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20k Watts, Im Back.......

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Not in California, not anymore.

If you run that sloppy of an operation of that wattage in a "non-medical" state (and by that I mean CA and CO, although I could be a bit outdated with the current laws), I will say without doubt that you are either the dumbest motherfucker alive, or one of the ballsiest (perhaps both).

At least, that's my opinion on that topic.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Its unfortunate that I have to do this... but if I don't try then I have failed myself and everyone else (you included).

I'm hoping to show and prove to the masses who are incapable of seeing through the lies for themselves that many of these so-called "pros" are really clueless liars. Mainly calling out these people who once laughed and mocked at my claim that there are only literally a handful of people on these forums who really know what they are talking about. How many consecutive failed harvests, and still a "skilled pro" to bow down to?

I do not respect krunch because he grows more weed then me or that some view him as on a 'high' plan of growing. I respect him because he is

  1. Kind
  2. Respectful
  3. And willing to share knowledge with anyone who seeks it

Big wattage does not equal skill or meaningful experience. Far from it, and lately it seems to be proving quite the opposite in a good majority of the cases.

I'll agree with the first statement. I will disagree with the second and the oneness of truth will be on you the prove me wrong.

"MINOR" amount of pathogens, according to who? KB, or his hand-picked sample? Isn't that also a wild speculation based on unproven statements that don't add up? Just because you can't easily see it with the naked eye does not qualify for "MINOR" status, not just yet. And "MINOR" does not mean "zero" ("pathogen-free?"), far from it.

Yes, you have wild speculation. You have no idea, so you cannot judge, just as I cannot. If you say I'm wrong, you say you're wrong. Logically.

A "MINOR" case of HIV/AIDS/cancer/other infections does not mean you are negative and healthy.

Stawmans are a logically fallacy in debate. I suggest looking into logical debate in the future for means to trump people... unfortunately, this makes you look uneducated.

Would you enjoy consuming food (or medicine, in this case) with a mild, "MINOR" level of staleness, dryness and moldiness? Mind you, this is being marketed to the "medical" community.

No, I would not. Prove to me that his products have any of these qualities... without bias.

And a 2-week hydro flush from a guy who claimed earlier little/no flushing is necessary because of the special Drip Clean magic sauce...

First off, I don't think you quite understand the point of flushing. I am man of sustainable agriculture, aquaponics, soil biology and hydroponics (college educated in some of these fields). Flushing is so the plant will consume the nitrogen in its leaves and cells to reduce the amount of nitrogen that is a carcinogen in the dried product.

What are YOU trying to accomplish? Or rather, who are you trying to protect, and why?

I protect truth & objectivity from hate, from ignorance and from people like you.

I am attempting to improve my community from eradicating ignorance and the ill-intentions of those that have a desire to disrupt and unhinge our community.

I have kindness, justness, patience and a will to fight with intellect that will earn me many more friends then your methods ever will. If you feel this community is not right for you, you need to look into yourself and see if you're causing your social problems or if we truly are ignorant and blind. If we're blind, you cannot teach a blind man to see... efforts in futility is what I see... either way.

Now kindly take your attitude and readjust it in our home.


Yes it certainly is unfortunate that you tried to impress with your claims of irrelevant high-level education and intellectuality. I'll offer you a pat on the back for your education if it makes you feel more accomplished.

I never did claim to be an intellectual, in fact I must be a simple-minded individual, as I don't know all the finer details of debate. However I do know how to do a "duck test" and my experience shows that it's certainly a duck. You can argue all day about how I didn't properly go through the proper debate methods & channels to come to the (very likely correct) conclusion that this weed is more tainted than admitted, if you feel it will help discredit me.

Suppose you see a bird walking around in a farm yard. This bird has no label that says 'duck'. But the bird certainly looks like a duck. Also, he goes to the pond and you notice that he swims like a duck. Then he opens his beak and quacks like a duck. Well, by this time you have probably reached the conclusion that the bird is a duck, whether he's wearing a label or not."
"Slightly" tainted medicine is still tainted medicine, any way you slice, dice, or chop it. Is that really a straw man argument, or is it simply the truth?

I'm also a human lie detector, I can smell bullshit through the screen.

Tell me, how does mold spread, what are the signs of bud rot, how do you detect it, and most importantly, how easy can it be to miss based solely on exterior appearance? Consider the environment. Consider the already-admitted facts.

You can have all the "college education" on some "agriculture" or "horticulture" fields (I almost laugh out loud every time I see some "horticulture major" touting their education on these sites), but based on your statement of flushing I think it is you who doesn't fully understand the importance of, or the reason for, or the proper methods of flushing "chem nutes". Yes nitrogen is important but there are others that are just as important for the final quality/taste/burn. This is why I taper down/remove nitrogen as flowering progresses but even with that I don't believe in this "no flush" policy. Let's see some ash from those who claim "no flush" with mineral ("chem") nutrients? I feel I understand the topic of "flushing" better than most, but then again I'm sure everyone else feels like they're real good at what they do as well, even if they suck at it.

I'm here for the love of this hobby, and I will say what's on my mind, including calling out all these blind ego-filled fakes, all the hater-callers who has "hater!!" in their copy&paste buffer at all times, ready to CTRL+V at any and all opposition.

