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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha. Yep, wouldn't know what to do with myself! That plan has sort of merged back in with the other crazy plans for now but it's always an option. For now I can't wait to get my smart pots :D The PLL c-scrog will be in a smart pot and all/most of these will be diy air potted so I can give the general idea (see vid) a good test. Even the diy ones do what they're meant to though, it looks amazing.


Grow like nobody is watching
Nice one Rhyo, keep on it. And make sure you get the biggest case you can, in terms of floor space.

I got 10 out of 10 on the TWxPD with no soaking. Soaking is a myth! Also just had my vegetable glycerin turn up!

edit: :woohoo:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
There's 5 Leda Uno (the more advanced ones) and the rest are Trainwreck x Princess Diesel.

Certainly looks exciting to me bro. Those DIY Air Pots are the bomb, first thing I thought of when Thundurkel showed them off was how to do that with what pots I've got already. Were you able to get the plastic to dome inwards bro?, did you use hot metal to push inwards then finish off with a smaller drill bit? I haven't had that great success and you look like you pulled it off. Please share. On another note I have 3 PD x Dynamites up and reaching for the sun and 3 others @ the surface and having a think about it :chin:. The rest are still no show as of yet.
Happy Gardening All.


Grow like nobody is watching
Yo bro, I didn't manage to get that dome shape, no. I didn't actually try cos they won't be in these pots long and the results of simple holes on the smart pot thread made me feel like this was plenty good enough.

I used a soldering iron outside (don't breathe the fumes of course) and due to the design, if you had a bigger pot that you could fit the soldering iron inside, it has a hot bit after the pointy bit that would hopefully let you make that dome. Otherwise maybe heat each one and use a teaspoon or something to make the domes. The thing is, you need the dome to be pushing out, not in. So that it funnels the root in to that dome's hole.

A guy on Thund's hps thread said the smart pots got better results, but the guy on the smart pots thread says air pots are the best. I suspect there's not a lot of difference really. Either way is succesfuly pruning the roots and allowing more drainage. Heck, even our jiffy puck things are auto pruning - exact same principle. (and look at the improvement they made in my workflow!)

I was surprised that smart pots are so freaking cheap! Free postage, any size/number pots you like - I think they are cheaper for these than if you got regular pots from bunnings, for my size at least (I got #3). Contrast that with air pots and it seems they're pretty hard to find. One thing that turned me off is actually the spiky look. I like it, but it seems to me like it's using more space.

At the end of the day, it seems like all the different designs are doing what they're supposed to, well enough, just that ordering the smart pots is easier and healthier (and cheaper) for me than sticking 20,000 holes in plastic with a soldering iron or drill. :)

You'll get all 6 up. Mine took a lil bit to really make their minds up, but overall, damn, I was amazed! Really quick too. Bet ya they're all females too! :witch:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Thank You sir you are right about doing so many holes twice over, but I still might do/try to get at least one done just to see what happens, prob be used in the veg cab I reckon. And the originals Air Pots are pretty cheap, maybe a few could be used outside hmmm. Hoping that the rest of the PD's show up to the party, then I'll have a decent amount of plants to do a comparison with yours and find a worthy keeper or two.
Happy Gardening Bro.


Grow like nobody is watching
Cool man. One thing though, I know they use more water. I'm lazy and scared of snakes so I don't think I'd use them outdoors, haha, not without a 12v pump and timer anyway. In that one you see, I added coco to an already fairly damp mix, so I'm hoping it doesn't dry out too much. I gotta get more made up so I'll be putting some brainwork into this over the next couple of days. Have you seen the DIY threads for air/smart pots on here? People are using all kinds of matting and stuff. Shit, I just got an idea for something then, lol. :Bolt:

I'll try to get some pics tonight. I like what I see.


Grow like nobody is watching
The Leda Unos get this purple tinge. I think it's related to the CCFLs.


I'm seeing how the 24w pll performs vertically. :cool: The Leda Uno seed parents were kind of purplish, but is it normal for a purple plant to show so early? Or is that a problem? It did it in potting mix, and in the jiffys, so I'm blaming the lights.

