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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks mj, didn't have to do that but I appreciate it!

If you grafted the 'erb to hops, it would still look like 'erb. The two types stay seperate, like if you grow a grafted fruit tree, and if it shoots from below the graft, you would have two types of tree. Often they graft citrus onto old "bush lemons" and hardy stuff like that, and if not pruned properly, you get the nice fruit, and the manky old bush lemons on other branches :) The bush lemon (or whatever) is hardier roots and resistant to blah blah blah. So you've created a superior plant.

The only good use I thought of for grafting cannabis is for mother plants. You could have one rootstock (plant) and then have several strains grafted on, so one plants is the mother instead of a mother for each strain. Makes a lot of sense for micro obviously.


Active member
The only good use I thought of for grafting cannabis is for mother plants. You could have one rootstock (plant) and then have several strains grafted on, so one plants is the mother instead of a mother for each strain. Makes a lot of sense for micro obviously.

This would be good for guys in Colorado or other places with limited plant counts too.

What would be the best root stock for a mother?

Could you graft a mother onto male roots?


Grow like nobody is watching
This would be good for guys in Colorado or other places with limited plant counts too.

What would be the best root stock for a mother?

Could you graft a mother onto male roots?

We have a thinker here, folks :D

Hey it would be good for guys anywhere in almost the whole world, lol. My legal plant count is zero!

I would find a rootstock strain that is resistant to root problems, water stress etc, and choose on those guidelines. Hell, maybe a hops, lol.

Can't say for positive about the male/female union, but I can't see that it wouldn't work. You would have to watch out for the rootstock shooting branches, like I mentioned though. But males generally grow bigger, so maybe they would have a superior root system. Good question. Maybe graft indica onto a sativa rootstock?

*half assedly thinking about doing a multi-mother when I get my shit together.*

Edit: Also, please research it beforehand...I mean, I haven't actually grafted cannabis at any point. Only heard you can.


Active member
I just need to find a rootstock that doesn't care what the ph is, can take tons of nutes and likes it hot and bright and I will be good.


I love my life
We have a thinker here, folks :D

Hey it would be good for guys anywhere in almost the whole world, lol. My legal plant count is zero!

I would find a rootstock strain that is resistant to root problems, water stress etc, and choose on those guidelines. Hell, maybe a hops, lol.

Can't say for positive about the male/female union, but I can't see that it wouldn't work. You would have to watch out for the rootstock shooting branches, like I mentioned though. But males generally grow bigger, so maybe they would have a superior root system. Good question. Maybe graft indica onto a sativa rootstock?

*half assedly thinking about doing a multi-mother when I get my shit together.*

Edit: Also, please research it beforehand...I mean, I haven't actually grafted cannabis at any point. Only heard you can.

Ok I'm stoned, but your and everyone's legal plant count is unlimited / infinite. It is immoral, unethical, and against natural law to infringe on the rights of any free person to grow whatever they wish on their land. Any restriction on your natural born freedom and sovereignty in your home and family is an invalid law.

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
I strive for frankenplants :) I'm totally doin' it when I have some strains growing. Maybe on my c-scrog. Would be good to have 2 strains that go the same length exactly.

Hydro, I do agree, but tell it to the judge :)


I love my life
As any good barrister I do when required ;) but in my tiny corner of the world we don't prosecute our neighbors over weed; meth is tearing my country and state apart and for some amazingly clear sighted thinking my state is not prosecuting over MJ (shhh don't tell anyone).

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Nice one. You know, the common complaint here is that australian culture has become over americanised. We tend to have the same things, just the flow is so much slower. Aussie society just mirrors US society it seems, but like, several years ago. We have all the same stereotypes except less out-and-out crazies like meth/crack heads I would suspect.

Anyway, I wanted to say this is the one time where I f*cking WELCOME us to mirror the US. Seriously, bravo on the whole MM thing! I hope it goes all the way and things return to how they used to be so long ago!

We seriously don't have the same rights enjoyed by US citizens, and others I'm sure. Free speech is the main one that comes to mind. We don't actually have that. It's even illegal for me to be on this site as far as I'm aware, let alone dispersing cultivation information, lol.

Not even allowed to bad mouth cops, it's messed up, mang!


I love my life


What the FUCK Austraillia, you are part of the British Common Law system and free born men like the rest of us, do you really want to point a gun at your neighbor's head and imprison him for thinking, teaching, or growing? If they EVER imprison ScrubNinja I know at least one ICmager ME, who won't sit quiet like a fucking sheep!