Kind and respectful? Only if you brown nose / shoe shine, or at the very least, never disagree.

Willing to share information? Sure, but much of it is misinformation and "how to do it wrong". I'm here to correct that, but I'm just another hater right?

My speculation is based on and taking into account much more information than your WILD speculation that it is untainted medicine, simply on what appears to be lies that don't add up.

With all this high-level education that you claim, what the fuck are you doing growing/selling weed for a living (or a significant portion of your income [Re: your comments about "in the trade" and such])? I'm just dying for you to tell me that you have some super-important career that earns you far more dollars and fulfillment than from "the trade".


Also quite interesting how you're labeling me as the uneducated, simple-minded fool based on the idea that I never joined a nerdy debate team/club/class, yet you raise no issues with those with English as a first (or even second) language that can't differentiate or demonstrate the proper use of to/too/two, their/there/they're, your/you're, etc...

"Your to dumb too sea that there wrong about you're hare color." (How many errors there?)

Gotta love IC.


Active member
So PS, I asked you on your last name but I think you got banned before you could answer, I would still love to hear about your grow methods, as I remember they had interesting names, salamander and something else? I am a sucker for marketing of information. Oh and I think you were speaking about how you induce purpling without temp change. Color me interested. Links or pm would be fine. 'Preciate it.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
haha, it was crazy monkey style.... i picture him just throwing poop at his plants while yelling and screaming!

much like he is here.


Active member
haha, it was crazy monkey style.... i picture him just throwing poop at his plants while yelling and screaming!

much like he is here.

OH YEA! Crazy monkey style and then he said he was working on something new, something salamander.... stoned salamander, crouching salamander, little bunny foo foo salamander, I can't remember but hey I am always up for hearing something new.


the keeper of the creeper
Geezuz... that guy has problems....I remember clowntown- user name from way back in the day. and he was never that cocky...

I think its fine to disagree but shit respect is also important.. If you cant say anything nice don't say anything at all..Or at least get off your fucking petestle and have a good positive debate rather the a one sided shit fest...

All I can say is this Fuck off dude. Do this community a favor and don't resignup.. Next time i see you posting shit in somebody's thread i will report you myself.


So krunch, first things first as you say.... do you have any proof of "zero pathogens or contaminants of any kind"? Normally I wouldn't ask but you're so adamant about it that it sounds like you should have some sort of lab report as monkeysee mentioned. Even if it's from a small, perfect sample that wasn't tainted, even if the rest of your garden was infected, please back your statements.

Otherwise your credibility has been completely shot.

I'm not looking to troll you, but there are some very valid points and arguments made to your statements which raises some concerns about the validity of your posts and your integrity.

Anyone can (and usually will) say that there are no problems with their grow, but not many can actually demonstrate it...

first of all, steep hill labs says there are zero pathogens or any contaminants of any kind, so your theory is out the window.


anything else you want to try to nit pick? ill shut that down as well....:tiphat:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Mentally ill people suffer, we should have kindness and patience in our hearts for them.

Grow on Krunch, I wanna see 40k now! :D


I thought respect is something that must be earned, not some free handout given to all that beg for or demand it.....

I don't automatically hand out respect to anyone who has lots of pretty green bars, it's a case-by-case, individual-to-individual thing. That's just me, but then again, I'm Just Another Sucker.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
It doesnt matter how much knowledge you have.... If you dont have a clue in the world how to deal with people and pass that info on. Monkey has no people skills and doesnt know how to pass on the info he has learned over time. Yea he has thrown down some good grows ... but he is a complete basket case when it comes to dealing with other humans ... therefore all the knowledge he has gained over they years is for him alone because he has no clue in the world how to pass it on. Makes it pretty much useless. But when you continually talk down to people no one is going to listen. What a waste. Hes been trying to share for years... always unsuccessfully because he cant treat people right.


Active member
It doesnt matter how much knowledge you have.... If you dont have a clue in the world how to deal with people and pass that info on. Monkey has no people skills and doesnt know how to pass on the info he has learned over time. Yea he has thrown down some good grows ... but he is a complete basket case when it comes to dealing with other humans ... therefore all the knowledge he has gained over they years is for him alone because he has no clue in the world how to pass it on. Makes it pretty much useless. But when you continually talk down to people no one is going to listen. What a waste. Hes been trying to share for years... always unsuccessfully because he cant treat people right.

Damnit. I keep asking him about this crazy monkey style/salamander ninja stuff and you guys keep banning him before I can get an answer. Lol. J/k ban away if he is trolling, good work :tiphat: Purple supremacy/whatever your new name will be, hit me up next time before you get banhammered and lost into the oblivion of other icmaggers so I can hear all these secrets you have but never get to share. Peace all and KB, keep rockin bro, we are all ready to see the pics of run #2 in the warehouse of doom/potential electrocution. Oh wait let me nub it up a lil just for the fun, "Hey man, nice setup, one suggestion though man, prolly should get those wires out of the pools of water on the ground man, prolly could kill you man, but other than that stellar man." Was that oscar worthy anyone? Peace!
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