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4SD vertical SOG in coco hempys


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High everyone, Well I finally got my hands on a half way decent camera and just so happens all my moms were ready to take from.

Decided to take pics while cloning then said "eh why not just document the whole thing" I'm going to grab myself a spot now, ill be uploading and posting all day.

Im running Rez's 4SD from clone using 3-5 moms. This many moms gives me the clones i need every week and the plants some time to bounce back.

I also have this stinky little skunk cross someone gifted me, so i'll be throwing a couple cuts of her in there as well, but mostly the 4SD.

Using coco hempy buckets, made from old 2L soda bottles. Well I may even go bigger, I haven't completely made my mind up, but they will be coco hempy buckets for sure. The growth and ease is out of this world.

Going to be using MaxiBloom as a 1 part, K.I.S.S. for clones and moms, later on in flower I'll use liquid and powder KoolBloom. Mixing with tap water then ph'd to somewhere between 5.8-6.5.
I use a cheap GH pool tester type to check ph, so I just get the test to be piss yellow and all is great.

Moms and clones in a small 3ft tall tent, dimensions roughly 26in x 18in x 3ft...roughly. Gotham hydro tent.

I will be flowering in a 4x4x6 tent with a 400w hps, I'll be adding a 600w hps later on as the tent fills.

Temps right now with lights on are 79F and 57%RH
Lights off : 62F and RH remains pretty constant at 57%.

So let's get to it....Here is a DIY ice tube tray cloner from walmart.


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Hey guys thanks for stopping in, I promise I'll try to make this one as epic as possible.

So took a little break, took the ol' lady to get her hair done and went to grab a bite to eat.

But I guess I should explain the cloner, its an ice cube tray made for water bottles, I fill it with vermiculite, dip into some rooting hormone and stick the cuttings in each tube. There is a detachable rubber cover on the bottom, previously used to keep the water in the tray to make the ice, but i took that off and popped some holes in each cylinder to let air and water through. After the cuttings are in, take the tray and put it in a shoe box sized tupperware container filled with ph'd water.

This causes the water to wick up into the vermiculite and keep the clones moist. Try to keep the water around 75-80F and change everyday so the water always has oxygen. I got turned onto this style by SomeOtherGuy after telling him I was having a hard time cloning in a prop tray and rockwool. That guy can clone in anything man, If you put him up to it, im sure he'd get roots in an ashtray. So I tried this way and had nothing but success. It is a simple and sufficient way of cloning. So if you're having a hard time, give this a try. It only costs like 8 bucks between the tray, container, and vermiculite.


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Now, let's take a look at the ladies....

So here is the gang. There is 2 4SD moms, and 3 more seedlings that will soon be mothers once they show sex. (had all the males throw balls a while ago and culled, im assuming these will be female since they haven't shown anything yet.) But it is better to be safe than sorry so I'm holding off from taking from them yet.
In the bottom right hand corner is that skunk cross I was gifted. Stinky little thing, even in veg.

So here they are in all their glory. The ones in black containers are the 4SD, really nice smoke man. And the clear container is the skunk cross.

Here we have a few shots of the canopy, everything is looking healthy and green.

All these plants are being fed nothing but MaxiBloom and water, 1tsp/gallon. Very simple and effective. I'll tell you, it sure beats mixing 15 different bottles up every time you feed. I used to use General Organics liquid line, great stuff but you need like 9 bottles. And of course you use them at different rates so you end up needing to get more of 1 and not the others....neat trick GO. lol:tiphat:

Gonna take a quick smoke break...fingers getting tired lol. Any excuse will do though.


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:rasta:...Now that the deed is done, lets get started.


couple more shots of the canopy, bottom pic is the 4SD, this thing is a wacky one for sure. It will throw 3 bladed leaves every so often, and then maybe a 5 of more, all blades are different for the most part. lol. Must be some kind of genetic mutation from all the back crossing and crossing. Rez makes some killer genetics man.

I thought this was pretty strange....this is that skunk cross....has some kind of deficiency but I've been reading and searching and comparing and I can't put my finger on it. This girl is in a 2L also, but the guy I got it off of used "potting soil" some no name bag of clay like mud. Doesn't hold water at all, hard as brick...but the plant is growing. This stuff is so thick and muddy it is in a clear container and you can't see any roots lol. poor girl. :kissgrin:



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I started taking some cuts and dropping them in, got some pics so you can see how simple. Just the ice tube tray, $4 bag of vermiculite from home de pot or lowe's or wally world....you can find some just about anywhere. I use a cheapo root hormone I found in the garden section of lowe's one day for $5, but you don't even need that!

Nice and easy, theres 27 tubes on the tray..I think that's the best part. I used the last 9 for the skunk cross. Soon to be some healthy clones ....Then the show begins.


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Not sure how well you will be able to see these, but that's the adobe clay soil this girl is suffering in. Its so thick I don't want to risk transplanting it into anything else...She's doing fine, some how.

For now, until I can upgrade my ventilation and make some more room in there, I just put the container on the ground under everything else, hoping the fans of the others will reduce the light over the cloner. Water temp is a little bit of a concern for me right now...but so far so good. If need be I will throw a heat pad under it...but I think Ill be fine.


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For now, until I can upgrade my ventilation and make some more room in there, I just put the container on the ground under everything else, hoping the fans of the others will reduce the light over the cloner. Water temp is a little bit of a concern for me right now...but so far so good. If need be I will throw a heat pad under it...but I think Ill be fine.

