Natural Resources Defense Council, said drilling shouldn't resume until a presidential commission appointed to investigate the disaster completes its work.

"We don't really understand a lot about what happened here," Mr. Goldston said. "We don't really understand how endemic the problems are, and that all needs to be sorted out before drilling is resumed."

BP has been criticized by some industry experts for using a risky well design that could have made it easier for natural gas to get into the well and eventually cause the explosion.

Chevron uses a safer well design, said Gary Luquette, who heads North American exploration and production for Chevron.

"I think that if we'd have had best practices employed on this well, we wouldn't have this situation that we have today," Mr. Luquette said.

BP has said its well design wasn't unusual and that its engineers evaluate many different factors in deciding how to drill.

BP spokesman David Nicholas said, "there are detailed investigations ongoing and these will determine the causes of the tragic Deepwater Horizon disaster."

Many Gulf coast residents and politicians have also accused BP of being unprepared for the spill. Chevron has a "robust" system in place to deal with major spills, Mr. Watson and Mr. Luquette said, but they acknowledged that it, too, would have had difficulty dealing with a disaster of this magnitude.

Congress and President Obama have criticized BP for seeking to shift blame for the Deepwater Horizon disaster onto contractors. Mr. Watson pledged that Chevron wouldn't do the same in a similar situation.

"These are our wells," he said.

The Deepwater Horizon disaster has brought attention to industry's safety record onshore, too. In recent weeks, there have been several accidents at oil and gas sites on shore, including natural-gas wells that blew out in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and two deadly pipeline explosions in Texas.

A recent incident involved a Chevron pipeline in Utah that leaked what officials estimated was hundreds of barrels of crude oil into a Salt Lake City creek and threatened to contaminate the Great Salt Lake.

Chevron said Sunday that the leak from a pipeline that ruptured two nights earlier has stopped, but clean-up operations continue. "The leak has been stopped," Chevron spokesman Sean Comey said in an email."We're planning to excavate the area of the pipeline were we believe the leak began."The company said it "takes full responsibility for the incident."

Write to Ben Casselman at [email protected]


Well to get an idea of the people. Watch the Democracynow shows.

It is because if Democracy-now that BP had to retract it's requirement to not talk to the press.


That show covers the Native Americans that live there and the Fisher-people plus the community

Amos Moses

One last followup and then I'm done here.

Some things to think about:

1. The technology used to drill undersea oil wells has fail safe technology to avoid exactly what has occurred.

2. It has been reported that management at the rig purposely chose not to follow standard procedures to cap the well. This had to have been approved at top levels of BP. It wasn't a mistake, it was done on purpose.

3. After the oil rig explosion, there was almost no response to the obvious disaster at hand from BP and the Obama Administration.

4. The efforts to close the valves to stop the oil was said to fail and oil continued to leak. How could built in, redundant safety technology fail in so many ways?

5. The effort to cap the leak was amateurish and half-hearted at best. At no time were experts from other major oil companies consulted, nor was anyone allowed near the site. Why?

6. Obama has direct ties with BP executives. He is the largest recipient of their campaign money. Why did he publicly state that he would not speak to them?

7. The MSM has admitted that most of their reporters and commentators have been hired by BP to handle damage control. Is this why the eerie silence from the media?

8. The connections between Obama, George Soros, Rahm Emanuel, BP, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs executives, and the whole CCX crowd literally scream of a conspiracy. Why is there no talk of an investigation?

9. The mantra from this administration is "never waste a good crisis". Is all of this an ill-conceived plan to pass "Cap and Tax"? I would not be surprised if Obamas prime time speech on Tuesday night pushes blame on everyone else and then pushes his "green" agenda along with "Cap and Tax". Watch for it.

10. Don't you all feel a little "played" by now, knowing just exactly how you are being used and manipulated? Their scheme really does work. Look how about 50 pct of the population is constantly being divided against the other 50 pct. It's a draw, perfectly designed to have an ongoing battle where the average Joe is always the loser and the politicians and monied interests the winners.

The truth is out there, but only if you're willing to accept it.

Amos :wave:
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