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400w 1st coco grow.....


Active member
dude if youre watering once a day, youre not overwatering. its been a week so you shouldnt be spraying them. i only sprayed a little to transition from the humid environment with the cover, to the dryer climate without. and i only did that for a day or two.


Active member
They're lookin great Merx :good:

So your problems seem to be a thing of the past huh ? thats cool :)

Keep at it & you'll have some pretty nice buds to smoke real soon .

:plant grow:

thanks man, liking what i'm seeing except the height issues, so i'll be tripping over my hemp spool for a few weeks thats all. but yeah i'm in multi family house with only a few occupants, so i've been weary over putting the waste in our dumpster. i read a few articles on leo paying trash people, power meter readers, cable, plumbers, and other narcs $500 for leads, handing out their cards. not talkin paranoia, just peace of mind and not being complacent. thats my buzzkill for the evening....


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
thanks man, liking what i'm seeing except the height issues, so i'll be tripping over my hemp spool for a few weeks thats all. but yeah i'm in multi family house with only a few occupants, so i've been weary over putting the waste in our dumpster. i read a few articles on leo paying trash people, power meter readers, cable, plumbers, and other narcs $500 for leads, handing out their cards. not talkin paranoia, just peace of mind and not being complacent. thats my buzzkill for the evening....
I hear ya man . i live in a city again & i'm not worried about these guys finding some grow stuff in my garbage . they're more concerned about getting their coffee & ending the day rather than going through garbage for LEO . most of these guys are pretty cool & ain't gonna help leo for their own reasons :)
hell , when i was drivin cab nights most of these guys started their day @ dunkin doughnuts having coffee & a mornin joint in the parkin lot :)


Active member
thats why they love donuts so much i knew it!

well my plants have reached light height, but i have them about a foot away to the side. theyre like christmas trees so the lower bud sites are getting some good light now. the colas getting some deformed and droopy leaves with brown tips so figured it was too close to the light, talkin bout TS44. a couple days ago i think i bent it too much a foot from the top, and it seemed to snap a little bit. when i had it bent to where i wanted, i swabbed the stress point with a q tip of peroxide since i had my hand where the fibers tore. it tore just a little tho. hopefully its nothing serious. ima go get high


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I've had to supercrop my girls more than once during flower , it slows them down for a day or 2 to recover & heal the snapped branch , but then its off to the races :) they just grow out horizontilaly . A little bondage never hurt anything . :)
My B's & biezles are some leggy plants , they will go 9 10 feet if i just let them go , so these need to be tied down constantly . thats why i usually scrog net them , its just so much easier to control . 1 thing i did learn with these 2 strains is that most plants will stretch for 2 weeks into flower . not these girls .... they stretch for 3 weeks or more , i've had a couple nets get outa control with them cuz of the extra stretch on them . its all in learning how each strain grows & the best way to get them to do what you want them to do .

The DG genetics i'm growing now are my first time with them so i just topped them once gave them a month to veg & put them into flower so i can see their growth characturistics . then my next round with them i'll know if i can net them or just top the shit out of them & let them grow . you'll get your strains figured out , but it takes a couple grows to do so . 1st time is always a learning experiance.


Active member
theres certainly a wealth of information in just these simple plants. i mean i cant believe this coco, my plants are over 4 ft and thriving in just a 1 gallon bucket. i'm blown away really. we should go on vacation to where this stuff comes from. i'll get us visa's through my contact in Bombay.........i dont have a contact in Bombay, shit! :smokeit:


Active member
kk how much time left until harvest ?

well i'm on day 25 in the 4th week. the Northern Lights is about 8 weeks to finish, and the Top Skunk 44 is supposed to be 44 days (hence the name), but i hear its more like 53 to 54. so ts44 should be ready first in late jan, and NL a week or so later. i forgot to tell you weedss, you should get a pocket microscope like i have, or a jewelers loupe 30x at least. thats how you really tell when to harvest. once the trichomes are about half milky, half amber color, youre ready to chop, dry, then cure. its gonna be great! you'll see


Active member
buddy of mine hooked me up with some nice nuggs last week, so i took the microscope 100x and looked at the bud and it was covered with the milky syrup, looked awesome


pic plz~ oh btw i am not going to army next year coz i got into collegeeeeeezz~~


Active member
nice weedss, congrats. what do you plan to study? i'll get pics up later, i'm in a dark phase

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