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420 Cup, Growers Category - You entering?

420 Cup, Growers Category - You entering?

  • Submitting a Sativa entry

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Submitting an Indica entry

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Submitting a Hash entry

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Submitting a Sativa and Indica Entry

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Submitting a Sativa and Hash Entry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Submitting an Indica and Hash entry

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Submitting a Sativa, an Indica, and a Hash entry

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
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Well the way I saw it your Friend was talking Smack about the Indica Entries (repeating basically what Hawaiian Grown said even though his opinion was much different just after attending the 2005 IC Cup). NWM had no entry for the 2005 cup because he had just gotten started Growing. Period. Even though he has had fine tutelage from fine growers and Might grow some good weed To make a statement like NWM did and not be prepared to Back It Up is school yard bullshit. Mosca had a right to defend himself and his work IMVHO. Go ahead NWM snatch you that Indica Cup for 2006. If you dare. You don't have to worry about Me posting again in one of your Threads Indigo. I'm really sad to see you take this stance. Your friend needs to learn some valuable lessons and Jumping In on his behalf will prevent him from gaining a Higher Understanding. If you were a true friend you would let him take his lumps.

mosca negra

WeedWrapperMan-- my point exactly! Enough said...

Mosca Negra, out


oh tiddlywinks Herb... all I saw NWM say was this:
IMHO - The only - memorable Growers Indica was JLP's GKrush

IMHO equals in my opinion, so he's expressing an opinion, based on purely personal preference, after which he says he doesn't have to give reasons for not entering, which is also valid...and gets accused of not having balls for that?

Well, whatever...it don't wash with me....and that's my opinion.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


Indigo maybe its just a guy thing and has to do with acually having balls..... but when i read nowheremans post I did think that it insulted last years entries. Although as always, i do agree that everone should be allowed their own opinion.


LOL Babba, thanks, you may be right, I may have too much on the estrogen side of things and interpeted it all differently. I honestly saw no malice. :smile:



Ok enough of letting Indigo defend me;

1. If you are going to put your cannabis up to be judged / expect it to be – just that

2. Memorable – lasting impression
a. In all of Amsterdam I smoked 3 Indicas that IMHO were note worthy
i. La Con
ii. BOG’s Sour Bubble
iii. Mash 4047

If that hurts Growers feelings – SO be it – Amsterdam did NOT have many quality Indicas - PERIOD

3. BABBA – IMO - I did not insult the past winners / I gave an opinion on entering the cup a lot of people are/may be interested too here = The Growers Indica Cup can be had = Like it or NOT I felt & still feel – the Growers Indica Cup has the best plausibility of being dethroned. = (the sativa cup – is/was dominated by SD & Somas AHaze & IMHO would be much HARDER to dethrone)

4. I smoked Motivation right out of Garrets pocket & in fact he gave me the CD Motivation of a band called motivation he is helping to support out of Chicago / I found the smoke to be pleasant & discussed it with him / it did not feel like a 100% Indica & in fact Garret told me – he did not breed it to be one. Like it or NOT = IMHO it is NOT as good a pure Indica as; LA or S.Bubble & IMO = a good grower could dethrone the reigning Indica cup with either.

5. WWM = a.k.a. HERB – I don’t like you & have seen you do NOTHING but stir up crap since I got here / I am supprized they let you out of the cooler & allowed to stay here

6. I do not get in online ‘My Dick is Bigger than yours’

7. You called me NO MAN – with NO BALLS = It’s easy to be brave behind a computer screen = if I get to come to the cup = feel free to look me up & we can eaither smoke pot & smile about it :pointlaug - or I can kick your ass - it will be your chioce

8. I am disabled living alone on SSDI – you jerks = I am not entering – due to the fact – I may not even be able to make it – let alone send & OZ of my best. (health is craped out & my money is tight) …..jerks

9. Go smoke some pot & chill out & find something else to do with your time besides stir up crap.

10. I liked Grape Krush a lot but – even it; could be dethroned IMHO with LA or SB

I don’t like expanding my self & will not do it again


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Saying you might kick someones ass goes against all that is good here on icmag....im sorry for your personal problems but maybe you should step away from the keyboard again until some new perspective is gained
nam myoho renge kyo


Babbabud said:
Saying you might kick someones ass goes against all that is good here on icmag....im sorry for your personal problems but maybe you should step away from the keyboard again until some new perspective is gained
nam myoho renge kyo

NOPE - in fact - I take offence to people calling me names & am tried of people here defending creeps


I just think it's great that there is a well known competition for pot growers, in which the closet grower can effectively compete with large commercial growers. Anyone on this thread , or any other thread for that matter, has the potential to grow competition worthy weed.... you just have to be willing to put in the time, effort, and sacrifice (and a few $).

I think that many of us feel quite a sense of pride and creativity in our grows, so it is easy for emotions to run a bit off course. To me, growing so many wonderful versions of a basically very simple annual plant is an art form, and we can be just as temperamental about our work as any other artist.

It helps me keep things in perspective (sometimes lol) by remembering a few facts in our lives:

1) We are all living on the same anthill, and it just takes one big boot to crush us all...life is short.

2) If you put 10 people in a room, you will get 10 different opinions.... about anything!

3) Our differences are what makes us strong when we work together, and make us fight when we don't.

