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She's BAAAAAAAACCCKKK!!!:pumpkin:


Things are definitely coming together now. Really good episode, smoked 2 J's and watched it commercial free after the hockey game. Didn't watch the preview.

For anyone interested here are some names on the lighthouse dial:
51-Austen 124-Dawson 117-Linus 109-Friendly 104-Lewis 102-Montand 101-Faraday 20-Rousseau


Sorcerer's Apprentice
DVR is your friend. DVR takes the bad bad commercials away.

And unchains you from network scheduling.

I watch what I want, when I want.
GREAT preview of next week!! It almost seemed to show enough for a couple two or three espisodes! I thought it was a great episode by the way :) Did you see an asian type of city in the mirors also? mean anything? Is Jacob Christian? Making him Jacks dad? kinda REALLY looked like Jack while talking to hurley IMO... Thats how he knew what to have Hurley say to Jack at the temple...... that just came to me as I was typing LOL!!


Active member
ICMag Donor
I still wanna know if they forgot about Walt or not?

I have it under good authority that within the next two episodes, "Locke" will unzip his skin suit to reveal GW Bush!


Needs a bump!

Baahhhhh :smokeit: another wonderful night of lost :smokey:

Predictions anyone? More answers or questions this time?

Hate that I have to wait till late to watch:comfort:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah this is what i've been looking forward to this past (excruciatingly long) week lol :joint:

the kids are going to bed in like 45 minutes, i'm in the process of rolling a fat j, cant wait!

i have no predictions other than i think its high time for a richard alpert episode.........



Agreed man! Sadly I have to wait to watch it some other way than cable, can't believe the local cable package doesn't carry CBS, ABC, NBC, or anything.

Enjoy! I'll be back after watching :smokeit:


I was hoping for that fight. The two most badass fighters in Lost. I hope that water kicks in for Dogen's sake though. A samurai is what Lost has always needed.

Awesome episode, definitely not how I thought the temple invasion would go. Though I figured Sayid would be the tipping point. Wonder how Jin ended up in that closet. Going from airport shakedown to prisoner in the gangsta kitchen broomcloset. Probably an offering gone bad after Jin lost everything to airport cops. Well I'm gonna roll a J and re-watch the episode, because I have no work tomorrow! Bwahah.


Active member
hehehe arctic i just now saw this thread and knew exactly what it was about just from seeing the numbers haha... one of my best friends plays those numbers for the powerball all the time even though i tell him theres prolly 25 other peeps prolly doing the same thing ha...hes so obsessed with lost that he will leave the room or turn off the TV when they play the previews for the next weeks episode( a little too hardcore for me haha)... i love lost too(john locke is my hero and hes a grower how can you not like him ha) but i havent seen past the 4th season though and im just gonna wait till all the dvds are out i think to finish it all up... i missed an episode or three and just couldnt catch back up so i decided to just wait and watch the whole thing continuously...now im gonna be like my buddy and not listen to what the people above me are talking about so it doesnt reveal anything too good haha


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
SPOILERS, SPOILERS!!!! highlight the text below to reveal ArcticBlast's synopsis:


lol... but anyway, i wont lie, i thought that episode would answer some things, but all it did was make me more confused haha... the fight was epic! "locke" is epic!

at the end of the episode, with that wicked music playing, you see locke and the people, and we were all "ohh shit, locke has a posse" lmao.. great show!

and yeah, wtf was up with Keamy coming back as a gangster chef? and was he thinking of eating Jin after Sayid left?

there's plenty more i'm forgetting, its like 6am! take care dudes, see you next week lol :bump::ying:



SPOILERS, SPOILERS!!!! highlight the text below to reveal ArcticBlast's synopsis:


lol... but anyway, i wont lie, i thought that episode would answer some things, but all it did was make me more confused haha... the fight was epic! "locke" is epic!

at the end of the episode, with that wicked music playing, you see locke and the people, and we were all "ohh shit, locke has a posse" lmao.. great show!

and yeah, wtf was up with Keamy coming back as a gangster chef? and was he thinking of eating Jin after Sayid left?

there's plenty more i'm forgetting, its like 6am! take care dudes, see you next week lol :bump::ying:


No luck with the highlight text... just me?

Dude I totally agree... It seems like "locke" is totally on the evil side, with Sayid saying "its too late for me" or something like that, lol. But shit, what a good episode. It seems like they are building up for an amazing battle of good vs. evil. :dance013: Gonna be fuun.

So does anyone read Stephen King here? In his book The Stand it reads basically as a battle of good vs. evil, with both sides building troops and eventually meeting for a battle in the end. I have always loved that book, and I think that Lost is going to do a similar thing with the show; What I mean by that is a good vs. evil theme that doesn't resonate with religion. :smokey:

Maybe I'm still just baked from the episode, hahaha :smokeit:

Hopefully next week I'll be smoking some homegrown for Lost finally :jump:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah i read the stand, epic book :joint: but how can you say that Abigale or whatever wasn't a religious figure??? lol

what happened to sawyer?



yeah i read the stand, epic book :joint: but how can you say that Abigale or whatever wasn't a religious figure??? lol

what happened to sawyer?


Lol, Ok so 'mother abigale' was a spiritual leader i guess... but religion was never implied! lol... Yeah, you got me :canabis:

And dude, I was gonna ask the same thing! I paused the last part and looked through the group, but no sawyer... only Temple-ites that changed sides... Weird, where's he at?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
it seems like he gives everyone that same deal... i'll help your loved one come back, but you're eternally damned/doomed and are never allowed to see them again...

i dont know, but i'm sure we'll find out soon enough lol!
