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30,000 drones over the US by 2020


It wouldn't shock me if The true state of the art technology is 40-45 years ahead of what the public is aware of.

I always say this. Google Maps uses satellites to take pictures of a damn crack in the sidewalk from space, I gotta fiddle with my zoom and lighting just to get a decent macro or regular picture of something right in front of me!


Heh, I'd be worried, except for the fact that I can look up my address on Google Earth and clearly see my car and motorcycle in the driveway. And that's with the freebie version. The paid version has even better resolution.

And that's just what is currently available to anyone. You can bet your ass the government has access to military sattelites that can read the fine print on the newspaper in your driveway.

Exactly. The good welder keeps hitting the nail on the head :joint:

Seen that movie "Enemy of the State"? I don't think that is so very far off the truth and it was made in 1998

Realize :joint:


Enormous Member
With the proliferation of the internet, and mass access accumulates, secrets of all kinds are much harder to keep. I don't think DARPA can keep 20+ years of tech advancement secret anymore. Anyone remember Iran posting pictures of the latest drone tech. I bet that stuff is what they were trying to hide. Human rights violations, tech advancement, state secrets (think Assange), spy satelite locations, etc, etc, etc.

Not possible to hide 20 years of advancement anymore.

The "nano" humming still weighs 19 oz. I'd be willing to bet that over half of that weight was the power supply, and it still only has 20 a minute flight span.

DARPA most likely isn't that far ahead in battery tech, since there are huge public industries already in place to do only this. Most future tech requires high power to weight ratios. As soon as they can make these things solar powered, the craziness will start. Imagine a fleet of a million (billion?) self powered sensors flying at all times everywhere with no down time. 30,000 conventional drones will have nothing on 300,000,000 nano drones. Enough so that each American can have their very own drone to exclusively spy on them.

Imagine a nano drone that could construct a copy of itself. That way, if any one of the 30,000,000 nano drones is destroyed, the remaining drones can replace the missing ones. A indestructable distributed spying network. That's the FED's wet dream.

Another question all together, is how we will process all of this information. Our ability to intrpret information is far surpassed by our ability to create it, at least for now. That's why I'm not too parinoid about big brother just yet.


May your race always be in your favor
Couple of thoughts about the drones

It going to take some skill to learn to fly them, I don't see the local sheriff having enough budget to pay for a wreck or two. Our county sheriff just lost 25 % of his budget, we're down to 5 deputies at any given time with a "we only come if its life or death now" So alot of counties won't have the money to operate them for a while.
Also this is the ongoing actions to militarize the police, the Gov give the local cops money and equipment. Little town north of me has 5 cops but they had mp5 and all the toys, homeland security places alot of equipment.
It's all about spying on our selves can't have people doing things we don't know about. Effed up Id say.




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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Our county sheriff just lost 25 % of his budget, we're down to 5 deputies at any given time with a "we only come if its life or death now"

the country would be a lot better off if this was ALL police depts... ;)


I bet they are used to seize assets, bust a bunch of grows, maybe takedown some drug kingpins... meanwhile talking about spending trillions overseas all while the murder and crime rates sky out of control in our own cities. Fucking FED using resources on cannabis in N Cal, people dying in S Cal and along the rest of the border. Fucking cowards


I bet they are used to seize assets, bust a bunch of grows, maybe takedown some drug kingpins... meanwhile talking about spending trillions overseas all while the murder and crime rates sky out of control in our own cities. Fucking FED using resources on cannabis in N Cal, people dying in S Cal and along the rest of the border. Fucking cowards

Well said. And when you get to thinkin, we're out in the world playing bully right now, pushing around countries who happen to have different agendas, while we are under attack in our own country.

It might sound extreme, but with the amount of violence at the border, as well as the sheer amount of drugs coming in? Those drugs are destroying America. And I'm not even talking about their shitty pot. Heroin, Cocaine, and who the hell knows what else.

I lost my younger brother to heroin, there used to be a time that meant something. Nowadays I'm preaching to the choir.

So what are we supposed to do?

We can't defend ourselves from the threat, because NDAA and The Patriot Act and bullshit like that has stripped us of everything.

It's our military's job to defend us against National threats. Too bad ours is busy working with the real enemies. Shit makes me sick.

Sorry for the rant, I'm off to smoke something...

PS: Resources are resources, don't matter if it's drugs, oil, precious metals...You take a good hard look at everywhere our 'Military' is stationed, and there's a good chance you'll find something valuable. World War 2 never ended, the tables just got turned. The Third Reich was never dissolved, it was renamed the United Nations.


Active member
Well said. And when you get to thinkin, we're out in the world playing bully right now, pushing around countries who happen to have different agendas, while we are under attack in our own country.

It might sound extreme, but with the amount of violence at the border, as well as the sheer amount of drugs coming in? Those drugs are destroying America. And I'm not even talking about their shitty pot. Heroin, Cocaine, and who the hell knows what else.

I lost my younger brother to heroin, there used to be a time that meant something. Nowadays I'm preaching to the choir.

So what are we supposed to do?

We can't defend ourselves from the threat, because NDAA and The Patriot Act and bullshit like that has stripped us of everything.

It's our military's job to defend us against National threats. Too bad ours is busy working with the real enemies. Shit makes me sick.

Sorry for the rant, I'm off to smoke something...

PS: Resources are resources, don't matter if it's drugs, oil, precious metals...You take a good hard look at everywhere our 'Military' is stationed, and there's a good chance you'll find something valuable. World War 2 never ended, the tables just got turned. The Third Reich was never dissolved, it was renamed the United Nations.

How do you expect some one to fully read and comprehend your posts with an avatar like that!!!!

Can we say BaaDunk_a_DunK!!!


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