4) Intelligence and ability are not substitutes for wisdom.

5) Some of the most beautiful things in life are created from chaos (our planet for example).

6) There will always be people whose only delight is in the misery and failures of others. These people are sick with anger, pain and fear, and should be pitied not hated....they already hate themselves more than you and I ever could.

7) If you can't find at least 3 character flaws in yourself, then you've still got a long road ahead of you, frought with repeated mistakes.

8) Your true worth in this life, is how you are thought of by others after you are gone.

9) Violence is NEVER the right answer!

10) Just because God has given us all free will, doesn't mean we won't face consequences when we make the wrong choices.

I have had to fight my impatience and intolerance of other people for most of my life...they are my greatest weaknesses, and a serious detriment to my karma. My strength is this knowledge, and my desire to do better.

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Thanks for those thoughts mastergrower, I'd like for those to be the last thoughts on the subject, and motivation to move on back to the celebration at hand :smile:


Hey just a reminder to you guys that got judges passes. If you get a judges pass you can not enter in that category. So no cheating now. Keep it fare. And yes the Indica category was quite poor last yeat but imo Daruis should have won for his White Widow.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
So Bex what passes are you going for? all of em? or are ya planning on entering a catagory? We are gonna a proper knees up. I got a sativa pass and the Dr is getting an indica. Talk soon.


OK so I lied. I posted again. This is getting pretty absurd.

OK so I lied. I posted again. This is getting pretty absurd.

But don't you think it's Hilarious that ******** is now going to Kick Imaginary Ass and Could Have Snatched the Indica Cup that was "There for the taking"? The fact that he isn't entering a thing this time around Really Irked me. Come on Indigo. You know I love you baby but coming down on Mosca just wasn't fair. He was defending himself and his work. Did NWMs Score Card read Not Much Worth Judging in the Indica Category? If I would have felt that way ya'll would have known about it Long before December. And on that note. What does Last Years Cup have to do with this thread at all? Nothing. HG got admonished and recinded (on this very thread I believe) for making a similar statement (ok so his was about the 20 strains of crap to get to the 10 worthy but along the same vein) but it's ok for NWM to open his yap cause he's your little challenged buddy? Tell him the short bus is coming and he better get his helmet on. He didn't Enter last year because he had nothing to enter. He'll not enter this year because he only has 1 year of growing experience and no balls. If the Truth Hurts get him a Band Aid.
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WeedWrapperMan said:
He didn't Enter last year because he had nothing to enter. He'll not enter this year because he only has 1 year of growing experience and no balls. If the Truth Hurts get him a Band Aid.

That reminds me...My grandma did not enter last year either, she has no balls, I can assure you :D This year I'am gonna give her a swift kick and make her enter. Come on..Why is everybody so pissed about a personal opinion? mosca negra- I understand the pride in what you do. We judged, and must of liked it, my partner saved the seeds he found in your entry. But really, no reason to start a bunch of shit over somebodys opinion. You either enter or dont, no excuses why or why you did'nt. A oz. is a lot of weed to some peeps, not to mention getting it where it needs to be. Anyways, Amsterdam 2006! Gonna be a blast. Now off to see about granny entering some Grandaddy :D -HH


NWM; Herb says the short bus is coming so wear your helmet.

Mosca, sorry I came down so hard on you (and I am).

Herb, love ya always, just the way you are, and very sincerely :smile:

Can we stop now? Thanks.


Indigo said:
Thanks for those thoughts mastergrower, I'd like for those to be the last thoughts on the subject, and motivation to move on back to the celebration at hand :smile:

Ah, and what a celebration it should be!

Sadly, as w/ you Indigo... I will be unable to attend the '06 Cup. I too have a closet (4'x4') set-up, and grow strictly for personal use. I am able to do 4 (overlapping) grows a year w/ an annual production of just about a kilo. I have a modest breeding program, and I could afford to part w/ an ounce of prime bud for a competition, but it would hurt a bit...lol.

Although attendance is not required, I personally would not enter unless I could be there for the festivities. We (my wife and I) chose to give up vacations some time ago in exchange for a house and land in the country, two 4WD vehicles, and helping two kids through college. No regrets.

My heart will be with all of you entering, judging, or just attending. I do hope I will be able to meet many of you someday. Good luck to all entrants...especially you closet growers!



Well MG, maybe next year both you and I will be able to join the fun, and if so, share a smoke and a smile...it would be my pleasure! :smile:



I will probably just get a Guest pass and enter the Sat. and Indica category if possible. Otherwise i will probably get a hash or sativa pass if they are still around hehe. See you mates there. Gonna be a blast.


So I have an Imaginary ass kickin coming from NWM and Granny? HeHeHe. Bring it ON.

So I have an Imaginary ass kickin coming from NWM and Granny? HeHeHe. Bring it ON.

When Granny judges and posts on the Quality of the weed in the IC Cup claiming she Could Have Won the Indica Cup that was "There for the taking" (even though at the time she had Maybe just started to cure her first harvest) I will break her off some too. Too Funny! Yes NOW I am done.
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Looking foward to see old friends and making new ones. Start saving your cash now because they don't take credit cards at the charity auction. We had soooo much fun at thge aution it was a blast, one of the high lights of my trip. So start saving your money and lets all have a great time.
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