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4 x 600 watt round 2


Active member
Nice to see the those buds getting so big dude :jump: For your 1st go you have certanly done your homework and been a great loving gardener.There are many ways to dry your herb here's what i do.I put all herb in my hanging basket and put a fan near them almost blowing the air on them but not to direct.I try to blow moist air on them for three days and then dry air for three then just leave at room temp with fan for circulation.Dry in about two weeks and then put in to jars for a cure.I usually trim all of it when wet so i can get ice hash from the leaves whilst herb is drying,Ive also just chopped at the base and hung in room upside down till dry then trimmed it all but this way i had to wait for hash,can't say i noticed a differance witch way i did it.Just try not to let it dry to quick as is harsh iff it is.Once again top buds man


Oh man - too bad about the CAP wonking out.

As a heads up, I've personally never purchased Green Air stuff, but when I went to a hydro store that I did good business with a couple years ago asking about it, they smirked and said they stopped carrying the line because of frequent repairs and returns. They mentioned that the Green Air technology is "ancient" and that it "fucking sucks." Obviously I did not verify these claims.

Never looked into alternatives, though... just gave up on the CO2 at that point, as my circumstances had changed. Just my :2cents:.




Shlomo said:
Oh man - too bad about the CAP wonking out.

As a heads up, I've personally never purchased Green Air stuff, but when I went to a hydro store that I did good business with a couple years ago asking about it, they smirked and said they stopped carrying the line because of frequent repairs and returns. They mentioned that the Green Air technology is "ancient" and that it "fucking sucks." Obviously I did not verify these claims.

Never looked into alternatives, though... just gave up on the CO2 at that point, as my circumstances had changed. Just my :2cents:.

Hey Shlomo,

Thanks for the feedback on Green Air.

I just spent the last 1/2 hour on the phone with CAP. We talked about every aspect of my situation and the most likely cause of my problem is digital harmonics caused by my digital ballasts I'm using.

There's one other possible cause and that's infrared from my grow lights affecting the sensor inside on the top right of the PPM3. There instructions say nothing about positioning away from light but the tech I spoke with say's it's very possible that the infrared is causing the problems.

The resolution to the problem is I will probably move to the PPM2a fuzzy logic controller. He said they never receive calls about the unit locking up. Every 3 -5 years it needs to be sent back to the factory for recalibration.

This is the 1st time I got someone at CAP with some technical expertise. The other thing he said was my PPM3 or PPM2A should be mounted at ground level. There instructions say to mount the unit at plant height which is why I mounted it 4' high on the wall. He related it to looking at dry ice the gases stay low which is what the CO2 does.

I guess what I'm saying on this post is beware of the PPM3 if your using digital ballasts.

One other unfortunate thing that happened today. I went into the flower room right before the lights went off and the mylar in the back of the room came loose from the wall. I had it attaced with a lot of duct tape which came loose. I have a few hours of work tonight stapleing the mylar back into position. :fsu:

Peace all, KB


A busy Evening

A busy Evening

Hi All,

I changed the res for round 1 today to flush. I decided to move the 2 plants a couple weeks behind the others to round 2's res. I can't move the lines till this evening. I tried to up the PPM for round 2's res but only got it up to around 1200. I will up it on the next res change to around 1350 - 1400.

I need to move the PPM3 down on the wall to get it away from the light and then I need to reattach the mylar which came down this morning. It doesn't sound like that much but I bet it takes me close to 3 hours. I'm going to have to move a lot of plants around to get the mylar back up. I'm going to staple and tape the mylar back up.

I spoke to Lumatek today and found out something I didn't know. The blue and purple ballasts are exactly the same. I was told the blue ballasts were supposed to be purple and the sub contractor in China just screwed up. They sent a large order over and then changed them to the right color on the next shipment. I've read a lot where people are saying the blue ones are the older model and that's not true.

Have a great evening all, KB


just when i thought i dropped some cash and time on growing.......
nice job and love ur setup
i need some ventilation like u have........i just dont want to cut or drill any walls even though its my house....... may have to though


Killibud sorry ive missed so much of this pristine show< Gr8 Job by the way you surely did do your homework.
Are you still not using AN nutes in bloom, I am no Advanceed pusher here but i do use them and if you use about 1/2 - 2/3 dose they usually are not that hot. i do not use there whole line jusr A+B, overdrive, big bud.
i dont kniow i was just throwing that out there.

Grow safe and, im totally on board.


