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500 watt Scrog Grow -Blackjack-


this nearly happened over night, the night before there wasent anything to indicate that there would be burns or anything else near this bad. I dont understand how or why this is going on.


Active member
Hey Buddy,
Wierd that, Looks like a P def, i think also there may be still a little k def too. Have you started to use your PK boost yet? Isolate & then Flush your pots, then start using your PK boost product at a low dose, that should help some., whats your PH been lately? 5.6 - 5.8 & you should be OK from there. If the new Growth keeps showing this problem i'll be stumped.
What is your EC & PPM's buddy atm!?? Sorry i missed you last night dude, i didnt get back till the early hours this morning! drop me a PM bro!
Peace, we'll fix this issue..................Scroger'


Hey Skunk, that`s not looking right, have you got the ph set correctly, if so can you check it with something else. It looks similar to some over/under watering symptoms, but you`re in hydro right?

Have you done or applied anything different recently?? I`m looking for a clue.



Hey Skunk, looking back through yer thread I notice similar issues in yer plants in veg, going by tour pics around pages 5-7.

I`d be tempted to give Scrogger and Freezer boy a pm and get them to take a look, they`re a lot more experienced with your type of system.

Are you on RO water, or tap?



You were saying you were getting lower leafs yellowing and dropping a while ago, which if I`m not mistaken, and the issues you have now would have me checking the ph thoroughly. You may have this under control, I dunno, but dont rely on just one meter, especially if its a cheapo from ebay. I got some cheapo ph and ec meters for the little scrog tent and they just do not read anywhere near accurately, total con job, they mislead badly. Good to check with drop test kit for about £3.

Is your ph drifting significantly in the recirculating res, and are you having to make heavy adjustments to correct it?



Hi Skunk ;)
Maybe I'm too stoned, but I think that after looking at your album on the close ups it looks like they are opening up a bit contracted (the buds I mean), for that I would take a close look at the ph to begin with. The necrosis may be normal in a tight canopy (scrog) if they don't get a lot of light and/or air movement. Make sure they get a lot of air circulation on all elevations. Overall they look good, don't you think.



Kind...I would like to think that its that simple, but...this nearly happened over night. There might have been some other signs that i diddnt read correctly. a week or so ago i had leaves comming off real easy under the screen...almost dropping off. I just figured that was due to the darkness. There is pleanty of air movement under the net..maybe ill put another fan above, but i doubt it needs it. as far as light gowes...at the moment im pushing a bit over 75 watts per sq Foot. thats more than enough, wouldent you say?...I cant put my finger on it but its definatly a deficiency, probably phosphorus i believe. anyway that really dont make alot of sense eather, but thats exactly what pics of that def look like to the T.

Im getting ready to change out the nutes, and flush the medium real well...I hope that this fixes the problem. It almost has to as everything else has been checked and re checked. almost forgot...my Ph has been stable between 5.5 - 5.8...I think those are some safe numbers.

ya I thought they were comming along nicely untill i opened up the cave and saw all the leaves doing that junk! Figures, i get this close and something happens..." my kinda luck"...Now, what was it you were saying about the buds opening contracted? Im not sure what they are really suppose to look like. I really hope this changeout helps, I want these girls to take off and get some weight to these baby colas!

Keep watchin bro, ill try to keep pics updated more often. If anything comes to mind lemme know! and thanks for the input!
...........Peace & luck, skunk


Yeah, ph is good. Are you using RO or tap water, and what are you using to make up your nutrient res?

What temps are you getting in the canopy with 75watts per sqr ft?

Toke ;-)


toke....Im using Ro water at the moment, and have been for about a month and a week or so...The temps are right about 78 degrees most of the time. I just got through flushing out the net pots and medium, drained the controller and buckets, and refilled them with fresh nutes suppliments and ro water. I diddent add the sub cultures this time, im sure there are still enough living in the roots and such. remember Im running RDWC , nute temps have been dead on 68 degrees... so anyways what i have now is 24 gallons of nute solution containing 96 ml flora nova(480ppm), cal-mag plus 60 ml(570ppm), Liquid Koolbloom 96 ml(680ppm) floralicious plus 24 ,ml(680ppm) super thrive 24 ml(690ppm)...the PH is at 5.7 right now, but i expect things to change around a bit by morning as they usually adjust a bit the first couple days. so thats the run down. By the way the PPM is @ .5 conversion.
lemme know if you come up with anything...we will see how this works out and ill try and keep everyone posted the best i can regarding how the plants are doing and if the flush and change out helped... thanks for stopping by.....peace and luck, Skunk


Maybe nothing, but which way do the plants try and adjust things. Once you`ve settled it, does it stay roughly stable.

Its just that I had some plants that kept raising the ph no matter what I did, then I checked my meter and found that where it read 5.4-5.6 with the meters, it was actually 4.7-4.9, they didn`t look pretty plants.

Even if you think everything is ok do check yer meters all thoroughly, it takes no time, and things can go faulty from slight knocks etc. even when they`re not supposed to.

Hope all is resolved soon mate, Toke ;-)


blue....yeah, wish i could figure out what the deal is with my ladies. I've tried everything but nothing works! it looks like a nutrient problem, but ive addressed all of those issues and still nothing leading me to believe that they are responding favorably? currently ive backed the ppm's down to 410 @ .5 conv. and ph 5.7 i was advised to try this and see if i can get the plants to come back a bit. Ive tried higher nutrient levels, but ive never once got a good ec down ph up reading. im hoping that i can find a level that the plants are comfortable with, then just maybe i can get these evil b*#c%e$ to come back! Im close to pulling them and cutting my losses as every day that passes i spend more$ trying to keep them alive. im ready to move on to a new project if this is all the black jack is gonna do!...really, im tempted to take some bag seed and see if i get the same problems in my system before i waste more good genetics?.. I have to get to the bottom of this!
anyways thanks for stopping by blue...wish i had some better news...check back soon, maybe things will turn around before i get in a pulling mood:)
Peace & luck, skunk


life gardener
hey skunk whats up with your grow?? finished well?
i had the same problem with the 2 last rdwc grows.!


tjo...i ended up chopping them down very early...i got tired if looking at them and not bieng able to tell if they were getting better,worse, or staying the same? IT WAS A MESS. Kind of strange how they could go from so healthy to how they ended up. everything was done by the book...no ones advice helped, and i couldent figure it out so that was the end of those!


i am currently experimenting with coco...Ive got 2 ak 48 seedlings growing nicely...ill have to start a grow log on those soon. i changed my setup around so i have room for 2 pots of coco and 2 RDWC buckets. ill keep you posted on my progress.