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205w LED vs 400w HID Let the battle begin!


if someone hasn't already pointed this out blaze,

- For the control of two-spotted spider mite and western flower thrips in protected and outdoor flower crops and other ornamentals; two-spotted spider mite and leafminer (Liriomyza bryioniae) in protected tomatoes and two-spotted spider mite and western flower thrips in protected cucumbers.
The active ingredient is a naturally derived product of the soil actinomycete Streptomyces avermitilis.
Click here for details of Specific Off Label Approvals for this product.
Dynamec is a emulsifiable concentrate containing 18g/l abamectin.

EDIT: This is normally sold unlicensed with a dangerous addative so if anyone uses it make sure you check what's in the bottle and always read the label.


People are only interested in seeing which produces the goods.. a 4oow LED v 400w HPS would give us a clearer picture as to how LED perform on a watt for watt basis - i also think it would be beneficial for companies shifting these lights.. rather than the foolish marketing strategy some have adopted e.g. comparing a 205w LED v 400w HPS.

And if LEDGirl is reading this, please don't take it out of context - it is not personal.

maybe if we :hide: he'll :wave:


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
all craziness aside, things are looking really good, on both sides, looks like the hps finally caught up. cannot wait to see how the led does in flower. i really think that i may be making the switch depending on how this goes, power consumption is a real big issue for me, and if i can have the same yield for less power, or more yield for the same power, it would be a huge plus for me. so, thanks a lot blaze for doing this, and also thank you to LEDgirl for providing the means for all these tests. overgrow this biznatch.



Active member
I like the idea of comparing a 400w led with a 400w hid that would show us the true watt for watt comparison that is the best way to get the facts.

Cause lets face it if the HID does outperform the LED well at half the wattage its kinda unfair as is, But I have to admit for being 185w roughly its sure performs well...

Have you taken a look at Hazy's thread lately? We just supplied him with a free 345W panel for a WATT FOR WATT LED VS HID grow. The 345W draws ~290W, the 205W draws ~180W, so combined that's 470W. Hazy's 400W HPS draws right around 470-480W of power, so it's already happening. That HID doesn't stand a chance LOL.

As far as the whole outperforming thing, did everyone here already forget Hazy's grow? The one where he took more or less equal sized plants and flowered them out under our 205W vs a 400W HID? In the end our 180W of LED power produced ~30g less than the 400W HID at 470-480W. So if those were his results with 300 less watts, why should yours be any different? Not to mention your LED plants started bloom larger, and with more nodes than the HID plants. If anything (based on Hazy's results) you should be worrying about that 400W HID losing by a decent margin, not whether or not the LED will match it lol. But hey, I'm just the scientist ;)


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Have you taken a look at Hazy's thread lately? We just supplied him with a free 345W panel for a WATT FOR WATT LED VS HID grow. The 345W draws ~290W, the 205W draws ~180W, so combined that's 470W. Hazy's 400W HPS draws right around 470-480W of power, so it's already happening. That HID doesn't stand a chance LOL.

As far as the whole outperforming thing, did everyone here already forget Hazy's grow? The one where he took more or less equal sized plants and flowered them out under our 205W vs a 400W HID? In the end our 180W of LED power produced ~30g less than the 400W HID at 470-480W. So if those were his results with 300 less watts, why should yours be any different? Not to mention your LED plants started bloom larger, and with more nodes than the HID plants. If anything (based on Hazy's results) you should be worrying about that 400W HID losing by a decent margin, not whether or not the LED will match it lol. But hey, I'm just the scientist ;)

Well I had a look at hazy's thread seen you mention shipping the light but do not see where his watt for watt comparison is started.

I have no reason to dought the led will perform well perhaps as good or better then the HID but simply put I do agree watt for watt is the best way to test the true capability of LED lighting.


Active member
but simply put I do agree watt for watt is the best way to test the true capability of LED lighting.

Watt for watt in the same square footage? That's going to either make average HID intensity and high LED intensity, or high HID intensity and crazy LED intensity. What kind of wpsf do you have in mind, any idea?


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Watt for watt in the same square footage? That's going to either make average HID intensity and high LED intensity, or high HID intensity and crazy LED intensity. What kind of wpsf do you have in mind, any idea?