Advance Nutes

Advance Nutes

Killibud sorry ive missed so much of this pristine show< Gr8 Job by the way you surely did do your homework.
Are you still not using AN nutes in bloom, I am no Advanceed pusher here but i do use them and if you use about 1/2 - 2/3 dose they usually are not that hot. i do not use there whole line jusr A+B, overdrive, big bud.
i dont kniow i was just throwing that out there.

Grow safe and, im totally on board.

Thanks HT, I'm using Carbo Load, Big Bud & Overdrive from advance. A couple pages back I posted my whole nute program from veg through bloom.

Right now I'm using up my original AN purchased in bulk for veg. Sensi A+B, Mother Earth Tea, Humic, Fulvic, B52, Sensizym, Pirahna, Tarantula and baricade. I'm using roots excelurator from H&G instead of Vodoo juice. I will switch to the nute program when I go through my original AN.


Tonights work

Tonights work

I decided to just flush all of round 1 and not try to micro manage the grow.

I have the mylar stapled back into position and will work more on the mylar in 2 weeks when the plants are pulled.

I will deal with the PPM 3 in the morning when I get up.

Peace All, KB


I'm using roots excelurator from H&G i
do you notice a huge improvement using the root excelurator.
The person at the shop was really boasting bout this stuff but the price tag was killing me. I know its really strong, what do you think about the stuff???



Roots Excel

Roots Excel

do you notice a huge improvement using the root excelurator.
The person at the shop was really boasting bout this stuff but the price tag was killing me. I know its really strong, what do you think about the stuff???


I was using vodoo juice prior to Roots excel. I know that they primarily do 1 function and that create a heathy ample root system. I'm very happy with the roots excel and it is less expensive than Vodoo juice. I only use it the 1st 3 weeks of veg and 2 weeks of bloom and you use 1.1ML per gallon.


Early activities

Early activities

Got up early this morning to make sure I got everything done. I moved the PPM3 to it new location low on the wall in the middle of the room. It was locked up when I got up this morning. The old position it was in it was getting a lot of direct light/infrared. Hopefully moving it down the wall corrects the issue.

I also did my bi weekly foliar spray with Scorpian juice on round 2.

Round 1 was flushed for the 1st time yesterday and I had to spend a lot of time tieing up buds. I had to move the plants around a lot yesterday to resecure the mylar which came loose. They didn't like that very much. The colas are so heavy now they are having trouble standing up. I might start harvesting the tops of the plants after 3 or 4 days of flush.

Here's some photos Day 64 day 1 of flush

The leaning tower of Colas


I'm concerned that I have put too many plants in for round 2. What do you guys think?

Round 2 day 20 12/12

Have a great day Peace All, KB
Last edited:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Wow dude
That is gonna be a massive jungle on round 2, I am just sitting here thinkin what those cages are gonna look like full
Most impressive work man, you may need to get creative with some trimming


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
dagobaker said:
just when i thought i dropped some cash and time on growing.......
nice job and love ur setup
i need some ventilation like u have........i just dont want to cut or drill any walls even though its my house....... may have to though

if it is your house whats the prob. holes are so easy to patch and cheap. i do it in rentals and no one can tell and repaired for few$. this time i wnated to avoid holes, so i used my attic entrance. i went and got a thick sheet of wood and had it cut to the attic size and i put my holes in that. check my current thread in my sig. in the beginning i show what was done. prob now is my door is wide open so i had to build a wall to keep the light in.. if it was my home i would have just cut an extra attic lid size hole in the actual room and trim it off like the origonal and have a spackled lid ready to put up if needed. that wat if it ever turn into a room again it will look like a normal attic lid on the ceiling. that would keep me from having to pop out my attic lid in the hall way and stuff it in the room and lock the door on walkthroughs. and that can suck. hope that helps if you look at my ventilation :wave:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
kilbud- i dont think you have to many plants. if it looks a little to crowded, pop off any huge fan leaves , especially lower ones, and also any leaves that block nice growth sits from gettin nailed with light. dang man i clear my leaves every water so every other day or so i am pluckin away at unneeded foliage. dont be to crazy but ya know what i mean. that my help with the overcrowded appearance. peace bro


Tormented by PPM3

Tormented by PPM3

This morning I moved the PPM3 low on the wall so it was out of direct light. Tonight the PPM3 locked up on 1450 PPM and my CO2 generator was running continually. :fsu: The room was getting to hot which was causing the colas and braches with heavy buds the fall. :angrymod: I was tying up colas and branches all night. I hooked up the ppm3 to a timer and set it to cycle off every 2 hours. I'm staying up for a while to make sure it doesn't lock up again.

