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400W DWC Scrog White Widow



Hello IC. I've been lurking for some time now and finally decided to say hi and show you guys what all this info has led me to.

I have some experience but not much. I had a roommate that I went through one cycle with. At the time OG was happening and I learned about scrog through the forums. With my roommates knowledge, set-up, and experience we scrogged 6 plants under a 400w using all the info I could find at the time. We harvested 9 ounces and that was the best he had done at that point. My reasons for not growing between then and now were basically PARANOIA :yoinks: We knew nothing of odor control and believe me when i say I swore I'd never do it again!!!!

Fast forward many years and here we are. I just decided recently to see what people were doing these days and I was really impressed by some of the smaller setups. So.... without further delay.... here's what we got!

I'd explain the setup, but I feel like most of you would know just by looking what's up with the box

Here's the weak and humble beginnings of my WW Fem from Greenhouse Seeds. I made the mistake of letting a friend start this plant for me while I finished up some last things in the box... BIG MISTAKE. When he handed the thing back to me (7 days prior to photos here) it was the most stretched and pathetically taken care of plant i had ever seen! Since i got it from him the new development is healthy looking green and the nodes are now close. The first two nodes are yellow and white spotted... TERRIBLE. I'm hoping that since it's just a baby and I now have it under the 400 she'll bounce right back. Atleast, I sure hope so. In an attempt to minimize height issues I decided to bury the rapid rooter it was in deeper than i originally planned. My buddy had the light so far away that it just stretched like crazy and that's not gonna work for me...

No roots yet... about seven days in this box now... is that a problem? I've got the water level about an inch above the bottom of the net pot and I'm watering by hand as often as I can from the reservoir. I'm using GH 3 part and currently using the recommended "mild growth" quantities.

ph: 5.6
ec: ???(this is one of my first questions... I currently am running the 442 scale on my ppm meter and it reads close to 100 but is much lower on the KCL and other scales. I can choose between 3 different types of PPM or 4 different (micro ??? units) which one should i use?)

So, here we grow! I'm a total newbie as far as I'm concerned. I am really concerned about screwing up this initial rooting into the DWC system... basically... I need help!



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Amstel Light

LOOKS nice man
must be a really good friend.

she should come back i d have the water level a lil closer to the netpot. have you taken water temps into consideration? i guess you have the clay balls piled like that for supporting stretched plant. I will be doing something simmiular soon but i will only have 1 plant.in that space you have coupled with the rapid growth of dwc you might want to scrap the 3inch net pots? wish i could help with nutes but the 2 times i did it before had no meter just used bottled water and nute specs from manufacture. will bookmark to follow along.


Hey Amstel, thanx for taking a look!

I've got the water about an inch above the bottom of the netpot right now (er... maybe i should be saying the netpot sits about an inch into the water right now) but I bet you're right on raising the water... I'll do that.
I've got 15 frozen water bottles in the frezzer right now (did a lil pre work in that dept before i got the plant in there... i can maintain a steady fluctuation between 62-72*F)
Yup, the clay balls are piled for two reasons 1. the stretch, at first, was really weak and the extra support was nice (the stem is getting much stronger now) 2. It looks way less 'weaksauce' with that extra 1.5" under the rock.
I'm using a 6" net pot for the plant and the two 3" pot holes are to work out of (pumping nutes back and forth and dropping in frozen water bottles)
I'm doing one plant as well. I don't know if you've seen NBG's thread but he had some pretty amazing results using a different medium but still only one plant scrogged.


Amstel Light

whhooaa sorry thought u meant the water was below 1 inch! submerging it is ok i guess for now? look i am no dwc expert i am here to learn with you as you go so i wont make the same mistakes. yea i have a insulated cooler cut out and ready i will be using this type of trellis>>>>>>>>> https://cannabis.community.forums.o.../article/DWC-bubbler-with-integral-SCROG.html

yea i am debating whether to cut out service ports or devising a way to lift lid/plant and trellis all at once maybe screw 2 hook bolts into lid and set up a pully? it all depends on the load i will have on a growlab 80 tent? maybe i will cut hole in top of tent and fasten pully to stud in ceiling above? yea NGB is an inspration to anyone that has a 400w sitting around.. i think he had a lil more space that both of us will be using tho and he vegged for like 4-5 months . i dont think i will veg that long the grow lab 80 only has like 6 foot of vert plus the light and other equip... we shall see

god speed 2 you!!
may you laugh in the face of dealers




Well, she's definitely recovering :woohoo:

She looked very weak just a week ago and I definitely see signs of improvement. No visible roots yet which is bothering me but I can tell she's drinking just by the growth. I topped her. I know.. it was probably way too early, but I did it... :joint:

PH: 5.5

EC: 112 on the 442 PPM scale (whatever that is)



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Also changed the set-up just a bit which really improved the temps. Before I had the cooltube cooled by just two computer fans. I decided to connect the can filter>cooltube>canfan(4") all in one and rid the computer fans all together... GREAT SUCCESS!! Temps are like 4-5 degrees cooler at all times and i'm sucking less juice. Went ahead and disconnected the filter for now since it's not needed at all yet and why waste the AC for now right?


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Nice recovery! I grew GHS WW under a 400 as well back in December...I have a journal on here somewhere. Very dank buds!

Amstel Light

nice job!! yea stop fuqin with her! how the hell you top a 1-1/2 inch plant lol
yea i will have to deal with the esoteric language of the meter soon .....im scared


I see roots! OK, the truth is I only see one root... but it's F-A-T! It's not through to the bottom yet but I can see it's about to be. The plant looks good. Pics as soon as they're worth showing...

In the meantime here's the ROOR :nanana::abduct:



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Screen is installed

Plant looks good

The roots are showing in several places now... some up high in the netpot and a couple down low... none of the have passed through the netpot yet, but they all look really healthy. I'm excited now:jump: I think it's gonna start going faster now.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll put some more pics up when there's progress

Safe Swoops
hey bro just a little advice on my end, i would higher that light a bit. she looks to be transpiring a little bit and plus a tiny plant that young probably doesnt need all that light. i would have it somewhere around 12in even if its aircooled. that looks like 6inches away that plant must be getting hit with alot of radiant heat and you 50k lumens light is probabaly looking more like 90k lumens that close, but thats just my opinion. good luck with your grow


Thanks man. I just raised it to 12"". I was noticing the irregular growth in the new leads... they look green but definitely something is wrong and your observation is probably exactly what that is. I had read somewhere that if it was comfortable to your hand than it was ok to the plant, but now i realize that that probably pertains to the flowering time and not early veg.


Six days since last update and i can really see the difference in growth! I definitely have made some mistakes along the way so far... I can tell by a few leaves being wierd shaped and bent inward along the center. I'm thinking that it was a combination of having the light too close like mentioned earlier (radiant heat) and I was a total idiot and never calibrated or checked my ph pen. I checked it the other day and it was a full point below where it should be LOL. All the leaves are pretty healthy green though and my overall gut instinct when I look at the plant says healthy. Seems to have recovered nicely from the early topping i gave her.

Well, the roots still aren't out of the netpot like I thought they'd be by now

Plant shots... almost to the screen



looks good and healthy. dont flip too early! talk to one of the many scrog masters here to help you out on the exact timing.


Active member
Locking out some micros like copper etc, can cause rosetting and twisting and can really stunt growth even after the problem is fixed. Yours looks like it's going to take off soon.
You've got a nice cab. I'm with BN. No thought of flipping till the screen's full. Once it takes off, dwc is badass. I only did it once with a 1 gal. bucket. No pH tester. The day I was going to chop I open the closet door and every leaf was drooping. Root rot. It can happen so quick. I see you're ready though for that. Well at least it waited till chop day.


Hey guys thanks for checking in! No way I'm flipping until the screen is at least 90% full... and I'll wait longer if the SCROG masters chime in and say to do so. My ultimate goal here is maximum production from one plant under a 400 in that space (19"X48"). I'm absolutely afraid of rootrot! I'm simply hoping for the best and doing the water bottle shuffle like a madman. I've read post on here talking about (hygrozyme?) and H2O2 as early prevention... but it seems there's other post that say don't use that stuff until it's needed... so for now i'm just hoping for the best.
She's already touching the screen today... this is fun!




I was bending the main two leads down and over did it! I split the main stem down the center... I totally freaked out :yoinks: She doesn't seem to be hurting too bad since then though so maybe it's not too big of a deal. I just used zip ties to hold her together. I'll cut em and redo it in a couple of days.
I'm trying to get a clone going but I'm not sure if that's gonna work under a 400W lamp???

Hope all is well.