Now that that silly plant growing business is out of the way, lets move to more important issues: arguing on the internet about lights :cool: 24w PLL vs 24w CFL - the cfl is fairly new, the pll is very old. I'm just saying, not making excuses. I have a new 2700k pll on the way so I will compare it with a 2700k new cfl and show that too. Yup, I can afford CFL and PLL. I don't even have a job so neither is expensive technology in my opinion.


So which would you choose? Which do you think would grow the most plant matter ie budz? As you can see, cfl is brighter, but smaller, the PLL is duller but covers more. I'm sure you will note issues with light being obstructed as well.

Heatwise I would say they both generate close to the same. With the same weak air flow blowing over them (fan at far end of tent), the cfl is fairly hot but you can just hold it, almost gotta lift your hand off, but don't.

The pll is much cooler over the majority of the bulb, but it's f*cking hot right at the base - normal plastic would melt and your hand would blister on this particular one. It seems like a cheap chinese aquarium bulb and you can see it's burnt out and black right at the base, from it's aquarium life.

So which would you choose?

Edit: or would you choose this?


Nom nomz :yummy:


Hey scrubs.

Nice babycap you got running there!!

That pll bulb looks well used to me, big black burn at the bottom.
Have you seen one of those diagrams about liftime, output and tempratures?

As far as I'm aware, all flouro bulbs and tubes give out almost (different shapes have different "dead spots") the same amount of light for each watt.
I like the way tubes and pll's cover the plants, that's my only argument for choosing them.


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks man, you mean baby cab? Yeah it rocks! It looks tiny and square in those pics but it's quite roomy and rectangular. 4.3 sq ft (!) and 80cm high.

I like the way tubes and pll's cover the plants, that's my only argument for choosing them.

It's a good reason!

I got some BioBugs today, I didn't have my scales so I had to guess 0.05 grams :yoinks:

BIO BUGS is the first “all Australian” Beneficial Bacteria. Bio Bug prevents diseases such as Phytophore, Rizoctonia & Nemitodes as well as all varieties of Pythiums & Pseudomonas.

* Prevents and cures Pythium, Phytophora, Ryzoctoria nematodes and dozens more plant associated diseases.
* Superfast bacteria/ rapid 8 hour activation
* Turns organic matter into usable plant food
* Fully soluble mixture, suitable for misting
* Totally harmless to plants, fish, animals and humans
* Ensures the whitest, cleanest root structure possible
* Increases beneficial micro flora to hydroponic and soil
Okay it's not that exciting, lol. Can't fit my reflector on and blah blah but here's what I came up with for the time being - vertical 24w cfl. There's 5 Leda Uno (the more advanced ones) and the rest are Trainwreck x Princess Diesel.

All those plants had been growing under 2 blue CCFLs until now. The biggest one is rocking right out. I repotted into a diy air pot with my own organic mix (added coco this time).

The CCFLs give them a weird pinched leaf effect.

So what is this setup? is it anything like hempy? I read the link for it you posted... he said that the exposure to air doesn't divert the roots downward? and essentially this somehow results in much better root formation?

Just asking questions because i've been looking at hempy with great interest but this looks like a similar concept and just wanted to know your thoughts on it.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey M-Saur I'm just over halfway thru the thread and some people say theres an increase in yield, some say no. It depends which medium/irrigation you use and such. But I haven't read anyone say they were worse than a regular pot at least. Hempys look pretty cool and I think you should do that if you're going for some system which will bring high yield. Seen Krusty buckets?

But for an organic gardener who uses regular pots, it makes a lot of sense. When you aerate a tea, you're encouraging the aerobic beneficials - and so having breathable sides just takes that a step further, and makes your soil a better place for them to be.

I started bubbling the biobugs last night and it's looking pretty sweet. Sorry for no pics but they should be on tonight, had flat batteries.


Grow like nobody is watching
Day 46

Day 46




I didn't take a pic of the biobugs tea but I left it until this morning before I applied it and holy crap, never had such a bubbly reaction, lol. I think it'll work great. Here's a micro tea - 500ml. See the bubble forming in the second pic? The third pic is that bubble exploding :cool:

For smaller teas I like to do them in a taller thinner container, and I get bubble wand and wrap it into a spiral and wedge it in on the bottom, then I get a ball type air stone and rest that in the centre in the hole where the wand doesn't wrap tight enough. So the whole bottom of the container up is bubbles and nothing can settle and go anaerobic.


