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Fitness center shooting in Pitt...



Insane. My prayers and sympathies go out to the families affected...

I was considering joining that gym...planned on going this weekend.

Crazy this kinda stuff hits so close to home...i'm a 10 minute drive from that fitness center.

We were talking about this stuff at work...

What could go so wrong with someone that they must take another's life?

Even if you're paranoid schizo, or have a vendetta because you were raped as a child, or whatever the case, why target innocent people? Somewhere in their head they said & chose "i want to kill people." I don't for one second believe the "insanity" defense. I took psych classes and yeah people can be messed up but willingly loading a gun and killing people point blank? You know what you're doing at that point...

Why can't we all just live in peace?!



I saw that, I'm from Pittsburgh originally. Everyone I know in PGH called me last night. That really is a shitty thing to do to innocent people. Starting to get a little hot in the Burgh these days eh?


I saw that, I'm from Pittsburgh originally. Everyone I know in PGH called me last night. That really is a shitty thing to do to innocent people. Starting to get a little hot in the Burgh these days eh?

a couple members here live in the burgh too, and yeah...it's gettin bad here.

robberies, gangs, murders...going through the ROOF. 10 years ago pittsburgh was a (somewhat) quiet city.. i hate it. my fam and friends live here but the city itself is shitty...shitty roads, shitty drivers, etc. the only saving grace are the steelers, penguins and the bar scene.

either way, innocent people don't deserve to die...i just can't fathom why people need to do this. in any state. in any country.


High Grade Specialist
we live in a totally fucked up, crazy upside down world where ppl run around suppressing their emotions and desires 24/7. eventually some ppl flip the fuck out and go on a rampage. i think in future we will see more of this cases as the world gets more insane every day.

have you ever had thoughts of just killing random ppl? i know i have!
some ppl just take it a step further and act on that.



New member
best of luck , be attentive and keep your eyes open for whakos like those. Hopefully things will calm down shortly. Smoke some herb and take the stress off!!!!!!!!!!!

Bless and One Love.

NorCal SensiStar


Active member
thrust me bro, sometimes you can feel so angry and mad at the world you could shoot yourself ,
or someone fucks with you (it happened to often) and you feel like erasing them

look at all the school shootings

we need help

I know that if I would hurt someone in the spark of the moment I would feel terribly bad after, that's why I don't resort to violence/payback,
I try to swallow my pride, but when people attack you, on the moment, sometimes you just can't take it

the law enforcement source said that the gunman in the note "talks about his hatred of women."
I totally understand that,
some women especially the rich ones, act like motherf*cking queens, it's really sad, some are quite heartless

but I can feel the same for some men too

you know, if at least people we're starting to get scared, and keep themselves in check, like learn a lesson from this, it wouldn't have to happen again

I don't think what he did was that bad, shit happens we live in a fucked up world

it's like at school, people all talk loudly, they don't care about you, they don't care about others, selfish motherfuckers
especially the queens

Do you really think we won't get more of this ?

The guy was just fed up, the problem is, he probably shot innocent people.. sad

I can totally relate to the guy

In countries like the USA and the UK there has been a steady increase in the numbers of men who elect to end their own lives prematurely. On average in the USA one person (male and female) takes their own life every 18 minutes. Of those who attempt suicide the completion rate for men is four times higher than for women


New member
how can you understand why this insane man went killing the innocent there is no justification for his actions period, and if any of you think there is you must also be a phsycopath , if he had a problem with women or his f_____ sexuality then hurt your self but don't go harming people who have done no harm.If he was so desperate to get in a relationship why in the heck didn't he try a dating site ...I mean come one he must have been really nuts .. and this is no cause due to women so all you men out there speaking wrongly about women and how you understand why he did this .. you too must be nuts , like i said there is not JUSTIFICATION for his actions period.

did he ever think about relocating?
switching gyms?
was he social?
you would think some one of that age would be mature enough to analyze their life and think of an alternative .... that just shows you he was mentally ill , deranged man who never cared to help himself!


a couple members here live in the burgh too, and yeah...it's gettin bad here.

robberies, gangs, murders...going through the ROOF. 10 years ago pittsburgh was a (somewhat) quiet city.. i hate it. my fam and friends live here but the city itself is shitty...shitty roads, shitty drivers, etc. the only saving grace are the steelers, penguins and the bar scene.

either way, innocent people don't deserve to die...i just can't fathom why people need to do this. in any state. in any country.

Check this out, this is his real unedited blog entries. http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2009/8/5/103435/2372

This cat was really psycho, but really intelligent as well. They say there is a fine line between genius and insanity, he obviously crossed that line. Just another guy blaming all his problems on everyone other than himself. It's kind of sad to feel that alone however. I don't wish that on anyone. He did all this with $250,000 in the bank! Could've bought a couple girls for that kind of money!