My 1st grow which has gone really well. I should say far better than I ever imagined and now I'm at the very end and being tormented by a device. Murphys law is kicking my ass. :asskick:

I just want to get another 2 or 3 more days of flush in before I start harvesting. Well I'll post another update in the morning.

Peace All, KB


RF Test

RF Test

Just made it in time to do a little testing. I was up till 1:20 last night tying up plants and monitoring the ppm 3. The PPM3 was locked up again this morning luckily it was on the high side so the co2 wasn't running. That means it took less than 1 hour for it to lock up because it was set to reset at 6 AM and was locked up at 7:10. :fsu: I brought a small clock radio to test the AM/FM reception with the digital ballasts running and both AM/FM worked fine. I even held the clock radio right next to the ballasts and it wasn't affected at all by interference.

Here's some photos of the tying I've had to do. I have as many as 10 stakes in 1 plant. I think I have the main colas tied down enough so they won't fall over any more. I just need to get 2-3 more days of flush in before I start harvesting. The plants have had 2 days of flush so far.

Here's a shot of the ppm3 1' off the ground. Light from the mylar is still reflecting on the top of it. The fucked up thing about the light sensitivity is the device is made to go in grow rooms which have a tremendous amount of light.

I'm sure I will be on the phone with CAP for a long time this morning. Their resolution to this problem the other day was to upgrade to the ppm2a which I'm skeptical about. I will be paying $170 more and will have to turn off the fuzzy logic which is the upgrade feature of the ppm2a. Why should the ppm2a be less affected by the digital ballasts than the ppm3.

Peace all, KB


Last CO2/PPM3 post

Last CO2/PPM3 post

I only want to discuss buds and my grows in this thread, so I wont discuss details of my PPM3 torment and resolution here any more. I'm adding a link to my signature to a detailed thread in grow room designs. If your interested in CO2 you should take a look I found out a lot of info today.

Peace all, KB

Joe Budden

Hey Kilbud what a fantastic grow you have got going onn here, I just read you whole thread and I'm amazed at your work, your obviously putting everything you got into this grow and thats how you can tell you a natural born grower! very impressive stuff. I know how hard it can be when something goes wrong in the growroom when your so dedicated to giving your plants the best stress free growing environment! Don't get too frustrated about your PPM3 problems because you got some killer buds there! I know when things don't work out for me I get really stressed because of the effort I put into it, but you have to look at what you have in this situation, and you got allot of very nice bud!

Have you ever thought of adding some UV-B into your growroom? It will get you more thc on your buds, just ask you this cuz ur obviously the kind of person that wants to give the best for your plants.

What do you expect on yield? and have you noticed any difference using CO2 with the 2nd run?
You got a fantastic growing environment and your plants are thriving, so please don't get 2 upset about your PPM3 your still going to get a fantastic yield.




Joe Budden said:
Hey Kilbud what a fantastic grow you have got going onn here, I just read you whole thread and I'm amazed at your work, your obviously putting everything you got into this grow and thats how you can tell you a natural born grower! very impressive stuff. I know how hard it can be when something goes wrong in the growroom when your so dedicated to giving your plants the best stress free growing environment! Don't get too frustrated about your PPM3 problems because you got some killer buds there! I know when things don't work out for me I get really stressed because of the effort I put into it, but you have to look at what you have in this situation, and you got allot of very nice bud!

Have you ever thought of adding some UV-B into your growroom? It will get you more thc on your buds, just ask you this cuz ur obviously the kind of person that wants to give the best for your plants.

What do you expect on yield? and have you noticed any difference using CO2 with the 2nd run?
You got a fantastic growing environment and your plants are thriving, so please don't get 2 upset about your PPM3 your still going to get a fantastic yield.

Hey JB,

First off thank you for your kind remarks. Yes I'm a perfectionist and do get frustrated when things go awry. Especially when I think they can be avoided. I feel much better now that I found a PPM controller which should do the job.

I've done a lot of reading and don't recall seeing reference to UV-B. I'll do a search and see what I can find. Hit me back with some info.

What do you expect on yield?

Being my 1st grow it's hard for me to say. If I were going to guess I would say between 2 - 2.5 LBS All I know is the colas and some of the buds in the middle of the plants are large and really heavy. Last night when the colas were falling over I was amazed at how heavy they were when I was holding them up

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