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3000W SCROG inspired by the "Doc"

Bout the bugs, FGs effed me around so here's what I did. Don't what really did it but, here it is after gonats, squito dunks, and azamax wouldn't do:
Drenched w Imid (just once, knock down!)
Then drenched w azamax few times
Then applied a few doses of pred nematodes
(i did drench once w pylon, but it's mostly a miticide, so?)

knockin on wood...
What I'm going to do is start hauling RO water in. I have access to it, and can haul a few 5gal pails a week (I go through about 15gal/wk with 5gal pots. Stepping up to 20s this weekend, we'll see what they drink.) at no cost. More time consuming than installing my own RO, but less costly and really easy.

I'm going to hit them with more BTi and then Azamax, and then nematodes. I hope it works! Additionally the room is getting bleached as soon as the tent is down (drying now). I freaking hope it all works out.
Thanks guys. Im really keeping my fingers crossed on this one!!! Say my plants are done in 8-9 weeks. When do the girls typically start packing on real weight?? Tomorrow night will be end of week 5 and I'm a LONG ways away from having anything that resembles a cola!!!!!

What brand of imid did you use medicalmj? Still waiting on those pics of your tables please. really like to see what you came up with as I was originally planning on doing something like your describing. So I'm very interested to see how you made yours.
This is my first run.


Wk 10:

Strain differences will change production times and weighting up a lot. This is my friends LVPK.



Active member
Thanks guys. Im really keeping my fingers crossed on this one!!! Say my plants are done in 8-9 weeks. When do the girls typically start packing on real weight?? Tomorrow night will be end of week 5 and I'm a LONG ways away from having anything that resembles a cola!!!!!

What brand of imid did you use medicalmj? Still waiting on those pics of your tables please:biggrin: really like to see what you came up with as I was originally planning on doing something like your describing. So I'm very interested to see how you made yours.

bayer's for veg and fruit trees works, which I have and have used. It's low concentration. I also bought some 22% stuff I think it's called ImidiProSC? just don't use past a couple weeks into flwr.

And the pics...camera was dead, lost charger. But I got er juiced up and I will be doing lots of work tomorrow and Friday, including the scrog that attaches. I'll get many pics of it for you...sorry bout the delay.
Thanks Romulus. Do you what your tent produced? Looks good.
21oz the first run, I'd say about 3oz of that was not 'ideal bud' but my patients and I smoked it none the less. The rest was much more dense. That was my first run ever. Since then, I've seen around 12-16oz of better more dense bud. I have also changed genetics every run thus far, trying out new things. And I use the same nutrients on every plant, so that makes things a little less than desired. The run I just chopped, and the one in veg now, are all a single strain. I think I'll get 12-16 off of this one, and I hope for more with the next ;) I'm going to be shooting da Doc some pictures (and posting a thread, I haven't done one in a long ass time.. I'm lazy..) soon and getting tips for training. I feel my methods are less than ideal, and with my SCROG, I only two thirds ass it lol. They need better training, like your girls get. I think I mentioned this, but it is a 4x4 tent with a 1k HPS in it.

I'm stoked to see your results, even if it went a bit sideways. I bet it'll still be good, and the next one will be freaking killer. You really have a handle on the plant training aspect, which I think is a BIG part in upping production.
bayer's for veg and fruit trees works, which I have and have used. It's low concentration. I also bought some 22% stuff I think it's called ImidiProSC? just don't use past a couple weeks into flwr.

And the pics...camera was dead, lost charger. But I got er juiced up and I will be doing lots of work tomorrow and Friday, including the scrog that attaches. I'll get many pics of it for you...sorry bout the delay.
Yeah I used Bayer's during my first run's veg time. I actually didn't have bugs, I had newbie freak out from coco + wrong nutrients + bein' a newb! I'm going to dose the ladies with it now for good measure as its been 14 months since I used it. As per the label - DO NOT USE IMID MORE THAN ONCE A YEAR. You do NOT want your bugs to gain immunity!!


