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400w bare bulb vertical


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Question For Marlo

Question For Marlo

That 400w vert you did looks real nice :)

Can I ask how many plants you used and what size bags/pots they were in? Soil or hydro?

Thanks :)


Got a little update for you guys. I rigged up a simple gravity fed drip irrigation system. It should make things a bit safer and easier.

Also, I have decided not to rotate any of the plants. After watching how they react to the vertical light in veg, I can see that rotating is not the way to go. But, I am still going to trim the back side of 3 of the plants, and keep 3 natural.

I had the light raised in this picture. Its still down low IRL.


A question: I have some 2 gal Smart Pots coming in the mail. They should be here today or tomorrow. Do you guys think it would be worthwhile to switch them over to the Smart Pots, or just keep them in the plastics. If I didn't have the C99 on deck I would just transfer and veg for another couple weeks, but I need to get this show on the road to free up space. What do you all think?


Hey Wisco61, can you do me a favor? Just do a vertical scrog on one of your plants. It'll take you 15 minutes to set the screen up and push thru the fledgling flowers and another session to pull the entire "wall" of flowers back, away from the light, during midflower. How's your temps with the bare bulb and where do you exhaust?


Rouge, sorry buddy, can't do it. Maybe next round. I've done horizontal scrogs before and realize they are going to give me the best yield, but I am too busy preparing for the outdoor season to be bothered with anything more inside.

My temps are around 80 with the lights on, but variable atm. My temps are varying so much right now cause its spring in the midwest. Outside temps are swinging wildly. I keep opening and closing windows and turning the heat on and off. I exhaust with a Stanley Blower that's about 2 feet above frame of the last pic. It blows out a hole through the door.


The girls are really digging their new homes and are starting to flourish. I gave them a foliar feeding and soil drench of compost tea yesterday. I also top dressed in my bloom ferts. So the micro herd is definitely going strong.

My irrigation system was a bust for now, I need to think about it a bit more. But, the pots aren't drying out overly fast so its not a big deal atm. Once they go into the flower stretch it might become a hassle, but I guess I will cross that bridge when I reach it.

The shortest plant is about 8" and the tallest is a bit over a foot, but they are starting to equalize. They are all getting some nice side branching and show just some very minor burn on the leaf tips. The 3 plants towards the front with the duct tape on the pots are the plants that are going to have their backsides trimmed.

I have some new bulbs coming in the mail, hopefully they arrive by Thursday when I will flip to 12/12.:jump:


Guest 88950

nice work.........im running a 400 w and want do something similar.

im along for the ride


Day 14 of 12/12


I am terrible at taking pictures, sorry. Nothing much new, I gave them a little 1-10-1 guano topdressing a few days ago, that should be enough for them to get done. Just tap water and compost tea from here on out. They are between 24" and 30" atm, they will probably stretch a little more and end up around 36" tall.

I chopped a couple clones of this plant I had in a DWC, haven't gotten a dry weight but it looks to be about 8 ozs. That was under a flat 400w with a couple other plants squeezed in there also.



Mr BD: Um, I dunno, maybe? But what would they support at the back of the pot? I figured I would want the plants close to the light so I put the stakes close to the light. The stakes aren't doing much now, I just tuck some of the side branches behind them to prevent the plants from suiciding on the bulb. But this cut is a branch breaker so they will be needed in a few weeks.

Day 21 of 12/12


They are pretty much done stretching and will start filling in now. I will try to get some better pictures tonight of individual plants.


I decided to attach a wire between the bamboo stakes at front of the pots and tuck the branches back. I was able to tighten the circle of plants back up as they were starting to get a bit spread out for my liking.



I fimmed a couple of the girls that were outgrowing the others to slow them down, but thats it. Its a branchy cut, so I just let them go for the most part.


Day 28 12/12


Nothing too exciting, just more buds and a little light burn. The girls are thirsty, been watering everyday and they still want more. I am gonna brew up at least one more batch of compost tea for them, but other than that its straight water until the end, about 5 weeks from now.

Thanks for stopping by!:wave:


Active member
they look somewhat heat stressed towards the tops. I doubt it would hurt to move them back an inch or two. They're already getting stupid lumens.


MrBD: Ya, I scooted them back about 2 inches. Its a testament to the cooling abilities of a vertical light that I got light burns with no heat burns.

Aligee: Ya, I am really surprised at how thick they already are. By week 9 they should be some real beasts.