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250w Freezer grow THaze x Skunk


Don Cotyle

WEEEdogies!!! Wilma is spreading out nicely! Are yu up to full strength Lucas Formula yet? When your bud sites really start to take off have you given any thought about cutting back nutes to 1/2 to 3/4 strength to help the buds to keep from getting so light and airy and to keep height growth down? What, if any, flower boost nutes are you gonna give her to fatten up yur buds? I'm useing Fat Flower N-P-K on this product is 0-50-30, I give em 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons at 10 days into flower, 2 tablespoons per 10 gallons at 70 days when the OD comes down and another 2 tablespoons per 10 gallons at 100 days, pound em...Yea Baby!

The Orange Diesel is getting her flush and plain water for the last 5 days, when I refill the res I'm gonna cut back to half strength nutes with Fat Flower 0-50-30 and see how the THxS1 handles it and how the bud sights do. I'll let you know how they do so you can adjust accordingly if yu'd like to try it. I'm mainly doing this to cut back on Nitrogen to keep them from pushing much taller after the tank dunk( Tank dunk? yes this is code, so get them decoder rings out) and to increase bud density.

Oh yea I just found out the THxS1 has a THC content of over 20%...still don't know if there are gonna get triks or just the greasy smear like the west African Moly Moly I grew out last year... HolyStone :rasta: :joint: :rasta: Batman...BAM..ZOINK...KAPLOOWY!!!

Look what I found on one OD, no light leaks or stress :puppydoge :puppydoge :puppydoge

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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Hey Don,

I'm on full strength Lucas. Res held steady all week at EC 2.1 or 1050ppm (x500) pH bounced between 5.5 at lamp fireup (res temp 68) and 5.75 at shutdown (res temps 75)

No additives yet though, I have some Dr Hornby's BigBud that never impressed me. About your Fat Flower? When you say one TB per 10 gallons, you mean one TB until day 70 or one TB per week until day 70?

Stretch control is limited to temp control, scrog and switching HPS for CMH. Pebbles just hit day 18 under the old HPS. Here she's compared to Wilma at 18 days under CMH. Not quite the same angle but, close and the red verts show that the 5" netpots are "visually" the same size

Later, dude. :wave:

Don Cotyle

One tablespoon per week would probably eventually kill the plants!!! What I was talking about was the Fat Flower by Northernlights. It's a blue powder with an N-P-K of 0-50-35. At he begineing of flowering cycle I add 1 TBS per 10 ga's in my res or 3 TBS per my 30 gals as a boost then 2 TBS per 10 gal 2 weeks from finish on the OD. So the THxS1 gets it allso =P. I'm gonna flush the OD 4-5 days after finish to get all the starches etc. out of the plants,then cut the OD. I'm them gonna bring my nutes back to 50% strength and re-add the Fat Flower at 1 TBS per 10 gals and again only 2 TBS per 10 gal the last 2-3 weeks of flowering for final boost as they fatten up!

Hope that makes better sence :D If not ask again and I'll try to simplify farther. On the secound feeding of the Fat F you'll get good leaf tip burn...strong stuff, but yur buds will swell nicely!!!!!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Don Cotyle said:
One tablespoon per week would probably eventually kill the plants!!! What I was talking about was the Fat Flower by Northernlights.
I'll have to check that out. I was looking at Waynes latest pics and it doesn't seem like T*haze tends towards big fat buds on it's own. Plus, the Lucas Formula is leaving me with some headroom, EC wise.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
T-Minus 88:18:55:24 and counting.

Root Report

Took a peek at Wilma's roots and WOW! What a difference fresh nutes make. Pic on left is three weeks ago with bad nutes (old and improperly stored) the right pic is today after a couple of weeks in fresh nutes. Everything clean as a whistle. No precipitate matter on sides of buckets. Note the shot only shows half the roots or less. There's only so far I can lift the res cover now that I'm tied to the scrog.

Here's a shot of Pebbles roots. When my clone tub is empty, I'll cut some slips and put her under 12/12 for sexing. Hopefully she won't end up going Barney on me like Betty did. Sleeping Beauty is still shy, root wise.

Speaking of clones, I took 6 slips off Wilma 10 days ago and ... LOOKIE HERE ... No matter how Pebbles and Aurora turn out, I got's mommas! :muahaha:



Eugene Oregon
This is such a great grow I love freezer/fridge grows there stealthy and just there perfect places to grow in =D
I have a quick question.. what did you use to cut holes into the fridge?
Also your plants look nice and are going to be some killer smoke.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Herb, welcome.

I tried a 4" hole saw made for metal. My freezer slept through most of it and then laughed at me for my pathetic attempt after I gave up in frustration.

Believe it or not, I settled on a 1/4 inch bit. I drilled a circle, one 1/4 hole at a time, each as close to the last as I could get. Then I used the drill like a router to break through the spaces between holes. A round file cleaned up the jagged edges.


Registered Pothead
FreezerBoy said:
Herb, welcome.

I tried a 4" hole saw made for metal. My freezer slept through most of it and then laughed at me for my pathetic attempt after I gave up in frustration.

Believe it or not, I settled on a 1/4 inch bit. I drilled a circle, one 1/4 hole at a time, each as close to the last as I could get. Then I used the drill like a router to break through the spaces between holes. A round file cleaned up the jagged edges.
Damn didnt know a fridge was so hardcore.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
lookn good freezerboiiii.....

i cannot wait for my thai haze to finish. honestly.

i KNOW its going to be the best smoke ever. there is no way it can't be by what I am witnessing....


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Ol' Shed's a big foam sandwich made with bread of steel. I don't know if they make tanks like this anymore. I'd say it's at least twenty years old. My newer fridge is plastic inside.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Hey Wayne,

Just passed the one quarter mark. I still have to look for the flowers but, they're starting to show in quantity. Now that things are settled down and dialed in, there's not much to do. Sometimes I wonder if it can live up to the expectations from such a long grow. Then I go look at my root porn. My very own, home grown root porn ... :yummy:


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
FreezerBoy said:
Hey Wayne,

Just passed the one quarter mark. I still have to look for the flowers but, they're starting to show in quantity. Now that things are settled down and dialed in, there's not much to do. Sometimes I wonder if it can live up to the expectations from such a long grow. Then I go look at my root porn. My very own, home grown root porn ... :yummy:

haha man... honestly i feel bad for you for having to wait so long.... but the good thing is, you will have many days to look at root porn! :redface:


keep ya hands ONTOP of the freezer while looking at that root porn!!

Nice work man.. a smart use of the space!

take care!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
NZjay said:
keep ya hands ONTOP of the freezer while looking at that root porn!!

Nice work man.. a smart use of the space!

take care!
But ... but ... aw crud, I got no pithy retort. Thanks for the laugh though. Cracked me up. Welcome and thanks for stopping by.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
SoEx said:
Oooh, coming along nicely. I love the long, thin sativa leaves :D
Would that it were just the leaves. The whole plant is long and getting longer. I was nuts to think I could LST two of these in this space.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
T-Minus 85:19:38:27 and counting

Rotated Wilma 180 degrees. I was going to try running her in a circle but, the side shoots were already growing into the space I wanted the main shoot to go. Now she's headed to the back right corner. I'll be able to steer her to the front right corner and then ...?

I'd not considered the explosive growth of LST with such a long flowering plant. Especially in such a limited space. I think topping and FIM would've been a better choice. Live and learn.

Res numbers changed for the first time (other than water level) pH dropped to 5.0 and EC climbed a whopping 0.1 to 2.2. Apparently she's thirstier than hungry. Added one gallon of straight tap water. Res now back to pH5.5 EC 2.0.


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