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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks rhyo! 99.9% of the talk you hear about hermies is when a plant has been stressed more than it can handle. Usually it's caused by a light leak but it can be anything. They suck because they can appear quickly and go unnoticed easily, and pollinate a whole room of females. So you get a seedy crop and the whole crop of seed has a hermie as the parent. Not exactly great genes to grow with. As mentioned I induced mine chemically, so it's a different situation to normal hermies.

A scrubber is a device/object which forces your exhaust air flow through a layer of granulated activated carbon. It's a big blockage and a challenge to work around, but it's necessary. It works like magic when you do it right, and no matter what anyone says, your plants will stink, and it's very scary to be in control of some weed that's stinking :) If you're a noob then don't trust your own nose. It's a very easy smell to get used to and you don't realise it's there, but people will notice. They notice everything.

You can also use ozone devices but there's some issues you have to be careful of with health. These don't cause a blockage to your airflow as far as I'm aware. But I think the health thing rules them out for most micro grows. Hydrosun recommended the BioZone so I'd check that out if you wanted ozone.


Active member
i heard biozone generators are the shit. cant remember who but one of the members says it replaces a carbon scrubber, air conditioner, and even replaces your pesticides ! the bugs apparently dont like the environment that the machine makes.

looks like a very successful reversal scrub well done! i'd be interested to know the details on this. how do you get the silver stuff and how do you apply it to the plant? this could be handy for making crosses of fems that i have without having to pop more seeds to look for a hopefully potent male of the same pheno, and get fem seeds too !


Grow like nobody is watching
Hydrosun never shuts up about 'em, heheh. They look pretty nice.

It's so easy, OB. You just buy some pure silver from ebay or other sources, make a colloidal silver (CS) generator by connecting two bits of silver to the wires on almost any old power adaptor, stick them in a small amount of demineralised water and run it overnight.

There's a few finer points but it's that easy. Here is the best thread you could ever hope for, thanks PhenoMenal. It would rule for what you said cos yeah, we have no real idea how potent the male would be in that situation. I hope to spread a bit of this pollen on some other plants if anyone has any in flower. The power adapters are free, so the only cost was a bottle of water and I think under $20AUD, for a lifetime supply of silver for me, my friends, and my friends friends, if any of us had any friends. :)

You can also use a 9v battery hooked up to silver. :witch:


Active member
thanks scrub, that couldnt be easier ! i actually did that in science class when i was younger hehehe


Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah most of the growers I know already had generators for health use and didn't even realise what a treasure they had! I've had a good delve into that book I got and I have to say it's very good! I would recommend it to anybody even if you just want to make a simple cross, or carry on a strain or whatever.

There's a chance I'm not struggling with the subject matter because I've read up so much on it already (pre-struggled!), but it seems to be written in very simple, concise language. It's a complex matter but he breaks it down to suit whatever level of attention span you have. If you want to go as deep as it goes, that's all there too. Great investment.

Well, here are some post-pollination pics. It's far from controlled, thanks to thermaltake. :)


Many more will get pollinated I hope. I seriously want a lifetime supply!


that coloidal silver has been an awesome success for you. well done! ill be doing it next time round. Regarding scrog, and its definition. It literally mean screen of green right? I would say that is doesn't matter what method is used to achieve the shape, its the shape that's the important bit about the definition. I use a chicken wire screen, although nothing is trained underneath - it just gives me many anchor points to LST the branches above. I guess its like an apple tree cordon. You can make them that shape by erecting posts and wires, selective pruning, or tieing the branches to pegs in the ground - its the shape that defines the plant. Anyway that's just me being pedantic. urs is still technically a scrog imo


Grow like nobody is watching
OB, hahaha I love sealab! All those adult swim shows are perfect stoner material. :)

"Who died and made you my mother? Except my mother.... Who ironically died doing exactly the same thing." haha. I started putting a show on when I drift off to sleep at night and it's so messed up - Wonder Showzen. Both plants are same stage and at the last pics were day 34 I think.