Argentina decriminalized, I want to find a spot there.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
better use a proxy then !

im just hoping that my country doesnt have the $$ to spare to look for some subsistence home grower AND then have to throw the case out of court when i plead not guilty and take my appeal to the constitutional court and force them to re-think their laws.

all the informed individuals know that its not as bad as alcohol and cigarettes, but most of them dont like those either and would try and put people in jail for that too if it were possible.

i have heard from a couple of people that MJ cases in my country get tossed out if you plead not guilty because the issue is too sensitive to be debated on.

The USA loaned money to many third world countries in the 80s and 90s knowing that they couldnt be paid back. They then were able to push exports out of those countries for cheap prices and those third world countries now have to abide by certain political stances that the USA take due to their influence.

MJ gets caught up in this fight because now. those third world countries would be breaking certain agreements if they change their MJ law. One of these laws that is not to be changed is the differentiation between hemp and MJ. In the USA it is one and the same, and in order for them to keep it this way they frown upon others making this differentiation.


Active member
this is the #1 reason why south africa doesnt have a hemp farming industry yet. Although many tones are imported for processing every year, as is with the USA.


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks Hydro :friends: I've had someone discuss common law before. I'm not too sure how it holds up in the real world of court proceedings. Like, I haven't looked it up is what I'm sayin', but if what this dude told me is correct, just about anything could be written off under common law. I guess if you had the money you could take it that way.

Paranoid as I am, it's not really about cops at all, it's about the internet. Even in the bush, cops were never a worry, just snakes. Truth is, they are too underfunded, and they do realise there's more money for them to make out of "legalizing" it (in some places).

But I've been on the internet a long time and I know what's up. I know that there are freaky coincidences that happen, and indeed, one happened on this site (nothing bad don't worry), so beware what you post.

To illustrate, about 10 years ago I got PMing with some random guy on an international site, about something unrelated. This was one of the 5 or 10 largest sites on the net at that time, millions of active users. Slowly we realised that we were from the same country, then the same state, then the same town, then the same school, then the same circle of friends, then he turned out to be the brother of a friend of mine.

So yeah, crazy shit goes on. I don't really care at the end of the day if I got busted. It is just a plant and I didn't kill anybody, and I would get a fine, and I would buy new equipment (yay!) and grow again. "Don't do the crime if ya can't do the time" stands true. As does "Grow hard, or go home!" haha I'm just rambling now.


Oh and I think we grow hemp here but they keep it pretty quiet. They also grow poppies in the far south. I think I heard most of the worlds medical opiates come from there? The farmer's kids must be doped out of their minds :)

Edit: I actually have a bit of a hookup for all of south america believe it or not, hehehe. Better not say too much!


Grow like nobody is watching


Today is the first day I didn't check the ph before I tipped it on (I forgot) and I think I will stop for the most part. I've been bubbling the guano for longer too. At this stage, I generally take the chem nutes ec to around 0.9, and 6mls per litre of high P guano. I've been raising the guano (and lowering ec) all the way and hope to max out around 10mls per litre if she takes it.

I only use dechlorinated water and so far, this seems like the best process I've arrived at through a mix of science, and results: I add the hydro nutes and make sure the ec is correct, and bubble for a few minutes. I add a light-ish dose of organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses, a small half a teaspoon per gallon perhaps? and then I get a small half cup of the nutes + molasses mix and add the guano to it, then slowly to the nute mix proper, then I bubble it for like, 6 to 8 hours or so. I wish I could get it together to brew it the day before. That shit would go off, and I don't mean in the anaerobic sense, hohoho.

Oh yeah, I tip it on this thing after that:

Then I smoke a goodly amount of 'dro :joint:
hey Scrub just stopping in to check out your cupboard grow and i must say im jealous!! love the whole set up. you make the easy look sooo much easier bro. peace


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Got 4 PD crosses poking up thru the soil bruz, it's fucking on.
Think it's about time ol' b00m got himself a thread going, and stop cluttering up friends forums.
Got that warm fuzzy feeling on a sunday morning. :joint:
Happy Gardening All.


Grow like nobody is watching
Rock on guys :) Good stuff boom. I have 2 just starting to breach the soil this morning. I think I'm going to merge everything into this thread so get ready for excitement. I finally cleared the tent out!


Grow like nobody is watching
Okay it's not that exciting, lol. Can't fit my reflector on and blah blah but here's what I came up with for the time being - vertical 24w cfl. There's 5 Leda Uno (the more advanced ones) and the rest are Trainwreck x Princess Diesel.

All those plants had been growing under 2 blue CCFLs until now. The biggest one is rocking right out. I repotted into a diy air pot with my own organic mix (added coco this time).

The CCFLs give them a weird pinched leaf effect.


I love my life
There is no way in this world you move to a place with only weekly internet access. Or maybe that's me ;)

Peace, :joint: