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Darwin's First Breeding Project

Darwin's First Breeding Project

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Landrace Lover
some more pics of the growing mutants (deformed seedlings - possibly resultant of issues germing - these were all cracked when they took more than 10 days to germ, thanks lasko :D)



this one looks like a bird in flight almost haha




the above two pics show the beautiful red stem mazar seems to have, the below shot compares it to white widow.


ps. camera i'm using is a cannon power shot A650 IS


Active member
pics are good now mate! interesting colours ill keep an eye on this one ... can i reply to visitor messages?


Imho 2.5 ltr's should be plenty,with a good mix.
Ive seen blinding full sized sat's from 2.5 ltr containers,100 weekers.
Hope your well dog.


Active member
how are they coming along darwin any thing worth an update? those mutants growing arms and legs yet haha


Landrace Lover
hahaha nice to see you all guys :D i'll update when i get home tonight and put some pictures up, the mutant ones have definitely straightened themselves out a little, i'll get some nice pics up tonight for ya :D they had a bit of a slow start as i (nooby me) forgot to put drainage holes in the cups so they didn't grow well at all for a week, then put them in (thanks boom) and gave them some nutes etc too and they've really taken off. can't wait to have a gander when i get home tonight :D i'm sure they'll be on their way to being sequoias haha. yeah igro they'll probs be in 3L containers, so should go well, i spoke to another guy on here hoosierdaddy and he said he's had 6ft sativas from 3L containers i believe, so i'm sure they'll suffice :D anyway chat to you guys later!



Landrace Lover
hey guys, here's a few pics i nabbed quickly under the hps, sorry they're a little yellow, i'd just misted them a little and my lens fogged up after a few shots so these were the best i could get on the spot.


here's one that was deformed/mutant but is righting itself


here's one that started deformed/bi-folate and has since turned tri-folate.... :S weird stuff. must've been tri- from the start but just deformed so it looked bi-.



Landrace Lover
weird, lol i guess i can't ask what you said as it'd be deleted again haha ah well. get 50 posts up and pm me if it's important but needs to stay private mate :D

yeah so far i'm fairly certain all the mazar-i-sharif have red stems, the leaves are also slightly different from other strains i've grown where they seem to have more rounded serrations on each leaf, not as sharp or jaggard as say the white widow i'm growing too at the moment, i like it! i'm hoping this tri-folate one stays tri- all through the grow as it's a cool trait, this is the first one i've come across, but a lot lose it and go back to normal bi-folate within a few nodes of growth. :D


Landrace Lover
ha... yeah i wouldn't call it turbo posting unless you're just posting the same stuff constantly, and what do they sort of expect when you have to get 50 posts down before being able to PM or have an avatar etc. anyway what can you do? lol yeah i've been giving them a fair bit recently (water wise) just a little bit each day, they've seem to go ok, i think the HPS is evapourating a shit load from the surface layer of the soil and because they're in cups at the moment, 18hrs of 400w hps dries the soil out pretty quick. but yeah hopefully they go well in the juice bottles :D i love them as you can see the root growth if pick them up and have a closer look, really good for root bound awareness etc


Landrace Lover
haha yeah i might just put them all next to each other and tape paper to them or something. we'll see how it goes.


go get some old cardboard, and make little sleeves...or one big sleeve around the whole circumfrence of the grid of bottles..:chin:


Landrace Lover
ahhhh parfait! good idea, i've plenty of boxes around i'll have to duct tape a few together and make a big sleeve, should be a win :D cheers mate


Landrace Lover
sigh.... guess they were deleted again? he may have wanted to get his posts up, but i don't think he was just commenting random crap, he was discussing legit things in here at least.