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400w bare bulb vertical


Day 35 12/12



The duct tape rings are at 12", 18", and 24"

I'm pretty busy with the outdoor season bearing down on me, but I squeezed in my weekly update. Looks like its gonna be a lot of bud.:jump:


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Wisco - those are looking good. Especially that last pic :tiphat:

I see you have a few outdoor runs. Do you have any experience with a flat garden? I am trying like hell to find some evidence that vert out yields flat.

i am running my own test right now. All factors are the same except the vert. but i just cant wait to find out.


Ya, I ran flat for a couple years. My previous grow in this closet was 2 clones of the same mother in a 18g DWC. I got a bit over 6 ozs, but could have done better with more veg or training. But..... I am going to completely blow it away this run and that is with recycled soil instead of hydro, less veg time, and less fucking around. I dunno, the first time I looked at the bulb hanging vertical and thought about how the light disperses, I knew vert was far superior to flat. And for someone like me who grows in smallish tents and closets, verts even more superior. I think with smaller lights its more of a factor too. With my 400 if the plants get even 2" difference in height I have to start fimming, topping, putting plants up on stands that can tip over, scrogging, and just generally getting fucked around. With vert it kinda matters, but not nearly as much. And if you think about the % of the plant that is receiving light from the perfect distance, its not even close.

I guess one disadvantage is with the previous flat grow I able to grow a seed plant off to the side. It didn't get great light, but I had room in there to kinda sneak it in. With vert you really can't do that. Of course thats because vert doesn't waste light like flat, but still.

sorry for the ramble, wake and bake ftw.


I'm sitting here waiting for the rain storm to pass so I can head to the woods, so I figured I would take some pics of the other plants. Day 43 for all of them.






one Q

good job man.

What's the radius from the center of the fan to the outer edge of the pot?


Thanks guys.

What's the radius from the center of the fan to the outer edge of the pot?
Its about 20" atm, but I have been moving them in and out depending on what the plants were telling me.

one Q

Chunking up nicely
I'm thinking you're gunna end up with atleast 8-10oz...:tiphat:

I hope you get more. Like 10-12...

it also seems like you keep them inches from the bulb with it being bare. hm that must be a reall good fan on the floor


I think it will be closer to the 10-12 based on previous experience, but time will tell.

The girls are 5-6 inches from the bulb, they seem to like being up close. The fan isn't anything special, some $15 one from Walmart. I have had it up on a 6" net cup and now a bigger pot. It helps keep the fan closer to the bulb, and having it raised up from the floor increases the flow. We have been having a very cold spring, that combined with running the closet at night has also helped.


one Q

with only 6" between the bulb and plants that looks like an efficient grow. In that room youre only using a tiny but of space and pulling good numbers.

Props +k


how much space would you say is taken up from one side to the other? 2ft? 3ft?

From the back of one pot to the back of the pot across from it would be about 40". From the back of a plant to the back of the plant across from it would be about 30". I think the closet is 48" wide, maybe 52.


Active member
Things are looking great wisco!

I love the art of growing pot, man...vert, horiz, scrog, hydro, organics, it's all just a lot of fun to me. You seem to be having lot of fun with it too and you're doing a great job!

I was meandering through the growers forum today looking for cool 400w grow ideas. I've been looking to go with vertical because i have great results from my 150w vert cabinet. I didn't think i could use the box i have now, i think it's ~2'x3', for vert because of the heat from the bulb.

Do you get any burning from being that close to the bulb? I found that when i pulled the light back a bit from my horizontal setup, i got denser flowers because it wasn't being exposed to the heat stress. Do you feel that the closer they get the better??

Nice work! i'll be hanging around to see this one harvested

- SubN


Thanks for stopping by spaded.

I've toasted a few tips this grow from getting too close to the bulbs, but nothing major. The heat from a vertical bulb is much less when compared to a horizontal with a hood reflecting the ambient heat down towards the plant. So you can get a lot closer to the buds with no heat stress.


I built an el cheapo tent out of PVC and panda film. Its filled with outdoor starts atm, but once they get outside, I'll have both lights rolling.


one Q

Is that also a 400?
Those little tiny fans suck a sak a ballz. Got one lost recpt and now stuck with it. but that $15 one is sPOT on.

I want to see numbers. Oh, what's your temps like at "canopy" and also behind the plants ? just wondering cause yuo have such good structure and I assume it's gota be 85-90 even with the fan... unless incoming temps are 70f all day.


Yes its also a 400. I'm just using the small fan for now because of space limitations. But, with the plants a bit below the light for the most part, it is enough.

The temp is around 77-80 at the canopy. My incoming temps are usually around 60. Its been a cold spring and I run it at night.