I'm lookin forward to seeing your pics man! I hope to put some up Friday too. We'll see if that happens. I need to finish the remodel and clean up my room. Hope to have that done tomorrow, minus hanging the new flower hoods, as there is a tent in the way with my last crop drying in it :biggrin:


Active member
bayer's for veg and fruit trees works, which I have and have used. It's low concentration. I also bought some 22% stuff I think it's called ImidiProSC? just don't use past a couple weeks into flwr.

And the pics...camera was dead, lost charger. But I got er juiced up and I will be doing lots of work tomorrow and Friday, including the scrog that attaches. I'll get many pics of it for you...sorry bout the delay.

Thanks bud. Can't wait to see the pics!!!!


Active member
Thanks Romulus. We shall see As of right now I'm not very pleased with progress. Guess we will see what the last 3-4 weeks brings????
I totally feel you. Bugs are discouraging as heck. I am -so- glad when I had my 'root aphid' (media/nutrient) issues I was only a couple weeks into veg. I think they went another 1.5mo in veg. You got hit at a really really bad time, and with a really bad bug. I wonder how the heck they got in there, frankly. That is what I've always wondered with new bugs. I think my gnats this fall came in due to a bag of soil, as they showed up about a week after I up potted veg and brought in new soil. Not good timing for my flower girls! My girlfriend reported no gnats tonight when she tended them, so hopefully I'm in the clear, but the veg plants are still getting dosed with a number of things to ensure safety. I do not want any more fucking bugs in my room!!! I know you can relate.


Active member
I totally feel you. Bugs are discouraging as heck. I am -so- glad when I had my 'root aphid' (media/nutrient) issues I was only a couple weeks into veg. I think they went another 1.5mo in veg. You got hit at a really really bad time, and with a really bad bug. I wonder how the heck they got in there, frankly. That is what I've always wondered with new bugs. I think my gnats this fall came in due to a bag of soil, as they showed up about a week after I up potted veg and brought in new soil. Not good timing for my flower girls! My girlfriend reported no gnats tonight when she tended them, so hopefully I'm in the clear, but the veg plants are still getting dosed with a number of things to ensure safety. I do not want any more fucking bugs in my room!!! I know you can relate.

Looking back I honestly think I had these fucking broads from day one. When I first got clones I dunked them in a strong solution of neem oil. That may have knocked them back a bit. Then when I was fighting gnats I was fogging the room with pyrethrum once in while and that may have knocked those fuckers back a bit as well. Looking back I think that stunted growth I had in vegg was more than likely broad mites. As well as my vegglants under t5s never grew like they should. Then since I didn't have any gnats anymore I stopped spraying pyrethrum and I think the broads were able to deliver the one two punch and finish off my t5 plants.

Whatever the out come of this round is. I will always run a rotation of systemics in vegg from now on!!!!!!!


Active member
For little over 5 weeks veg from a 3" clone you plants with out any issue i personally think you would of pulled 12 - 16 0z especially pk, A big yielder per plant .
It really sucks you fell into bug issues,
I may have worked with you explaining where and how to train your plants , but it was you that did it , And LED you did one hell of a job on the training part . many growers wish they could get same results in branching and bud sites and really it was pretty simple thou huh ???
Romulas you can hit me up or led up anytime on pm??? we will help you out.
I personally think you with 4x4 should be hitting 1.5 - 2 per your 4 x 4 area may be little more training and more pruning is all you need to get there

LED not sure if i stressed it to you but when you train / feed plants your getting up and personal next grow look for issues leaf discoloration, deformed leafs while training you have to look for bugs
you got training perfect , feeding perfect , now you need to work on rest of the art of growing,
You know you put so much stuff to the plants who knows what it could of done for stressing, or hurting them , do things at slow stages monitor and guage everything i mean by bug bombs, pyrtium,Yes even aspirin you name it to much to fast.
will also bring you a world of hurt. Cause at the end you can only guess which treatment may have caused you the problem again a guess where determining which bug you have and treating it with the right solution and monitoring if it didn;t work then move on to next poison right
i think of bugs like a sinking ship if your calm and collective you will survive if your in panick mode you will drown.


