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30,000 drones over the US by 2020


Active member
And here's the kicker...

They'll shop the manufacture of all these drones to the Chinese.

The user manual will be in Chinglish...

"Install now program command. Success! Much happiness!"


Active member
Being spied on is one thing,
don't forget about the missiles.

Remember that kid Al-awaki?
An American Citizen.
The precedent has been set.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
and what are they looking for cant be just cannabis. They want to see if we are scratching are ass. Total invasion of privacy. I say target practise if there low enough

They will attach infrared devices and bust growers like crazy. The supreme court said they can spy from the sky with it just not the ground.

They will also attach high power microphones that can be concentrated on a certain point.

they already have bombs.

Combined with the new bills and actions that have passed and taken over the last 12 years it could basically be a death sentence.

If you are suspected of being a "terrorist" they will kill you with out a trial. They already did it to one U.S. citizen and put it in the news all proud of it; and the country was all happy about it

They have been associating pot with terrorism now since 9/11. Basically a fat ass cop will be sitting in his office flying around a drone by remote, see your grow, call a federal executive officer for confirmation and then drop a bomb on your ass.

zero Privacy, zero right to due process. It has already been set up in the legal system. anyone who resist dies. Those that get captured instead get to go to concentration camps. They are already built and blacked out from view on google maps.

Best option leave the country, and go far away, not just one country over.


weed fiend
... They already did it to one U.S. citizen and put it in the news all proud of it; and the country was all happy about it...

Hell yeah. Killed the mother fucker who renounced his American citizenship and planned and coordinated attacks against innocent Americans. And we did it without preemptive invasion, occupation, nation building and all that crap.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
He was still legally a citizen, and the allegations were just that allegations. That is the purpose of a trail. To prove fact of allegations. In the United states you are innocent until proven guilty.

I have no sympathy for that person, I have sympathy for the fact that the constitution was publicly trampled on and Americans cheered it on. Sheeple!

also addressing denouncing the government. anyone who grows pretty much denounces the current government. Even with one plant or just possession of a small amount of that plant on a daily basis is a felony. IMO though the current federal government has denounced the constitution and are in fact treasonous.

If a majority of the people would wake up we would denounce the current government and restore our real democracy......... and we can still do it with a vote. no blood shed needed, just mass awakening though education.
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Active member
My prediction:

The first drone strike on American soil, won't be on a pot grower.

I predict it will be on a fleeing car, during a high speed chase.

on The 405,
carried live on KTLA.


weed fiend
He wouldn't get a trial. He'd get GITMO for 7 or 8 years and then they'd let him go. What is it, 99% of all GITMO prisoners are released? We've only convicted 6 enemy combatants through tribunals. We've convicted hundreds through civilian prosecution but half the country wants tribunals. That or a minority made a fuck load of noise. IMO, it's the latter.

Until we close GITMO and it's sibling in Afghanistan, we risk facing the wrath we impose on others. Besides, if one is considered a terrorist, what exactly are they up to?




Don't want it closed....... point made!

I thought of you Discobisuit as soon as I saw this!


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
My prediction:

The first drone strike on American soil, won't be on a pot grower.

I predict it will be on a fleeing car, during a high speed chase.

on The 405,
carried live on KTLA.

I predict it will be on an actual american terrorist. that way the people would be all about it. Some one like Timothy McVeigh. Even that horrible crazy fuck deserved a trail.


weed fiend

I thought of you Discobisuit as soon as I saw this!


Jealous you have a hard time restraining yourself? Don't make me laugh.

We should have never stopped mitigating terrorist activity through civilian courts. SCOTUS ruled American citizens may be detained indefinitely in 2004 because we initiated tribunals.

Like I already mentioned, half the country wants military commissions. Holder attempted to prosecute KSM in New York but there was too much public opposition. So much for providing the necessary president to overturn tribunals and close GITMO.

If you paid half attention to your golden boy, you'd have seen him advocating habeas corpus and Miranda rights for all terrorists, not just American citizens.

got another cute joke, cartoon boy?


weed fiend
Yeah, it's not enough for some folks to match opinions and discover they don't all gel. Some have to poke others and make their passions personal. Get a frickin life, SB.


I'll take that as a yes.......LMFAO

When you talk about the murder of American citizens as if they were a bug it only lessens the protections we all enjoy.

Quote by Discobiscuit: Hell yeah. Killed the mother fucker who renounced his American citizenship and planned and coordinated attacks against innocent Americans. And we did it without preemptive invasion, occupation, nation building and all that crap.

Thus the mouth ass analogy!



We've been training and desensitizing the younger generations with the warfare games. Hell some of those guy could thread a needle from the Stratosphere. Damn, near genius levels.



weed fiend
I'll take that as a yes.......LMFAO

When you talk about the murder of American citizens as if they were a bug it only lessens the protections we all enjoy.

Quote by Discobiscuit: Hell yeah. Killed the mother fucker who renounced his American citizenship and planned and coordinated attacks against innocent Americans. And we did it without preemptive invasion, occupation, nation building and all that crap.

Thus the mouth ass analogy!


Like I said sac, get a life.


Again..... will take that as a point made..... LMFAO

In another thread someone said your lack of blaber said it all.


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