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420 Cup, Growers Category - You entering?

420 Cup, Growers Category - You entering?

  • Submitting a Sativa entry

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Submitting an Indica entry

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Submitting a Hash entry

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Submitting a Sativa and Indica Entry

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Submitting a Sativa and Hash Entry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Submitting an Indica and Hash entry

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Submitting a Sativa, an Indica, and a Hash entry

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
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Wondering how many people are planning on submitting an entry in the various divisions of the Growers category :D

Please do not specify what you plan on entering, just vote for the category and then leave :bat: J/K!

Seriously, its best to avoid specifying what your entry will be, but it'll be interesting to see some numbers in regard.

As stated by Dutch, Growers entering are entitled to submit no more than one entry for each division (Indica, Sativa and Hash).

Something tells me there's going to be many more entries than last year...this is rapidly becoming THE Cannabis Cup event thanks to an excellent organization and Gypsy and Dutch's awesome hospitality
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Dr. D

Active member
You will be seeing an entry from me without a doubt..
I also think there willl be a helluva lot of entries next cup...will too many entries cause problems u think?


Well vote Dr. D! I just got the poll up :D

Too many entries will cause many stoned people, but IMO there's never enough of 'em :wink:


Dr. D

Active member
im not sure wether it will be indica or sat yet...gonna be tough competition if theres lots of entries...gonna be fun :sasmokin:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Indigo said:
...this is rapidly becoming THE Cannabis Cup event thanks to an excellent organization and Gypsy and Dutch's awesome hospitality

Without a doubt. underline added by me.

GreatLakes THC :wave:


only thing that kinda rubs me is that theres judges gettin smoked up from entrants before they even get there packets. dont guess its to big a problem. but i can see where judges could be biased towards certain entrants,and get a heads up as to what to look for in the samples. prolly goes on in any type of competition.



Let's see some more votes up here now...I know that this year's Cup will have a record number of entries! :pimp3:


CBF said:
only thing that kinda rubs me is that theres judges gettin smoked up from entrants before they even get there packets. dont guess its to big a problem. but i can see where judges could be biased towards certain entrants,and get a heads up as to what to look for in the samples. prolly goes on in any type of competition.

Really good point CBF. Has this actually happened? When you have a bunch of Weed and Hash to sample in a Blind situation an Entrant smoking out a judge Before the Comp starts should be Verbotten. Judges should be held in seclusion until the sampling is done or be watched by everyone present (like a fish bowl... yeah... I'm serious) to be sure no influence can reach them. Do they let a Jury roam the streets while a Trial is ON? No. They are sequestered for a reason. I figured this would be the case for the IC Cup.


From judging last year, with the amount given to us, it would have been impossible to smoke all the samples, both collectivley, and uninterupted. With my arrival planned in accordance with judging packs being given out it was the first I'd seen of any of 'em.

There were a TON of samples.

This years format will certainly provide a better ability to scrutinize.

Good work DG.

Later OH



Are you saying you didn't Sample all the strains that competed?

Are you saying you didn't Sample all the strains that competed?

Can I get some Clarity here?? I'm not trying to Bust on you OH but I'm confused. If you didn't smoke all (not every little bit in the sample but some of each strain) the samples how could you be a Good Judge of what the best weeds or hash was?
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The IC Cup is a social event, with judges and guests arriving over the course of several
days...there is no way we can, or will, restrict someone's 'socializing'. Although I
agree that prior sampling is not kosher, there's nothing we can do about someone
sharing their smokeables, and we are certainly not going to follow folks around
town....that's just silly. :biglaugh:

I would think it is a matter of ethics, and hope entrants let their conscious be
their guide. But just in case anyone's conscious needs a reminder, there are rules being
formulated for entrants next year....an entrant's breach of our rules will result in disqualification.
No If's, And's or Buts, and it doesn't matter WHO the entrant is, grower or breeder.

If I, or any other member of the IC 420 Staff see any entrant (grower or breeder)
out of line in this regard, you can be well assured I'll be calling them up on it, and
if rules are broken, will justify disqualification.



With all that's gone on in the High Times Cup competitions, it's enough to make anyone wonder about fairness and bias. I mean there's more on the line than pride and bragging rights....cup winners sell for more money, and are widely sought after.

I think the IC folks are well aware of the responsibility involved in putting on an international competition like the ICMag 420 Cup, and I personally believe that the "little guy" (or girl), can get a fair shake in their contest.

A concern for fairness and ethics has always been demonstrated by Gypsy, Dutchgrown, and IC Mag staffers...not only in the forums and the magazine, but at Seedbay too. I won't have any entries in the 2006 Cup, but if I did, I would be confident that they would be judged fairly.


Bubblegum Specialist
I will be entering in the breeders division and let me say that last year we made sure that ethical behavior was followed but no one really checked. It was the honor system but honestly if I had tried to influence judges I think that would have backfired anyways. The quality of the judging pool is what really matters and any rule decided upon will be adhered to by myself and the other breeders as well.

But DG is right and this should be social with everyone freely sampling anything that anyone has to share. The fact is that my entry sufferred in appearance which was important and the judging reflected the true situation with my sour bubble scoring highest in taste and third in potency but 5th overall. It seemed fair to me.

I guess nothing is perfect but this contest has been legit. Sour Bubble was 4th overall the previous year but I have hopes that the third bx might do better next year. Ya know I would love to place or win but when I play a game there is no fun in winning by cheating. Don't you agree?

So who wants to cheat anyone and why really? My answer is no one. It's really on the up and up at the 420 and it will stay that way because you can trust Gypsy and DG to earn the credibility they deserve. BOG

Win or lose we all win. :D


Im with OHenry it would have been physicaly impossible to smoke each and every sample in its entirity. It would have taken two weeks to do that. The first thing that i did was to sit down and judge all samples by looks and smell then moved on to roll all of them into jionts for tatse and buzz sampling.

an exaple of the joints that were smoked and sampled on the trip to haarlem



Bubblegum Specialist
Baccas, was a great judge with much expertise and most of the judges seemed quite diligent taking this responsibility very seriously. I would have done the same as you and most of the Judges man. I would have looked at and smell them all and then a taste of each perhaps in groups. The judges did collaberate and were undoubtedly able to ascertain what some of the samples were but I doubt it affected the judging much really. No contest is perfect and what matters is that there is no corruption, fixes or cheating in the contest. Every entry had merit and no judge was there with an agenda IMHO. They were expert stoners for sure. :D BOG


Yes BOG i had no hidden agend for sure!!! The only thing on my mind other than smoking was not paying for the fire alarm that i set off. Note to self "open window when smoking in your apparment" just an FYI there is a 800 euro fee if the fire department shows up to your room.


Bubblegum Specialist
That's why I stay at the Damrak. The place is kinda dumpy and the rooms are all smoking rooms I think. Their alarms probably dont work like the phones but it seemed perfect to me. BOG :D


Lucky for me with a few bitches and moans my charge card people ate the 800 euro fee!!!! :fsu:
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