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Active member
80% organic huh? I didn't read that...that sucks. I hate 'fake' organic products like the Plagron stuff I bought. EU laws allow them to call their AlgaBloom 'organic' even though it contains chem ferts. Crazy.

I agree, less is more, which is why I want to go with dry amendments and then just water from then on (and only add stuff if needed). I'm getting better at figuring out what they need by watching them, slowly but surely.


Active member
Since you're using chems anyway, you might as well bake your soil thoroughly to kill off everything before use...that should solve the RA problem without chems being involved!


, The Ghost of
Since you're using chems anyway, you might as well bake your soil thoroughly to kill off everything before use...that should solve the RA problem without chems being involved!

I started out doing that (actual soil) and recently looked into soil ovens - ya, they make those. Super expensive! and baking 40 gals of soil is costly in itself and takes a ton of time. Not to mention it doesn't do any good if getting bugs after the fact. That's why Ive been treating with chems in veg.


Active member
Understandable--those chems persist, though, and are pretty scary shit. I'd rather not smoke them, so if I do get RAs I'll just replace all of my medium. Of course my grow is substantially smaller than yours, so it's much less of a biggie, and I've already used much of my media for two cycles (third run now). If I switch it will be to organic coco with maybe 10% perlite, sans peat.


, The Ghost of
It is scary shit - that's why I don't use them unless Ive got twice as long to go until harvest than when the label states is safe.

Things look a bit better lately, took a few pics but haven't checked them out yet. PC was moving sloly but has picked up speed. Im starting to get some hope back. It was getting so that I didn't want to go down there. It used to be that I couldn't wait for the lights to come on. Its not a good thing to open the door and sigh with a shoulder slump.

Im considering a tent so I can do my shit, my way, without outside pressure, growing my plants. I am NOT enjoying this anymore.

Went to my outdoor plots today. Total bummer duuude. Someone cut a snowmobile trail right through where my best holes are. It wasn't accessible to run of the mill foot traffic and now - a 8' wide trail leads smack dab through the middle of my little hidden field.

I might still be able to use a few spots but not the prime sunlight holes. However, I doubt they didn't notice the clearing/pruning work I did in there. Im going to plant a few forsythia cuttings between the trail and the rest of the field in hopes of cultivating a screen. Luckily they wont seem out of place. The area used to have a sprawling network of access roads and buildings now long demolished. There are many naturalized plants/bushes in what seem like strange areas all over the property - left over from that time.


Active member
ICMag Donor
It seems like you need to make a stand for yourself and what you know is right to the P/MR. or straight ditch it all.

I'm terribly sorry you are upset man. I would really get in this fucking idiots face and and make him realize how important your decisions are regardless what input he has.

If you really want to fuck him in the arse - grow your way vs his in there and show him whose boss.

Lets see those pictures - you always put your girls down and they looked good!

:smoke out:


, The Ghost of
I try to tell him what the safest way to proceed is, but I don't think hes even listening. Ive said that I think the problem could be this or that. His response is - look at the cool shit I bought for my rc car, or - I ordered a new vape pen.

Ya, I know, maybe Im a little too humble. More than a few people have said my bud is the best they've had for awhile/lately. That it burns smooth, tastes great and gets them stoned. You know what I say? I say - its not bad, could be a lot better. Ha! They probably think Im a bit of a dick for not saying thanks.

The truth is I yearn daily to just run my lil 400 w plantry again. I didn't have phenomenal plants and yields but it made me happy. I think I know enough now to grow enough to get me through to the next cycle and still have some to gift to others.

Ive got 3 coming out soon, I can get the rest under the 1000 w, so I might make the split. I know P can get someone else in there no problem. In fact, get this, other people were over and he said something to 1 of them about having a backup ready to go. !!! I was sitting 2' away! And hes always saying - my grow room, the bud I grew. Hmmm, narcissism?

Alright enough. Ill take some fresh pics.


Active member
Looks like the signs are showing you the way...

We're often our own worst critics. Hey, without striving for better we'd be smoking brick weed. lol

Dude sounds like a dickhead through and through.


hey man that sounds a bit rough still with your guy... you've hung in there for quite a while but it sounds like you're just about at that breaking point. You gotta be in a spot where you are thoroughly able to enjoy growing and not be stressed about it, do what you want to do and how you want to do it so you can apply and grow your own knowledge! hope you are able to get there..

root aphids, ouch... I've never had to deal with those and don't know what I would do. Yah that does sound a bit of a bummer about your outdoor spots but hopefully you are still able to give it a shot. SLH x MM looking nice!


, The Ghost of
I think I can still make a run OD. I had planned on fewer plants with a shitload more tlc anyway. Now Ill just tie them over and feed the field plants nearby to screen them.

Actually felt a hint of happiness upon entering the room tonight. The Bodacious (pine) that went in a few days ago looks very happy. BS 2.2 has set bud and the PCs are stacking. Maybe the space isn't cut out for good winter growing. So, Im gonna hang, turn the dialage up and run full tilt. Doing it the way I want to and let P think whatever he wants to believe. The spice must flow!

Veg is starting to show a mag def now. Premiers Promix must have more differences from their straight sphagnum besides the perlite. That is the only thing that's changed for veg, so Im assuming (watch it now) its the culprit.

Got those shots but Im too damn tired to get em loaded and posted. You guys will see the difference between the plants that are done on down the line to the newest residents.

Take it easy fellers and thanks for letting me rant and for the input and support.


Well-known member
Hi WG You ve been busy upgrading still got some SLH and some nice crosses. Good thread grow on bro.. Bud


, The Ghost of
Long time no see, Buddler. Howve you been?

Anybody ready for pics?

Bodacious #4 (pine) - Crisp like lettuce, but it aint.


BS 2.2 #1 - Almost no stretch.


PC #2


PC #1 - Thought she'd go to shit but got her turned around.


Ill get pics of the 2 SLHxMMs and SLH as they come down. 1 of the crosses, though she didn't produce, is loa-ded with trichs. She loved the 1000 and would have been phenomenal.


Active member
ICMag Donor
:rtfo: SHIT LOOKS DANK! dude - you make it seem like your growing in mud LOL - I think you P ruined your vibe but your starting to get back on it.

The girls look happy man - that PC stacking real nice.

Winter makes cloning for me really hard - and ive noticed the plants aren't as happy in cooler temps - they actually love to kick it with the temps aroun 77-82 more so than say 71-77.

I think for winter the only difference you would need to make is heating your roots.

happy your feeling better bro - the girls do delight :)

:wave: :smoke:


, The Ghost of
I do feel better. And P is happy with what the pics show, which means Im exit only again ;) :D Happy to report that not a single leaf on the B is in decline.

I felt like I was in mud up to my eyeballs.

I like temps in the 70-78 range. Ive read a couple things about temps needing to be higher (80-85) for plants to most effectively use supplemental co2. That and they use up nutes faster. Im going to slowly bump up the feed and when the plants look like theyre getting all they can handle Ill reintroduce co2. Thinking shorter bursts, like 5 minutes every hour. Then twice an hour if it goes well.

Whatever the case, Im going to do it comfortably so shit doesn't spiral out of control again. I think of it as finding the right combo of lil kids to put at the opposite end of the see-saw from myself.

Next winter, if things stay the same, Im gonna fit a sheet of Celotex over the door to seal it as much as possible.

The PC isn't that sticky or greasy, more oily. A sugar leaf rub reveals an extreme sweetness, nothing cheesy/skunky.


, The Ghost of
Happy 420 y'all!

SLH x MM - Only 1 you get and its shitty. Don't worry, you aint missing nothing with the other 2 fucked plants.


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