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334,000W running on Aptus nutrients


Active member
Well............welcome to ICmag and I'll say it too.......HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!! LOL...major props my friend.

I guess you're a firm believer in the old saying.. "Go big or stay home"...:yes:


I'm loving me some aptus also...And i must say all products smell different then every other nutes out der...super concentrated.....and super yields


The revolution will not be televised.....
Dutch Douche - Sheeple get so impressed with this kinda garbage. First off welcome to the Mag and second, way to come in and shit on about 98% of those on this site. So what you got a huge grow with Aptus, growin comersh monsanto style. I know 10 guys off the top of my head on this site that would kill anything you produce in your wharehouse and do it wit less vaginal attitude. Hey everybody look at me and my toys!! I got no "option" so I guess I will keep readin these labels. But hey this is about you sooo welcome!!!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Very impressive..yeah THC Farmer probably not the best place for you .....welcome to IC Mag....keep killing it Dutch Master!
Thanks DT, have u ever tried with heavy 16 ? I read in jackmayoffer thread that he score the best when using heavy 16 with aptus in coco, U in coco too right ?

I'm in soil.

In most of my locations I do a custom blend but where I'm doing all the testing with different bases I'm using Vermi crop potting soil.

I have tests running with heavy 16 as a base too.

Its looking the best out of all the synthetics bases but pure blend is winning the race at the moment.

I heard good things about Heavy & Aptus though



LOL at all the haters. I'd say jacks pushing the limit on how much dank you can grow and still retain high quality. His room builds and setups def help alot too. I'm sure he can prob run a couple more spots if be wanted to have less of a life than he already does but to me it's all about finding that threshold to where your making good money and still pumping out quality product.

I dont know if you guys even comprehend it but Europe is completely different people. This shit gets sent to other COUNTRIES and CONTINENTS while whatever gets produced domestically here stays here.

as many lights as dutch touch is running is straight commercial no if ands or buts. Its pretty much all a numbers game at that point. Quality is not the most important factor in this case. Quantity is.

Can you tell me what benefits you have found from running Aptus and have you got any dried pics?

Your grow rooms and size are impressive although I have seen better looking buds from some of "the label readers" and "one light bandits" you speak of.

I don't buy you not being affiliated with Aptus after your the first person to run and discredit any person who questions there products, I saw it at the farm and now in Jacks thread here.

I will take some of my dry product and send it you thats not a problem.

I would class my work 4 out of 5 only because the sheer scale of my ops and me not being in every location everyday. Give me a 30 lighter and I will give you 5 out of 5 for quality. Now give me a 4 lighter and I will give you 5+ out 5 and put my work against anyones

The reason I defend Aptus is because its only the PUNKS who have never tried it that start barking and hating on it.

IE little boys at home with a PC and a 400w in a 4 x 4 tent

I was using Aptus 8 years ago in Holland when the shit never even had a label and Im still impressed!


LOL some people don't understand that the more you do the harder it Is to keep quality up. I dont care what anyone says, degradation of quality is directly correlational to the amount your pumping out. At some point it's hard to keep up. I'm sure a 30 -40 lighter for this guy would be cake.
LOL at all the haters. I'd say jacks pushing the limit on how much dank you can grow and still retain high quality. His room builds and setups def help alot too. I'm sure he can prob run a couple more spots if be wanted to have less of a life than he already does but to me it's all about finding that threshold to where your making good money and pumping out quality product.

I dont know if you guys even comprehend it but Europe is completely different people. This shit gets sent to other COUNTRIES and CONTINENTS while whatever gets produced domestically here stays here.

as many lights as dutch touch is running is straight commercial no if a ands or buts. Its pretty much all a numbers game at that point. Quality is not the most important factor in this case. Quantity is.

Cheers Norcal

let them keep hating.

I guarantee if the guys hating could actually afford the step up to Aptus from GH and figure out how to measure in mils and not teaspoons or ounce's, then they would eat their hats and keep their lame opinions to themselves

let them carry on its entertaining !:woohoo:

I got just over 170 light burning and am running Aptus too. Billy n the Aptus crew rock!

Yes Vag I checked your op out on here. BADASS !

Seeing yours and Jacks ops surely should make people figure out that Aptus is the shit!

Oh but I guess we all work for Aptus …….
Dutch Douche - Sheeple get so impressed with this kinda garbage. First off welcome to the Mag and second, way to come in and shit on about 98% of those on this site. So what you got a huge grow with Aptus, growin comersh monsanto style. I know 10 guys off the top of my head on this site that would kill anything you produce in your wharehouse and do it wit less vaginal attitude. Hey everybody look at me and my toys!! I got no "option" so I guess I will keep readin these labels. But hey this is about you sooo welcome!!!

I love you!

Spanner !!!!!!!:thank you:


Unless there is pgr's I don't see how they could do better than a custom dry salt mix.

Plain and simple, every nutrient can and will work when used properly.

It comes down to cost and convienience, bottled is no easier than ordering dry custom salt mixes from jr peters and making your own two or three part system.

I'm not knocking aptus, I'm positive it works and gives good results.

But, I'll reiterate, unless there are pgr's in the mix, I don't understand how this brand of bottled salts could possibly produce more than an identical dry mix.

Flame away, I'm just sayin.....

By the way, nice show Dutch, I have a lot of respect for folks that can manage the big ops, it's not a walk in the park like some idiots would like to believe.
Good question, how many peeps ya got working for/with you? If its just you, you are a sick man lol

14 plus me. Its not as hard as you think. 3 hours watering then 6 hours cleaning

Once everything with the room is dialed in you just have to let the plant do what it wants to …… Grow!
Question regarding last pic, far right.

Those trays, from here it seems no drilled holes for run off,for obvious reasons. Just want to make sure im seeing that correctly.

No buddy we take each plant off the table and we made a holder that sits on the 40gallon trash can (Res) . We have it on wheels so we can move it easily then hand feed each plant. As soon as the water starts to drip out the bottom we stop.


Active member
Haters should STFU ! Glad we have growers like Jack and DT coming around sharing hows it done in the big man world.