DI, interesting! I love arguing pedantics so I would say that "screen" indicates a physical aid - the plant isn't the screen. I would think "sea" of green makes more sense. :tongue:

Hydrosun, thanks, it's amazing how they get it to look exactly like a spray bottle. Very sleek. Yes I'm kidding :)

I also added a half hour to the timer, so it's now 12.5/11.5 on/off. I think it may help draw out the process.


Just Call me Urkle!!
be careful with the light cycle and if you are going to give more light time or less whatever the case may be I would suggest only doing it with one strain in the cab. The reason I say this is because I was doing 13/11 cycles and even 13.5 with my Thunder Goo and Super Silver Haze with no problems they just fattened up quicker it seemed to me. But!!!! I tried this again when I had Blue Dream , Bubba Shine, and Cleaners Kush and they all went back into veg mode while in week 4 of flowering and kicked out all kinds of retard leaves and fucked up my yield after I got em back on track and it put my perpetual off cycle for a while too I'm just now getting my perpetual cab filled up again so be careful buddy...


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks thund, I put a lot of research and thought into it and I think it should be ok. The good bit is this cut gets grown outdoors a lot so I factored that info into it. And there is just the one plant in the cab so I'll keep a tight eye on it. Even if it did reveg and I caught it, I think it would still be a positive to help it take as long as possible.

xm, I hope so bro, I have all sorts of plans for these :)

GreenB, those will work for sure, seem cheap too, but I was glad I got the wire personally. It's just a better format to work with and easily bent to fine tune distances. Be careful of course if you use the coins that the water doesn't touch the alligator clips.

I'll sound really big headed but I think my design generator is easily the best :tongue:

Edit: With delivery I just found the wire for $5AUD, and I paid around $20!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Ahh, it's so nice to be back in the dojo, looking good in here broski, I love this photo pure fucking micro PL-L goodness, rocking it out bro. :respect::headbange

Happy Gardening All.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hehe I know buddy, that photo stood out to me too. Seeing the results you get, wow, you should consider PLLs bro. I guess wait to see how mine turn out first, lol, but considering how much trouble half the world seems to have finding PLLs, I'd jump at it (indeed, I already did). They're cheaper new now than what I paid secondhand. Those same ezi guys make the ones I found being sold at the moment. Search oz ebay for EZI PLUG 4 X 55WATT FLUORO and that's all you need. They also have the 2 x 55w hoods for like 100 bucks.


I love my life
Hey I know they have all kinds of crazy silver in the land of OZ, I bet you guys pass out .999 silver from the Perth Mint to the kids at the holidays.

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
^ It's like a hand reaching for the sky :) I wanna see pics of it growing! I guess you had a cfl in the centre?

Hydro, it's strange, we don't celebrate halloween here. People say happy halloween and stuff, but you don't get the hoardes of kids doorknocking for candy etc.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Not right in the center bro, 130w CFL hung horizontal across the top for most of the time in 12/12, here is a a couple of shots from today:-

Topped @ the fourth node, then a bit of LST, and booya instant micro pitchfork:-

Crappy shot that last one but it finishes my sequence so nicely.
Happy Gardening All.


Grow like nobody is watching
Great job, serious. I think CFLs and fluoros reach further than people give them credit for. I'm starting to think spacing of the buds is one of the most important factors for yield, so they don't get shaded down low - you've got plenty there and look at the results. I hope to get a similar end result on the next grow in the cupboard, just with a larger area.

I just ordered up some glycerin to make tinctures. I have a decent amount of trim stored up already. It seems like the perfect option for me. (cheap and simple and no smell)

I also ordered a 2700k PLL and going to do a vertical c-scrog with a twist :cool: Probably in the tent to KISS and give me good access for training. Got a few indica seedlings starting at the moment for the next go round, and for the ccfl pod. Will be super happy fun times :)