As for Pittsburgh, I'm there all the time. If you lived in Pittsburgh you always return, because nobody will leave that damn city to visit you! My parents still live there. I like the hard, grunginess of the city, I grew up in metro Pittsburgh 10 min from downtown. It's that hardness that made me who I am. Reminds me of Blade Runner, or Gotham City, just sooty, dark and grey, and raining all the bloody time! I lived there from 68-86, then on and off again for a few years when I left the service. It was really something in the 70's, we lived next to a steel mill (everyone did), it was a really harsh, filthy, tough town then. Seems a little cleaner these days (the rivers aren't bright orange anymore! And there are trees now, there weren't any before.), but the houses and neighborhoods seem like a world winding down to the end. I'll always be a Pittsburgher in my heart, but it's a world of it's own and people that have never been there wouldn't understand it, even if you tried to explain it. Shitty town, great sports teams (still a Steeler Nation/Penguins girl), great people once you get to know them and they let you into there lives. The problem is nobody moves away, and everyone still has the same friends they had since grammer school, they live in the same town that they grew up in and don't want any new friends. It's an unusal city in that regard.


fox news (yeah, i know...)said he hadn't had sex since july of 1990....i think i heard that right.
he was obviously very disturbed...too bad he had to take innocent people down with him.
as far as his hatred for women....i don't buy any of the....oh women can do that to you, crap. please, don't catergorize...there's assholes in both genders. you are responsible for your own actions. if you constantly pick people that hurt you, then i guess you haven't learned anything.
pretty comes with a price.....if that's all you are interested in.

insane= repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


Active member
You don't know how some people feel,

for sure there is no justification to kill people, but there is a lot of evil people out there,
it's understandable behaviour, when one gets bullied or fucked a lot in life

can be quite the torture

I just read his diary, and yeah he sounds pretty crazy

if you constantly pick people that hurt you, then i guess you haven't learned anything.
pretty comes with a price.....if that's all you are interested in.

you don't pick getting hurt... sorry man..

some just have this luck or trail on this certain road


You don't know how some people feel,

for sure there is no justification to kill people, but there is a lot of evil people out there,
it's understandable behaviour, when one gets bullied or fucked a lot in life

if you don't understand then you don't know real pain

Been there, done that. I grew up a gay kid in Pittsburgh in the 70's and early 80's. I was tortured to death because of it (you live there, you know what I'm talking about). I was dyked and faggoted every day of my life when I was a kid. 'Bullied' is a soft word for what I went through. If that wasn't bad enough, we lived in very poor, predominately black, housing projects (I'm white), mom is a complete alcoholic, father was a very abusive man (very young parents, 17) that would beat us mercilessly for bothering him while he watched tv and drank. It made me reclusive to say the least, but I never considered killing innocent people. It wasn't their fault. Don't get me wrong, I definitely thought about bricking some of the crueler kids in hs, but there is that little thing that goes off in your brain that says 'Ummm don't do that, that's a bad thing) he obviously didn't have that. They say, 'Suffering breeds character', you can go one way or the other because of it, either you rebel against those people and their attitudes, or you join them and become one. Funny he talked his whole family down because they were bullies, and in the end became the biggest bully of them all. To make a long story short, that is not 'understandable behaviour' because he was fucked with, it was simply a psycho that went off. If you've had enough of this world, then put a bullet through your head and get it over with, don't just take it out on innocent women in a dance class, that's absurd.

Here's food for thought, he actually said he was thinking about smoking weed again, but didn't know anybody that had any. These are his words: "I haven't had a drink since September 1, 1988, just over 20 years. It doesn't matter now, I need to use it to take the edge off of carrying out the exit plan. I will be taking some every now and then to get used to it and see if the alcohol effects will embolden me. Weed would be fun to try again. I don't know who has any." Makes me wonder if he just smoked some pot if any of this would've happened? Might have changed his views of life a bit. Hell, I would've given him an ounce!!


New member
ToughGirl;2572435 To make a long story short said:
Yea, you said everything I felt like saying and in addition I think some people have had it worse in life ....like us!!!

to white rabbit

I didn't put you on ignore ...and if I did it must have been accidental as I am new on Ic Mag my friend.

I don't ignore the pain of others or else I would not be in the business I am in..And maybe the reason I ignore the pain of others like this "Insane Man" is simply because I myself have pain that I have not delt with that can easily be worse to what this man encountered through out his life and just can not come around to how these people came about doing such a thing. I understand what you are trying to say ..I appreciate your trying to get me to understand this man.But toughgirl said it he's just an insane man who flipped out .



Glad he didnt find the pot. The media would of said crazed pot head goes on rampage if he would of went threw with it. U know i am right.


you don't pick getting hurt... sorry man that's very stupid..

some just have this luck or trail on this certain road

what's very stupid, exactly? you just took out 2 sentences from all that i said...there was a complete thought pattern there, ya know. i wasn't referring to the innocent people that got shot if that's what you were thinking, dude.

whatever, call me stupid if you will. i stand by what i feel...and i believe if you keep surrounding yourself with people who treat you poorly time after time...then ya aint learned nothing. that was in reference to all the men in the world who go postal on women because one did them wrong....i don't buy, sympathize, empathize or understand that kind of twisted fuked up behavior. and i've been plenty hurt, btw.

you can be dealt bad luck, its how you deal with it, that is the true test.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
you can be dealt bad luck, its how you deal with it, that is the true test.


If you read this lunatics rants it's obvious nothing would change his mind of what he was going to do. He had money for whores, he could have met chicks, but he chose to look for an excuse to carry out his morbid fantasy of killing people, specifically a certain type of woman. He wrote how he was bummed and would kill himself if he got fired. Then he got a promotion and a raise, and a new awesome boss, yet for some reason he believed that none of that really mattered. So then he goes onto prey on women, and how they are to blame...

Nothing would have convinced this lunatic to be a sane human being, he was on a path of destruction, and anyone sympathizing with him is also INSANE or on their way to being insane..


You don't know how some people feel,
for sure there is no justification to kill people, but there is a lot of evil people out there, it's understandable behaviour, when one gets bullied or fucked a lot in life
if you don't understand then you don't know real pain
you don't pick getting hurt... sorry man that's very stupid..
some just have this luck or trail on this certain road

I agree with you
A lot of people are so quick to judge, because they dont know what it is like or havent been exposed to the tormented and psychotic sides of people

I wouldnt call it a hatred toward women. Its more of a jaded attitude toward them and a negativity that replaces the instant positivity a male might have toward a woman. Even toward the end, he still wanted to be with one, its just that his failure had led him to give up hope.

This guy had to deal with being alone for a long time. No sex for 20 years? Try going two months without having your attitude change.

It also appears that he had a hard time socializing in general - more so with women
He worked a good job and avoided being broke and jobless, he cared about his looks and his place. He constantly was talking about being "normal"
This guy was honestly trying to find a relationship and was doing everything he was supposed to do (or at least what he believed he was supposed to do).

The whole psycho thing that comes out in his writing and final actions, is due to being by himself so often (weekends and holidays), and for so long. He gets to thinking to himself because that is his outlet instead of being around others to talk. So he can run with anything in his head.
The more you do that, the less you regulate yourself to be more politically correct, and believe, and think, and act - like a normal person.
Because being "normal" really is a group related thing.
That's why we think those tiny isolated villages of people who eat other people are weird. But Im sure theyd think a cheeseburger was weird as well.

He was very functional in that he could go from being a regular normal person, to his open more psychotic in action and obviously tormented inner/private self. He wasn't able to function in a way to make lasting relationships. According to society, he's functional. He works and contributes taxes and spends his money. Just another ant in the mound - yet working without any real reason to live.

murdering people was wrong
but he was obviously trying to get help, and people ignored him.


I agree with you
A lot of people are so quick to judge, because they dont know what it is like

I went down a similar path a long time ago, and I wouldnt call it a hatred toward women. Its more of a jaded attitude toward them and a negativity that replaces the instant positivity a male might have toward a woman.
Even toward the end, he still wanted to be with one, its just that his failure had led him to give up hope.

This guy had to deal with being alone for a long time. no sex for 20 years? try going two months without sex and tell me your attitude in general doesnt change

It also appears that he had a hard time socializing in general - more so with women
He worked a good job and avoided being broke and jobless, he cared about his looks and his place. He constantly was talking about being "normal"
This guy was honestly trying to find a relationship and was doing everything he was supposed to do (or at least what he believed he was supposed to do).

The whole psycho thing that comes out in a lot of his writing and in his final actions, is due to his being by himself so often (weekends and holidays) for so long. He gets to thinking to himself because that is his outlet instead of being around others to talk. So he can run with anything in his head. The more you do that, the less you regulate yourself to be more politically correct and believe and think and act like a normal person. Because being "normal" really is a group related thing.

He was very functional in that he could go from being a regular normal person, to his open more psychotic in action and obviously tormented inner/private self.

murdering people was wrong
but he was obviously trying to get help, and people ignored him.

i disagree with you bro, it was his decision not to get help. you cant depend on other people to look out for you when your 48 years old, or read his dumb diary. to say he was obviously trying to get help and people ignored him -- you dont try to get help by writing a diary. if you feel bad for this lifeless fuck then thats ignorant.


i disagree with you bro, it was his decision not to get help. you cant depend on other people to look out for you when your 48 years old, or read his dumb diary. to say he was obviously trying to get help and people ignored him -- you dont try to get help by writing a diary. if you feel bad for this lifeless fuck then thats ignorant.

he talked about being alone to people and they blew him off as if he would be fine.

that being said
it just hit me - that guy was like a bad version of the dude on 40 year old virgin
his socializing problems should have been address a long time ago. and he shouldnt have blamed others for it because he could have gotten professional help himself -especially if he was willing to talk to other people.

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