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400w bare bulb vertical


Greetings all, this is going to be my first attempt at growing vertically and I am going to be using my HTG 400w Hps with a bare bulb. I have a closet about 4'x4'x6' with a Stanley Blower for exhaust. I'll have a fan blowing up on the bulb and an oscillating wall mounted fan for circulation.

The strain will be White Lady from Sativa Seed Bank. I've had this mother for about 3 years now, and it'll be good for my first attempt at vertical. Its a hybrid with good vigor and a lot of stretch in flower.

I'll do 6 clones in 2 gal pots in soil with Fox Farm Marine Cuisine and high N guano to start. I'm gonna start them in beer cups of FFOF and veg them for 10-14 days in the cups under CFLs. Then I'll transplant them into the 2 gal pots and veg for probably 2 weeks under the vertical 400w HPS vertical. I'll give them some Rainbow Mix bloom and flip it to 12/12. This strain can be taken at 55 days, but it starts foxtailing at like 60 and can be taken at 70 days if I want. I'll have to see how they look and decide that down the road.

I am going to rotate 2 of them 1/4 turn a day, 2 of them will be trained towards the light, and 2 will have 1/4th of their branches trimmed off (the ones facing away from the light). Not a scientific experiment by any means, but it should give me some ideaof relative yields and trimming pain.

I have the clones started and they have shown roots. I'll transplant them into the beer cups tomorrow and get this show on the road.




Greetings all, this is going to be my first attempt at growing vertically and I am going to be using my HTG 400w Hps with a bare bulb. I have a closet about 4'x4'x6' with a Stanley Blower for exhaust. I'll have a fan blowing up on the bulb and an oscillating wall mounted fan for circulation.

The strain will be White Lady from Sativa Seed Bank. I've had this mother for about 3 years now, and it'll be good for my first attempt at vertical. Its a hybrid with good vigor and a lot of stretch in flower.

I'll do 6 clones in 2 gal pots in soil with Fox Farm Marine Cuisine and high N guano to start. I'm gonna start them in beer cups of FFOF and veg them for 10-14 days in the cups under CFLs. Then I'll transplant them into the 2 gal pots and veg for probably 2 weeks under the vertical 400w HPS vertical. I'll give them some Rainbow Mix bloom and flip it to 12/12. This strain can be taken at 55 days, but it starts foxtailing at like 60 and can be taken at 70 days if I want. I'll have to see how they look and decide that down the road.

I am going to rotate 2 of them 1/4 turn a day, 2 of them will be trained towards the light, and 2 will have 1/4th of their branches trimmed off (the ones facing away from the light). Not a scientific experiment by any means, but it should give me some ideaof relative yields and trimming pain.

I have the clones started and they have shown roots. I'll transplant them into the beer cups tomorrow and get this show on the road.


Sweet! I'm interested in seeing the results. I do a vert scrog now, but previously did a regular vert and trained all my branches towards the front. Also, when going regular vert, i scrogged a single plant and the difference in yeild was, 3 nonscrogged plants averaged 3.5-4ozs each and the scrogged one produced almost 5ozs. Unless you're running 1k's in vert, i think it's best to scrog em.


Can't wait to see this to fruition. I am a champion for the 400 watt vertical in a big closet. I veg under a 400 watt hps vertically for my 4K bloom room and things happen quite fast with a 400. I have plants directly under it and only 5-6 inches away from the bare bulb and they don't get burned.

I was telling someone the other day that indoor growing is an exercise in problem solving. You know what the plants need and the grower does all they can to provide it for the plants. Vertical growing is taking the problem of how to put the most vegetation in the the best lighting zone with artificial light and answering it. The obvious answer is surround the light on all sides with plants.


Alrighty then, we are a little further along. The clones have been in the beer cups for 5 days, another week and I will transplant them into their final homes of the 2 gals.

I harvested my C4xC99 scrog and moved my DWC tub into my tent, thus freeing up my closet for the vert! I have the pots filled and ready to receive the girls. I think I will veg for about 2 weeks in the pots, throw in a new bulb, and flip em to 12/12.

3 weeks till takeoff :plant grow:


Pullin' up a chair. Cant wait to see the results. Btw, the cloner you have, do you add anything to the ph'd water and how long before you notice roots developing?


i heard you shouldnt rotate the plants in vert as it will reduce yeild?

but i cud be wrong, gud luck!


Sneaky: Just tap water, i let it run for at least 24 hours to get rid of any chlorine before I add clones. Roots depend on the strain, but for quick cloning strains i see bumps at like 4 days and long fishbone roots in 10 days. I have one mother that is a tough cloner, and it takes like 14 days to even show bumps.

