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4 Plants 5 Lights Thanks Heath!!!

LOL! Ya I guess Im doing something wrong. I always thought that a 1000w will cover a 7x7 room and a 600w will cover a 6x6 room.
I didnt know that if I put more lights in a smaller area that I could get waaaay more yield. I get about 35 grams a plant. 25 ounces a plant? WOW! I have alot to learn about yields. I always thought that anything over 2 - 600w hps lamps in a 6x6 room was overkill. Nevermind 5 -1000w's in an 8x8 room. I thought that a plant can only handle so many lumens before it gets light bleaching. But if your getting yields like that with the same veg and flower time I run....Ive been waisting years of my life growing, spinning my wheels, trying to get good yields.

Do you top them or train them in any way or just put the cage around them and start weaving the plant through to get them short and bushy? What can I do with 2 - 600w lamps in a 12 x 12 room to increase my yields from 24 ounces to 48 ounces? I have a light rail 3.5 that can move both lamps....and I can buy another lamp if needed. Whats the good word or advice I so desprately need to increase yield?

No topping or training growing this style, although I do strip off lotsa bottom branches. Topping might work and I might try it on one of the four one of these rounds.

This is an extreme and largely inefficient method to extract maximum yield from minimum plants, there are guys on here getting more yield per watt by far, even using this method. I thought I would post this in hopes that guys like DHF might help me along.

I'd recommend perusing the "vertical and coliseum" forums, vert has been a good change for me, a guy named ghettotree has an excellent journal going right now, something like 9 lights 6 trees......

Shine on!
i read recently from a bulb mfg that running lights less than 100% is not good for bulbs (reducing life) and does not give off a full spectrum - FYI

I agree, its not ideal, but its intermittent and for short periods and I buy the cheapest bulbs and replace them every 6 months. I would def replace the bulbs with the proper wattage if I was to run a full round that way.

I've got a pod running all 400's right now for the final week, I did it last round and the plants seemed to like it.
here is the relevant part of my veg room. After clones are rooted they spend three weeks in the ecogrowers in groups of six. after the three weeks they go into megafarms and are placed under their own 8 bulb t5 and surrounded by felix floros in the same pattern as the flower pod for another three weeks then are moved into flower.

Shine on!!!!


Thanks man, if i could rebuild I'd do it differently for sure.....mainly group the plants together so the ones in the middle are getting hit by four lights not just three. Next one......

Mind elaborating?

I'm looking to rebuild my room shortly and this has certainly grabbed my attention.. I love the idea of the vertical grow and even better yet that you are able to harvest every three weeks while running different strains.

It looks like you have one bigger sealed room with the three rooms built into it. Any reason you have walkways between each of the three rooms?

Thanks for posting this, and especially for taking time to answer all the questions!!

Mind elaborating?

I'm looking to rebuild my room shortly and this has certainly grabbed my attention.. I love the idea of the vertical grow and even better yet that you are able to harvest every three weeks while running different strains.

It looks like you have one bigger sealed room with the three rooms built into it. Any reason you have walkways between each of the three rooms?

Thanks for posting this, and especially for taking time to answer all the questions!!


i like the individ rooms, and the three week harvests have helped my with the flow because the bills only come monthly. im thinking next might be one big monocrop room so I can close it down for a couple of months a year, its hard to get away for more than a couple of days with the current setup, and I like a vacation now and again.


X 0 x

0 x 0

x 0 x x=light 0=plant

each plant hit by three lights

x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x

0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0

x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x

0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0

x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x

a lot of those plants are hit by four lights, should help yield......

but from a straight business standpoint, the three week harvest, single strain per pod seems to work great, just as folks are getting tired of one, along comes another!

walkways between pods so i can get to most of the plants without crawling under....I actually have another three, yet unused pods on the other side of the main hallway. I hope to test out the new vertical leds as soon as I can save up the $11,000.....


i like the individ rooms, and the three week harvests have helped my with the flow because the bills only come monthly. im thinking next might be one big monocrop room so I can close it down for a couple of months a year, its hard to get away for more than a couple of days with the current setup, and I like a vacation now and again.


X 0 x

0 x 0

x 0 x x=light 0=plant

each plant hit by three lights

x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x

0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0

x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x

0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0

x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x

a lot of those plants are hit by four lights, should help yield......

but from a straight business standpoint, the three week harvest, single strain per pod seems to work great, just as folks are getting tired of one, along comes another!

walkways between pods so i can get to most of the plants without crawling under....I actually have another three, yet unused pods on the other side of the main hallway. I hope to test out the new vertical leds as soon as I can save up the $11,000.....

Sounds like you have quite the set up, are you going to need another ac to handle all that?

Tell me what you think of this set up below.. with big O's being 1000's and the small o's in the corners being 600's.

Would the additional lights increase yield do you think?

I would love to run two of these rooms, 10x12 each as I am limited to my plant numbers..


Thanks for the quick reply!!



Getchas a digital light meter to letchas know when lumens start fallin off with the cheap bulbs Bro......It`ll cost yas a lil more across the board , but bulbs are cheap compared to yield loss......and....

We gotta figure out a way to humidify each pod goin through stretch to 70% while "dehumidifying" the pods in late bloomage after stretch is over so no airborn nasties form mildews , molds , and such shit till end of cycle......and yeah....

It`s tight in an 8 x 8 with 5KW , but dimmable ballasts are your friend in the prevention of scorched and light bleached limbs , so wattage may be lower but works out in the long run.....and.....

We gotta get yas schooled on gettin rid of "sucker branches" that grow off the main lateral limbs and won`t yield anything but popcorn and suck energy away from the dominant colas / limbs......and.....

Openin up the plants for better airflow and lumen exposure/absorption from hangin chickenwire on the ceilings , tyin em up and out while openin em up will help bigtime , along with gettin rid of all fanleaves with a stem after the plants are in full swellage.......anyways....

Holler if I can help....Many ways ta skin a mule.....and.....almost forgot......Much credit goes to Heath Robinson on many many levels , but the light and plant placement goes to Krusty the Krazy ass Klown , although I`ve been told numerous times by knowledgeable old heads from Canada that "somebody" in Hell`s Angel`s crew came up with the design and they were called "biker buckets" till Krusty brought em online waaaaay back in the mid 90`s before OG or CW even existed.....

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Getchas a digital light meter to letchas know when lumens start fallin off with the cheap bulbs Bro......It`ll cost yas a lil more across the board , but bulbs are cheap compared to yield loss......and....

We gotta figure out a way to humidify each pod goin through stretch to 70% while "dehumidifying" the pods in late bloomage after stretch is over so no airborn nasties form mildews , molds , and such shit till end of cycle......and yeah....

It`s tight in an 8 x 8 with 5KW , but dimmable ballasts are your friend in the prevention of scorched and light bleached limbs , so wattage may be lower but works out in the long run.....and.....

We gotta get yas schooled on gettin rid of "sucker branches" that grow off the main lateral limbs and won`t yield anything but popcorn and suck energy away from the dominant colas / limbs......and.....

Openin up the plants for better airflow and lumen exposure/absorption from hangin chickenwire on the ceilings , tyin em up and out while openin em up will help bigtime , along with gettin rid of all fanleaves with a stem after the plants are in full swellage.......anyways....

Holler if I can help....Many ways ta skin a mule.....and.....almost forgot......Much credit goes to Heath Robinson on many many levels , but the light and plant placement goes to Krusty the Krazy ass Klown , although I`ve been told numerous times by knowledgeable old heads from Canada that "somebody" in Hell`s Angel`s crew came up with the design and they were called "biker buckets" till Krusty brought em online waaaaay back in the mid 90`s before OG or CW even existed.....


Thanks DHF, I ran two rooms side by side for six months, expensive versus cheap bulbs......no real difference. They're not the cheapest bulbs in the world but they are the cheapest my hydro store sells, SunMaster I think, but I'll check tomorrow.

I hear you on the humidity, I haven't been able to figure out how to make it work with my perpetual system, another reason I may build a big monocrop room....if you have any ideas......but I know I'm giving up yield although I don't have to worry about mold/mildew. On the plus side, I'm the only guy around still putting out dense nuggets without any mold.

Been working on the sucker branches, but still more can be done for sure, getting better at it, hard to pluck 'em once they get buds on em!!!

Thanks for the input and if your mind twists around a humidity solution, please let me know.

Shine on!!


Lot to be said for mold/mildew free nugs Bro.....and.....Yeah....

You`re compromising yield per pod for perpetual returns in all 3 for payin da bills regularly across the board with all that wattage and I understand that.....but...