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alright boy and girls, update time:biggrin:

so been feeding girls Aspirin with every feeding, over the last week or so haven't really seen much growth at all..... But in the last 24-48 hours it would appear that they have grown some...? Don't want to jinx things, keeping fingers and toes crossed!!!:laughing:

First set of pics shows a good overall of whats happening with them. Look at the last pic closely, especially near bottom of pic. You can see allot of fucked up curley leafs. This is the most damaged plant from the broads. TONS of curley, crispey leafs on this girl


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Here are a couple more pics. First one is of my clones that I transplanted into 4" pots 1 week ago. I can see some roots have already gone to the edge of the 4" pots and new growth thats looking healthy. I gave them a dip in some Avid during transplant as I could see mite damage on them. Think I'll treat them to some Forbid tomorrow as well just to make sure I got all them fuckers!!!

Next is a pic of one of the three remaining veg plants from my original 12. They were looking like they were making a full recovery with lots of new growth and then in the last 3 days or soo they started looking droopy again and then started seeing some black spots on some leafs. Now that I have clones that survived I'm just going to garbage the last 3 plants. Fuck them, don't need no sick plants around!!!!


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Active member
nice your on your way to another grow shortly well done lets hope flowering girls take off some more
How are they looking now? I'm asking you because I haven't taken pics and started my own thread :p I have decided I need to buy another camera for this. I don't want to use my cell phone just in case I forget to delete something or it gets onto the cloud accidentally, and I don't like leaving my DSLR at my spot cuz I want it at home, and I am forgetful so .. another camera is needed.

I hope your ladies are getting bigger!


Active member
Not good Romulus!!!!

Not seeing a ton of growth. Not much at all. Really think these BM's are kicking my ass!!!

I've tried everything. If I lose this battle I will give 120% for the next grow. Heat treatments, systemic mitecides, foliar feed with brewed teas that have 5 beneficial bacterias that kill bugs!!!! If I lose that battle I will be done. Literally!!!!

Growing my medicine was supposed to be fun. Its turning out to be one of the worst experiences of my life!!!! :wallbash:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Not good Romulus!!!!

Not seeing a ton of growth. Not much at all. Really think these BM's are kicking my ass!!!

I've tried everything. If I lose this battle I will give 120% for the next grow. Heat treatments, systemic mitecides, foliar feed with brewed teas that have 5 beneficial bacterias that kill bugs!!!! If I lose that battle I will be done. Literally!!!!

Growing my medicine was supposed to be fun. Its turning out to be one of the worst experiences of my life!!!! :wallbash:

one word -


very simple with the LUCAS formula and NO bugs, at least i have never had bugs on my hydro plants.

best of luck man :tiphat:


Bro, This bites. I am sorry to read of your continuing troubles.

These things are a nightmare.

I hope that you get clear of them.



don't give in ,don't let the bugs beat you,ask everywhere on here for some help .something will work for sure ,if it was mould i would be a bit worried ,but not bugs,keep fighting the good fight you can do it!


Active member
Thanks guys....

So this is what I'm seeing on my new clones.....

I scoped top and bottom of this leaf and couldnt find any bugs or any eggs??? I see lots of perfectly circular bumps, some perfectly clear, some a little translucent and some brown. I'm assuming either small water droplets or resin glands???

What do you think is causing those little brown dots? Last time I saw those on my veg plants I founds mites underneath....

Could those brown dots be like "burn" marks from when I did the heat treatment?? Broad mites are supposed to die with 120 degree heat so I heated my veg room to 120 degrees for one hour 3-4 days ago. Plants seemed fine after wards. Think the heat could cause these brown dots?

fyi..... I took these clone from plants that for sure had mites. So once they were rooted and I was transplanting into 4" pots about a week ago each clone got a good dunking in some Avid.

Thanks guys:thank you:


By fighting your way through this, you benefit all of us following....so, in the words of
Kelly Monteith "No, No! Thank YOU!" :0)

This sort of situation is about as bad as it gets, and when you post fat nugs, then we
will all have more hope.

Carry on!



put the pictures in the cannabis infirmary those guys will sort you out ! and quickly

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