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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
np GMT :wink:..she's a pretty pic imo....love the blue tones of the pic..that makes it special in my book..


You will not be forgotten
i couldnt agree more... really enjoy your close up pictures and that blue tone showing in the pictures is just great :D Puff puff


The Tri Guy
Thanks Core, Thanks Dime,
ok on with the next grow, which will have no seeds so propper bud pics coming up for xmas, long wait till then though.
1st is a normal plant, grown because it's been a while since I've done any of them. Topped 1 node too late with a cunning plan. I'll let the roots take off a bit and let the new growth grow in, then I'll cut off the top and leave the bottom node to kick in with nice roots, should keep it small and healthy without too much training. Then there is a tri that I've also topped, but at the right node. Each of its shoots will also be topped to create 6 tops. Well that's the current plan anyway, they normally change though. Here's the pics, but nothing to get excited about.



The Tri Guy
oh yeah on a side note, I popped a bunch of the trixtri f4s, so far only 1 seed has been anything other than a twin, although I did pop the biggest first. They were all thrown away as none of them were tri's and all twins seem to be much weaker. See what happens with the rest when they get popped.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
"You must spread rep...."..Dammit I had wrote a long ass post about depth of pics..killer macro props..
and how you would be running with that swanky macro crowd now..oh well..I wrote it 2 days ago.. :confused:

I like the macs..and hey that plant only has two branches.. :wave:


The Tri Guy
Lol Packn, not sure why that happens so much on this site, seems to have happened to us all though. Thanks for the props, I'm really loving this lens, who would have thought that for a tenner, half of what ya get would provide so much fun (have to discard the wide angle part of the lens). No worries on the crowd I hang with though, you guys are where its at for me. Speaking of which, loved your last pics so much one of em is now competing for pic of the month. Core imspired me to start frequenting that thread a little more, putting one of mine up for last month. Since we cant vote on august pics yet though, it'll be next year before we vote on your's.
Hehe, yeah, one branch short of a tri, but its only for smoke, so thought I'd do a tri topped + tri single cola + normal bi topped comparrison grow. You know how I like to play. I know this is a tri thread, but I think I've covered everything on that topic I wanted to show, so I'm relaxing my rules now. This Quad Im growing is taking forever though. Should really be done by the 18th, but a light seeding has set her back a bit, and looks like she still has 4 weeks to go. Early cuts have already been taken and are drying for a try. Clearly I wont be waiting 4 weeks, and am starting to cut back her lighting hours to give her a hint its time, I'll put some pics up much later as the upload is very time consuming.


The Tri Guy
well the second I finished typing that last post, I started the uploads, Just this finished uploading 3 pis, so you see how much of a pain it is. Anyway 3 pics of the same bud from different distances. You see what I mean about it looking 4 weeks from finish still. Just one of the 4 tops on the topped quad.

Not the best, but they'll do for a quick update. Cant wait till the leaves start to eat themselves and the bud is revealed, then the pics should get more fun.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Starting the competition early I see, I am bout 2 weeks behind you in that growth, we see what I can do early this week, just getting some buds to show up now
Nice pics bro
Take care


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea nice that i insipred you a little ...:smile:..you hafta admit it woz a nice pic..atleast in my book...nway it seems you are getting better and better at the new hobby GMT :yes:
keep on keeping 'm on :biglaugh:
Last edited:


The Tri Guy
Hi Dr Dog, yeah thought I'd try and get a head start, the catch to that plan though is you see what ya got to beat where as I'm competing blind. Looking forward to checking yours out, as mine will be gone and my pics will be back to seedling stage by your flower pics.

Hey Core, yeah I gave up on that thread after I got my hand chewed a bit by the resident angry dog, (not the good doctor above), and since it takes so long for the pics to go up to vote on. I liked that pic too, I do think there was a better one a few posts earlier, but these things are all personal taste. 800x600 just doesnt do justice to a nice pic though, they look much better full screen at higher resolution, though I've never seen them at 2kx3k which I imagine would be even nicer. And if only peeps here would pick up free 3d glasses off the net, then I could do a really nice show. Still, I will keep the 2d pics coming when I get things to photo, still got a lot to learn though, and I dont have the patience to start trying to stack lots of pics into one pic the way Monkey does. Anyway, rambling now, and time for poker, speak later.


You will not be forgotten
interesting as always GMT, I really enjoy your threads and this is no exception. I find these things very facinating and am looking forward to seeing what these babies are looking like in a month :D Hope your having a great start to your week and puff er easy :joint:


The Tri Guy
Hi Dime, I killed off the single cola baby tri today, one of it's leaves was looking a little manky, so I killed it, esp as a new baby tri was born today, so it'll be behind but its a side cross so I'm more interested in it. The week started quite chilled thanks, hoping more of the same will follow. Gonna do another photo shoot tomorrow, so prob be the weekend by the time the pics are up lol.

Hi MGJ, yep, they are only the trainee light sabres though, looking forward to collecting a few crystals and changing their colours to more advanced sabres ;)
Thanks mate, I wouldn't bother if no one apreciated the effort.

Mem, hurry back now ya hear. Hope ya get the proxy sorted, but it isnt really necessary here.

Hi Magirt, Thankyou, I think the best I've seen was a poster with a wild female lone single cola plant on a peak with the sun behind it just siloeting the plant against a beautifull sunset, but a diff category of pic. Its a new lens so I'm still playing, could have been beginners luck. Stick around and find out.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Dude! :yoinks: I can't believe I didn't know about this thread :bat:
It's even in your sig :spank:

Gorgeous plants and shots my friend

Looks like I showed up a good time eh? :canabis: I need to travel outside the Grow Diaries section a tad more often :biglaugh:
I know where to find you know when I need to give you some rep :respect:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:biglaugh: I was wonderin where you had been hangin out after the Lazy Growing thread had closed.

Oh well...I'm here now, and like a spider mite, it's near impossible to get rid of me :nanana:

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