Grow like nobody is watching
Air vs Smart vs DIY pots

Air vs Smart vs DIY pots

Thanks and yeah Rhyo that would work for sure! In fact, the simplest/quickest/safest method I read so far is just the slits, from top to bottom, very closely spaced. I'm nearly finished the smart pots thread, lol. Nearly as long as this thread. So I'll break down what I think because I doubt many people would be obsessed enough to read all that! :)

Actually, the simplest is just to buy the smart pots, or emulate them. It seems like anything will work to give you more drainage/air/root pruning, but overall the smart pots seem like the best science.

If we look at the fabric used for the smart pots, it keeps all the medium in darkness. I know this is a highly arguable subject, but I've seen it with my eyes that light is bad, so I'll just mention that I like that aspect.

Also, the fabric provides 100% air pruning and access to air, whereas something like my last diy pot has what, maybe 5 - 10%? It should do the same job, but scientifically speaking, you get what I mean.

Again, only scientifically speaking, if we look at what we're trying to do here in general, it's to let air in and have good contact area between the soil and the air, instead of an anaerobic contact between the soil and plastic. The air pots are actually increasing that anaerobic contact MORE than a regular pot! Observe the "domes" in the air pot that got mentioned - they create more surface area where no air echange goes on. And in addition to this, the air pot has way less holes to actually air prune. And again, there are only so many holes, and all the roots are going to get funneled into them. What happenes when there's already roots blocking the way?

But I don't want to rag on any of these. They all do what they're meant to, look at thund's grow for a beautiful example of air pots working just fine. I am just a nerd so I like to break the science down and share my opinion. Oh yeah, they're meant to be great for moms too because you can keep it in the same pot for much longer without having to root prune manually and repot.

I gave the biobug tea to the one in the small diy pot yesterday and I'm really happy with it so far. I like the idea of diy pots or air pots for the earlier stages because smart pots sound a little tricky/rough to remove them from the pot. But so far, my problem has always been overwatering. I would have to leave it like a week or more before I normally watered that plant in a non air pot, but now it's normal, every 2 days or so. It just works so much better for my system of working. :yes:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey Scrub, those recent bud photos proves (to me at least) that the PL-Ls really crank, and you are well on your way to a killa harvest from that plant bro, awesome stuff. Inspiring for noobs and non-noobs alike. :joint:
Happy Gardening Bro.


Grow like nobody is watching
Cheers boom! My 10,000k arrived so the beast may be coming out of her box tonight! I may flip it 180º so I can train the rear better. The buds have sunk way low back there, give you one guess why :D:yes:

These are mostly TWxPDs:

This is the Leda Uno that was extremely purple earlier:

And this is the diy air pot Leda Uno:

Check out those bio bugs, boom bro they're bloody beautiful, buddy. They'd last microgrowers like us for years and years. My friend gave me a tiny pile like a quarter teaspoon and even that will do all my vegies and weed for months!

Gonna try to make some more small DIYAPs so I can repot the other Leda Unos today. Peace to all.


Grow like nobody is watching
I read the link for it you posted... he said that the exposure to air doesn't divert the roots downward? and essentially this somehow results in much better root formation?

Hey bro I never answered you properly. This is what will happen: :D


There's those two showing so far :woohoo: You can see them dieing/browning. Pretty quick eh! So now since those ones can't grow further, more get shot out from the plant. It's a similar concept to pinching/tipping a plant - it gets thicker and bushier. Normally those roots would be on their way to circling at this point. If you ever used jiffy style pots, or even used a hessian bag as a pot outside, you've enjoyed the benefits of air pruning. The Ledas had mad thick root prunage in the jiffies. Oh that's another thing - you can just use net pots too.

I now have 5 Leda's in diy airpots that size and dosed up with biobugs :pimp3: Gotta rearrange the lights now - things got busy!


Now that that silly plant growing business is out of the way, lets move to more important issues: arguing on the internet about lights

hahaahaa PLLs for the surface area get my vote

And re the slower growth at the back... Hmm it's that bright wing light in there isn't it, pretty good spread I'd imagine so I'll plump for a hot spot maybe where the circulating air can't get to as much maybe?