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I think Jack would have got his ass kicked in real life for some of the ways he acted on the island. I was never fond of Jacks character.


It's not a bad way to waste a stoned hour that's for sure...

But I just about lost all interest when they spent a season or two flashbacking on everyone... who the fuck cares? What does them having daddy issues have to do with the island????

If I were on the island I would have killed Jack in his sleep on about day 3.. 4 tops.

All I want to know at this point is wtf is the smoke monster and why the hell are the people that don't age not ageing???


Alright, well if Faraday is in the 70's with Sawyer and Sayid, how did he figure out when "The Incident" would happen?
Alright, well if Faraday is in the 70's with Sawyer and Sayid, how did he figure out when "The Incident" would happen?

Maybe that damn book he is always carrying gave him a clue. Isn't the book his Mom's from the past/future or future/past err whatever?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i thought that it was because the orientation videos repeatedly alluded to something terrible happening in 1988, so anyone that was researching or even just interested in the DI would know this



New member
LOST is my favorite show of all time! Nothing like smoking a bowl, watching lost and tripping out! Look at my name on here! Thats how much i love lost!


I think Matt Fox is wasted like 98% of the time though, so i don't know.. that character could have been much, much greater...but i've grown to accept jack, until he starts his awkward flirting thing.. :wallbash::bashhead::crazy:


Yeah Jack is/was pretty frustrating...but I think he's supposed to be that way, I don't know. John Locke was sort of like that too.


dont really watch this show but bumped into J.J. Abrams at a party and he said "its all a made up delusion by Hurley", whatever that means?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal

ABC has announced that Lost will premiere on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 9PM EST



i think an official last season thread is needed

this is going to be epic

i just hope theirs no spin offs

B. Self Reliant

Where we are in the story is Jacob and a mysterious "man in black" are sitting on the beach gazing out at what i assume is the Black Rock ship. I also assume, given the fact that he never ages, is that Richard Alpert is possibly on board. I think its clear that this story is about 2 sides fighting for control of the island

I agree about 2 sides fighting.

What has me waiting for the final season is the scene where Jacob is cooking fish on the beach and the dude in the black shirt nonchalantly says, "Do you know how bad I want to kill you?" Jacob says yes, then the dude in black says, "I'll find a loophole."

The next episode, Locke leads the others to the statue where Jacob lives and has Ben kill Jacob, right? Then Jacob says, "I guess you found your loophole," to Locke, and Locke responds affirmatively, as if HE'S the one who had the conversation on the beach with Jacob. Then, a couple seconds later, Locke's body rolls out of the box for all The Others to see, while the guy we all think is Locke is inside having Jacob killed.

I think the Island is some sort of battleground between good and evil. The ultimate experiment to see if people are inherently righteous or evil. Remember in old cartoons when a little devil and a little angel would appear on a character's shoulders, telling them what to do like a conscience? Kinda like that. I think that Jacob is the one who thinks people who come to the island will ultimately live peacefully and treat each other well. The guy in black is the one who thinks that people are savages and will eventually kill each other when placed in the stressful situation that is the island.

There obviously appear to be rules that are out of their control, but Jacob and the Dude in black represent faith in human kind and complete disgust with humankind. Maybe the black monster is like a moderator. I don't know if when Locke died he became possessed by the dude in black, or if he was tricked by the dude in black to kill Jacob or what. I'm anxious to see!

Oh, and Juliet is SMOKIN'. . .

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