Here`s the thing.....Stretch is 40% of bloom cycle that translates into 25.2 days on a 9 week cycle.....but....Flower times are usually breeder "suggestions" rather than actual finish times before the plants actually start dyin on the vine toward the "real" end of cycle........so....

End of stretch is actually determined by when the plants stop puttin out foliage and limb length along with no more rootmass built when full swellage and hormonal changes begin till end of cycle....

That said.....You harvey every 3 weeks in a time frame where yas can use ultrasonic foggers to up the pod`s RH that just entered and try and isolate the humidity till end of stretch per each pod if ........and.....

Yas put dampers on the pods in full flower and keep constant airflow around the plants with wall fans with active intake and exhaust fans plugged into timers to keep temps within range..........

Then....A/C flows through for temp control in the rooms 6 and 9 weeks past the dampers , while the fogger`s takin care of the 3 week rooms......Just a suggestion as to how ta utilize RH for makin em bigger before they go into full swellage....but....

The bigger they get , the harder they`ll be ta deal with in 8 x 8 areas........so....

Maybe your original thoughts on monocroppin all 3 pods are valid....anyways....

Hereta help....But I`ll say this......If it ain`t broke don`t fix it.....and..... as long as you`re payin the bills and prospering accordingly it`s hard ta change shit and I feel yas...

My original post was to help up your game , but not tryin ta tell yas what to do......

120 lbs per yr`s a winner in my book.......bottom line.....

DHF, you are the man. When I rebuild one day I'm flying you in for dampers and bypasses, I love the way you think. I wish I had known more before I made the switch from horizontal to this style.

Hopefully you keep chiming in as this progresses. Shine on!
Sounds like you have quite the set up, are you going to need another ac to handle all that?

Tell me what you think of this set up below.. with big O's being 1000's and the small o's in the corners being 600's.

Would the additional lights increase yield do you think?

I would love to run two of these rooms, 10x12 each as I am limited to my plant numbers..

View Image
Thanks for the quick reply!!


Dude, that's sick. Its pretty close to this: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=236262

hes doing six plants, 18 lights or something....he's the man to ask re: multiple lights. I just copied the light/plant thing from a couple of threads and modified to meet my needs,
Day 21

Day 21

Here are day 21 pics, I ended up with 2 big ones and 2 small ones, buds are developing. I added Bushmaster to the mix on Tuesday and replaced the nutes today.



New member
Thrillspan, Im going to be setting up a 4x8 grow tent in the near future with 3k watts in air cool reflectors and im thinking a drip system like you run would be perfect. My question to you is how many plants you think would be best in the 4x8 tent?

I will be using a mostly indica strain and growing from seed(feminized).

Thanks and awesome pics brudda:)


Active member
If I may make a suggestion for you humidity... and maybe help save on the A/C... First off you're gonna have to seal up the rooms and use your hallway as a lung room, and keep the lung room @ 50% RH... So you might need a bigger lung room, IDK... DHF told me to make sure my lung room was at least as big as my grow space... Anyway... Pump the heat from one of your lamps through a whole house humidifier... The heat will help to evaporate the water, and at the same time remove heat from the grow. Swamp coolers work in the same way. Any water wasted from the humidifier will take heat with it down the drain. Anyway... That's what I do having pods in different stages of flower. Pump the air in and out of the lung room to be reconditioned... Add humidity where it's needed.

Pumping out 120lbs a year is nothing to sneeze at... It more than pays the bills... but there's more to be had. I just wish I would have been more accepting of .5gpw yields to begin with. I would be better off right now. Keep killing it.


Active member
hmmm? What do you mean exactly?


lol... I mean I've screwed myself up until now by not having all of my flowering space filled with plants regardless of yields. I've had it in my head that I need to get 1-2gpw yields to be successful... When in reality every harvest is a successful harvest. You gotta make hay while the sun is shining. It's not all about the glory... If you can pay the electric and have some money left over, then you're successful. In short, if I would have setup some simple weed donuts as soon as I got my house, I'd be golden right now.. Instead of was almost 100% focused on vertical rack grows, and trying to make them work. .5gpw keeps the bills paid and keeps me medicated. Simple as that.
Hi there.

Pics from today, about 5 weeks in, 24 days to go.

I defoliated yesterday, the smaller plants had bright yellow leaves and the two bigger ones just needed to be thinned out. So far, its a pretty sorry looking round, but we'll see how she finishes.

The big plants are almost 7 feet from the ground to the tops, tied some brnches up yesterday as well.

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