...yeah man, on the floor probably won't work as you need to keep the rez at 80 - 82 degrees.

here's a shot of how i handled this before i built my clonebox, just 2 milk crates with a small lamp with a 23watt CFL as a heat source, ...my clonebox warms the cloners in the same passive way. (and i stopped using any kind of humidity dome ages ago, lol)


...and good to see you sharing some of what you're doing, that's how you get help from many good people, ...like Maj. Cottonmouth, he can definately show you a thing or two so heed his advice.

peace, SOG


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SOG, the things you think of to diy and slam together are incredible. not only are they incredibly efficient, but most of the time its the easiest possible solution. talk about keeping it simple. I will rig something up in a bit and get the water temps right. thanks man.

Maj. Thanks a lot, man. I will try to answer my own questions as I go along, but this is the first time ever trying a vertical grow.

Well a little update for you guys.....

The clones were taken and put into the mom tent on 5/29, so its been about 3 days and they're doing well. They will be doing a lot better once i rig up something to keep the res warmer. Thanks SOG.

As for the moms, this is going to be a bigger grow than I thought. They have bounced back so much it looks like nothing ever happened, and its only been 3 days! Might do a quick test run just to see what that skunk cross is like, and taste the 2 4SD phenos I have..Thinking im going to ditch the skunk cross though.

I also had 3 more 4SD seedlings getting situated in there and are getting pretty big, just waiting for them to sex and they will also be moms. I think I have like 4 different phenos in there. Should be fun.

So once these things root, I'll be throwing them in to flower, no veg. Show should get good within the next 2-3 weeks. :dance013:
yeah buddy .. looking good gravy in here!
Im steeping some lavender leaves/flowers right now to kill any bugs left in here .. .. Once that happens bro we will have some killer stuff for ya to try!

You'll have to try out a couple of W's strains .. .. Buddha Sister .. SSH .. .. Those the only ones Im still holding on to at the moment but he's hookin it up soon with the others.

Wait till you see the aero cloner Im building bro .. .. Should be the golden ticket to getting clone rates near 100% and getting roots in 5-7days.

This your first run of the 4sd bro? Ill hit you up in a bit bro .. Maybe me n the girl will swing over around noonish .. Cookout!! We just gotta grab an 1/8 before we swing through lol:tumbleweed:


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I ran the 4SD in clone just to test and sex it, the little thing yielded man lol. I ended up with like an 18" plant yielding almost 9 grams dried. Sweet stuff, but I have 2 phenos and 1 is a good yielder and everything im looking for, but the other is stretchy and doesn't produce much, but its a frosty bitch. So I haven't made the final choice, thats what this run will do.

Try the ice tube cloner, it costs like 8 bucks, no pumps, and the success rate is pretty damn close to 100%. Put it this way, if you can't do it in the ice tube tray, you shouldn't be cloning.

That SSH sounds like a winner, what happened to all the others, you had a sweet line up....damn aphids. I have some stuff I can share with ya if you like. I'll give you a call in a little bit, finish getting this place ready. Should be a good day.


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Today I rigged up the milk crate and cfl heater combo, lol. Working well so far. Im going to keep an eye on the temps as the day progresses.

Started to remote my ballast for the 400w yesterday with a friend who knows a lot more about electricity and wiring than I do. Thanks for that man. So I should be good to go just in time for the clones to be well rooted. Will try and post some pics later of the progress, new toys, a couple new genetics I picked up this week...Show is going to start soon, I cant wait for the house to blow up in all different smells.


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Ok time for a little update....

Heres what I rigged up to get my res temps higher, SOG's idea.

Got my tent temps down a little bit. Wasn't having any issues but I got them down a little.

Here's a group shot of all the girls crammed in there, things are starting to grow at all different sizes which really ticks me off. I like this nice and neat, I try to prune keep everything as uniform as possible.

This is one of the 4SD seedlings I was waiting to sex, this we're going to call #2 because the plant structure is a little bit different from the other 4SDs.

This one is #1, I have 2 moms and 2 seedlings like this one.


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The solution to the res temps is just a milk crate with a 23w cfl underneath, I sit the cloner on top and we're good to go.

I took a trip down to the dollar store around here and went nuts. Plenty of different size containers all ready to be made into hempys lol. I took my time looking, ask my old lady shes still erked about the wait lol. But there were 1g buckets, 6L trash bins, lots of cool stuff I could use. I ended up going with these...

They are small bathroom trash cans, 6L so bigger than my 2L soda bottles but not too big.

And these here thing-a-bobs for personal drip trays. I have no clue what these things are or what they can be used for...I see only one purpose and that is coco-hempy drip trays.

Should come together nicely. And I should be able to fit a bunch in the 4x4, making the perpetual more plants than I originally intended but that's always how it goes. ....Damn kitten is everywhere, looking for her 15 minutes of fame I guess.


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That's the tent I plan on using, been using it for a while now but never gone vertical. Just a cheapo tent with plenty of light leaks I had to go through and cover up.

The inside, not like you guys haven't seen a tent before but I took the picture so you're gonna look at it lol. I gotta clean up in there a bit.

Ahh....and my little GS Cookie, making things harder by the second. :laughing: this friggen cat has been right by my side for the past 2 runs....as soon as she hears the zippers on the tent she comes running.


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Some new beans a friend gave me,
Kalichakra x sterling widow x AK47
AK47 f2
White Rhino x AK47
Chem D x AK47
Pure Kush x AK47
and Happy brother x chocolate chunk x AK47

Most likely going to be popping the AK47 f2's and the chem D x AK47 as soon as I can get some room in there.

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