UK: I have read that also, and read the opposite. I figured I would give a go at determining for myself. At least in my particular circumstances with this particular strain.


Thanks for the quick response wisco. I have some of Growdoc's Bubbledust and at 14 days, only 3 of 7 showed bumps. The next week when I got back from vacation, all but one had very long roots and ready to go at 21 days. Seemed a little long to me, but my first time using my aero-cloner. Again, thanks for the info.

cre8iv fuel

I hope this isn't too off topic, but have you found Ocean Forest safe for clones as-is or maybe with some perlite added? It's not apple to apples, but I am trying to decide on a medium for seedlings and some say OF is a little too hot and can burn them, but it seems to be a common go-to soil for others. Just wondering what your experiece is and if you alter it. How much guano are you adding?
after rapid rooters my clones went straight into 70%ocean forest/30%perlite with no problems. i have started seeds in the same mix. Just dont add any nutes.

I cant wait to see this grow. this is what im thinking about doing too. can't decide on the 600 or the 400. if i could get over 10 ounces with a 400 i dont care about the 600 so much. so i cant wait to see how this turns out


Cr8tiv: Its a little hot and I have burned some things, but such is life. I've found if I put the soil in the cups a week before and water it a couple times before adding the clone/seed it usually prevents that. Sometimes the tips will get a little toasted, but that just means I am for sure not underferting. I don't cut it with perlite or anything for the beer cups. I think I put 2 tablespoons of the guana in each pot. I'll probably top dress another Tblsp in each a couple days after I transplant in just to give them a good boost.

Character Zero: I think 10 ozs will be doable. 1.5oz per plant would be 9, and 2oz per plant would be 12, so if I can get them to yield somewhere in the 1.5-2 oz range I should be golden.

MrBom: With dimensions like that, I would do something like a stadium I think. You need to make use of all that height, and a stadium would be your best bet I'd say.


I'm hoping for 10-14oz from my 400 watter. May be wishful thinking, but my last grow I had 1 hydro in a 3.5g bucket, 2 soil, 1 in 2g and 1 in 3g buckets and the hydro alone yielded about 6.5oz with only 2 weeks of veg. The soil plants I did not weigh, but I would guess somewhere in the 2-3oz range. So that's over 8 oz in a cab that is 2.5ft x 1.5ft x 6ft, just under 4 sqft. This time I am going with one strain, 2 plants scrogged in hydro....we will see how much I can pull off of these 2 ladies.

Wisco, I think you will pull over 1 lb this run...that's my guess. I will stay tuned to see the results!!


ICMag Donor


Good Luck Wisco. You should do well with that setup.
I think you will find it best to not rotate, but time will tell.

These pics are from a vert I did with a 400w a while back. DR80 2.8x2.8
No heat issues at all.
Yielded 11oz. Could have done more with better training.





I just started a 12 plant vert scrog with 2 x 400w. I'm hoping to get 24oz from it.
The link is in my signature. There are lots of detailed pics. Check it out.


cre8iv fuel

Thanks for the info Wisco. When you say you water the soil in the cups a few more times before transplanting them in, do you mean just enough to get a little runoff? How much do you let it dry between the pre-transplant waterings, and before transplanting? Sorry, let me know if this is going to too off topic and I'll try to bug you in private.


Sneaky: Ya, I will probably get something like that. But I have found in life if I have really low expectations I am seldom disappointed.

Marlo: Thanks for the info and pics. I hear you about the rotating, but I will find out for myself I guess. I am pretty sure a scrog would get me the most yield, but I have run horizontal scrogs for a while and though they are efficient they are a bit of a pain in the ass. Irregardless, this is all kind of a practice run. I got some Mosca Negra C99 BX1 to run after this round, thats the one that really counts!

Cr8iv: No worries man. We're talking about growing pot so its on topic in my book. I don't really have any set thing I do, but lemme see what I can recall. The first time you wet it, the FFOF is kinda hard to wet. So I water them pretty heavily at first just to get it good and evenly moistened. Usually this keeps it wet for a good 5 days. If I don't plant anything by then, I will water it enough to give it some weight every couple days. I think this is something you should do with anything though. Fill your cups, pots, etc at least a couple days before you plan on adding any plants. That alone will really help with any burning issues.


I moved the girls into their final homes a couple days ago. They are in soil with a layer of hydrotron on top. They are still adjusting, but I am already seeing some good growth. Just molasses water for them so far, other than the nutes in the soil.


I will flip them to 12/12 on April 1st.


New member
I agree about the scrog wisco61.
It is a pain in the ass! I am going to try a vertical 400 watt mh/hps with DWC.
If all goes well I'll post the results.