I didnt have any specifics in mind, I do think the LED will easily pull better numbers in a watt for watt grow...


burnt out og'er
Gentlemen the discussion regarding comparison with like wattage lights, would not be valid for this evaluation. Let me explain, HID lights are like a shotgun with an open bore spreading shots “or light” all over the place. It puts out a very wide spectrum of light, which a good percentage of the light is not used in the process of photosynthesis by the plant. The beauty of the LED is that it can be constructed to produce a spectrum of light that is proper for maximal use by Chlorophyll A & B to provide maximal photosynthesis. If designed properly every watt of energy used by the LED is useable light for the plant, where as only 50 to 60% of the light produced by an HID bulb is useable by the plant.
A correctly designed LED light is designed to meet the requirements of Photosynthesis for the plants we love.

MedicalMan wrote...
People are only interested in seeing which produces the goods.. a 4oow LED v 400w HPS would give us a clearer picture as to how LED perform on a watt for watt basis - i also think it would be beneficial for companies shifting these lights.. rather than the foolish marketing strategy some have adopted e.g. comparing a 205w LED v 400w HPS.

And if LEDGirl is reading this, please don't take it out of context - it is not personal.

We can all read and understand what wd1750 said.
It is really not necessary for you to troll this thread any further.
I've looked at your complete post history here medicalman, so far EVERY post you've made is solely in led grow threads. Hmmm

Nice thread Blazeoneup.
Very interested in the outcome, looks like that led is kicking ass and taking names so far :dance013:
Last edited:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

What story? For untold scores of growers, vertical can run anywhere from not an option to disastrous and LEDs are the fairy tale happy ending. If you've nothing to contribute but meaningless, hysterical screaming, take a hike.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator

You must be lost in the past, Incase you have not yet noticed with the latest advancement in led lights, You can now use a vertical led to run that very same stadium and do exactly what you just said you cannot...


With the versatility of LED's...can you imagine
the ease of applications and adaptability of a High(er) wattage LED rope lighting??

LED rope lights have been around for years...why are people fixated the limitations and restrictions of a flat hood/fixture/reflectors

You could virtually wrap the LED rope around the plant like Christmas twinkle lights!!



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
and get a nice amount circularly grown pop corn fart air buds, atleast the light cost 800 dollars right. :tiphat:

Have you ever done a vertical led grow? How many harvest have you had from LED lighting?

I dont like the way your coming into this thread and making lame assumptions as to what LEDS can or cannot do. I personally have not completed a flower cycle with LEDS yet, So I dont know exactly how well it will produce or how dense or airy the nugs will be.

But if you have never grown a full crop with a hydro gro led light then you can quit with the stupid assumptions. Talk from actual experience or your wasting time typing....


I'm curious to know how the harvest on each side will be. I'm arranging a new closet with either 2x 600w HID or 2x 300w LED - would be nice to have the same harvest with only the half amount on the electricity bill.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Update time!!!!

Here is the side by side shot.

This is the LED side.

This is the HID side.

Here is a shot of the largest 2 from the HID and LED side, LED on the LEFT HID on the RIGHT!

This is a shot of the largest plant on the LED side by itself. Gotta admit this is a pretty large plant to be produced by 185w of power considering there are 5 other plants very close in size in the same space under the same 185w light...

Now here is a shot of the largest plant on the HID side. Deffinantly has the better nug formation so far.

Here is a couple shots of a main top from one of the plants on the LED side. The nugs are not as large as the hid at this point but they are starting to develope much better over the past week.

Here is a shot of the main top on one of the plants on the HID side.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I'd say that LED is proving to be a contender regardless of comparrison,the wattage consumption is soooo low compared to the amount of buds V.S. the HID,im sure either way they both produce theyre weight worth of wattage? dont know if i had that one right? but i hope you can pick up what im puttin down.

anywho kick ass job there and i cant wait to see final numbers and smoke reports.

P.S. just from the success of this grow im lookin to stock up on some LED panels for my veg room for sure...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
FYI: this thread is much better when you filter the posts


Active member
Looking great, thanks for the quality updates blaze! :respect:

I'm looking forward to seeing what the difference in gpw will be at the end.

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